YES!!! Pam is so back! What a great scene for her to finish out the season. After being dismissed so rudely by her maker who has been ignoring her all season long Pamcakes really needed a good cry and a hug and as always Ginger was there like the loving lap dog she is. Pam still loves her maker there's no doubt about that. She just really wants to vampire who she watched seduce princesses and super models before spitting out their bones when he was finished. I don't blame her and I hope the two of them reunite in a big way next season.

After a very mediocre penultimate episode of Season 4 I was desperate for a blockbuster finale. I feared that a lack of closure on some of the more lackluster story lines coupled with a potential absence of season ending cliff hangers or revelations would seriously damage the show's credibility with fans and possibly jeopardize the opportunity for subsequent seasons. My fears were allayed and then some, after Alan Ball knocked it out of the park with season's closing chapter. "When I Die," breathed life back into my love of the show and I hope it did the same for you all.
True Blood will continue on, but without Jesus and Tara. The world of vampires and supernaturals is a bloody one, but until last night, the body count had been for the most part faceless. Aside from the Mickens family we hadn't seen any major losses among the cast. Jesus and Tara's deaths, more so than a random witch or "gay stormtroopers" filled a void and brought much needed credibility to the insane world these characters are supposed to exist in. That being said, it doesn't mean we have to necessarily mourn their loss and not have any fun with it. Case in point...

Even from beyond the grave, Tommy managed to fuck over his brother one last time as we saw Mrs. Fortenberry show up at the cemetery offering up her famous Pork Rind casseroles and telling Sam to call her Momma.

I did like Sam's line about how nobody ever taught Tommy how to love somebody without hurting them. Love him or hate him Tommy was a tragic character and never stood a chance. It probably was a good time for him to check out anyhow. Poor guy still was reading and writing at an Alvin Mack level with no hope for a dogfighting scholarship to ESU.
Tommy was too far gone for Sam to help, but maybe he can help Luna's daughter Emma. First lesson should be that you don't go around telling people that your mom is a shapeshifet and your dead daddy was a werewolf.

While it remains to be seen what Emma will end up being, I think it was pretty clear that Arlene has her hands full with he own daughter. At first i thought her Halloween costume was supposed to be Arlene actually, but then I said to myself "oh no way is she one of MTV's Teen Mom's and sure enough, Jenelle Evans.

Strong finish to the season for Arlene. From her recent interactions with Andy to threatening her kids telling them if they didn't shape up they would be trick or treating in the trailer park again this year.
I'm guessing kids in Bon Temps trick or treat during the daylight hours due to all the supernaturals running around at night. That must suck. The finale reminded me that Halloween is right around the corner and that I need to start thinking about costumes. Thanks to Arlene, the Joan Rovers of Jack-o-lanterns who let us know:

It was good to see old Rene and I was happy he wasn't there to torment Arlene but rather try to protect her from some apparent evil surrounding Terry. He told her he is gonna bring her trouble of the worst kind having met the ghosts from Terry's past who he said won't rest forever. My guess is Terry was into some real dark stuff in the military and the people he killed are coming back to haunt the soldiers who wronged them. Might be why this Sergeant Patrick guy showed up out of the blue. Terry has never mentioned him to Arlene most likely because he wanted to forget all the horrible memories associated with that guy.
Rene was woken from the dead I think thanks to that "friends, spirits and ancestors" spell Sookie, Tara and Holly did conjured up a remake of the Thriller video. I thought the way Marnie went out was well done.

I'll admit she was pretty G'd up as she threatened to do harm to Lafa's body if he didn't stop resisting her spirit. And then again when she made like Billy from
Predator while trying to coax Jesus into giving up his power.

At the end of the day she was like a Hogwarts School drop out, a feeble and weak witch who got a little power drunk while standing on the shoulders of real magic. She was put back in her place though by the end as we thankfully said goodbye to that demon face.

