"She wants to be with me"- Franklin
"Hence the restraints."- Talbot
Franklin has become Tara's own version of Kathy Bates in Misery. But also reminded me of Todd from Wedding Crashers. "Let's play tummy sticks." Franklin shows his fangs when Lafayette texts Tara "Bitch where are you?" Franklin tries to wow Tara when he tells her to "watch how fast I can text Mothafucka." I know our own "Laffabrown" thinks he is pretty fast on the bberry, but even he has to tip a cap to Franklin's skills here I would think.
Tara unimpressed David Blaine's out of her restraints only to be tracked down by Cooter. So the wolves are indeed the day time watchers for the vampires.
Tara resorts to conversation as a last resort to reason with Franklin.
Tarah to Franklin- "we need to talk."
Franklin- "don't say that, women say that and everything goes black and I
wake up surrounded by body parts."
He wants to make her his vampire bride and offers to take her to a Shoney's in Vicksburg for her last meal as a human. I checked it out and yup there is a Shoney's Big Boy in Vicksburg MS at 3316 Pemberton Square Blvd.
Love seemed to be in the air this week. We see Terry moving into Arlene's celebrating his move into normality. He has found someone to argue and grow old and fat with. "It's normal and it's happening to me." She's a little crazy but so is Terry as Sam notes, so it works.
Lafayette and Jesus make a love connection. Was funny to see Laffa blush I gotta say.
Jessica is really coming into her own. She's not afraid to use her vampire skills to her advantage like when she glamors the customers so they wouldn't tip Arlene. Tommy sees it and makes his move by putting down Hoyt.
"That's an overgrown 6th grader right there, he's little league...you're
a smokin hot vampire, the majors...Yeah and hell yeah too!"
I have to agree with Tommy on this one. Jessica has looked amazing lately now that she finally got out of the house. Too bad Tommy is owned head to tail by his creepy father. Can their dysfunctional tale be more complex then it looks on the surface?
Glad to see the Packmaster is skinning out of town because he delivered the worst line of the week when he said "Alcide OBEY!" Might as well tell him to roll over and play dead too. WEAK.
Bills file is brought to question before Cooter comes in. Russel summons
the guard for Bill and all of a sudden it's Bill not Lorena who put himself in a
corner. Cooter comes to give Bill some "sexy good news" about Sookie and we see the old Bill snap out of his act and snarl "WHERE IS SOOKIE!?"
Talbot takes Eric on the grand tour and amidst the 16th century Japanese Vampire Erotica he comes across a familiar object. We see Eric as a Viking playboy more concerned with the busty redhead who feeds the goats than his duties as a king's son. But after Russel's wolves slaughter his family he promises his dying father Vengeance. This marks the beginning of Eric's quest to find the man responsible. The one who commands the wolves. The path which lead him to work for the SS as we saw in previous flashbacks.
Good episode for sure. Setting up a lot of good story lines I think for the future. We can only wait and see what happens. Hopefully they don't forget about Pam. I really don't want to see the magistrate stake her. Loved seeing Sookie zap Cooter with her telepathic blast. Russel seemed thrilled as well which can't be a good thing.
Not sure that I agree w/ everyone who has said "it was the best episode they have seen yet" @ the same time i doo agree that there is alot going on/to talk about...
ReplyDeletebecoming a bit redundant but have to say that Mr Ohara is really doing a bang up job here....I especially love the fact that if i want to i can now go to and have my own last meal of sorts @ the place where Tara is to have hers..well played. Probably the biggest question on MY mind is "will franklin turn tara?" i for one would love to see that happeneing but at the same time i cant fathom it going down. I think we did all see that in the scenes from the next it did show her taking a huge bite int someones neck. (my guess is that its actually franklins neck and she needs his V to heal but i would LOVE to see it be for the other reason)....
As For Jason's love interest, i'm interested to see how this plays out as well, clearly (picture that in teh J-man voice) she's belongs to someone else, whether that be another human or a Vampire or one of the were's...Obv one way or another i know that we gonna see her necked because Stackhouse never dissapoints and trust me for that, i'll be ready.
I'd have to imagine that the whole deal w/ jesus and Laffa and his mom isnt just as siimple as it seems @ teh same time i cant imagine what exactly the whole point of it would be but i guess that's the point rt?
Agree w/ ohara, jessica really is coming into her own and i'm loving her more and more by the day...she's hotter and cooler than ever! my guess is that we see ALOT more of her wild side and i would be shocked if somehow hoyts date didnt come up missing and we see just how vicious she can be (something just moved)
My final two questions would be....what is russel now gonna do w/ sookie now that he saw her powers and what will Eric now do to coot/russel and the pack now that he has discovered he was responsible for the murder of his fam.....i'm guessing that he may go back to sophie ann and enlist her help to get his revenge.
