Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Five Minutes Ain't Shit

 A few weeks ago, Bill helped a weakened Eric break down a wall to uncover the secret entrance into Fangtasia. This week on True Blood Season 7 Episode 9, it was Eric's turn to help, as Bill dragged his failing body through the same hole in the wall he created.

It was that simple, but Vampire Bill could screw up a coin toss. He's always sort of been the Herbie the Elf of the vampires, hasn't he? Well... Jess and Sookie weren't about to stand idly by and let Bill ho-hum his way to the true death.
Sookie: Whatever this is. Whatever you're doin. You don't get to hide behind the word fate.

The look Eric gives Pam above was priceless.
Love Eric stepping in here. YOU KNOW he could have stopped the first slap too, but I'm sure part of him wanted t to slap the taste out Bill's mouth as well. Then there was

Once you wake up in a world full of supernatural beings like we've seen in Bon Temps, fate pretty much goes the way of 8-tracks and cassette tapes if you ask me. What Sookie and Jess needed to call Bill out on was how he being a coward or, at the very least, very selfish.
Sookie: I'm scared.
Eric: Death is scary. I've been avoiding it for a thousand years.

While I hope Eric goes on avoiding death for another 1,000 years, I can also respect Bill's wish to hang up his fangs and call it a career, but to quote Switch from The Matrix, "not like this...not like this." Everyone you know has just been to the edge of Hell and back and you're going to call it quits? If Bill wants to meet the true death, he should go out like Godric and face the sun. Don't let this disease, which was created out of fear and hate for your kind, take you down.
You said it Eric. Look, no one wants to father a baby smoke monster like we saw on Lost, but that was just a vision and a fever-induced one at that. Bill likening Sookie's feelings for him to a moth being drawn toward a flame was rather insulting, really. Sookie has made some bad choices in her day, but they were hers to make. According to Bill's summation, Sookie is incapable of free will when he is concerned? Sure, he has wronged her, but what relationship is free of issues?

Because Sookie would not let go, or as Bill put it, is incapable of letting go, he asked Eric to help him set Sookie free. So in stunning fashion, Eric granted Bill's final request and brought Sookie home so that he could call on her. It has been too long since we saw Eric do his thing like this.
And how bout the look Sookie gave Eric right there after inviting him in? This girl moves fast. Alcide was buried like yesterday, her first love is about to die and already she is looking to get back with Eric.
Going back to the scene in Fangtasia, Jessica wasn't about to go through the pain of losing her Maker while still connected to him. There was an easy way for him to release her after all.  All he had to do was say the words, which he did. It was an emoptional moment for sure, but a couple thingsa to note. First, how Sookie had to make it all about her once again and looked to Eric for comfort.

That left Pam alone in an awkward position, but she knows all too well the pain that comes when your maker releases you. So she went to Jessica, but also delivered a classic Pam moment. 

So Jess closed out that chapter of her life, but then reopened another as she pursued Hoyt.
Hoyt grew a serious set while living in Alaska, I guess, because not many people would walk out on a life with Bridget, just to have a conversation with Jess. It was the honorable thing to do, though, and that is, of course, the Hoyt we knew. Jason said it best, Hoyt and Jessica belong together, even if he has sort of become a dick.
Not going to lie, it was hard watching the scenes of them falling back in love. I liked Jess and Jason together, mostly because I wanted them both to be happy. If Hoyt is the man to make her happy, however, then I guess I am on board. But if he puts hands on Jason again I'll be expecting our former QB1 to knock him out for way more than 5 minutos.

Then, what of Jason, who has been my most beloved character next to Eric on the show? Looking back over the years, he has landed himself in some crazy situations hasn't he?

 Making things easier to swallow was seeing Bridget in his vintage Bon Temps Football tee. That tee has stood the test of time like all great ones do. It has been a part of the show from the beginning and deserves some respect.

Hoyt once told him he would never have what he and Jessica had, that there was a piece of him missing inside. While Jason and Bridget might not end up together by the finale, I am happy that at the very least, someone told him that Hoyt was wrong.
 He isn't just a pretty face and killer abs, but a good person as well. I will be channeling him the next time I call Delta to have a flight changed and am trying to avoid the fee. He just might want to keep those peas on ice in case Bridget doesn't end up sleeping with him.

But I really hope she does. I have become an overnight fan of Ashley Hinshaw and her body of work.

Sam said goodbye this week, having made the right choice to go to Chicago with Nicole and their baby. His life up till now has been in Bon Temps, but he was right to acknowledge how our first life ceases to exist when children are added to the equation. He is getting way more than he is losing and fans should be happy to see him go with that in mind.

There are still many storylines to wrap up with just one episode to go, but I am glad Eric took the time to give Ginger the moment she has always dreamed of. Of course, no one really wanted to see a drawn out love scene with the two of them, so it's fitting she climaxed so quickly, having gotten to live out her fantasy.

Eric getting up and smoothing back his hair after, while Ginger lay on the ground in post orgasmic bliss, was just fantastic.
Something else to note about that scene was when Eric told Ginger he was immune to the virus now, having had the cure. If true, that bodes well for those hoping to see Eric end up with Sookie, but also for Arlene and Keith's future.