I was a little skeptical though as to how she was able to get two bad ass mofo vampires like Bill and Eric stripped of their shirts and tied up on top of that sacrificial pyre. Either way it provided for some comedic moments between Eric and Bill and also set the stage for Gran's return which was pretty awesome. She handled Marnie like a boss.

And I'm glad I was right and
Mutedric was wrong because it meant our boy Lafayette is still alive. He's got too much magic in him, both hokus pokus and poke-a-hooka kind, to be killed off. My man is potent! A little clumsy perhaps, but POTENT.
Speaking of potent, we know how intoxicating Sookie's blood is so it was no surprise to see how grief stricken Bill and Eric were when Sookie told them the was leaving them both. I mean the whole Night at the Roxbury treatment was bound to get old eventually, were they really that shocked?

At least Eric took a shot and tried to convice her to change her mind allbeit it right in front of Bill. Luckily they were able to put their Sookie sorrow aside and deal with Nan. First off, how hilarious was the scene where Bill and Eric greeted her and her guards at the front door?

We expect Eric to do stuff like decapitate three dudes in a flash of fury, but I think even he was a little shocked to see Bill unleash the fury on Nan like that. I have no doubt they were going to kill Nan at some point but I think the puppy dog dig sent him over the edge and forced his hand prematurely which showed on the face of Eric who looked at his king as if to say whoah there partner.

I like the Bill and Eric combo. Would love to see some scenes next season of the two of them just holding court with a lair full of fang bangers. Maybe a trip to Brazil or to one of Eric's villas over seas. While one bromance was heating up another came to a violent conclusion as Jason decided to tell Hoyt about him and Jessica. Having pulled up and seen Hoyt with a chain saw in his hands I may have chosen to come clean another time, like over a beer at the bowling alley or a burger at Merlotte's. He should have taken a page out of Bob Sugar's book and done it somewhere with people around, not on some deserted back woods road. We are talking about Jason here though and he went ahead and came right out with it to Hoyt's surprise.

I too was hurt, but because I can't beleive we only got to see one of three postions. I like missionary! I like doggy! Dayum!
Understandably so, Hoyt layed the smack down on Jason, but man more so than his fists, Hoyt can really conjure up some hurtful words when he wants to. Think back to Jessica and the monster box and then to tell his best friend that he will never have true love with Jessica or anyone else for that matter.

Hoyt can have fun playing with his mom's dolls in the off season, my man Jason gets Jessica in a way Hoyt never could. When Jess told Jason she was going out to feed because the sex made her hungry he replied, "so you're gonna glamor some stranger and drink their blood." This response put her on the defensive, thinking Jason wasn't going to understand just like Hoyt, but then he showed her how different he is. Smiling he continued, "I get it, it's kind of like a hooker with kissing, not that you're a hooker." Jessica finally comfortable seeing how accepting her new man was offered to role play and pretend she was an escort at some point if Jason wanted and when she asked if they could try oral the next time I about snapped my popsicle stick too.

I loved every single second of these two together. From the way he bit his ice pop when Jessica told him to let her in, to the way he smelled her hair as they embraced on the couch.

The twisting was icing on an Awesome Cake. When Jess got the NRF's (No Reason Fangs) Jason didn't recoil at all, but instead stroked them tenderly. KID WAS ON FIYAH!!! I mean he admittedly has been with a lot of women but none like her and it showed in how he acted around her.

Another romance seemed ready to kick off next season as Alcide and Sookie both are on the rebound and each are ready to sample some other kind of supernatural. Lamest moment of the episode though was when Alcide's iPhone rang and he picked it up to learn that Russel was free. Forget the fact that he broke off flirting with Sookie to take a work call, the writers missed a great opportunity to give Alcide a cool and werewolf appropriate ringtone. Like Marcus's I bet was
The Shangri La's "Leader Of The Pack." So I did some thinking and for the DVD release I think they should consider dubbing in one of these.

It won't be a big surprise when Sookie and Alcide finally hook up, but I like the subtle bit of foreshadowing if it was infact intentional. In earlier episodes Alcide wore a brown leather jacket while Bill typically wore black.