I too love Jessica, is it too late to become a fang banger?
ReplyDeleteThat girl Ken Stackhouse is going after is def going to be some sort of supernatural, maybe another shifter? She is way to weird and trippy.
I feel like Franklin is itching to get axed, he came into the picture way to fast and has over stepped him self a bit. I could see him getting off'd somehow either by Bill or the King.. he is losing it.
Laffabrown is still gay.. that part was odd.
Really liked the ending, would be sweet if Sookie was able to defend herself from any onslaught going fwd..might add a nice new twist to the storyline.
That is all
So are we all in agreement that it was Russell who was dressed like Death from Family Guy and took out Eric's family? I think it was so E has some motives behind his obsequious visit. What I really want to know though...is what is his game with Sookie in the preview?? He's so mean!!
ReplyDeleteAgree with Laffa that this wasn't the BEST episode, but rather it set up a lot for next week. Things started getting really good at the end. I love when Russell is yelling "Fantasssstttiiiccccc!" about Sookie's crazy electric power thing. He is totally intrigued by Sookie. Bill is getting seriously badass and I'm liking him far more this season.
O'Hara is onto something with the whole Jesus being shady thing...just not sure what yet.
I know what the deal with Miss Crystal Norris is so I'll bypass my commentary.
Last...maybe Tara remembers that V makes you strong and that she'll need strength to try and run away? It'd be too soon to turn her, because I think you have to sleep in the ground, etc.
I remembered last night something that I think is key about Jason's new girl Crystal. He asked her about the night of the drug bust and why she was crying. She said that wasn't her crying, in fact she never cries she said. Jason sort of shrugged it off but I think theres something more to that.
ReplyDeleteKen Stackhouse you are correct Lafayette is still Gay and still AWESOME. Don't get it twisted son and don't be ordering a burger with "no Aids on it" in my house or I will come out the kitchen like Lafayette and serve you hooka you feel me? "In this restaurant, a hamburger deluxe comes with french fries, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and AIDS! Do anyone got a problem wit dat? Aw baby, it's too late for that. We been breeding your cows, raisin' your chickens, even brewin' your beer long before I walked my sexy ass up in this mother f***er. Everything on your God damn table got aids. Well all you gots to do is say hold the aids here. Eat it! Bitch, you come into my house ,you gonna eat the food THE WAY I F***IN' MAKE IT! Do you understand me? Tip your waitress."
For starters, I'm not even sure that i want to/can call kenny "ken stackhouse" andthen he refers to the real chaaracter who is handsom/muscular and twists like u read about as "ken stackhouse" as well basically linking the two of them to one in the same. (wayt too put him in his place ohara) It's just nonsense...i think it would be much more appropriate if kenny referred to himself as "kesus" (kay-sus) going forward. anyone w/ me?....
ReplyDeleteNow to more more important matters, Leigh i think that yes we can all agree that was def russel in erics flashback (sick family guy reference btw) im obviously SOOOO intrigued by crystal and now i almost feel like i have to know what is going on, we should talk on the one. and yeah what was teh deal w/ her never crying?...who never crys? weres? menads? fairys? i'm actually crying blood rt now! (oops i've said too much)....
RE. Jason's love interest cant be vamp b/c when he pulled her over in cop car it was during the day. She might however be a ware sent by Russell or the Queen to keep Jason in check b/c Jason has something special that has yet to come out. Obviously not his intelligence. Jumping on Jessica bandwagon she seems to have gotten much sexier and comfortable with her body and her vampireness(Not word whatever).
ReplyDeleteBill is in some major shit and Russell called him out on it when he pulled Franklin's geneology map out. Russell has obviously been following Sookie and her family for quite some time because his comments about "THE GIRL" felt like she has been on his radar for quite some time. How long who knows? My question is IF Russell had an idea about Sookie before why kidnap Bill? Why Hold him when you dont trust what he says or what he can bring to the table?
Alcide's ex is banged up her attempted cat fight with Sookie although potential could have been hot stunk like a bad 80's movie girl fight. Lots of tough talk and maybe some hair pulling but no haymakers. Alcide realizes he needs to step it up especially after his pack master is a pansy. But he has no idea where to start I have an idea after his Bill encounter, he and Eric and Bill will be joining forces to destroy Russell. All to win back what they have lost. Bill his humanity, Alcide his crazy V'd up bizatch that he loves and Eric his revenge. I know the previews showed Eric attacking the queen but think she may be a casualty or collateral damage.
