This week got off to a great start. Sarah's efforts to change her identity didn't go much beyond a little hair dye, but I loved how she has been keeping herself fit. Although I think I would have preferred this guy to her grisly Guru.
Especially after the fuzzy little foreigner blew up my man Rick's spot for checking out Alison's "bum."
In the end that cockblockin Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting looking mother fukker got his.
Later on Sookie asked Bill if they were at war- and, like war, this installment was rather chaotic.
After Pam finally caught up with Eric to close out True Blood Season 7 Episode 2, I hoped we would get some clarity as to how he landed himself in his current predicament. Instead, we got a series of disjointed flashbacks that I guess were supposed to explain why Eric had seemingly given up on being immortal.
We were introduced to Sylvie, who Eric was apparently in love with back in 1986. Their moonlit coitus was interrupted by Nan Flanagan.
With Tru Blood set to make its debut, she was there to rein in freewheeling vampires like Eric. Nan had heard he was "tall" but Eric of course exceeded expectations. The partnership with the corporation stood to make The Authority a fortune, but only if vampires fell in line and ceased feeding on humans in plain sight.
Pam immediately had her guard up, but Nan didn't.
We all know from seeing Nan's "taste in women" in past seasons just how she meant she and Pam could have been friends.
In typical Eric fashion, he told Nan what he thought of her warning, but Pam could read the writing on the wall.
She pleaded with him to run away with her and not jeopardize their life together for a silly girl. Now where have I heard that before?
Eric, of course, did not listen and was forced to choose between his progeny and his human lover when they were taken by surprise. Sylvie lost her life and Eric was taken away in silver, along with Pam. My guess is from there he walked the line The Authority set forth for him, took his place as sheriff and opened Fangtasia to usher in the sale of Tru Blood.
I loved everything about 80's Eric and Pam, so much so I couldn't help myself and made this.
The Eric we saw in 1986 was more reminiscent of the Eric we have grown to love... who served as a stark contrast from the Eric we saw back in modern day. Pam, however, was (thankfully) unwavering as ever. She did acknowledge that she felt Tara meet the true death, but did not falter from her search to find Eric searching the world over.
In one last effort, she mentioned the one name that would rekindle her maker's fire. The knowledge that Sarah Newlin was still alive did the trick.
Pam, she did what she set out to do and, as Eric rose from his chair, my hopes for the season were also lifted. Oysters anyone?
Back in Bon Temps, Violet gave a pep talk of her own to Jason. It's all well and good that he wants a family some day, but his timing could not have been worse to broach the subject.
At first I thought Violet's answer to him was rather cold, but she was right to tell him he needed to man up. She called to mind the men of her past in times of war, imploring her lover to be a warrior as they were in the face of adversity. Jason didn't totally abandon his point, but his overall response was I'm sure what she was going for.
Violet wanted him to put aside human emotion in this time of crisis and that is just what she herself did when she agreed to shelve her beef with Jessica until they made sure Sookie was safe. She then took that commitment to another level when she defended Jason and Jessica by disemboweling Mrs. Fortenberry. This Mortal Combat "Fatality" finishing move has become quite popular.
While everyone else was confronting reality head on, Lafayette and James were coming up with ways to escape it.
I'll never be mad at a scene where we get to see Lafa dancing in all his glory but playing chemist with James, which was genius, - along with others like the conversation between Willa and the reverend - just served to make the episode very choppy. Lafa and James especially seemed out of place given what was going on in the world around therm, but maybe that was the point. While everyone else was getting the taste slapped out their mouths by reality, these two were tripping balls on a pharmaceutical pleasure cruise. I also know the story the good rev was telling Willa was supposed to be touching, but I just felt bad for the guy if Lettie Mae was his savior. And now because she can't get her shit together, he had to kick the only person who could protect them out of the house.
The result of which left little time at the end to see Sookie's poorly thought out plan backfire, which of course resulted in yet another major death.
I don't care how well Bill covered their tracks, Sookie should have known Alcide was going to come looking for her. And fearing the worse, you know his head was going to be clouded, leaving him vulnerable.