It was most notable when they both hovered over Sookie following the battle in the cemetery. I thought it was nice imagery, the vampire who lives in darkness wearing black and the werewolf who runs in the woods in brown. Then in the finale after she broke up with Bill and Eric she went to Merlotte's sporting...a brown leather jacket. Coincidence? Perhaps, but like Kung Fu legend
Master Oogway once said, "there are no accidents."
Getting back to Russel, I wonder if Nan was responsible for freeing him. She had expressed her aversion to being "retired like a fat fucking first wife." She also mentioned the underground group of AVL and Authority members who were not happy with ther current state of things. It reminded me of the Death Eaters from the Harry Potter series, begrudgingly blending in with the rest of the wizard world, while anxiously waiting for the return of their leader Voldemort. Maybe Russel's return will liken itself to "He Who Shall Not Be Named's." Should make for a busy winter at the Eric and Bill camp.

Another bit of foreshadowing came to fruition as blood was spilled yet again in Sookie's kitchen as we said goodbye to Debbie and Tara. It goes back to what Eddie Murphy once said in Delirious about how white people won't leave a haunted or cursed house.

That house has been saying "GET OUT" for years now but Sookie can't seem to part with it and so blood continues to flow.
It's going to be a long 10 months until we get the next season, but hopefully we can transition from the bayou to the beach as we say goodbye for now to the blood and focus on the boardwalk.
Well done Chris, well done. Thanks for another great post and a full season of amazing posts. I remember when we started this, mostly ranting on email and you pulled it all together with a great blog, amazing pics, and of course very good commentary. thanks again.
ReplyDeleteNow, I dont know where to begin. So lets start with I was so happy when Marnie was gone and I paused the tv and saw that we were only 30 mins into the show. I think I would've thrown the remote thru the tv if they ended the season with her walking off with Gran. I am glad that chapter of TB ended.
So it looks like season 5 is going to bring back two fan favorites to replace the two regulars we are losing. Russell and Rev Newlin, who is now a vamp himself (or is he just dressed up for halloween???).
Russell was freed, but by who? Chris thinks maybe Nan, but I am thinking Pamcakes. She is the only one besides Bill and Eric that knew exactly where he was. She was very upset with Eric and hates sookie and her stupid name and fairy vag. Would she do that to Eric? I'm not sure, but maybe in a moment of weakness she saw it as her only way to get back thunderhips.
While Nan was a nice addition to the show and I truly liked her commentary and attitude, she was shredded by Bill. But how did he get the drop on her. She was 846 years old and he's only 140. I am going with the fact that she was distracted by Eric while he was decapitating the storm troopers.
I think we are going to see a lot more of Terry next season. I like his character development over the past two seasons. He's crazy, but means well. so we'll have to see what happens when the ghosts of his past show up. I have a feeling that Laffa will be involved in that.
Yessssssica!!!! I mean that was easily the best TB twist scene we've had in 4 seasons. missionary, doggy, her on top. Jason is classic. not only his lines, but his delivery. I am looking forward to more of them next season. Back to Rev Newlin for a min. Jason is ok because he hasnt invited him in and he also has Jess' blood in him so she'll know if he's in trouble. She would shred Newlin.
I know we have a while til next season, but at least we have Boardwalk to hold us over for a while.
Thanks again Chris.
Chris great post and GREAT pics and gifs. What an episode. I don't think we are rid of Tara for good, though. There's been a lot of speculation that she will be involved in season 5 in some capacity, maybe a ghost? maybe eric and bill will sense sookie's fear and come over and give Tara blood? Either way, biddie had half her head blown off so...
ReplyDeletePoor Laffa, he can't lose his lover and his cousin. RIP Jesus, I will miss that Brujo. Debbie Pelt I knew was a goner because of the books. Nan and Marnie can peace the EFF out, thank you very much. So glad that Gran came in to school Marnie. Shouldn't she be going to hell? Please?
