"Niggaz know we fuckin wild!I'm wild! I'm wild He's wild So we's wild! Capture the rapture! Come blackness after!"
Eric certainly ruined Russell's plans to walk in the light when he used his razzmatazz as he killed him with adrenalin in the most illinest of fashions.Like Maurella, tonight's True Blood season finale delivered - and then some. It was kill or be killed, as "Save Yourself" featured more bloodshed than all other episodes this season combined. In a summer fraught with story lines, Alan Ball's swan song did well to wrap up a number of issues while still leaving fans thirsting for more.
After seeing how easily he fought off the Authority and disposed of the Fae Elder last week, many wondered who could stop Russell from draining every last member of Claude's family. In what was one of the best opening scenes I've witnessed, Eric left me speechless as he reduced Russell to a puddle of goo and settled an ancient debt. After that scene, the feeling coursing through me was probably like the one Debbie Pelt must have felt the first time she tried V and, like her, I wanted more. Eric seamlessly transitioned from vengeance to vaudeville as he kept his sister from draining everyone's favorite faerie food services employee.
When he and Jason hilariously squabbled, it was Sookie's turn to shine as she told the two to stop acting like children and for Eric to ask Nora to stop looking at her thirstily.
Some of the best moments of the night belonged to the show's actual sibling duo when Jason and Sookie argued over just what it is they should expect out of life.
The bump Jason took to his head had him seeing visions of his parents, but it didn't seem to affect his aim at all. The scene in the elevator where he was gearing up for the all-out assault on the Authority while wearing those shooting glasses was just epic (reminded me of that scene in Smoking Aces)... as was his prowess with his sidearms as he took down one "vamper" after another.
While his aim was masterful, his command of the English language was still a little off target, as we were treated to a number of Stackhouse gems in this week's list of best True Blood quotes.
The Trubie award for Best Delivery of the True Death had to go to Sam, who did his best Lilith impersonation, standing there naked and covered in Rosalyn's blood.
Sadly, it looks like Luna sacrificed herself to save Emma. Alcide's father spoke about how the hardest part of being a parent is sheltering your children from just how messed up the world is. Well... Emma has seen at an early age just how ugly life can be, but she should draw strength from the knowledge that despite all the evil out there, love can still motivate people to do the most selfless and heroic things.
There was a lot of discussion tonight about one's view of the world and our role in it. In the final scene, Bill seemed to echo in a way what Jason was feeling. Bill was tired of always feeling guilty for what he had become. He was tired of feeling hurt inside. While Jason's remedy was to expect the worst life can offer instead of thinking it owed him something, for the first time in his vampire "life," Bill took what he felt he deserved, even if it meant deceiving and killing Salome in the process.
Being that caring and sensitive vampire Sookie described has only brought him heartache, so I wasn't too shocked that he drank the blood in the end. Once he melted into that puddle of blood you just knew he wasn't through. But his resurrection was still very much a riveting moment, accentuated by the fear in Eric's eyes.
While the culmination of the entire Lilith saga was a great and much anticipated pay off, there were so many little moments in tonight's finale that added to my high opinion of it. Scenes like Bill trying to catch Sam the fly, Rikki's crazy V talk to Alcide,
Maurella chugging salt,
Lafayette and the others' commentary during the delivery and Andy's fatherly face of joy,
Eric asking Jason to pull over "please"
and Tara pointing out the slippery floor to Sookie thanks to the dead vampires Jason had just killed were the kind of moments that have always made this show so special. As was this scene:
So we didn't find out who Warlow was. Thankfully there's next season. So long as the show doesn't lose its unique brand of humor though, I am more than willing to keep watching. Not sure about my man Sway though. He must be crushed.
The big payoff moments like Russell's demise and Alcide taking back the pack are the icing on the cake that is made up of all the aforementioned ingredients that make this show so great. Ball's departure is a major development, but seeing the cast's chemistry and passion leaves me with little worry about its future.
Another great season made even better by our little coven of commentators. Like Eric, Pam, Nora and Tara I consider you all family. Hopefully in the off season we can create some more baby-vamp-fans and take it to the next level in Season 6.
