Hopefully that was all the puking that went on this week. I'll admit i was a little disappointed with some of the acting particularly by our lead vampires. Their little mod squad dressed in black seemed so forced and fake. I just couldn't buy into Bill acting all commando.

Eric looked comfortable enough with a gun in his hand thanks to A.S.'s role in Generation Kill (a must see if you haven't) but he was at his best "rippin' and a tearin'" hearts out of mofos chests.
Jason continued to shine as he stood up to Bill and Eric.

I'm not saying it was wise to do so, but good on him for having Sookie's back. How about the look he gave Pam when she called Sookie a "gash in a sundress?" That was great. I did not like seeing my man look like Arnold in T2 though! "Thank Goddess" for Jess and her healing blood.

Pam needs some hugs after Marnie told her not to laugh too much unless she wanted her lips to fall off and then Eric snapped and ordered her to "get out of my sight before I fucking kill you." INTENSE! (Loved how Pamcakes snagged the vintage necklace off the vampire B before she was dealt with)
Jesus warned Lafa that he was going to be using a very dark part of himself. Pretty sure Lafa has seen your darkest part homeboy, bring on the demon face.
From demon face to gas face, anyone else think Holly looked like the Crypt Keeper?

Yes!!! More werewolf stuff is emerging. It's about time because just like Jessica...
Loved seeing Sam and Marcus go at it and then Alcide finishing him off like Dalton in Road House.

Were's mate for life I guess just like wolves, so that whole abjure moment was really intense. I guess he isn't just a handsome smile and a set of killer abs, Alcide's got quite the vocab. Abjuration is the solemn repudiation, abandonment, or renunciation by or upon oath, so it was a very fitting word choice. I will have to remember that one for Words With Friends.
Lafa wants to stay by Jesus's side for life I'm pretty sure but the poor guy can't catch a break. Poor guy ends up swallowing Marnie after he just got through stomaching the sight of his BF cutting himself up and talking in tongues in his Buffalo Bill voice, "Imperimus, spiritus, WAS SHE A GREAT BIG FAT PERSON, in veritus, dominus obus, COULD YOU HELP ME LIFT THIS COUCH INTO MY VAN?"
Lafa must be like enough already...
How bout Andy getting some fairy fornication. Swear to the light, bow to the dark, whatever it takes. Another good episode for him, from talking to himself in the woods...
To his recounting the whole ordeal to Arlene back at the house. Andy was on point again this week.
Amazing eye control too by him not to sneak a peak at Arlene's realness while she talked to him at the dining room table.