Antonia had a reason for vengeance, Marnie didn't. Marnie was just sad that people didn't listen to her and thought she was weird. Boo friggin hoo, that doesn't give you the right to kill innocent people! The only thing offensive about Eric biting her was that she didn't like it.
Bill and Eric are like the ambiguously gay duo and their convos are about as good as it gets. Sook it's time to start hanging with the werewolves girl. I'm all about Alcide.
I don't think that Pamcakes freed Russell because I think it happened that day before she had a breakdown about missing Eric. Can't wait for some more Russell, he was bananas.
Jason and Jessica = dope. Terry is so crazy, but hey Scott Foley, haven't seen you since Felicity! Looking forward to that story.
Only thing that was weird was that the Fairy storyline was never resolved. Andy banged a fairy, Eric killed Sookie's fairy Godmother, we found out fairyland was actually evil, but nothing was ever explained. Also WTF Steve Newlin? Nobody's seen you since season 2. Wonder who turned him...
Chris, great work this season. Thanks for letting us all participate!
Lastly- happy almost 35th birthday to my big bro Tru-Nutz. Spoiler alert: I'm getting you a Bon Temps Football t-shirt.
See you all in jerz!
Amazing commentary uncle Chris. Especially impressed with the brown/black leather jacket allegory. While I just chalked the extra layer up to the changing of the seasons, you're onto something there. Sookie is clearly going to hook up with Alcide next, and as much as I die (Rachel Zoe new season has soooo started, sorry) for Eric, I'm anxiously awaiting to see Sook and Alcide happen. Even though Eric is "back" there's still something missing in him post Marnie glamour, it's just not the same for me anymore. Anyway, back to the clothes, it needs to be said that the costume designer on this show should be as acclaimed as the costume designer on SATC. From Laffa who is always a hoot and a half, to Arlene, to Debbie - i mean, these looks don't get any better (and by better, I mean terrible). Match that up with how amazing Pammy always looks and my goddess, they do a good job with the clothes and makeup... although i don't know which series has more fake eyelashes: TB, RHWofAnywhere, or Jerseylicious. Regardless, I'll take these ficticious characters over real life idiots any day of the week.
ReplyDeleteHoyt with a chainsaw... foreshadowing of him going totally bonkers once the news of Jason and Tara really sets in? He's going to have some terrible dreams of his own after hearing that, and I doubt he just sits there and does nothing about it. I mean, the fang scabs on his neck were still fresh when JS told him what happened and how it all went down. Yikes.
Heartbroken over Tara, man I loved that girl. Part of me wonders though if perhaps Bill or Eric come to the rescue and give her some V to get her back? I hope she really isn't gone. For her sake, bc I love her character, but my god, for Sookie. How many loved ones does this girl have to loose?
Rene coming back is wierd, why all of a sudden is he helping Arlene? He was the reincarnation of satan, essentially, last season... why do we think his sprit intentions are any better now? That said, i loved the reference to Thriller... what Michael Jackson and Thriller did for the 80's maybe TB can do for this decade? I see spirits with missing/rotten teeth line dancing in their Sunday country best in the graveyard near Sookie's house with shapeshifters and werewolves turning with every new chorus.
Tru-Nutz, i had the exact same reaction as you.. was thrilled to see that the Marnie story ended and there was still a full half hour left in the show. Don't totally get the interaction between Marnie and Antoia at the end (what, they're friends again??!?!) but still, it was awesome awesome awesome for that part of the plot (no pun intended on the plot part) to be over.
Couple questions for next season -
ReplyDeleteAndy Bellefleur - does he father a half human half fairy baby next season? Assuming that fairy was after him simply for his sperm only and not for the wild stallion he is so unlikely to be. Interested to see what his family lineage is all about.
Does Tara come back?
It would be convenient if Sookie could eventually end up with either Bill (most likely) or Eric, despite Gran saying "we're all alone in the end". I think the only way this happens is if one of them dies the true death or something. It's my prediction that this eventually does happen, and after sleeping with nearly all of Bon Temps (except her brother) Sookie does wind up with Bill in the end. I guess this isn't a question.