Short thoughts. Sam's family banged up think the Dad is a diddler which makes my skin crawl. They are going to make Sam regret bringing them in if he doesnt already. Continuing with the same sex having sex theme Jesus & Lafa, I understand a guy's got to have his special somone but does it have to preclude the drunk father looking to take advantage of his son scene? THat was lil too much for me. Understand it and not hating on it jsut saying it was a lil overwhelming. Franklin is beyond banged I mean that dude is so far gone there aint never coming back from that. But you know what I dig that, I mean at least he cares a little too much but he cares. And he is very passionate about the way he feels and what he does, that right there kids is pride and you cant coach or teach pride. You all say boo Franklin I say I applaud you Franklin, it is completely normal to duck tape a woman to a toilet, tie her to a bedpost, put her in creepy white Grandma nightgown, cry tears of blood while professing your love for her, turning her to your vampire bride,cat fighting with Russell's lil house boy and spying on your soon to be vampire bride's best friend while serving your master.. Oh and he likes Fresh Fruit ... I salute you Franklin you crazy sumabitch..
Also.. Yes that was Russell who sent the wolves to kill his father and father. That is probably what drove him to becoming a vamp, eternity to find his vengence. Eric is coming and HELL's coming with him ....HELL's coming wiht him
ReplyDeleteFranklin is the man. He's probably very old, very powerful and has seen it all. I have a feeling he's been roaming the earth longer than most of the cast. I think he knew Godric back in the day and he is just as powerful. He could, because of his age, be a vamp in power of a territory, but he chooses not too. I think he just doesnt give a fck. He's as crazy as they come and I think he'll wind up doing whatever Tara wants. Maybe he'll help Bill, Eric and Alcide in the end because thats what she wants.
ReplyDeleteSookie seems to be coming into her own. i think she almost knew she could zap cooter when he went to get her. I have a feeling that she is learning how to control her powers just like she has mastered her vulcan mind meld.
Stackhouse and his girl are going to be a key part of this season I think. I dont think she is a Were and i know you all dont think she's a vamp. But lets look back to season one when Bill told Sookie that there are Vamps that can be in the sun. Just a thought.
I know there is more to the Jesus/Laffe romance than just a romance. Jesus is after something. i'll just have to let this story line play out.
As far as Sam's family. They really creep me out. I am with Mutedric on this one. As Sam's adopted mom said "they are bad people, you dont want them in your life".
That is all for now. Great recap Chris. keep up the good work.
Mute---as per usual you dropped some serious science on us all....it's gonna take me awhile to digest all that,...troy--medicos. Also, more importantly did u all miss this?
ReplyDeleteLaffabrown said...
For starters, I'm not even sure that i want to/can call kenny "ken stackhouse" andthen he refers to the real chaaracter who is handsom/muscular and twists like u read about as "ken stackhouse" as well basically linking the two of them to one in the same. (wayt too put him in his place ohara) It's just nonsense...i think it would be much more appropriate if kenny referred to himself as "kesus" (kay-sus) going forward. anyone w/ me?....
You trying to say jesus christ can't hit a curve ball? Yes I like the Kay-sus nickname as punishment Cam...well done and let's run with it. Also...Troy brings up a good point about the Vamps who can walk around in the sun light. A whole new breed of awesome. Like when they released the Dinobots to go along with the transformers.
ReplyDeleteDINOBOTS SMASH!!!....what a reference. kid has a gift!
ReplyDeleteLaffa, I dropped some hot fire on you in my post. Read it carefully next time and preferably with pants on.
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about daywalkers and Laffa is playing little league talking about Kenny Powers.
That is all for now.
The stegasaraus dinobot was the best ... he was fat , dumb but his tail was a bad ass. Those dinobots were always getting into trouble
ReplyDelete"im just kididng its me kenny"....
ReplyDeleteFair enough bro....well played, i guess i shoulda paid more attn to ur post, problem is when people post on wednesday afternoon that brings them doown a notch in my book, and unfortunatly in ur case trader troy there are no negative notches.
Why are there 2 Laffas?? who is LaffaB? And Troy when did Bill talk about vamps who can walk in the sunlight? I'm going to have to look into this.
ReplyDeleteFranklin is a freak, but he's hilarious. I think he is a great addition to the show.
I completely forgot to comment on Sam's dad. As much as I think Joe Lee is a freak in a bad way, all I think when I look at him is how badly he needs to wash his hair. I guess that's the girl in me, but he is like a mangy mothereffing dog.
Cam hit me up if you wanna know about Crystal.