Seems to be an ongoing theme in this show among others. We flash back to 1868 with Bill and see his son dead in his casket having succumb to small pox. Bill's wife gets hysterical when she sees him crying blood. Lorena tried to tell him the only way to avoid hurting the ones you love is to cut them out of your life. That or twist their head around backwards so you don't have to look at them while showing them just how much you "love" them. I guess Bill has never heard of a paper bag.
So Bill can't kill Lorena it looks like as we saw her recover from the burns he inflicted at the end of last week's episode. Sadly the tapestry which was a gift from Count "Dapper Duey" back in 1387 was not as fortunate.
The tapestry wasn't the only furnishing victim as Eric kills the werewolf in Sookie's house and gets her rug "all wet." Speaking of which, I wonder if Sookie got turned on by watching Eric deal with that long haired intruder. My take on that scene was that Eric took the bullet so the werewolf would revert back to his human form to drink the spilled V giving Eric and Sookie the chance to get some information. Sookie hears "Jackson" just before Eric puts the dog down. Apparently vampire blood to werewolves is like Gummi Berry Juice to humans, and boosts their strength.

This Franklin seems like a bad dude but he does help out Jessica by giving her "some head." Decapitated kind that is. In another scene Pam takes a break from giving head of her own to counsel Jessica as well. "Fangtasia this better be good." Another great scene for Pam who has just been stellar this season so far.

How about the weird scene where Sam walks in on his brother and dad sitting on the couch. The dad in his tighty whiteys had his hand on the son's knee. That family belongs on Dysfunctional Family Feud.
Jason enlightens us that there are TWO kinds of people "on" this world... "People who got no dreams, people who got dreams and do nothin about them and people who go out and fulfil their dreams. I don't know about you but Me I'm the third one!"
He may not pass the written test, but he should be great in the field. After all, he is apparently a "Ninja Level Marksman."
Lafayette reluctantly gets the keys to a new Bentley from Eric. Just make sure you don't drink and drive in that thing my man. To review, the legal B.A.C. limit in the state of Louisiana is "when you're drunk." Take the keys and drive Lafayette. whether it's a Beamer, Benz or Bentley, don't let the scheeming affect you.

Lot's to talk about, can't wait to be glamoured by all the comments.