Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Set Up? Or Bad Let Down?

"Forgiveness is love, love is all." -Godric

Let's remember these words of wisdom before we cast too harsh a critique of this season's finale. Yes there was a lot going on. Alan B led us down many a path this season so he had to make sure he wrapped up as many story lines as he could to open slots for new ones in the next season.

So Godric is back looking like he just got home from Diddy's White Party appearing like Obi Wan Ben Kenobi did to Luke in the Dagaba System. He lets Eric and us know that apparently the sign in the opening credits which reads "God Hates Fangs," is wrong. He contends that peace awaits everyone in the afterlife including vampires like Russell so long as we can forgive those who have trespassed against us. This does not jive for our Viking prince.
Sookie is dreaming about fairy land before Bill brings her back after a healthy dose of V no doubt. Apparently V's healing powers do not extend to acne though. Time for Proactive Sook.
She saves Eric and at Eric's behest she also drags in Russell. As she is leaving the bar to go get him, Eric and Bill get their hair up at one another and show fangs like two alley cats fighting over an empty can of tuna. Sookie took the words out of my mouth when she sighed "Oh for the love of god."
True Blood looked like they were filming an episode of CSI with all the rubber gloves being passes around. It was good attention to detail though when Pam puts on them on to remove the silver hand cuffs from Eric's wrist. We also saw Bill sneakily put a pair into his pocket which we later uses while pushing Eric into the hole at the construction site.
Side note I loved the TV interview in the background featuring Steve from the Light of Day and Nan. "Was it the right wing that ripped a guys spine out on TV?!?!"
Love how he keeps popping up. Sure to see more of him and Nan next season as politics apparently come into play more.
Pam does not approve of Eric letting Russell live and instead implores him to "rip off his fuking head!" That's my girl. Russell meanwhile is a mess. He loses his fang. "That's embarrassing." The last thing Eric wants is for Russell to find peace after meeting the true death. He leaves Sookie to watch over him while he goes to ground to ponder his next move.
Russell offers up the world to Sookie for his freedom. He promises to pay her 5 million dollars, to kill Bill and Eric if she chooses and also agrees to give her his house. I think Sookie just wanted to see how desperate he was. Any thought we may have had, that she actually may let him go for the right price gets washed down the drain moments later when she notices the jar of Talbot juice on the bar. She realizes that Russell believes Sookie's blood may be able to bring his beloved back. Not exactly psyched on the idea of being human jumper cables to the undead, Sookie dumps Talbot down the drain while Toasted Almond screams his crispy head off. Sookie looks downright evil here as she laughs in the face of Russell's agony.

Hoyts mom stages an intervention at the work site with the guidance counselor who hides a bottle of Malibu Rum in his desk. Sort of a waste of air time but I guess they thought they needed to set up the scene where Hoyt's mom is shopping for a rifle. Several things to note in that scene by the way. The cardboard cut out of my man in the foreground is classic. Then there's the little girl coloring amidst all the firepower and camouflage. Lastly how Mrs. F can just pick up any rifle of her choosing and pull the trigger like she is testing out a perfume at Saks is madness. Guess that's the South for ya.

Meanwhile Hoyt wants to Marry Jessica. He didn't bother to ask me for my blessing, but he has it anyway. Hoyt shows her the house he got for them. First order of business is to build a "totally tricked out hidie hole" for Jessica he says. Amidst all the young love and bliss though I was left with a knot in my stomach. Something bad is on the horizon for our star crossed lovers. Jessica notes that the house smells weird when she first walks in. Then we see that weird doll, which looks like it was partially burnt, sitting on the floor. Remember Hoyt complained to Jessica once that among her many annoying features, Summer had a weird love of dolls.