Will the baby storyline pick up again? Dear god, I hope not.
Will the writers just leave Sam alone for a little while? The guy needs a break and few late night & carefree runs in the forest with Luna.
Can't wait to see what happens with the Reverend. That whole storyline was one of my favorites along with the whole Maryanne/Eggs subplot. Ugh, just really good TV right there, making fun of that whole situation with the evangelists. I'm so glad he's back, I'm beyond excited to see where this goes.
Thanks for a great season Chris, and thanks for including me in the group. Plenty of laughs over these past months and all the work is much appreciated!
Wow - LeighCourt. Sista from another Mista? I didn't see your post until after I loaded up mine. It's like we were separated at birth!
ReplyDeleteMGC (3)!
Laffa - can't wait to hear from you. Sorry to be MIA the last 2 (maybe 3?!?!) weeks!
MGC- I'm cracking up because I was watching tonight's Rachel Zoe as I read your post!!! I also always notice the fake eyelashes bc I have a slight obsession and think that the makeup people do it wrong. It's nice to have another female on the boards!!
ReplyDelete...As much as I love Laffa's pervy comments and Mute's detailed dream sequences. Trust me, you can't grow up with Troy and not appreciate the gross out humor.
SHUT IT DOWN...I had no idea you ladies were Pro-Zoe. Lafayette would have been a way better replacement for Brad than Jeremiah although I think LT from Pregnant In Heels has that market sewn up. While there little room left in my heart after Jessica this season I will always have a special place for Taytlor J. She was bananas.
ReplyDeleteWOWZERS!!......sooooo much going on here!...LITERALLY OVERWHELMED by First, the level of quality content Blog, Secondly, IN THE RETURN OF OUR NEWEST MAKER MGC! (LOVE YA) AND FINALLY IN WHAT HAD TO BE THE BEST EP OF TRUE BLOOD EVER!!!..I FEEL LIKE MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE! my heart is full boys and girls, my heart is full. (friday night lights, movie kind)
Ok so, lets take a step back..i know that it's EXTREMELY diffcult to see this with all of teh great gif's/pics and content but a VERY underated ppart of this blog is the way that Jell works all the other amazeballs shows into it every chance that he gets from Eric and Kaleesy eating the heart (w/ the picture of meekus above "exSQUEEZE me!") to the final segue of this post w/ the pick of Lucy covered in blood (two weeks out mind u) that made me half to take an ipad (pornpad) break in the mens room a coupel mins back! Guy is a true gentleman of the Blog game and i respect the shit out of him. Thanks for a great season Jel! You're my everything.
Ok, so down to bidness. Like i said before even though the first twenty mins were incredibly slow and weird, the last 40 were literally the best in the shows existance!! Lemme just nip this whole Tara talk in the bud right now, no shot that she is done for good, and as much as i hate to upset my queen (shout to evan rachael wood btw) MGC, i'm actually pissed that she will back....i've had about all that i can take of the shows nubian princess (unless of course she is planning to go back to that hot girl on girl action from earlier in the year, now that i can (do) watch as much as alan (my) Ball(z) will allow..just throwin that out there. Srry i'm a bit excited rt now. Anywho, either Eric or bill will come in and save her or maybe even turn her! (that may actually be cool)
I'm soooo pumped to say Peace up-A town to jesus, man that fkn guy was easy to hate; 1.) The whole Greg Focker turned Warlock thing was incredibly lame, at the same time..did anyone else notice that the guy was suddenly able to channel all of his powers at a moments notice and had so much control over them that he could transfer them out etc? how did that happen? it wasnt too long ago that he barely knew what he was, now he is throwin sht around willy nilly?...OH! when laffa is heartbroken and misses his love the guy is like "dude, i'm dead, ur a medium....blah blah"...DUDE!?!?!? beat it u lsr. (ps... didnt realize that you could link to old post's jell..i mean, can i get some love for calling for his head?!!? not gonna lie, that hurt)
Special Goodbye part deux
ReplyDeleteI cant even BLEIEVE that i had to hear the name Tommy mickens mentioned again, i almost changed the channell and finished "dispicable me" (quality flick)..best thing that came from that was the "darnell, ESU, we're just here to welcome u" reference. Let this be the last we speak of this guy, and i thank you.