I really am hoping for an amazing finale. I want to be knocked off my feet like I took a blast from Sookie.
There's been talk that Maryanne returns, but I think it was confusion over hearing Tara say "she's back" in the previews. I think she must be referring to Marnie. Lafa and Jesus look set to square off as Marnie drives our boy's body like Voltron.
I'm hoping for some more old school Eric and some werewolf action. Looking forward to hearing your comments. Next stop...
Thx to queenlabrifah.tumblr.com for some of the GIFS used this week.
Love the comparison "And how about the onlookers at the emporium. They seemed to resemble some of the main characters did they not? Reminded me of Space Balls where they capture the stunt doubles." cracking up.
ReplyDeleteAnother great recap for a mediocre episode. I think the best parts were Eric ripping that Belflour family look alike's heart out and Alcide snappin his pack masters neck. And then leaving him there with his now single girl was great.
I am with Jess. I am so sick of this necromancy bullsh*t! Marnie, go away. please bring back the flesh eating, thunderhips twisting, flying, speed walking vamps and some were's now.
Lets talk about the fairy twisting in the woods. At first I thought it was some kind of a trap and her fairy pack was going to come out of the woods and harvest Andy. What was with the pinky swear promise? Are they bound to each other now? Is Andy going to be a father to a half fairy, half V blood junkie? He did make it to third gear.
I am really looking forward to a big finale. They usually leave you with a big question and something to think about for next season. I have faith in Ball.
Another VERY mediocre week i thought and again prob the best part of it all was this post.....these gif's really starting to keep me bust throughout the day, and i honestly could watch my man "rippin and a tearin" down in hedonism for hours on end, its one of those "i dont get it/this may be the funniest things i have ever seen in my life deals"....it never gets old. Cant decide whether the dude is a complete piece of shz, or if he is actually one of the most gnar people on the planet and the rest of us are fkn this thing up. i'll be back on it. Maybe not this season, maybe not the next but i will be back on it...belee dat.
ReplyDeleteand yeah, even though i love Eric's being a bad ass mofo again, i really couldnt stand the whole drinking one of his aeorta like a straw...i mean, u had me with the tearin that lrs's chest out like the dude from the temple of doom, but to drink it like a sippy cup? child pls.
Probably the best part of this whole episode was the storyline w/ Jason and Jess (i love her mamma)...i really like how that is coming together and CANT WAIT to see hoyt get merked out next week (thats all the time i have for my prediction to be true)..
Am i the only one that thinks that
1.) Jells reference to holly as teh cryptkeeper is spot on?
2.)Still wud holly very much?!? JS
Weird how it can be that close and yet doesnt affect my desire one bit. Maybe i should take a close look at my feelings for the crytpkeeper, maybe there is more there than i knew....again, will be back on that
I really dont like the way people be treatin my pam. sup with that!?...she just trying to help!? and lookin all sexy while doing it no less!..leave her alone gat damnit!
a moment if i may;
"Jesus warned Lafa that he was going to be using a very dark part of himself. Pretty sure Lafa has seen your darkest part homeboy, bring on the demon face."
HAHAHAHAH!..Would imagine that Laffa makes a demon face of his own while staring down the darkets that lsr jesus has to offer..just throwin that out there. Too much? P.s.-i cant stand the sht out of jesus, someone kill him pls.
MY "man would" Alcide!! did his thing, really did throw down the road house on the packmaster, was glad to see that mofo go, iits too bad he snapped off w/ alicdes best lady before he did, making my man look like a fool. he did what he had too tho.
Ps-cant wait to say "adjure" to someone. that sht is gonna be HOT
What the eff was the point of andy twisting that hot fairy?...i kept thinking that maybe she was gonna harvest his life energy or somthing, and maybe it was just blind jealousy but did anyone really want that too end w/ that lsr shredding her?...and all she asked for was "a pinky swear that he would protect her" in order to twist that?...I would march in mordor and fight an entire army of Orc's just to smeller her hair! A fkn pinky swear?...come on man. All i'm sayin is andy bettter die of some kinda light rash from inside his Uretha or i will demeand satsfaction and challenge him to a duel.
The finale needs to do ALOT to win me back after the last couple eps, and i find it very hhard to believe that it will....at the same time, why do we fear Marnie cooming back?..she didnt have the necromans power, the spanish B did (i miss her)..Marnie was a terd. Cant wait to watch it but really gonna be a tall order for me. i'm kind of dissaopinted already. I call now that the scene of eric and bill burning is the stake is the way that the season leaves us and when that happens may move on to boardwalk and never look back. (for a year)
Apologies on my absence but that Whore Irene took my power until Thursday so I was lost in darkness literally and figuratively...But I am back and I must say I m kind of lost, clueless, stumped, discouraged, intrigued, tingled in funny parts, scared & downright motherf'ing pissed.....
ReplyDeleteJason and the Rocky Dennis/Kiefer Lost boys burning face was just not cool nothign special about that at all ... I mean why show the weakness, show the truck scene and the FPB natural uncovered prts ..That is what I want that is what I need ...
I d be remiss if I didnt mention the wild women ...LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE ...I mean that guy is 1000% money.. I love him I'm so bummed I didn't figure that schit out until I saw him .. I missed out on everything ..the dance moves..mones... the tounge tricks ..absurd... guy rolls it no other way round it
Andy was very entertaining .. loved the whole dont go all retard on me line but the whole we made love and I was good thing ... C'mon man ... I mean I know he had fairy love and stuff but honestly was he good ??? when was last time he had sexual relations with someone other than his hand, a warm piece of fruit or in between the couch cushions( Don't judge b/c everyone with a sword has stabbed this ) Has to have been a while . I m saying 5 years min.. so my point is NO WAY he was good .. No way in a million he was 1/2way decent ... He was below avg ..5 pumps tops..3-4 maybe..but guessing 2.5
Marnie sucks...Debbie sucks ...Werewolf guy that died sucked.. Fairy lady sucks...Tara sucks..tales of Crypt lady sucks..Nan sucks.. Terry is pretty cool and he can shoot himself some guns.. Arlene not bad I like her.. Tommy dead ...
Sookie I mean her powers are pretty sweet can't she light bomb everyone and get back to teh good stuff...
Alcide is AWESOME the smack down neck snap was ultimate i'm the baddest dude in this place move & I know it ..his anger denouncement at the end gave me tingles ... thought I was listening to Coach Taylor.. If he said Clear eyes, full hearts at end I would have jumped up and done the Bernard Pollard Preseason Dance from Hard Knocks KC Chiefs...
May have more later but its been weird day and I m in weird mood...
Ok I'm glad we can all agree on how sick we are of this necromancy BS. I thought I was the odd man out bc everyone loved Marnie as a villain, but I wasn't that D with her as the crazy headmistress in 3 men and a little lady, and I'm not that D with her now.
ReplyDeleteBTW @Laffa I think that even though Marnie wasn't a necromancer, she turned out to be the truly evil one, not Antonia. Antonia wanted to end it all, but Marnie did that binding spell to suck her back in. She's the bad witch and now she's gonna haunt Laff like a scene from The Exorcist.
Jason and Andy bringing the funny at the end of the season kind of reminds me of their convos when they teamed up with Sam at the end of Season 2 to fight Maryann. (She was the ultimate badass B in my opinion and that was my favorite season.)
The aorta juicebox really freaked me out. Fairy who wanted to hump Andy was CLEARLY disturbed. Pam's getting beat on this season.
Jason standing up to Bill and Eric was a close second favorite to Alcide and Sam ending Marcus. We seriously need some more Weres up in this piece.
Also great GIFs especially the throwback Laffa "I just wanna f*ckin dance!"