They say fools rush in, and even I was a bit skeptical at how fast Eric moved to turn Willa, but as he so eloquently put it, he is over a thousand years old and it's not like he does this a lot. Eric has only made two vampires in all his time, if that is any indication as to how dire he thinks the state of things have gotten. @leighcourt made a great point in her TVF review this week (TY again for covering for me), couldn't Eric have thrown some turbo hips at her just once? I guess he wanted to return her to her father as close to the way he took her, if you don't count that whole undead thing now. Still, it would have been nice. Either way the whole scene was quite amazing if you ask me and overall a great showing by Eric this week.
Not a surprise to see Willa freak out on her pops like that. It is a shame though as I think he was starting to see the light. I'm pretty sure, just before there was a knock at the door, Sarah Newlin was going to bring up the idea of she and the governor getting married. Politically they would make some duo, but the whole shooting her future step daughter may have put the kybosh on that idea. Still waiting for her to go knocking on Jason's door.
Jason may have been reluctant before this week to take her up on any sexual advance, but after his little manscaping nightmare, he will most likely be looking to confirm his heterosexuality, so Sarah may be in luck.
Vampire blood certainly seemed to get rid of Jason's headaches but is one of the side effects weird food cravings? He may have been dreaming like Freddy Mercury, but he was eating like a crazy pregnant woman. That said, if eating a diet of baking soda, yellow mustard and eggs will gives you a body like his, count me in. J Stack looked like Hannibal for King on that doorway.
***Note Jason checking out his bicep a la Patrick Bateman.
As for the shaving scene did you notice how upon waking up, Jason sat up and peeked panic stricken underneath the covers to see if another part of him was up as well?
Jason did well to rebound and reassert his manhood as he strapped the badge back on and laid down the law on that kwiki mart clerk.
As @Laffabrown commented last week, Sam is a sucker for a pretty woman of color and he added another beauty to his list of exotic partners this week. 
I'm sure being able to shift into a horse didn't hurt his chances either. Which begs the question, can he just shift certain body parts and not others if he wants? Because that would be amazing. Sam's luck with women would make a lot more sense if it came to be known he was giving them the Catherine the Great experience. For you non history buffs.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment this season has been Alcide. I don't think we can blame the V anymore. He is just power drunk. Looks like next week he is going to try to blame his dad for pushing the V on him, but hey man, the choice was yours. Killing those kids was just wrong.
And my girl Rikki has also plummeted down my fan scale.
Stealing a police car, buying Nattie Light and a carton of Kools is not what any father wants his daughters doing, but they didn't deserve what happened to them.
Still got mad love for Jessica though. She knew what she did was wrong and she tried to warn them to back up off her.
I hope Bill can save them with some of his blood, because I was really enjoying seeing Andy as the concerned parent.
Bill is trying to find a cure to the vampire populations problem, and you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but the four fae girls dying would be some sacrifice. Bill is not all bad though I think it's safe to say. The bigger question is whether or not Warlow or Benlow as @Leighcourt has named him, is really all bad either. He is that blend of light and dark. Sort of a vampire version of Anniken Skywalker, he is struggling with the darkness inside him. I think his early murders of Niall's parents were in part because he was a baby vampire and had that thirst. Jessica reminded us just how hard it is to resist that fairy blood that is like, as Jason put it, catnip to vampers. And Benlow could have killed Niall, but instead banished him to that other realm, in a sense showing him some mercy right?
*Did it strike anyone else as odd, that Niall didn't know who Lilith was, when he confronted Nora early on?
No interest whatsoever in the Terry Bellefleur/Patrick murder storyline. This needs to just go away. People get away with killing folks on this show all the time, why should he be different.
So safe to say we are going to say goodbye to a major character if not two by the end of the season. I think the conversation Pam and Tara had just prior to Pam's capture was very telling. Tara will no doubt try to save her maker and in the process either sacrifice her life for Pam or the two will die together.
That's all I got, now it's your turn to...
As always another great recap from Jell! Sorry I have been mia for the past few weeks. I am finally caught up and ready to talk a little TB.
ReplyDeleteLets start off with what the show needs to drop. I fully agree the Terry/Patrick story needs to be forgotten. I've had enough of Terry and his black smoke monster hunting days. Great, we get it. goodbye. Alcide, come back to us. All the power from the pack and the power to twist whoever he wants is going to his head. I cant blame him, but they have to give him a better story line. I hope they can tighten that up in the next few episodes.
Welcome back Jason, kind of? I will admit the scene of him doing his pull-ups had me working out a little harder this morning. And his conversation with Grandpa about "straight dreams" was classic. I am glad he was back to Jason the high school football star and crackin skulls (or balls) with the Sherriff.
Andy's daughters turning into young ladies ready to have a pillow fight did have me thinking "speaking of no one is looking". Was it me or did they look even older right before Yessica quenched her thirst? Another day or two and they will be full blown Coug's. I have a feeling that they will live.