Prob the DUMBEST thing that happpened in thsi Ep (and i'm just in agreement w/ Jel here yet again...is how on earth did Marnie get bill and eric into that predicament!?!? I would have thought that it was because she was a necreomans but she wasnt! Antonia was!! So what does that leave her as far controlling these two!?! Was just silly. Furthermore this whole thing gets resolved and the three of are sitting in their sexy bathrobes getting their Heal on?!? i mean wtf was that about!?..on the one side it got me all geared up for a REAL finale on teh other side how supid was that? (SICK night at the roxberry ref tho)
amoung the things that i LOVE was that i love how Bill and Eric are on the same page now (with eric being the leathal enforcer shredding mofos heads off and eating hearts) and bill taking doown vamps that are 600 years older than him (a TRUE coug btw) i think that storyline is going be incredible next year! The rise of russel; did pam do that? (picture that in an eurkel voice) or did nan? or did the authority theselves!?! vs our grousome twosome vs the authority etc etc....gonna LOVE IT.....in teh words of bart scott "CANT WAIT"
Another thing i cant wait to see is how Dark jess gets next year! RIGHT OFF THE BAT she was like "listen jason, i'm not a player i just twist alot" so dont catch no feelings which i respected the fk ou of. ALSO, WE SAW HER BUBBIES!!! HOOORAH! i know i wasnt the only person "standing" for that!!!..i almost wore the doors off the rewind and pause button making sure i didnt miss anything there. And i DARE someone to be little red riding hood around me this year for halloween, i just dare them.
All in all a good season cappped off by a GREAT finale taht will have me waiting ten months for next year like a lsr. Luckily we have boardwalk in a couple weeks to help gets us through and i expect to see all the same faces for that one or i may just lose it!
tks to Jell and love you all (especially you MGC)
"listen jason, i'm not a player i just twist alot"
ReplyDeleteThat was special Cam! I know we still have Mutedric left to comment which is always a highlight of the week, but thanks for all the kind words. It's one of my favorite things to do and I'm pumped to transition to B.E. in a couple weeks time. Get the word out now that we have the blog and let's get more people involved and make this a real party! Glad u liked the Paz soaked in blood pic, I've been sitting on that for awhile now knowing it would be the perfect transition from Blood to Boardwalk.
Wow, amazing posts. Can't wait for next season! Thrilled you are all on the BE train. any show with Nucky as the main character, well come on, it's going to be good. i still think they should have cast Joe Gudice as Capone, but oh well, the old troll probably can't read anyhow.
ReplyDeleteAnd Laffa, I admit i agree with you on Tara. Much as i Love her, she did get a little annoying with all the paranoia this season. I'm hoping for a turnaround though, she and Sookie are like a modern day Bobsy twins. I think the show needs her. And Laffa on Zoe... bananas is right!!!
Sorry Sorry Sorry for my tardiness in my reply ..Life has been hectic, my thoughts have been scattered, my mind impure and my creativity has disappeared.. But the show must go on and I must persevere or otherwise I m no better than the guy begging for change on the street corner who is unwilling to do push ups for a dollar.
ReplyDeleteJesus, no greater sacrifice one can make is giving their life up for someone they love ...In Jesus' case he saw his lover beign cut to pieces by an evil MARNIE BIATCH and he sacrificed himself to save Lafa...Special, tear jerking moment ..but not for me it got me into thinking...SOOOOOOOO if you love someone and you have a special relationship you choose to express it you do it through intercourse aka penetration right ??? And when you penetrate someone it feels really really good right ??? Stay with me here ...So did Jesus really sacrifice anything here ??? Because since Lafa is a medium and spirits enter him and Jesus is a spirit he can enter him at any time for the ultimate penetration...So i'd imagine that would be pretty awesome you dont get to penetrate one or 2 places or even 3 you can penetrate the WHOLE thing ... Say what you want but I think Jesus lucked out .....