Case in point: he was arguing with Bill about Sookie the moment he was shot. Had Sookie appealed to the man she knew loved him and made him see her point of view, Alcide could have been part of the plan and might very well still be alive. Jessica offered to turn him, but she herself was also nearly lost. She still was not healing which seems to be from her lack of feeding.
Regardless, I am a seller of the entire Sookie and Bill reunion. The same goes for Bills's familial flashbacks as he sat perched in that tree while he and Sookie played Edward and Bella.
Alcide will be missed, certainly in the ongoing fight against the infected vampires, but also in the hearts of fans everywhere.If I looked like him, I would walk around in perpetual slow motion as well.

R.I.P. big boy. You deserved better.
I LITERALLY cannot remember the last time that opened one of these post’s and didn’t either kool aide smile or burst out laughing…or both!.....GAGA-ste! Yes!!!.....btw not that sarah needed much of of a change in my eyes but just changing the tint of her hair color and calling herself “new-me”? come on boo….ur better than that. I love you more than a friend but ur better than that.
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with the whole WTFC in re; eric and the love of his life in the year Ninetendo + 1….i mean is that sht really relevant? (unless of course we gonna see eric shred all those samuri when he takes down newme…which would be pretty gnar)….
Btw---is it me or is nan Flannigan kinda hot? (LOVE that link back to nan’s limo action)
Also…I know that my man alan was looking to create suspense but when someone asks you “who dies”….the proper response probably wouldn’t be “pam……………………………………….pam lives” tk goodness the yakuza aren’t know for their swift kills or we coulda had a real problem on our hands there….
So I guess that tara really actually is gone huh?....i’m still not buying it #denial I mean how could they really take her in such poor fashion….didnt even see that ish? Come on yo
Man o man do I love me some Violet….sheeee’s my…laaaaady! Tween ripping ripping out my fortenberrys innards (finish her fatzz) and the friiday night lights speech I would EASILY spend six months locked in a cffin with her. (she gonna die sooon obv)
Alcide!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooo! As much as it saddens me that we lost a true G this week, I don’t feel all that bad for him, now that he has left trueblood and moved on to Sophia vergara, I mean if that is the true death than by all means hook me to an electric chair pls cuz im fkn IN! (nevermind now I can watch the show and NOT have to throw out my chipwich sambo everytime he enters the screen) he will be missed tho (especially by teen wolf cates, who looked like he may have cried this am when he told me he finally watched..RIP to a true G!
Laffabrown wrote: I know that my man alan was looking to create suspense but when someone asks you “who dies”….the proper response probably wouldn’t be “pam……………………………………….pam lives” tk goodness the yakuza aren’t know for their swift kills or we coulda had a real problem on our hands there….
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA what a call Cam. Great point. I totally forgot about that.
Great point about Alcide moving onto Sofia Vergara because GOOD FOR HIM. I approve. Like I wouldn't mind if he found his way to midtown east, but he's not on my Ross Geller Top 5 list (might need to revise that ish) and Sofia is Sofia.
ReplyDeleteCam- I am inviting my man to the boards per your suggestion. He needs a cool name though.
Sooo who cares about Sylvie? I'm surprised Eric cared so much about Sarah but I guess it makes sense. Pam knows her maker and Thank God about that! I just loved seeing vintage Northman this week shredding b's and not giving a F.
Sadly Alcide had to die so that people wouldn't be angry at Sook when she reunites with Bill. That the endgame here, we all know it. Last men standing. Probably J Stackhouse because weirdly he's a survivor like that.
Was really sad when I thought Laffa wasn't waking up. Those GIFs of him dancing really make my thursday.
Hmmm what else happened this week that I care about? I need Yessica to start feeding because she's easily one of my favorites and I can't have her dying on us. Simply cannot.
Can't wait for Eric's return next week, did you see that black wife b and slicked back hair he was rocking at Bill's doorstep with Pam? He's backkkkkk!!!!