There have been several scenes recently that harkened back to past seasons: Jess and Hoyt at Bill's door, Sookie and Bill exchanging pennies for their thoughts, etc. We were treated to another moment of nostalgia this week as we watched Pam coloring Sarah's hair, which called to mind the scene in True Blood Season 2 when Pam worked on Eric's hair while he talked to Lafayette.
I love Pam, but once again she ended up in silver, being used as leverage against Eric. This time it was to find out if Sookie knew about the cure. Come on Pam! Help a brother out. That is like the fourth time this season.

With one episode remaining, it remains to be seen if Sookie will end up with Eric. I think Bill is out of the equation at this point. He has taken stock of his time on Earth. His bags are packed, he is ready to go home. He just wants Sookie to let him go like Godric wanted Eric to let him go. BTW that scene where Godric said goodbye to Eric before meeting the Sun was amazing and reminded me why I fell in love with this show. Def worth watching again.

There's a growing belief that Bill will somehow end up human again thanks to Sookie's blood and the two will live happily ever after. Sookie certainly still has a part to play but I don't think or hope that is it. In fact if that does happen this will probably be my reaction.
I think her blood could give Gus Jr. the limiting affect he is looking to add to New Blood.
Of course, I would hope the cure is made available to everyone, but we all know how big pharma works.
Then again, Eric and Pam have the business savvy and know how to launch the product on their own. I have to think Eric and Gus's power struggle is going to come to a head in the finale. Threatening Pam has never sat well with Eric, which is why I think we will see Eric do away with Gus in a most visceral manner and together he and Pam will launch a new and most profitable business.

The penultimate episode of a season is often the most entertaining, but when it comes to series finale, that all goes out the window. Reactions to this season have been widely split, but with one installment remaining, I am holding out hope that True Blood won't go out like Dexter did, but rather will be mentioned in the same group of finales as those like Breaking Bad. That's a tall order I know, but here's to hoping.

P.S. I just noticed how budget looking the logo at the top of this site looks, but also an indication of how long we've been at this. My photoshop game was in its infantile stage when we started this rig.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure why im loading up the gun first here as im sure that we all should prob sit back and wait for the Leighcourt family history stories or MGC graphic stories (which lucky for all of us involve the same topic) but I’ll take my shot anyway. (but im still gonna watch very closely for the twin towers (intended) to work their way back into the fold as at this point aside from the blog is all that this show has to offer me.

    Ok so Jason is gonna get down with bridget (and holy gd that picture is INCREDIBLE) in the end doo we really and truly care abt that (besides being able to finally unveil that masterpiece)…I DID love how Jason tried to played the old age old trick that ladies have been playing since before Lilith was rockin a merkin was to tel her in the car “listen….we’re not gonna have sex tnt” EVERYONE knows once that is said and its on a persons mind its only a matter of time before we’re making up some story abt having a family photo in the AM so we can get up out of there. JS

    As for Bill and this “doing this for sookie, choosing his fate etc etc” PLEASE PLEASE jeebus just do it already!!!! And is that all that we’re gonna get out of this thing?....stupid bill dying? Can he AT LEAST decide that he woud think its only right to take sook with him and bury her alive in all of his goo?? (which I whole heartedly agree…why not face the sun instead of turning urself into grape slurpee in front of everyone???)

    “not like this not like this!!!” ….oh man, u pull my heart strings once again…and to pay back in kind although I never could for you pulling me through this season…copy and paste this gem in to a browswer when u get a chance…once of my favs

    Never watched lost so ill stay far from that link but can I ask everyone a question? U realize that sookie is a complete and utter slt rt? prob what is two days time, her BF has been murdered, she twisted one of her exes and then invited her other ex who has been his rival into her home before the aforementioned ex comes to her door to say gbye??? Nevermind the other ten dudes she has taken down along the way. I mean…..wth??? (love the Jason tied up ref’s—guy really has done his thing hasn’t he, although im not all that big on getting tied up) AND IF YOU DON’T OWN A BON TEMPS FBALL TEE BY NOW U BETTER GET UR HEAD RT!

    Now the one bright spot in this EP was my girl ginger finally getting her “due” with the big E, maybe one of the funniest scenes in shows history! Now some of the BEST have to go to godderic saying gbye to eric that was the show that I knew and loved(I really thought godderic was coming back)—btw—in the link jell put in there there are some AWESOME clips from shows past, make sure and take a look

    So how does this thing end? An hour CLEARLY not enough time for all of the story lines to end for me BUT then again I don’t think I could stand to watch half that time with it going the way its going…… godderic willing Bill is out….what of eric and sook?....the rest? Sam is really just gone? How do they close this thing out? But in the end I have a feeling im gonna walk off more like Eric did with the tennis raquet in the post!!! (only based on the last couple seasons)

    And in closing…..i think the header of this post is incredible….shows GREAT growth as u went from padawon to Emporer in the last 7 seasons!!! LOVES!