FPB & Jason...such a special scene in the little red riding hood outfit and the session that ensued afterwards... Say what u want bout FPB but woman knows how to dial it up .. Red Velvet hoodie and naughty stockings??? Yes please popsicle or not .. I do love the fact that b/n the 2 of them they share a whole brain b/c part of their ignorance and stupidity makes them hotter..Sometimes knowing too much limits your ability to enjoy life and everythign in it .. You always worry about this and that and never enjoy the now...If it feels right it cant be wrong and if you fuk over your ex BF and your best buddy but it is hot and I enjoying watching it then it is cool .. I sense big things for FPB & Jason next season , I sense a tangent story line where they go thru Bon Ton dominating schit then banging in various public places so everyone can watch and enjoy .. .. As Tashiro says in Revenge of the Nerds "I 'd drink to that" ..The reappearance of the Reverend was a yawn moment for me, yeah he showed fangs whoop dee doo it was Halloween ..Total costume ..But where was the wifey that Jason Shagged in the choir( who is Pam Beasley's sister and did a great dance during the Office Wedding )? Could we get a little miss sunshine with a little Flaming red head ...??? MMMM Mutedric would like some of that fire vs sunshine .. light vs dark...heaven vs Hell ..fangs vs claws thogn vs panties .. sorry I m rambling ... But u get my point this could form an interesting story line on so many levels...
ReplyDeleteBill & Eric ... u knew these guys were going to get dumped I mean any guy watching this show KNEW these guys were getting dumped ...and WHY did we know....??? Obvi bc they were too nice to Sookie and no girl respects guys that are too nice to them... Pam had it right what is so special about Sookie besides the hot body and the supernatural powers I mean what else does she have ??I mean I still remember those words coming from my 1st HS GF , the outside the pants HJ one, you are too nice >>From that day forward I swore I would never hear those words again...and I thank her for opening my eyes to that ... Eric & Bill need to move on and continue to kick ass as they did with Nan and her body guards .. Eric doing the tree clipper routine was awesome I mean I literally giggled as he mowed those dillweeds down...Followed by Bill's puppet line a little over the top ....Maybe but I mean I liked it , it just felt right and well delivered .. Nan had run her course she needed to go but.........
Russell the love muscle is now on the loose and no doubt in my mind Pam released him ... She was the one who knew where and he was and she wants to enact her revenge on Eric.. But she'd just done them all in b/c I know Russell and he is going to be one majorly pissed off individual and he will be taking names... The question is does Pam come back to Eric after all this or does she abandon completely and join Russell's group...B/c Russell is coming for the duo and Hell's Comin with him ... literally
Tara is gone for good me thinks.. I didnt want it to happen but I think she needs to go now .. she rallied mightily this year and has left a good taste in my mouth .. I dont want it ruined with another season, sometimes you just have to grab your stuff and move on ...tip your cap because the other team was better and congratulate them on a game well played..
Sam had another tremendous season of twists and turns and now that his family is ALL DEAD...whew we can focus on his relationship with his lovely mocca shifter and wonderful daughter ... Not sure where they take him next year I mean he is basically starting from scratch , well some angry werewolves are chasing him but other than that not much on his plate...
ReplyDeleteFinally Alcide , now that his heart is broken, his crazy bizatch is dead and the vamps are free he is goign to start dominating schit... Next season will be his to dominate I expect big things for him and his abs..hopefully him and Jason can have a flex off while they are discussing world events and cleaning Hoyt's body parts out of the road paver...
I'd be remiss if I didnt give a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE shout out to Jell-D thanks so much for your wonderful blog and your timeless effort to brign us somethign to laugh and think about .. You ended so strong with this final post.. Predator quotes and pictures(special)..Night at ROx major memories the action twist sessions and Eddie Murphy RAW genius I tell you ... You are a gifted young man ... Stay Gold Pony Boy.....