Russel invokes John McEnroe to open the week up when Bill attacks him.
"Are you serious? I am almost three thousand years old."
Even Eric was impressed with how easily Russel dispensed of Bill in the opening scene. Russel basically told Bill, "
your Karate's a joke Larusso!"
Eric jumps on the Russel train for now, probably realizing his bid for "Vengeance" is not going to be as easy as he thought. He proves useful to Russel as he has no problem putting Sookie in her place..."It thinks we are equals."

Did you notice how Russel sniffs Sookie like some animal would? Maybe she smells like humans used to. Like a fine wine, as opposed to the Franzia Box-o-Wine's of today.
Talbot cracks me up with how domestic he is and when he screams about the house getting trashed. "Do you care nothing about opur home??? You never take me anywhere instead you prefer the company of sycophants!!!"

Sookie threatens Lorena and she revels in the opportunity to rip Sookie open and wear her rib cage as a hat now that Godric is not around to save her. "In the spring, we'd make meat helmets..."

Eric did not take kindly to her insulting his maker but he is staying focused on his ultimate goal. Loved when he tells Sookie to shut up. She was pretty unbearable this week I felt, but a necessary evil nevertheless. She did look pretty amazing I have to admit during her game of "quid pro quo Clarice" with Russel.

"A husband's work is never done..." Russel returns to question Sooki in the library whilst buckling his belt after repairing the state of affairs of his marriage to Talbot. The question session was great. "That's two questions...MY TURN!" Sookie was visibly upset to see the file Bill had been keeping on her and I forgot about the time she threw the chain and it wrapped around the guy's neck. It was back in the very first episode in season 1, when that guy and girl were trying to drain Bill in Merlotte's parking lot.

The dance going on between Russel and Eric is interesting. Eric clearly trying to win the affection of Russel to gain his trust and get him in a vulnerable position. In the meantime Russel opens up about his arrangement with the wolves and how he agreed with Hitler that there is a master race, it's just not human.

Sophie Anne playing the Deuces Wild scratch and wins was classic. Someone commented awhile back that she should just rob a bank, but it sounds like the vampires are not as free as we thought. They are monitored by their own governing body as well as human government agencies like the IRS. Apparently the Right Wing is fearful of Vampires running Wall St. My mind went nuts with this one.

Eric puts "The Queen" in her place reminding her that he is the older and stronger vampire and has submitted to her only out of respect up till now. He tells her he will rip her head off and throw it in the pool and to go fuk herself. I don't think she got all those pearl necklaces from fukking "herself" over the years though do you?

Lafayette asks Jesus, "Does the term Satan in a Sunday hat mean anything to you?" Turns out Laffa is the evil one in Jesus's mind when he finds out about the drug dealing life of his new man. It was a shame the night had to end like that. They had so much fun playing pool. Then Jesus tell Laffa about feeding shots of tequilla to
"Jobu." They beat the crap out of Crystal's fiance' didn't they? Love when Lafayette gets fired up like that..."Go tell your momma two f-ggots whooped ur ass bitch!!!" Jesus though not so impressed.

Tara picks up where her cousin left off when she absolutely owns Franklin. I had a couple questions though about these scenes. Why is is when Franklin runs to jump on the bed to show Tara that he has shaved does he not use his vampire speed like all the others do. Instead he sort of awkwardly hops onto the mattress after telling her "I won't be policed Tara." Then we don't really see Tara feel the affects of the V. Am I wrong in remembering that Jason would be tripping for hours on end when he took it? And lastly do we really think Franklin is dead?

Jason gets all pissed off about Crystal pretending to not know him. I would be upset too if I dusted off my varsity letterman jacket and bought some flowers. I thought she never cries, but didn't we see her shed a tear back in the woods earlier? Jason rejected and ego bruised has had enough so he decides to take care of his case of "Kitch-lash" when he sees the new "QB One" running a "naked boot" in the back seat of his car.

Jessica's lessons with Pam paid off as she now knows when to say when and is able to feed without killing the annoying patron. Really can't get enough of her these days. She is just so amazing.
Tommy and his mom would have been first round draft picks for Michael Vick it looks like as we learn they shift and fight for Joe Lee in the dog fighting circuit out of Union Parish. Would have loved to try one of those corn fritters cooked in bacon grease.

So I have referred to him as Swayze Wolf before when he was at the bar doing shots with Sookie, but it turns out that Gus, who Sookie and Tara beat up is actually none other than Don Swayze the younger brother of Patrick. Patrick would have been ashamed of the fight his bro put up.
Dalton from "Road House" would never have gone out like that.

There was a lot of talk this week about age and seniority. I have read on some other True Blood chats that the older a vampire the longer their fangs should be, but after doing a comparison I don't know if that is necessarily the case. If I'm wrong, does "Fang Envy" exist amongst vampires. Like do young male vampires go brush their teeth in the bathroom stall at sleep away camp? Can female vampires get fang implants? Discuss amongst yourselves.

