Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Want a lick? SIKE!

We started off the finale still at Terry's funeral on what must have been a pretty humid day judging by Alcide's frizzed out hair. That Michael Landon look thankfully got buzzed down the road.
He offers Sookie a ride to the reception, but she instead suggest a walk. Will she ever learn that walks in the cemetery with supernaturals is just not a smart move?
Sometimes he wishes he could get in Sookie's head...join the club packmaster.
Their walk was pretty tame all things considered though, that was until the camp escapees rolled up, complete with a cartwheeling Pam.

A blood stained Bill walks into his house with a look of disgust on his face as if to say I gave up being a god for you people? I wonder if Jesus felt the same way. Like he and Bill both wanted to say:

Now croquet and volleyball would probably be the last two things that would come to my mind, after having just been set free from vampire prison and given the ability to walk in the sun, but these two thought it was a keen idea.
That said, I would probably be down for anything the V.B. on the right wanted to do. Thanks to their Tar-jay run we did get to see Jason strut his stuff on the court and make a tremendous Top Gun reference.
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My question though is who took down the Kristin Cavalarri lookalike?

Then Sookie got to meet Jason's new flame Violet. Loved how concerned he was about Sookie. Now if he can just get Violet to give him a hand with those hickies.
Poor Jason. Every man should give as good as he gets, but this relationship is a tad one sided.
The guy who probably made out the best was Dr. Takahashi. Bill glamoured him and sped off leaving behind a bag full of cash that even Drake wouldn't know what to do with. Now the question is, did he run home to his family, or did he figure since he was already going to catch hell for disappearing (a.k.a. pulling an A.B.) that he might as well have some fun before showing back up to his wife and kids. If it was me, I think the next 24 hours would look something like this:
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Before heading home like this:
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So then Warlow got got...in a scene that I think was a tad rushed, but frankly I was over the whole "I've been waiting for you for 5,000 years," sob story.

Much of the episode took place 6 months into the future, where we found Bon Temps in a new state of panic. Hep V had spread and people were lining up to get tested to see if they were a carrier. Give it a few years folks and you'll pretend it doesn't really exist. Maybe the gov't should inject Magic Johnson with it and let him beat that too, so people will calm down and start fukkin again.
I don't care how bad things got, I would never, EVER EVER EVER, feed off my mom. No matter what. What's wrong with you T?
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The most intense scene went to Jessica and Andy, when Jess offered her protection to him and Adeline. I think a little pee came out as I held my breath right up to when he put his gun down.
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And last but certainly not least, Mr. Eric Northman went full frontal whilst being burnt to a crisp. He needed some SP-WT-F lotion.
At first my reaction was like:
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But then I realized there is no way in H.E. double hockey sticks they are going to do my man like that. My guess is Pam comes flying in and crashes both of them beneath the snow.

All in all the season was aight, that shit was aight. There certainly have been more John Blaze seasons before, but I will certainly be back next Season for more. Will you?

Monday, August 12, 2013

No Weddings but a Funeral

Terry was laid to rest this week, as his friends and family took turns sharing how much the man meant to them. Elsewhere on "Life Matters," Eric and Bill each helped put an end to the vampire camp.
Terry's death was tragic, but his funeral was a testament to all the lives he touched. Through the series of flashbacks, we were reminded just how broken a man Terry was when he returned from the war.
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Bon Temps has seen more than its share of death in recent years, but tonight we witnessed how some bonds are able to survive even the most troubled of times. Just about every person who spoke on Terry's behalf has been through their own personal hell over the years.
As they spoke about their fallen friend, we saw just how strong they each have become through their perseverance.
The one individual who has been through more than most, Sookie, proved just how much she has grown. She stepped to the podium and outed herself in front of her community, all in the hopes of giving her friend Arlene some peace, as she shared with her the story of the first time Terry his love. Sookie has embraced her gift and finally understands why it is not a curse.

Big John's song:
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Even in a place like Bon Temps, life still matters. As Big John sang, we saw Jason chase down Sarah and while he had every reason to kill her, he didn't.

Like Terry and the catfish, Jason let her go. Sarah is misguided and delusional, but I was glad Jason did not kill her. Not because I think she deserved to live, but because Jason didn't deserve to carry her death on his conscience. Plus she looked absolutely amazing at the Teen Choice Awards this weekend.
Lucky for fans, though, Eric and Bill didn't let their consciousness get in the way of taking their revenge on those responsible for the torture and murders at the vamp camp. Eric ripping out the doctor's manhood and leaving him to bleed out - only to have Bill finish the job - was one of the most intense death scenes to date.
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I also loved Eric getting to Pam's therapist and despite having every reason to kill him, waited to let Pam do it herself.
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Bill fulfilled his destiny and enabled Jessica and the others to meet the sun again and avoid the True Death. It was a tad anticlimactic, but the shot of him being fed on and then laying in Violet's arms like Jesus in Mary's after being taken down off the cross immortalized in Michelangelo's Pieta and other sculptures, was well done.
Eric also gave fans what they had been hoping for as he ripped through the guards on his way to freeing Pam and the others.
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While his freed friends danced in the glow of their fairy blood induced elation, he lagged behind, still unable to find any peace. The scene where he stood before the restraints and gurney where Nora was held and injected with the hep-v, showed just how much he was still hurting inside. So as much as it hurt Pam to see him fly away at the end, I think it was understood that Eric still has work to do. Not just to help save his kind, but to make his own peace with the losses he has endured. Killing Steve was just the beginning of his healing process.
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Some of my favorite moments of the episode were:
  • Jason high on Eric's blood mocking the dead guards and pretending to high five them. 

