"In the Evening" featured some of the most intense scenes of the season and provided the stage for the likes of Jessica, Arlene and Eric to showcase just how complex their characters are.
Week in and week out, Jessica is thrown into situations of major consequence. As she has become an integral fixture on the show, I often forget just how young a vampire she is. In her scenes with both Jason and James,, we saw a woman who has matured emotionally, but still possesses a sort of innocence that makes her both attractive and tragic.
I should have known better, but I found myself shocked when Jess reminded us that she has never been with another vampire before. She knows what her future holds and her impending fate, but still searched to for answers to what it really means to be a vampire. James was as insightful as he was dreamy during their whole encounter wasn't he? He took the whole Dirty Dancing lift to new levels. Their naked showdown was one of the hotter scenes in the show's history without having to be too graphic. Jessica is to be respected. I really felt for Jason who had to stand guard while this all went down. I was sure we would see a shot of him looking through the window, but that just goes to show that while he may not that bright, he is a good person.
For as much of this show exists in darkness, Arlene has always been a ray of light and a reminder that despite all the supernatural craziness, people still have to get up, go to work and try to live their lives. Such is why seeing her so torn apart this week was as impactful as it was.
I was momentarily relieved when I saw her clutching a can of PBR and a rocks glass, but drunk as she was, her pain was still evident. The fact she lashed out at Lafayette, who she cares deeply for, was evidence of just how bad she was hurting.
Everyone in the room looked like they needed a drink after Bill came striding in. Sookie's response was epic.
I love how Andy still addresses him as "Vampire Bill." Their exchange was very powerful. And despite Adeline apparently being fed on by Eric in the previews for next week, I thought it was interesting that Holly's sons showed up randomly. There is something to this I think.
Amidst all the gloom and doom of the scene, I thought it was great how Sookie and Adeline met and realized they were both fae. Perhaps she will play a part in rescuing Andy's lone surviving daughter.It is always a treat to see him flex his vampire muscle, but we soon saw how fragile a heart he has as Nora began to fade. Eric praying to Godric, the flashback to plague stricken London (complete with that guy in the top hat and creepy bird mask)
Followed by Nora noting how they would end as they began, made her eventual death so emotionally charged.
I took solace in the shot of Bill's anguished face as he looked on, because it signaled to me that the once formidable duo were going to reunite and seriously bring the pain to those responsible.
While the aforementioned characters displayed some uncommon sides to themselves, it was fantastic to see one character looking like her old self and even getting a little yoga in. Pam was back and better than ever, as she seduced her therapist. Prison blues never looked so good, as she bewitchingly shifted about on the couch and repeatedly brushed her long locks away from her chest. The good doctor may have had only one thing on his mind, but I greatly enjoyed hearing her talk about her time at Fangtasia and her extensive insight into human desire.
Pam has never been anyone's lap dog, but since being taken captive, she has been forced into a level of obedience not usually her style, so it was great to see her take back the reins.
While things heated up behind bars, Sookie and Lafayette were busy uncovering startling truths about Terry's murder. Lafayette, as always, provided plenty of laughs to keep the episode from getting too morose. He is never short on words, but some of the looks he doles out - like the one he flashed the woman at the bank after she handed Sookie the safety deposit box -are just as hysterical.

The look on her face was very menacing, but vanished as the two shared a steamy shower scene. I'm just glad no one slipped and broke their neck.
Alcide quickly found himself in a slippery situation as well when Rikki exposed his lie to the pack and produced the very much alive Nicole and her mother. Alcide's dad appeared to be right: pack life does not seem to be for him. Let's hope Alcide can at least save Nicole and her gorgeous hair before retiring to a lone wolf existence. On a larger scale, I still am not sure what role if any, he will play in the eventual vampire LAVTF showdown. But if you really must know, Alcide and his entire bath salt slurping pack's arc is just "meh."
Lastly, how about Sarah Newlin asking the Senator to call in his version of Ray Donovan so that she could try her hand at being Olivia Pope? Drop one octave and repeat after me, that is one bad bitch on a mission. Not sure if I can sign off on the whole kissing the severed head of your former lover, but I did love that dress Sarah.
Only three episodes left, what did you think? Get at me.
Bonus Meme:
Let's kick this off right- I know I have some posts to make up for! This episode was not as great as last week's, it was kind of like The Long Kiss Goodnight. While I liked Nora a lot it was depressing to watch her slowly die.
ReplyDeleteAlways up for an Eric flashback. What was that bird mask? It reminded me of Eyes Wide Shut. Agree with Jell that Bill and Eric are going to team up again. My question is...what's going to happen once they are in that white circular room? Will Bill get them faery blood first?