Sam finds his safe gone and chases down Tommy. How he finds him that fast is beyond me. I guess he tracked him? Anyway, Tommy breaks down like some after school special and admits he can't read. Well now he can't breathe because Sam guns him down in cold blood like whoa. Again I find myself drawing parallels to "New Jack City." Sam is as much his brother's keeper as Nino Brown was to Gee Money. Keisha...dead. The Duh Duh Man...dead. And now Tommy...dead.
Sam makes some mean a mean breakfast though. It's all about the bacon grease Tara.

Tara with a belly full of bacon grease goes over to her mom's to find out she is getting some hog of her own. Tara walks in on her mom helping Reverend Daniels with his "sermon."
Reminded me of when Goldie Hawn walks in on Wesley Snipes and that girl hooking up on her couch in "Wildcats." "We was uh...sleepin!"
Tara wishes her mom luck and walks out for the last time we have to think. Tara has a lot of toys in her attic as we know and see in her flash backs. After feeling at first like she was going to off herself, I now feel like she might just drive away on us for awhile. Like when Sayid decided to go live on the other side of the island on "LOST." In preparation for her departure she goes home and goes all Whoopi on us. She looked like the dude from the Bud Light Commercial who wears his dog on his head so he can get a bud light. "Hey hey hey...everybody jammin!"
Andy still rocking the cast contemplates taking some V.
What on Earth is he waiting for. And while he's at it can he rub some on Crystal's eye. I am so tired of looking at that shiner.
She's a stunner though compared to the rest of the family up at Hotshot. As Jason notes they got a bunch of people who are in need of a bath, kids who probably aren't in school and "several people who obviously got dental problems."

Sean white brings up the V to "Uncle Daddy," before Felton does him in. Rough road for the people of Hot Shot. First Katrina forces them out of New Orleans, now the DEA is all up in their grille.
Jason goes all Last of the Mohicans telling Crystal, " I will find you...you just stay safe." Uncle!

Laffa goes all Ghetto Boys and calls Jesus in a panic crying "my mind is playing tricks on me." "Hurry up please!"
Jesus we learn in addition to being a nurse who is a dude, is also a witch...and of course a "hooka." He tells Laffa that he needs to teach him about his magic.

Alcide has been helping out Eric in order to settle his dads debts we learn. He also has been dreaming about Sookie. He wants some of that vampire crack. He might want to hold off though because Bill plans to kill everyone who has tasted her blood including the Queen.
Bill double crosses Eric after they send Russell off for a 100 year "nap" in a bed of wet cement. Bill calls Ruben posing as Eric and tells him to kill Pam.

Pam takes him out though and rescues Eric from becoming foundation. She tells Eric what went down after she emerges from just getting out of the shower. Could have used a shot of that to make this episode a touch better. Very little sex appeal to close out the season after so much bare skin leading up to the finale.

Eric appears, still picking the cement out of his hair, to tell Sookie how Bill was originally sent by the Queen to see if she was in fact a fairy. He even allowed for her to get beaten nearly to death so that he could feed her his blood. And oh yeah...he wants his phone back Bill.

I would have thought Bill would have embraced his new found bachelor status and taken a run at the queen. He does but not in the way I was thinking. They square off as Bill has nothing left to lose. He has no one to turn to. It's like he is the new Franklin. Lone vampire for hire.

Everybody plays the fool...but Sookie has gotten taken more times than most. She has had it with vampires and we close out the season with her amongst her own kind who look like the aliens from Cocoon.Could we see the reemergence of Steve Guttenberg as a guest "star" next season?

So there you have it. Another season gone, but a lot of doors left open. Good riddance Tommy. Bye Bye to Tara's crazy mom, Talbot and Russell. Will Jason reunite with Crystal? Will he get that one dude from Hot Shot's teeth capped? Will he stop Kitch from breaking his record? What becomes of Bill? Does Eric take Fangtasia national and open up some chains? We will have to see, but Alan Ball did come on after the credits to thank all us fans for a great season and tells us to expect some witches and some new supernatural creatures in the upcoming year.

It's been a great ride with you all this season and I look forward as always to your thoughts as they never fail to amaze. They make all the time I spend on these recaps worth it.