Until then be sure to check out the Bonus Clip from last night's finale and be sure to enjoy the last few days of Summer...

And stay thirsty my friends.
Sooooo in the words of Kristen Wig from “the Californians” last nights Episode was AH-MYAZING!....so why not have the best recap of the year to follow suit, with that and the addition of MGC to the set, on the one side I’m sad that we always come together at the end but I can say that I’m just so glad that we came together!! It’s like Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanza all wrapped in one! Hoooooorah!
ReplyDeleteWell as you could al tell from my text at 9:05 …I literally kip kicked off the couch and ran up to share moment with the team when my man russel got merked off the show by my man big E….i think someone else was with me but I was SO SURE that they wouldn’t kill off the fan favorite of this season but then again, never underestimate the power of Big E, aka Meekus! Was so great to see that debt settled finally “I wanna shoot you so bad my dck hard”…I respect it
Probably my ONE beef with the episode as far as concepts are concerned is; how is it possible that Nora has been alive for years and has never come across a Fae, and don’t tell me its because she’s been suckling romans teet all that time and trying to rise through the ranks of the authority…come on yo. That’s just silly
Already told Jell but I KNEW he was gonna go batsht when my man Jason said “that train has already sailed” and then went Ham newton (shout to the smoking aces and dead presidents references) on everyone in the authority! His performance was only overshadowed by the afore mentioned big E when he ran through the authority guides like sht through a goose, getting his head count in the episode up into the teens, you GOTZ to love that!...Jason def gets my “up and comer/spirit award” award this year as I think he really showed us that he’s more than just a c*cksman or a dimwit, he’s both!
One thing that I can hang my hat on is that I did call for Salome and Roslyn this week (ps, who knew sam could pull sht like that???) I did also think that Nora would be a goner , but clearly I was wrong on Nora and while it wasn’t at the hands of Godderic . Ps—I don’t think tahts the end of Luna I think that they somhow find a way to bring back the rarely dressed brown queen (or they damn sure better find a way).It seems that we now have a new/more evolved Vamp to fear now in Bloody Compton, was a bit pissed that we didn’t get a chance to see his mystical Merkin for continuity’s sake but I guess that is always why there is next season…so have ur clippers ready Leighcourt, we get both Lilith and and Bill tuned up proper. Speaking of carpet cleaning, prob the most touching moment this week was Tara and pam finally coming together, MGC said that she had forgotten Tara was on the other team (not sure how you coulda forgot that, ii have the womens UFC match buried deep in the bank but) and we saw again how that feeling can be! I was moved! (in more ways than one but I digress)
A post wouldn’t be a post without the “80’s movie ref of the week!” was sick to see big E do his Donger impression over Jasons “automobiiiiile” and of course my man Jell caught on to that!...guy never ceases to amaze me with this thing…you have a gift my friend…..you. Have to admit there were points this season where I was thinking about hanging it up but between the recaps and Alan making some serious strides it actually turned out to be a great season…tks for everything and great work!
So i actually missed that bonus clip yest....SICK!! Am i the only one that is so surprised by what a bunch a redneck trash the Stackhous Parents are?.....and how cute was teh exchange between tara and Pam!??!!?....and Why the heck wasnt that clip aired???? we were cheated!
ReplyDeleteBonus clip was sick indeed. I guess they couldn't fit it all into the hour finale. I liked though how the web aspect allowed them to scan from what Jason was thinking to reality. As for your gripe about Nora never having seen a faerie the only thing I can think of is I recall Claudine telling Sookie a couple seasons ago how the Fae had almost been hunted to extinction by Vampires. Although after seeing how orgasmic it was for the aforementioned to deliver Andy's 4 baby girls it seems odd that their numbers are dwindling. Then again if more guys knew about the fine print on that Pact of the Flesh that notes they are responsible for raising the kids while mommy gets to leave and hang out at Fae-tasia, you might not see so much twisting in the fields.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED your New Jack reference. After I finally stopped laughing I had to pour some out for Pookie man. "Yeah, yeah, yeah a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Now back to the titties." How about that move Bill pulled when Salome got up from the ned to get dressed. He was like "I said drink ALL of me bitch!"
