Tara can't come to the phone right now Lafayette, she's being held captive by a cheeky deranged vampire, please leave a message and she'll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
Franklin asks about Sookie's telepathic powers but we learn that Franklin's employer is not only interested in Sookie but even more so has questions about Bill Compton in particularly. He glamors Sookie so hard I wondered if she can even remember who Eggs was. When he was talking for her I was sufficiently creeped out but impressed at the same time.

Bill will have to put up with Lorena a bit longer so maybe we'll see him hit her with another uppercut like Mike Tyson taking out Little Mac in Punch Out.

Sookie unfortunately can't see Bill's hate for Lorena as she fields the break up call from him. "I am DEATH." Lorena and I, you know'd, like only two vampires could. Bill's cold delivery was clearly an attempt to hide his real feelings and had him coming off like Eric when he tries to hide his feelings for Sookie when he is around her.

Eric has some competition though with this Alcide character. Although still hung up on this Debbie, that dog definitely has a red rocket for Sookie. He runs hot for our girl.

Jessica is recognized by a bible beater from her home town. I thought she was going to have another body to hide beneath the floor boards, but luckily for her there is that whole glamour trick. Kudos to Jessica for using her head instead of causing someone to lose theirs again.

Jason finally found someone he can confuse more than himself. We also may have founf his soul mate in the blonde he saw in the woods that night who we learn lives with the guys Laffa tries to sell the V too. Loved when she offers to go get the Dirt Devil obliviously.
Sam's family are dead beats. Bill glamors a peeler for a late night snack, Sookie doesn't have a nut sack, the only way to get ahead in this town is to drink like a fish, hallucinate and fondle farm animals and kill a black person...promotion!
Life is a hell we'll never get out of alive but this show certainly helps.
Where where to begin.....first i have to say that maybe the scariest thing about this show to me these days is how well put together this blog is after it's all said and done....kudos to you ohara...now lets talk turkey;
ReplyDeleteFranklin.....so is it safe too now assume that he works for Russel and crew?...and why on earth is he/everyone torturing poor tara?...can this girl EVER catch a break?
Also, maybe it seems obvious to everyone but me but what is russels main reaso for uniting the territories? and what is it exactly that he thinks bill can do in order to help facillitate that?
Sookie....for someone who is soo in love w/ bill, she really coomes very close to almost hooking up w/ everyone in sight when the opp is presented, (read;Alcide and Eric)....not that i'm mad at her but why is she so suddenly in heat?
Looks like Eric is finally putting "operation get rid of bill" in place w/ the kidnapp w/ pam, 1.) where is sophie ann in all of this 2.)is there any shot that the king of mississippi can protect bill from the magestrate? and where is this whole plan to get rid of lorena going? is that even a possibilty?
TY Cam for the kind words. although I despise him I feel like Russel when he bites his arm and pours out the blood for all the WW's. I give you guys everything I have. "DRINK!!!"
ReplyDeleteOk boys & Leigh,
ReplyDeleteFirst, I think the more and more I listen to Franklin the more I like that dude. I mean he is banged up and quite creepy but I enjoy it beacuse it adds a whole new dimension. Like he works for Russell? Free lancer for someone else? because he is clearly not fondly viewed when he enters the house in Jackson. He knows about Sookie but is very aware of Bill and his Modus Operandi. But who is his ultimate boss? And any dude that can get really weird and say he misses good fruit is a score in my book.
Jason Stackhouse is rounding into form his throw down with Kitch(Wish I had thought of that name) was epic he actually dominated him. I know he is going to struggle with day to day police affairs but that dude is going to be a major player this year.
Sookie in the dream sequence with Eric was uncomfy, I mean that 6 pack and her dirty talk caused a pause moment on the TV.
Alcide knows something is going on and I have a feeling he knows it goes above and beyond Russell. The queston is what does he know ? why is he holding it close to the vest ? and how on God's green earth did he not take advantage of Sookie in her time of sorrow? I mean she puppy dog eyed him and he cowered I was so pissed.
What does he owe Eric ? What does he know?
What's with all the V on the market both states supplying it albeit different ways but still disgracing the blood. Russell has obviously been doing this since WWII but I imagine it has gone on longer than that. What are the repurcussions from all of this if the Magistrate finds out ??? Or does he already know Russell hs been supplyinh werewolves for years? Is this whole thing a way to clean house and start over with new leadership or is this a financial powerstruggle? Sorry more questions than answers I m just torn between the different directions this could be heading in and not sure what I think at this point.
The Post Mortem clip of the vampire turning states evidence. "you think the financial crisis was really caused by a few bad mortgages in Alabamma?" or something to that affect. i think Mute is right. theres a lot more goin on here. national/global implications. What purpose do the werewolves serve. Why has russel spend decades cultivating their loyalty?
ReplyDeleteGreat show, Great season. I would say the best season so far. Lots of vamp powers being shown. Bill putting a smack down on lorena, Eric flying, Eric fkn up the red neck V dealers, etc.
ReplyDeleteJust for full disclosure we had a TB showing at my place with Laffe and Leighcourt. We talked about the show before we blogged. The only thing Laffe said the whole show was something about Alcide being a dreamboat. And I didnt argue. Why is he holding back with Sookie? He cant be too into that V-head. She was just gross. I honestly thought when Cooter turned to a Were on the stage that he was going to mount her. but then again my mind tends to wander.
Bill wanted to come to Sookie's rescue when he felt that she was in trouble. i wanted him to get there and save her so bad, but he has to keep up his front with Russell. whatever that plan might be.
Jason is still a show favorite. From season one when he was taking anyting down with a pulse to now when he's punking young Jasons in his hood. "Kitch, thats a winning name" guy has the best one liners.
That is all for now.
What is Bill's motive to separate from Sookie ? Does he have a plan or is he doing what he thinks is best for her? Alcide has obviously been hurt/burned, but he knows something and holding back why? is he afraid of who he is ?
ReplyDeleteGreat blog Chris. I'd like to know what Bill was doing before he showed up at Merlotte's in the very first episode. If he was the Queen's procurer, why did she let him go? Flashbacks show him with Lorena at the turn of the century and in the 1920's - what did he do for the next eighty years? Franklin must work for someone more powerful than Russell - he is clearly not afraid of him. So now we have good werewolves - Alcide - and bad werewolves - everybody else, to go along with the good vampires and bad vampires. Are they setting the stage for a civil war?
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic viewing we had on Sunday night. And yes Laffa did call Alcide as a dreamboat. I agree. You should all also be jealous because Melissa made us homemade chipwiches during the show, oh SNAP.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Sam's family is just getting too annoying. "That kid's cheese done slid right off of his cracker." I mean really? And I like Sam so I want him to get a better story line.
They better stop with the Sookie and Eric dream sequences. That girl needs to twist somebody new to get over Bill. Whether or not he has to pretend and act differently to prove loyalty to Russell, he doesn't need to eff Lorena. I don't care if it's hate sex, it's still sex. She's so annoying.
However mean Bill is acting though, I kinda dig seeing a less whiny, boy scout, side of him. As for the wolves, sadly my thoughts run similar to my brother's and I did think Cooter was gonna mount D-Pelt who looks like an ugly hooker from an 80s flick.
More Eric and Pam, More Laffa, Cut Tara a break, Sookie and Alcide should get down. That's my bottom line. Oh and Franklin is amusing and might I add thoughtful for tying Tara to the toilet, in case she had to go.