Wow. After, what, two maybe three years... You guys are like kin to me. Twice now, nearly word for word Laffa and LC, we have had the exact same take on the situation. My take on the episode is from Sunday night... You will see what I mean!
ReplyDeleteI joined late. So Eric and that woman Sylvia making out in the vineyard was the first thing I saw. Who hangs out at night in a white shirt in a vineyard with no bra?Aren't a pair of wellies at least a little more appropriate? Grapes need dry sun during the day and a damp chill at night - don 't we all know this? Bring a blanket at least, people !!!
Can't help but think this kid in jail with Sheriff Andy Bellefleur's little girl looks like the kid from modern family - not Manny, but *the manny*. I keep waiting for a one liner to make me bust out laughing and its just not coming. My own fault for misappropriating, but still - so disappointing! They should get the manny on for a little comic relief. Feel like that's lacking - at least this far - this season. Everyone's all so serious.
Tara's mom Etta Mae has GOT TO GO! Watching this lady's storyline is akin to the experience of Chinese water torture (I'd imagine). If Tara doesn't come back for more legit screen time as the actress alluded to in the previews, I'll be a little ripshit. That's the only way that watching this craycray on screen could be worth it.
The social commentary on Second Amendment interpretation is nothing short of hilarious. Oh the irony! No doubt the writers are not needing to leverage the power of allegory to compare the town nitwits to our very own modern day real life gun extremists....can I interest anyone in a beer? Or a psalm? Guns in bars and churches.... Riiiigght. Bon Temps border must not be too far from Georgia. Mom always said to not talk religion or politics, so I'll digress... Except to say, separately, that I love the screen time given to the guy on guy relationships (whether a part of the real story - Laffa and James or just Jason's imagination getting the better of him with The Eric fantasy) so early in this season - not because of the sex, but because its real (as real as True Blood can be) and helps demonstrate the mindset that society - even one as backwards as Bon Temps - is moving forward. Atta boys!!! Love for all.
Didn't know that vamps can't swallow pills! Lookit that... Learn something new every day...
The deterioration of Sookie and Alcide is really depressing. And The new "refilled post drained" Bill isn't enough to rekindle the flame. Something was telling me that this storyline was going to be as long and drawn out as the vowels of a good ole southern accent. But no... in an instant, its over. Such a shame in so many ways. He fought the good fight, he did.
Not having read the books, I have my reservations about this season... But something is telling me to stick with it no matter what. We shall see. Can't wait to see what comes of Eric and if he can evoke the changes he so desires
MGC so good to have you back! That is some serious analysis of the 2nd Amendment allegory. Look at you flexin the vocab. No baby brain on you. Is it me or has Bill's voice changed? It was so flippant compared to his tone in previous seasons. He's really turning on the southern charm I guess for Sookie.
ReplyDeleteAnd Leigh, I am with you. If they mess with my Jessica any more I'm gonna have a problem.
ReplyDeleteMGC! whattttuppp - So everyone, having read the books I will tell you that they ditched following those plotlines awhile ago. It mostly turned into a lot of fairy business that was super hard to follow.
ReplyDeleteLeighcourt-----miss you boo! And it looks like there is going to be the typical battle for stupid sookie tween eric and bill…I mean..ENOUGH already with this!
DeleteM G C---------OMG! And I thought that it was a big deal when they found eric!!! This is MUCH bigger….welcome back lady…u were missed.
Of course we RIGHT on the same page with etta mae and you can believe me, she gonna go soon..she has to, she needs to, I want her dead.
“The social commentary on Second Amendment interpretation is nothing short of hilarious. Oh the irony! No doubt the writers are not needing to leverage the power of allegory to compare the town nitwits to our very own modern day real life gun extremists....can I interest anyone in a beer? Or a psalm? Guns in bars and churches....”….gd I missed u!!
I will tell you this Mgeezy---OF COURSE we have to stick out the season no matter how stupid it gets at times (which is very) I mean we have come too far not to now and with the resurgence of Eric and moreover the resurgence of MGC we all need to give this show the true death it deserves and ride off into the sunset together. We owe I to ourseleves