WOW. What a finale, seriously my jaw was on the floor. That sixteen candles pic is my favorite thing ever!!!! Big family favorite over here.
ReplyDeleteAs for Billith...I feel like Bill is pretty high maintenance. I'm sure he manscaped. If I have to see another merkin on bloody bill next season, I'm not sure I can take it. So now will we still see Lilith? Or is it just Bill? Is he the vampire God? Can it be undone?
So many questions...
I feel like Warlow is someone we already know. In an interview with Alan Ball, his answer to whether or not we know Warlow was "no comment." To me that's a yes.
Loving Eric, so money. Feel like Jason is losing his gourd, and even though it made for an entertaining sniper situation, I really hope he hasn't totally lost it. Sookie will always have that compassion. So my question is...how did Eric know where Russell would be? Did Sookie warn him ahead of time? Did he feel her fear?
Pam and Tara, the new hot couple. Totally agree these two are really made for each other. I still feel like it's weird though when makers hook up with their progenies. Incest is not best.
Sam wins the award for sickest way of killing people. Season 2 Maryann when he was that bull and ripped her heart out and now Rosalyn? I think Luna might be alive, but I'm unsure.
Andy's fairy birth situation was certainly interesting. If I were living in Bon Temps, I would probably be drinking Cajun margaritas too, that place is just bananas. I'm sure I'm missing some stuff, but overall I loved it!!!! The season was ehhh in some parts and the finale was just like BOOM we still got it.
Leigh great point about how did Eric know where to find Russell. I bet you are right and he felt Sookie's fear. I didn't really Jason's visions of his dead parents. I don't know why, but I had envisioned them as a little more enlightened but Jason had to come from somehwhere. I'm with you also on the whole maker/progeny gray zone when it comes to hooking up. While incredibly hot, the sxcenes with Eric and Nora still make me cringe at times as they continue to call eachother brother and sister. Don't get me wrong though I still loved each scene we were treated to as well as Tam/Para's.
ReplyDeleteSorry was enjoying lazy week and change and didnt really have any unique comments. Agree with Leigh on Sam's knack for offing peops, he leaves little to chance. I mean when I saw him fly in I wa like watch out Sharon Osbourne gonna bite u then all of a sudden ...Wonder Twin powers activate and ptfo Mrs Osbourne.
ReplyDeleteSalome poor Salome I mean you know you are scrwd when in life you were betrayed and molested by men and in death you are tricked and murdered by men .. Talk about a daddy complex that poor girl spent 2k+ getting owned and dominated by men ..Surprised she didnt just go straight Rosie O'Donnell in afterlife...I almost felt bad for her in the end b/c it was so obvious she was overmatched but she had a nice rack and liked to freak why did she have to die..
Jason & Eric were awesome highlight of the finale, their interaction was so money.. And the fact that Jell throws the DONGER in there almost caused me to faint. Top notch clip there, spit out the coffee I wasnt drinking Jell I applaud u .. Jason is going to start running things next season no doubt in my mind.. hope the concussion doesnt eff up his ad FPB 's bang sessions. Also now that Bill has morphed into LIlliBill is he still Jessica's maker ?? does he still have power over her or did he just enter the Mike Tyson untouchable zone??? From the length of Bill's fangs and the utter fear in Eric's eyes is Bill now like unbeatable?? Does the power of the blood eventually wear out like after the trip thru New Orleans?? Is the US gov't about to go cookoo on the vamps after the TV interview where Nanny and Gramps saw a Gay Reverend Vamp turn into a super hot shifter in front of their very eyes..? I mean I think my Rents wud be a wee bit disturbed by that sighting ..Just sayin.
Sorry to see Russell go but loved Eric gettting his 1500 year revenge ...THAT felt good ... Fairy babies and Andy's facial expressions were a tad bit weird but obviously he has a strong seed so kudos to him ... I may need to watch again before further comments/..
"ptfo" love it. good point about Salome. she just couldn't catch a break. she needed to stop playing with the Yankees and like you said go out for the Rockford Peaches. Bills fangs did grow right? We nailed that years ago when we noticed the older/more powerful a vamp, the longer the fangs are. Eric took his sweet time getting revenge but it was the kind that would have made The Count of Monte Cristo proud.