Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This week's F.B.O.W. is Salma Hayek who played Satanico Pandemonium, queen vampire, in Quentin Tarantino's vamp classic, From Dusk Till Dawn. She made dancing with a snake sexy years before Britney Spears was even on the map.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Since You've Been Gone

Hats off to HBO for one hell of a lead in to the season premier of Tru Blood. After the sneak peak at the new seasons of How to Make It In America and Boardwalk Empire I was ready to jump through walls, and my excitement continued as we were treated to the first episode of our beloved TB.

Sookie was gone for more than a year and in that time Nurse Jesus shaved his goatee, Jason grew one, and Lafayette sported a Mr. T soul-glo Mohawk.

My spidey sense was tingling when Sookie knew the first two people she ran into in Fairy Land. They way the people were going after that glowing fruit had me thinking back to Maryann. Then her grandpa just show up like Jack's dad in LOST. Something didn't seem right and sure enough Sookie soon saw some goblin creeping around the fairy party like E. Gangi at the Water Club.(inside joke btw for those who do not work with me) Then all hell broke loose as Mab tried to close the portal to the human world. Maybe L-Raines can shed some light on the whole glowing fruit crew.

Time has always been and interesting part of this show as some episodes only span a few hours, but did anyone else think Jason got to the house a little too fast after the painter called the cops on Sookie? That was a little flub on the directors part I felt.

Jason looked good in uniform and apparently had been studying up on police procedures as we saw when he pulled Andy off Lafayette for not having probable cause to harass him. I wrote down "Andy on V?" after he screamed "you owe me a plaque" to Sookie and sure enough we saw he had been dipping into the evidence room's contents. We of course saw this coming last year when he held the vile of blood up while still sporting the cast.

Even if Lafayette is still dealing V he had a lot more to worry about now than Vampires thanks to his boy Jesus. Marnie the head witch played Pet Cemetery with her bird Minerva, but we learned that the whole coven was being spied on by Bill's minion who looked great in those glasses. I thought it was the Queen in disguise but I was mistaken and corrected by LaffaBrown. It's been hinted at that the witches can control the dead which means they could control vampires, which is why Bill must be so intrigued in keeping tabs on the coven's developments.
Side note: I couldn't help but think of Pavarotti from GLEE and poor headless Petey from Dumb and Dumber when I saw that little Minerva layed out on the altar. "Pretty bird, yes, pretty bird."
Tara bounced back to start the season as we saw her arm-barring some chick in a back room ultimate fighting match and then learned that her opponent was actually her lover. After the who ordeal with Franklin I can't blame her for trying to play for the other team for awhile. Was it just me or were Tara/Tony's eyes all blacked out like they used to get during her days with Maryann? Maybe that side of her is still in there somewhere lurking and can be unleashed like Wolverine's berserker rage.
Speaking of rage it turned out Sam did not kill Tommy, but did shoot him in the leg. Tommy seemed all born again and still using his older brother to pay for physical therapy while kissing up to Hoyt's crazy mom. I think she enlisted Tommy's help to break up "Hessica." We know he has always had a thing for the red head.
While Tommy is limping around, Sam and his support group ran wild. Sam has taken his shifting powers to new heights changing into a horse and later this season an owl it looked like from the previews. Not a bad party to be at. A little red grape then strip down with two hot B's and literally be hung like a horse.

Let's see what else? Arlene's kid Mikey was a bit disturbing. I'm not gonna lie, I played with by friend's sister's Barbi dolls when I was kid but the worst we did was take their clothes off. This whole decapitation thing took matters to a new level and would have me worried as well. Poor kid's gonna have a tough time finding a play group when his head starts spinning around and he's spitting paste at kids while cursing at them in tongues.

Sookie is now Eric's but Jessica is nobodies B apparently. I expect a big season from her, especially if Pam continues to counsel her.

So Bill is King now, so he defeated the Queen. Eric owns Sookie's house which somehow makes her his? Someone explain that to me. The panthers locked Jason in the ice box. We saw in previews he is fed on at some point by two big cats. Maybe they are trying to convert him? Can that happen? Did anyone else notice the two times when a TV was on there was a scene where two grizzly bears were fighting. Was that coincidence or just the show's techs using the same footage to set the timing?

They threw a lot at us to open the season. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. In the meantime, below are a few of my favorite quotes from the 1st episode.
Lafayette: I'll stay five minutes, ten if they got dranks

Lafayette: Smells like where old air fresheners go to die.

Bill: Who would you rather trust, a vampire or a politician?

Naomi: I don't take requests but I can crush your spine so bad you could suck your own dick.

Pam: The way you're eye fucking fang bangers from across the room is especially romantic.

Eric: Such a strange sensation when the reality matches what you pictured in your mind so precisely.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Sands of Time Continue To Fall

The new season of TB is just two days away!


New feature this season on The Blood Is Sacred. Fang Banger of the Week. The goal is to feature fans of the show out there who take their Tru Love to the next level.
We'll kick things off with a duo who have Fangtasia written all over them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6 Minutes...6 Minutes...6 Minutes Sookie's Flesh Is On.

Here are the first 6 minutes of Season 4 but the reviews have not been to kind.

6 minutes...6 Minutes...6 Minutes Sookie's flesh is on.

Here are the first 6 minutes of Season 4 but the reviews have not been to kind.