  1. OK.. first things first very disappointing season finale. Not much action, no gratuitous naked scenes, no witty funny lines and no real action. I would have even enjoyed a Lafa/Jesus man on man scene ..something ..anything. Two, like I preach in the end all we have is LOVE in all shapes and sizes.. So bigger than others..that's what she said. Also in my vast, weird knowledge I recognized the guidance counselor as the evil, goofy sidekick from Police Academy 1 & 2. Trust me I know ..I know. Also, re; referrence to Wildcats Chrissy, I believe you are referring to when Whoopie's ex-husband walks in on Wesley & tons of fun making out while the 14 year old girl with purple hair is passed out upstairs. Whoopie walks in right after the ex-husband finds WS & Tons, ex husband says "Molly (whoopi) you dont even have control of your own house, you got these 2 screwing on your coach" Tons responds " WE weren't screwing, well not when you walked in we weren't" Sorry I have weird movie knowledge.

    Dont care about Hoyt, Jessica looked great. So glad Tara is gone..PTFO with the new mop top. Sam did not kill his brother Tommy, didnt see the body didnt see him take last breath, sorry not buying it. Brothers dont shoot each other they gotta hug.

    Crystal pulled one over on Jason, no Last of Mohicans there, she needed an escape from Hotshot. Side note anyone else think Charlie Sheen every time they hear that name? My guess is she knew all she had to do is get nude with Jason, do the werepanther thing and he'd be her lil toy. Jason is dumb sap and I m starting to think him and Sookie arent even related. He 's pissing me off, I was hoping he took some V went up there wiped everyone out, took his shirt off, did the nasty with Crystal to announce hi spresence with authority and then howled at the moon for one final taunt. But that's just me.

    Lafa/Jesus dont care have your man love and do V get all weird with your mystical powers and walk around in your silk robes..OOOOOOHHHH OOHHHH I m really scared.

    Bill total pansy I did it all for you Sookie, I fell in love with the person, I have nothing to lose anymore... WHHAH WHHAH WHHAH!! Get some stones and move on ..I mean it's embarrassing, you're becoming the Punter on the football team. No one really likes you, no one really hangs with you, you don't score any points, chicks and your parents laugh at you when you tell them you are a Punter BUT you are needed on the team. So Bill it's time for you to step it up, fighting the queen was a start but you are a long way from home.

    Sookie the evil laugh was priceless when you flushed Talbot, good luck with the fairies and I have to admit I dig the glow you got going. LeRoy from the Last Dragon wud be proud.

    Eric 1200 years of hate is long time I really respect you,I also respect the valour sweat suit that shit was TIIIIIGGGHHHT. I look forward to next season to see if my man Godric can bring some peace and love into your life. If not I 'd still like to see you slay some humans, Sookie booty and running shit in LA.

    Alcide nice comeback and wet dream confession, somewhat awkward but I dug it. I think ou have a future here....That is all for now.. Still frustrated, typing this out didnt help.

  2. Correction to Wildcats comment I wrote Whoppie meant Goldie .. Tara's Hair F'd me up

  3. you are correct Mute same scene but when the Dad initially walks in on Snipes and lady friend he is buckling up his pants and wiping off the lip stick juar like the rev was with tara's mom. and at first snipes says says that they were just sleeping. then the scene you describe occurs. if ur gonna say "fuk u" to me at least have the decency to say say "fuk u...coach mcgrath"

  4. " You owe me a new stopwatch you pus*ies "

  5. Smute14 (2:26:50 PM): the last of the peanut brittle
    COHaraMKM (2:26:53 PM): thanks to those of you who bought the last of the peanut brittle

    Its like we're connected Mute. If I get in trouble i wonder if i can summon you. Although by the time u get here from Boston I'm sure I'll be toast.

  6. and great Last Dragon reference. Sho Nuff!!!

    Just directa your feetsa to Daddy Green's Pizza!