Lastly Bill and Lorena take us back in time with the Billie Holiday music, the old classical language and the midievil torture tools. I think those tools she was using were the same ones they used on William Wallace at the end of Braveheart. Lorena never looked better though and I loved the dialogue between her and Bill. You really got a sense for how much history they shared. We finish the week out with Lorena feeding on Sookie and us the fans thirsting for more.
Here is a
LINK to see some scenes from the second half of the season if you'd like. It's ramping up nicely.
Inn the words of a fellow negro friend of mine..."allllrighty"....lets get down to it..for the one millionith time i had to commened you Ohara on the work, very very well done.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the episode was def a goood one...just not quite as goood as i thought it would be, and for the second week in a row it looks like next week is literally gonna be insane!...so this week started w/ ruseel making a damn fool out of bill (after bill thrashed one of the bodyguards)/there was a moment where lorena threatened sookie and in part Eric (now that godderic isnt around) and where Eric let the queen know that he is actually much more powerful than her but has let her act the way she has out of respect. My point is...what is the deal w/ age and strength or "power" vs actual vampire lineage?..i dont get how Eric could be stronger or older than a queen. If that is the case why wouldnt he have been some kind of royalty himself, with that being said does this mean that russel is clearly more powerful than Sophie ann?...and if that were the case why would he need to "ask" her for anything?"...and where does the magestrate fall in to all this?...i guess im getting a little lost in the actuual heiarchy of the powers that be. Leighcourt?
So is Crystal a supernatural or was her secret just that she was married to that dude that hates laffa?...was i imagining it or when she was w/ jason in the woods did she sniff the air like an animal before she said she had to go? I really hoope that there is more to that story than this, and more to the laffa/ke-sus story than them just being lovers as well. (i thought that was a little overdone this week)
I think that there is no shot that Franklin is dead....i'm not sure why tara didnt just stake his azz when he had the chance but u KNOW ur gonna see him again.
Looks like bill is gonna become some super Vamp (that can go out in the daylight) after he feeds from sookie after stupid cooter and his V whr and I would have to guess that he will be going straight for lorena's chamber to finish her off while she sleeps....more improtantly did anyone else notice that it looked like eric may be taking out russel in the scenes?
Don Swayze. May Dalton rip. Nice work on that find O'Hara.
ReplyDeleteI thought this week was incredible. My favorite line was def "I would wear your ribcage as a hat". Lorena has really picked up her game this season. And I like it. I can see how so many men could be caught in her web over the centuries.
Real quick on Crystal. I cheated and know what she is from Leighcourt. I wont ruin the surprise, but its good. could be an interesting story line for her and maybe even Stackhouse.
Now lets get into the serious stuff. Bill had some major balls to attack Russell like that. I know he is only 170 years old but he has the heart of a much older vamp. I think age determines strength. Blood lines determines rank in the Vamp society. Just like it does in our society. You can only become King of England if you are a Prince and so on. So Russell's maker must have been someone of importance in the Vamp society. Same for the Queen even though she is only 500 years old.
In the scenes for next week we see Bill in the sun. I have a theory on this which i touched on in last weeks comments. Bill talks about Vamps that can be in the sun in season one. Daywalkers, just like my man Blade was. They also show in the scenes Bill drinking from Sookie. Presumably after she is freed from Lorena. I am thinking she is freed by Alcide and Tara. Sookie than offers herself to Bill to save him. then he says "I'm sorry, I couldnt stop". Sounds like he almost drained her. So then we see her in the hospital. I think we find out "what" she is during her near death experience. and the "what" Sookie is, is what makes Bill become a Daywalker. I think this makes him one of the most powerful Vampires we've seen regardless of age.
Now that's some hot fire. Thoughts?
And on my man Franklin. He's def not dead. I think his skull smashing will only turn him on more to Tara because he's a real sicko. We're going to find out that he is older than everyone and was someone very important. He just doesnt give a fk anymore. Just my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteNice one Cam on Crystal sniffing the air. she was on all fours and very animal like. I forgot to mentioin that. DAMNIT!!! I QUIT.
ReplyDeleteEric definately feels like the guy who has more experience than his superiors but keeps getting overlooked. He's not gonna do what everyone thinks he's gonna do which is FREAK OUT...maybe he will oust Russel and become King like he was destined to be and wear his father's crown around.
I'm starting to warm up to Cooter. He is pretty funny in a Jason type way. "I'll do you one better...I'll steal it for you."
I like the idea of bill drinking too much sookie and becoming basically a super vamp, because once he can negotiate his way through the daylight then basically nothing can stop him because he can kill the vamps while they rest (read;eric/russel/lorena)...reminds me, what direction in eric gonna take in this whole thing?...he's def gonna aide in the killing of either sophie ann or russel or both the problem is which way to you play it to take them both? i see this season ending w/ Bill and Eric having soome sort of epic fight w/ eric in a postion of serious power (i.e king of one of the territories if not both) and bill being a "daaaywalka" (nice blade ref troy)...also now i NEED to know what crystal is