Tara and Pam story is starting to bore me. Pam is one of my all time favorites on the show, but Tara's constant disregard for obeying the rules of vampire life is starting to get annoying. I mean, "you can go hunt on your own". She's a little too young to rescue Pamcakes. I think she's going to crawl back to Eric and apologize. Then according to Bill's vision they will both be caught and ready for the true death.
My man Merlot. Guy is just doing his thing. Sitting there with his new adopted daughter sleeping in the next room, crying over Luna's death from like 24 hours ago and he's ready to twist this new chick before the gangrene eats away her leg. And I'm not kidding Jell when I say I had the same thought about if he can shift certain body parts. Or what happens if he shifted mid-twist?
I'm not sure about who is going to see the true death this season, but Warlow was left in a serious situation at the end of the episode. Btw, didn't Anna Paquin just have twins? She is looking good!
That's all for this week. looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts, especially Mute's.
@tru-nutz wrote:Another day or two and they will be full blown Coug's.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! In the synopsis for this week's episode it says something about Andy finally picking out names for his daughters. Let's just hope it's not just to put on their tombstones.
First of all- thanks for the history lesson and ew. Do you know how big a horses penis is? Have you seen jackass? I'm shuddering and nauseous at the thought.
ReplyDeleteOk so If Andy's daughters had really died, wouldn't they have shriveled up like the other faeries do when they die? Maybe they are just really wounded like that guy in the club who Niall "sent home." Will Bill try and cure them? Or turn them? Either way Andy's gonna be pissed. (BTW one of the daughters looks so familiar, it's killing me. The shorter one with the pink off the shoulder skank tank.
So no comment on Terry. Alcide better get his shit together. Rikki is a bitch I would meet out and be like you need anger management and massive amounts of therapy, I don't care how hot you are. She kinda reminds me of the girl Cam brought to someone's birthday last year who asked me if "we were going to have a problem?" in my face. Sorry I gotta call you out like that Laffa, but it's a good example! Bitches be crazy.
Speaking of bitches, Sam is movin on real quick to Denise from Full House but I could've called that a mile away.
The central focus of this week was Benlow. I think he wrestles between light and dark and like Jell said, was an uncontrollable baby vamp when he killed Niall's parents. Same with Sooks. Sookie used to the power of the pussy to knock him off his feet until she was ready with that light ball. And like my brother noted, she did just have twins so props to her. Seriously...can I get your workout regimen? Thanks.
Good to see Jason back in fighting form, hope he and Sarah meet up again at some point. In real life, she is dating my friend from high school that she starred in Pitch Perfect with. Boom.
Okkk! it looks like we’re getting the band back together man! LOVES IT! So lets get right to it….it gooes w/o saying (even tho I did say it last week) OF COURSE IT SUCKED that big E couldn’t throw the turbo hips at Willa…..i was REALLY hoping to get a peek at her goodies, but I guess now I’ll have to see her when I’m alone in my head movies, and THAT makes my eyes rain but sometimes a man’s gotta do.......Speaking of A MAN….WHAT A GREAT QUESTION IN RE; SAM!!! is he like “take a look at this face of an angel, patience of a turtle and D of a horse? wonder he is able to throw down so often with the woem of color that guy is a total G! respect…..and tru nutz; “Guy is just doing his thing. Sitting there with his new adopted daughter sleeping in the next room, crying over Luna's death from like 24 hours ago and he's ready to twist this new chick before the gangrene eats away her leg.”…SPECIAL
ReplyDeletePS—speaking of Star Wars references (which of curse I thank you deeply for) WHERE THE EFF DO YOU GET THESE GIF’S?????? YOU ARE THE YODA OF GIF FINDING (“good gif this is” “get down do you”)!!! I mean the batman?? Sarah Newlin?? Will the wonders of jell never cease??......oh before I frget, I love sarah newlin. (Earmuffs leigh Courtney) I want to make her feel very uncomfortable in her bathroom parts. That is all.
I am however going to have to disagree with your call with Alcide, like I said last week, the guy is on a multiple b twisting, annoying kid killing, wolf leading party extravaganza??? What more would want/expect from a guy like that??? he is RIGHT where he is supposed to be. Now on the side of people that aren’t where they need to be we have my boo yessica. Of course the baby b belflours aren’t dead and bill will save and harvest them and will be a Valuble weapon in the war against the humans but it was a bit nerve racking to see yessica lose her cool but yes I have to agree I did have to take a glance around the room and pull the blinds when they were throwing the pillows around and getting weird, and when they were laying their dead. Wait. Nm.
And Leighcourt I believe the line that she used was “hey he’s with me” like we were in some 1950’s diner and she was in the Pink Ladies protecting her turf
Which takes me to my last subject of interest (and our brilliant star wars refertence)…what the fk is the story with benlow?...i knew I didn’t like that handsome mother fkr…is sookie really trying to threaten his azz with that stupid ball of light she has been wrkin on? he really the olest of the vampires? HE THE KEY to vamp survival (as clearly he is a day walker and has the powers of the vamps) sup with that? where is this going? Can I get one of those Louisiana Tee shirts???
Forgot to send Jell extra respect for that Patrick Bateman reference. Su su sudiooooo