  7. RIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT... something about that peanut brittle ...you are the true SOUL brother Chrissy

  8. alright enough of this bromance, what the EFF was up with that creepy doll?!?!!?

    terrible finale. only redeeming part was eric in his cement caked velour jumpsuit ratting out old Billy boy to Sook. I RESCIND YOUR INVITATIONS.

    this episode was really so blah, i can't even think of much to post. tara's hair whatever, may she find some peace after experiencing franklin. good point on the fact that they never actually showed Tommy dead. But is it like Adrianna in the Sopranos where they never showed it but you know it happened?

    What is up with Arlene and this baby? Do we care, do we not care?

    So is our dear Lala a witch too? or is it just hey-sus?

    last and LEAST jason's storyline is effing awful. donezo. i never thought i'd say this but he needs to get slapped and realize crystal is TRASH and start twisting out some younger southern ho's. Oh lord, you've all rubbed off on me with your terminology. Can we get a Boardwalk Empire blog started?

  9. oh i'd be happy to discuss the entourage finale as well. This show has gone MAJORLY downhill and become an after school special, but I think the finale seriously redeemed.

    What's up Marshall? Too mainstream to fight your own battles now?

    Plus- my girl crush Minka had a cameo, holla. Chris knows I just started Friday Night Lights so I was pumped.

  10. So i have to agree with LeighCourt here. The finale was a let down. One thing she didnt mention in her post but we talked about was about Sookie losing her light. when she was pouring old talbot down the sink and was laughing like she enjoyed it. was that her on the verge of "losing her light". In the end she got it back from her fairy friends.

    Jason better get back to his roots next season. that means more twisting everyone who walks into Merlots. Unless he's going to take down that little were - panther chick doggie style, i dont care.

    Boardwalk Empire blog is a good idea or Kenny Powers.

    Entourage almost lost me, but they did bring the show back with that last episode. Minka is redic. That is all.

    What now?

  11. ok btches, so here is the deal (srry a bit of misdirected anger here)

    I'll take this whole thing a stepp further and say that the finale sucked. there i said it.

    I actually had a rough wknd and i STOOD IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LIVING ROOM SO THAT WOULDNT FALL ALSEEP and what i saw almost made me throw my remote through the tv...i dont even know where to begin

    First, does anyone remember when godderic was gnarly ass aztec warrior type dude that turned a dying viking into the 6 4 inch stripper twisting/flying/fancy suit wearing ballin vampire? that was awesome. wtf happened to that guy? cuz this love is all mofo is wrkin my last nerve, i almost would rather continue the lafa/jesus storyline than see this guy again. Almost.

    Maybe it's just me but i still just flat out dont get the whole deal w/ silver.....sometimes it takes a fkn chainmail suit to hold a vamp down (read;season 1 when stackhouses v head gf and he drained milton from office space) but now u can throw a silver braclet or necklace around a three thousand year old king and toss him into a cement bath? thats dumb yo.

    Tara's mom twisted another black dude and tara cut her hair, great storyline development there. =( ...one of the happpiest moments of teh entiire episode was when i thought that she was gonna off herself. ...but i guess a surprise death of a main character would be waaay too cool for a finale.

    The followin things i fllat oout dont care about and wont even dignify;

    Crystal, all of hotshot, Lafa and Jesus, Fairies

    I did think tha tteh fight between sopiie ann and bill was "interesting" in the sense that there is chance that we will see her clothes get ripped off maybe, or a gratutous nipple shot, some thigh i dont know SOMETHIN!

    and in closing....you know that a finale (and in some small part) is a bit of a letdown when the producer comes on and basically apologizes by saying "i promise there will be more crazy sht next season" Just sayin

  12. W/ that said.....Ohara great job w/ the blog old friend and greatly looking forward to the Bordwalk Blog, i cant beieve ima watch it even tho there are negros in it. you know that aint rt.

    Bruce Leroy out
