He offers Sookie a ride to the reception, but she instead suggest a walk. Will she ever learn that walks in the cemetery with supernaturals is just not a smart move?
Sometimes he wishes he could get in Sookie's head...join the club packmaster.
Their walk was pretty tame all things considered though, that was until the camp escapees rolled up, complete with a cartwheeling Pam.
A blood stained Bill walks into his house with a look of disgust on his face as if to say I gave up being a god for you people? I wonder if Jesus felt the same way. Like he and Bill both wanted to say:
Now croquet and volleyball would probably be the last two things that would come to my mind, after having just been set free from vampire prison and given the ability to walk in the sun, but these two thought it was a keen idea.
That said, I would probably be down for anything the V.B. on the right wanted to do. Thanks to their Tar-jay run we did get to see Jason strut his stuff on the court and make a tremendous Top Gun reference.
My question though is who took down the Kristin Cavalarri lookalike?
Then Sookie got to meet Jason's new flame Violet. Loved how concerned he was about Sookie. Now if he can just get Violet to give him a hand with those hickies.
Poor Jason. Every man should give as good as he gets, but this relationship is a tad one sided.
The guy who probably made out the best was Dr. Takahashi. Bill glamoured him and sped off leaving behind a bag full of cash that even Drake wouldn't know what to do with. Now the question is, did he run home to his family, or did he figure since he was already going to catch hell for disappearing (a.k.a. pulling an A.B.) that he might as well have some fun before showing back up to his wife and kids. If it was me, I think the next 24 hours would look something like this:
Before heading home like this:
So then Warlow got got...in a scene that I think was a tad rushed, but frankly I was over the whole "I've been waiting for you for 5,000 years," sob story.
Much of the episode took place 6 months into the future, where we found Bon Temps in a new state of panic. Hep V had spread and people were lining up to get tested to see if they were a carrier. Give it a few years folks and you'll pretend it doesn't really exist. Maybe the gov't should inject Magic Johnson with it and let him beat that too, so people will calm down and start fukkin again.
I don't care how bad things got, I would never, EVER EVER EVER, feed off my mom. No matter what. What's wrong with you T?
The most intense scene went to Jessica and Andy, when Jess offered her protection to him and Adeline. I think a little pee came out as I held my breath right up to when he put his gun down.
And last but certainly not least, Mr. Eric Northman went full frontal whilst being burnt to a crisp. He needed some SP-WT-F lotion.
At first my reaction was like:
But then I realized there is no way in H.E. double hockey sticks they are going to do my man like that. My guess is Pam comes flying in and crashes both of them beneath the snow.
All in all the season was aight, that shit was aight. There certainly have been more John Blaze seasons before, but I will certainly be back next Season for more. Will you?