ReplyDeleteI think Crystal is A werewolf ...She runs very hot which Alcide said is part of being a werewolf. and the sniffing scene kind of confirmed that for me.
ReplyDeleteAlcide and Tara come to Sookies aid when they hear her scream and probably bring sunlight into the room to make Alaina retreat.
My main man Franklin is going to be very angry and even crazier which I am excited to see more than you could imagine. That guy is so banged up I like him more and more.
Eric has one thing on his mind and that is Vengence. Loved the way he put Sookie in her place as he schemes a way to kill Russel. No doubt a reckoning is coming and I think Eric ends up saving the day for Bill as well. His connection with Alcide will prove to be noteworthy in this next episode I have a feeling. Eric may not know what Sookie's gift is but he knows he needs her and he knows that he can't lead anyone else on to it for it would be viewed as a major weakness. He is taking on a Deniro (Heat) approach, you have to be willing to walk away from anyone and anything on a moments notice. That is the only way he can keep his thoughts and mind clear to the task at hand
Sam's family dogfighters ho hum not very interesting story line to me seems like filler.
Lafa/Jesus was very weird and uncomfy for me not b/c of the gay but Jesus awful super tight purple shirt, Liberache goatee and poor kissing technique.(too soft and feminie for me)
how come jessica can't be devirginized but Eric can cut his hair and Franklin can shave. I thought how you were at the time you were turned was how you stayed for eternity?
ReplyDeletelove the day walker twist.
Crystal was addamant about no one owning her while Joe Lee was adamant about owning Tommy "head to tail." She must be a shifter of some sort but she runs free like a feral dog.
it's funny...i actually thought that J-stack was gonna treat her like a feral doog as well, needless to say i was extremely dissaopinted. As for Jessica being deflowered maybe she also needed to get the "feral treatment" from someone besides hoyt as well.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin
Franklin in his silk pjs acting like a giddy school girl jumping on the bed to show Tara he shaved- really love him. Franklin and Russell are the stand-outs this season. And I don't think he's dead either.
ReplyDeleteY'all are getting "warmer" about Crystal. If you rewatched the minisodes that HBO aired a few weeks before the premiere, you'd see the answer. One thing to remember is that when Eric saved Laffa "Let's go Rupaul" in Hotshot, where Crystal lives, he said something about brother cousins. They're kinda overlooking it but Hotshot is a bit of an incestuous community. Crystal definitely doesn't want to be with her fiancee and it seems arranged.
I think my brosef is on par with Bill almost draining Sook and then somehow getting powers. She will def find out "what" she is next week. I don't remember anything about Daywalkers, but it could be possible.
Tara is badass. Finally she's doing something besides crying! When she's pretending to be the maid and talking to Don Swayze, I just loved it. She and Alcide will likely team up. I think Lorena has reached her end somehow. How much more can they really do with her? I know you boys are fans but she's annoys the sh*t out of me.
I don't know who Eric will end up siding with in the end but I think he has far more vengeance against Russell than Sophie-Anne. I love Evan Rachel Wood in the role of the Queen so I'm happy to see her back.
No comment on the Michael Vick storyline because I flat out don't care. I also don't get where ke-sus is going but he's shady. My boy Laffa don't deserve that.
Love everything Leighcourt besides the bad-mouthing of lorena. NO YOU DIDNT!
ReplyDeleteHey everyone, I'm one of LeighCourt's friends and let me just say, this blog is amazing. I actually laugh out loud while reading it!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I'm obsessed with Franklin. I LOVE James Frain, loved him on The Tudors, and as the psycopath Franklin he's even better. Anyone else read this article on NYMag? http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2010/07/james_frain_true_bloods_most_d.html Absolutely amazing. I could watch him act like a petulant school girl all day!
I agree that I hope Lorena reaches her end soon. I'm kinda hoping that Eric will sense that Sookie is being drained (not that it would bother me if she was because she's pretty annoying when she's not telling Bill to "shut the fuk up") and he'll kill Lorena to save Sookie. Since he has the ability to fly, he could totally get from the Queens mansion back to the King's, as long as he covers himself up from the sun! That or Alcide and Tara will somehow save Sookie from Lorena. Either way, I'm guessing Lorena dies next week.
As for Jesus, something tells me he used to be an addict or something and that's why he flipped over Lafayette being a dealer. That whole thing with tequila offerings was slightly bizarre, but I love that Laffayette finally has a love interest!
Just some last minute thoughts:
- Arlene making a cross with her fingers after Jessica's fangs popped out was hilarious.
- They better save Pam soon because I LOVE her!
- What IS the deal with Jason tripping balls on V but everyone else doesn't? Is it because drinking it fresh from the source (or from Russels arm into shotglasses) has a different effect then when it's been sitting in a vial for days? But if that's the case, then in the first season when Jason and Amy kidnapped the vamp, why did they still trip on his blood? Weird.
- I'm just kinda annoyed by the whole Mickens family thing. Honestly, I just dont' care about any of them. Sam is kinda annoying again these days, and the rest of the family is just creepy and very white-trash cliche.