Sookie battles Nazi Werewolves from outer space? Big Foot is real and hiding out at the North Pole with Santa? Not exactly but we learn the werewolves were being leased to Uncle Adolf by their vampire Master as Eric ascertains in the flashback scene. The flashback also brought Godric back which was a treat especially since he provided this blog with it's name.
Jessica seeks out the advice of Pam on how to properly drain a victim and or dispose of the body if she goes too far. Pam hits us with her usual but fantastic dry and sarcastic delivery and apparently tells Jessica she needs to invoke Leatherface and chainsaw that body up.

Tommy Mickens isn't exactly thrilled like Arnold Schwarzenegger was in Twins when he finds out he has a brother. He makes it no secret that he is not a fan of Sam's, but when he goes all Steve Miller Band and "flies like and eagle" off the road leaving Sam to get got by that oncoming truck, he sort of puts on exclamation point on that sentiment.
Terry goes John Locke and help Sookie track the man/werewolf in the woods that was stalking her. Already armed with his "diploma from anger management" he decides to give Sooki a hand gun asking first if she knows how to use it. Sookie fires back "I ain't that blonde!"
Lafayette takes Tara to visit his mother and the very patient nurse "Jesus." Ruby yells to him as he is leaving the room, "wetback!" The Mexican Greg Focker just smiles and walks away. Classic. Lafayette tells Tara they need to look out for the darkness in their blood and he makes sure she's pickin up what he's puttin down... "Is u feelin me? (I'm feelin you) We clear? (Clear)"
Andy gives Jason a ride home as Jason excitedly notes, "I ain't ever ridden in the front seat before!" Loved when he grabbed the radio and tried to talk to head quarters. Jason tackles a meth dealer but I think we all wanted him to take down that mysterious chick running around in the woods. Loved when Andy tells Jason he's "prettier than most girls."

Tara gets into it with some red necks and the new vamp in town Franklin. We can assume that it was him we saw earlier breaking into Bill's house. Creepy dude but I loved seeing Tara let out some of her aggression on those two hill billy's. THIS IS FOR EGGS!!!
Eric comes to protect Sookie and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Sookie can play hard to get with Eric all she wants but when he lays down the law she always seems to bend to his will. Nothing more about the shower scene dream with Bill and Sam, but things do seem to be pushing Eric and Sookie closer together.

So i think that all of my questions are the same ones that everyone else is wondering
ReplyDeleteWhy did Sam's brother try to kill his azz?
Who took the truckers body?...was it pam?
When the hell are eric and sookie gonna twist?
Was bill dreaming when he lit lorena on fire? oor did he really torch that lsr....
thought the episode was gnarly and i think that aside from the mickens storyline, i cant wait to see how all of the rest of these plotlines develop. Have a feeling that we're gonna see alot more of Lafffayettes weird ass mom, and OBV gonna see alot more of lorena whether she was toasted or not.....where was that dude (terra's new beau) looking through the files of sookie btw? and was he the one that took the body from jessica's chamber?.....also, did anyone else notice that the wolf that was in sookies house was really ripping eric up in the preview for next weeks episode?
I thought Bill might be dreaming too in that scene. Maybe the slipped some peyote into his blood sorbet. The new blood sucker is a bad one. Haven't seen that menacing of a look sinCe the days of Liam. Wonder if this guy is gonna do Tara like Eric did his dancer B. Did anyone else think the vampire Alexander was Timothy Olyphant from the movie GO and HBO's own Deadwood series at first when he was showing Bill to his room? And forgot to mention Terry's list he made up for Arlene. "I ain't ever killed anything by accident" And yes Eric looks like he gets into a little trouble next week. who is Sookie shooting at. We have to assume the wolf, but who knows.
ReplyDeleteYou mean Timothy Oliphant from Scream? or the timothy oliphant from Rock star?......We actually get a glimpse of the love seen between Tara and new vamp and it looks like more the love scene from titantic than the throwdown eric had w/ olga......I think that eric is shooting @ the wolf dont think that she ever really makes any kind of contact comsidering that eric is getting toorn up by the wolf in the scenes from the next.
ReplyDeletegreat idea, great comments and great handle Mute. i'll be back with some thoughts on our favorite show.
ReplyDeletei think the return of Godrick is a welcome addition. he was too interesting a character to forget about from last season. i hope we see more flashbacks of him and eric over the past thousand years or so.
ReplyDeleteAs annoying as Lorena is, i am glad she's back. she's one of the few vamps that truly has control over Bill. he obeys the others due to the hierachy of their social system, but Lorena has a power over him that no one else has. Plus, she twists like a Banshee warrior.
Now here is some food (or blood) for thought. are the were's drinking the vamp blood because "they need it" or are they just V junkies. I say junkies, but others think its deeper than that.
That is all for now.
The weres are V drunks brother dear. I think Eric said that they are especially dangerous werewolves because they are fueled by vamp blood. They're only a part of the werewolf community I'm guessing. Next week we'll meet non-Nazi weres according to previews and stuff (Alcide). I think Franklin took the body when he was ransacking Bill's home for info. It's creepy that Bill has a dossier on Sookie, but I already know why from the books so I'll let ya'll guess.
ReplyDeleteLorena is so mothereffing annoying I would've loved to see her torched, but I think Bill was dreaming. I keep reading that she and Bill have some really intense crazy sex scene next week.
I love Eric and how he told Sookie not to cry because it makes him feel too human. They're sexual tension is ridiculous and I think it'll only get more obvious as she realizes that Bill is annoying.
Shoutout to O'Hara (am I right that's who wrote the review) for throwing a little Twilight in. It pales in comparison to True Blood, but I still like the Edward Cullen reference.
BTW my handle is from a college class 3 years ago when I had to keep a blog. No making fun if you actually read the blog, but if you want to, my old sex columns I did for the paper are on there. Yes, Tru-Nutz sister had a sex column but no, the article I reference a brother in is about Adam not T-Roy.
ReplyDeleteHA!!! not too worry Leighcourt, we all knew that anything you would write in a sex column would have NOTHING to do w/ tru-nutz....those days were probably about as long ago as when godderick was turned. Agree that the wolves are def V junkies (cant say i blame them) i just really wish that they didnt trun into glorified dogs and were more like the "lycans" of the underworld saga but i digress. I FULLY welcome the lorena/bill throw down and i actually dont like that it seems like she has ZERO control over him in spite of the fact tthat she turned him. Also, why has there been no reference to the fact that sookie can read minds in season 3? I mean, she should have found out what jason was thinking about eggs right away and drama should have ensued. Finally, why the hell would i care about the stupid mickens? that story has already run its course w/ me
ReplyDeleteTY Leigh it was I indeed. And I showed my terribly cheezy hand there yes by referencing Robert Patinson's alter ego but the secret has long been out about me and my nerdom. Any kid who writes a blog about Friday Night Lights and True Blood stands little chance of ever reaching the level of cool that Laffabrown resides at. I would be there in the freezing rain, standing in line outside Fangtasia, while Cam would walk right up, bro hug the bouncer and walk right through the red rope and in. Bottle Service takes on whole new meaning there I would have to think.
ReplyDeleteLaffa- she heard the Were in the woods when she got to Merlottes with Terry.
ReplyDeleteI forgot about the were thing in the woods thats right....something about "being back in time to watch lets make a deal rt"?......and Ohara lemme just say ur a BEAUT!