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  • Eric recognizing Ginger's scream. 
  • Lafayette's lashes at the funeral as well as getting to see him back in the day teaching Terry how to dip the fries. 
Things I could have done without:
  • Having to see Tara's whacked out mother again. 
  • Grandma Bellefleur uttering one too many a line as she didn't see the point of Big John's song. 
  • Arlene telling Big John his song was "the shit."
It was nice to see Alcide and Sookie side by side again and to also hear that Hoyt was doing well. I was also happy to see Arlene find some comfort in the whole military send off honoring Terry after not expecting to do so. For a short while, the town of Bon Temps was able to shut the rest of the world out and come together. Jason not being there, however, reminded us that while life seemed to stand still there for a few moments, the rest of the world is still at war - and there is still a long road of conflict ahead for humans and vampires to travel down. But for now, it looked like the girls were ready to party.
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Warlow and Sookie still have unfinished business, Jason's new fan Violet still is thirsty for more and Eric's whereabouts are unknown. What are your hopes and expectations as we approach the end of True Blood Season 6?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Pit Stop

Much of this week's True Blood episode dealt with Arlene coming to grips with Terry's death as she prepared for his funeral.
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Elsewhere, "Dead Meat" had an opportunity to cut away some dead weight with regard to Alcide and Sam's arcs, but instead brought the two together over a bottle of whiskey.
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It was bad enough Alcide had to fight Rikki, but to get an earful from her afterward about how his showing her mercy was a weakness? Ridiculous. I just kicked your ass, but because I won't kill you, I'm the weak one AND unfit to be packmaster?

Glad to see his pack days are, at least for now, behind him.
As for Sam, I was ok when I thought he was just giving Nicole the ol' hair sniff, but then we learned she's pregnant. We've already seen Andy playing the befuddled father this season. I feel like Sam's arc is being written down that same road and I could not be more disinterested.

Maybe the writers should think on it and drink on it like Alcide and Sam did.

Moving on from cold beers to crispy bacon, Lafayette extended his lead in the MVP department as he cared for Arlene.
Lafayette: You gotta eat yah grease to beat the booze.
Aside from that scene, I felt like way too much time was spent on Terry's death and the funeral arrangements. I would love to see Arlene, Alcide or Sam's roles diminished if it allotted more screen time for more interesting characters like Sarah Newlin, who continued to deliver comedic moments mixed with her fiery temper. Seeing Steve on the hamster wheel was fantastic.
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Sarah Newlin: It is scientifically impossible for you to be this f**king slow!
Sarah also showed she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty as she Manolo'd Ms. Suzuki to death all in the name of Jesus.
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Sarah also showed she is pretty tough, as she popped up like toast after taking that serious shot to the goods.
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Elsewhere, Jess and James made goo goo eyes at each other while Violet laid down the law for Jason and let him know how things were going to work for him and her going forward.

Strangely enough, I think Jason may end up liking her. I think it is safe to say, not many women have made Jason work for their affection. He is usually the shot caller.
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So this experience may prove interesting for him. (Violet btw played by Karolina Wydra)

As for Sookie, I thought the scene where she stood over her parents' graves and spoke her mind was her best of True Blood Season 6. Death is not the end, but it could be a new beginning for her. That is, of course, if Eric didn't completely drain Warlow.
But Sookie has some nerve showing up to Sam's and dropping the whole "maybe we are meant to be together." So let me get this straight. Sookie has always known about Sam's feelings for her, but was always too busy giving her light to vampires, werewolves and most recently a fae-pire hybrid. So what, she needs a shifter now to complete the supernatural sex cycle?
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Good for Sam kicking her to the curb.

I had higher hopes for the episode what was a great opening scene with Eric mocking Bill.

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Then Bill had to go and take a cheap shot at Eric's maker. You know what Eric should have said.

But then he disappeared for much of the episode, until the end when we saw just how busy he had been. Shrewd move by him to drink Adeline's blood to gain access to Warlow in fae world after his initial "attempts" proved unsuccessful.
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Good effort there big E.
I loved seeing Bill's temper flare up as he followed in Eric's wake, cursing his name a la "NEWMAN!"
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Eric's best moment though, came when he glamoured Holly's sons and took special care to make sure Adeline's honor remained intact.
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That Eric Northman is a good "man."
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Like Pam's session with the doctor, this episode was oozy but productive and in the end it ultimately served a purpose. Like a pit stop on the road to the finale. I could have done without much of it, but I liked how it gained momentum toward the finish as Eric got things rolling.
Are we headed toward a daytime drama where Bill and Eric will square off in the sun? Or will they find a way to work together and save their friends from the True Death?