True Blood writers stated already that Vamp James is going to be in season 7. I enjoyed Jessica's first romp with a vampire but felt bad for J Stackhouse. Even though she's a crazy ass bitch, I kinda want him with Sarah Newlin.
We forget that Jessica had never been with a vamp, just like Sookie had never woken up to a lover next to her and the morning sun. I want to see more of Warlow. So much has been built up about him. Why are we wasting time with Sam and Alcide and his bath salt slurping pack?? I literally HATE Alcide and the wolfs this season and it's sad because I used to want to climb Joe Manganiello like a tree. (Sorry Troy)
That's it for now. RIP Terry and I hope Arlene gets some relief. Lafayette was fab per usual. Deuces babyyy
Oh I love the Anna Camp GIF from Mindy Project!!! She is supposedly dating my friend's brother right now.
ReplyDeleteTwice in one week for me huh?......what did I do to deserve such a blessing!.....i was actually telling tru nutz today, if it wasn’t for this blog sometimes I seriously don’t think I would get through some of these episodes but then when I look at it through the eyes of you hilarious mofo’s (you too leigh Courtney) I literally start to look at the whole thing different…it’s a credit to you all it really and truly is……
DeleteSo as for this week, with some of the VERY obvious exceptions (sarah newlin kissing the decapitated mayor) I thought it really was a good one and I love how this war is shaping up, I will say that while I do like Jessica coming into her own, im not sure that I can get down eith her having Jason guard the door while she gets her guts beat by vamp mcdreamboat (credit jell…we were all thinking it)…as much as I want her to find happiness, she didn’t have to do my man like that….speed hipping this dreamboat with him on the other side of the door?...i mean who is gonna clean up all that vom for poor jay when its all said and done??...with that said…I mean can u imagine being a janitor in this place…the “sht” u must have to clean up???...dont ask me why tha came to mind
Clearly “vampire bill” is about to be on some sht I guess my question would be are he and benlow going to be the only weapon against the humans or they in some way going to be pitted against one another somehow in some plan by the humans….even tho bill seems to control him it is clear that benlow’s blood holds the key to something special
I think I remember Leighcourt saying something about Eric turning out to be our hero and Bill becoming the enemy and a the time I thought there was know way that it was possible and while bill has turned out be a lot more than we ever thought he could I find myself more drawn to erics plight then ever? Felt like I was gonna sob when we lost nora for him? Guy came a long way from speedhipping b’s chained up in his basement and sitting on his throne in fangtasia….and what is going to come of PAM and the DR?..assume she going to tear his sht to pieces yeah?
Like the 80’s movies posts from last year, im REALLY starting to love the chris tucker post’s this year….no pressure but PLEASE PLEASE keep those coming. (I know the roles aren’t many but if anyone can pull it off, u can)
Ps-- I literally HATE Alcide and the wolfs this season and it's sad because I used to want to climb Joe Manganiello like a tree. (Sorry Troy)…..HAHA….respect the honesty
You don't have that stockholder's syndrome, do you? Thanks again Jell for another great recap and some truly amazing gifs. Lets start out with our man Jason. While he didn't peek through the window and see Yessica and mcdreamboatabs thunder hipping (full disclosure, I would've looked), I think he would've been ok with the fact that she is moving on. They will always have a close connection. Maybe he can work a Yessica/Sarah Newlin threesome?
ReplyDeleteOur girl Pamcakes is back! She is going to literally twist the doc's head off. She is looking good. Eric trained her well and she'll be right beside him when they take down the camp.
Nora, you will be missed. I liked her from the first time we met her while helping Eric escape. Eric is going to rage like we've never seen before. That Dr just woke up a 1000 year old Giant. They took away his only sister and only link left back to Godric. I thought they would have Godric in a scene taking Nora home or something. But I guess he's not the oldest vamp we have on the show anymore.
I was also curious about the bird mask in the flashback to London. Did a little googling and it was part of the plague doctor costume.... The plague doctor's costume was the clothing worn by a plague doctor to protect him from airborne diseases. The costume consisted of an ankle length overcoat and a bird-like beak mask often filled with sweet or strong smelling substances (commonly lavender), along with gloves, boots, a brim hat and an outer over-clothing garment. btw, the mask didn't work. That being said, those costumes still freak me out.
Alcide better tighten up his game, get his pack under control, and help Eric and Vampire Bill crack some skulls. Otherwise they might as well write him off the show.
That is all for now.