Just flew back from South Carolina last night so I have yet to watch this week's episode but I will have the recap up and ready by tomorrow I promise. In the meantime check out who I ran into in the elevator at the hotel we were staying at this weekend. I first recognized Michael Emerson a.k.a Ben Linus from LOST. As we were waiting for the elevator doors to close I turned to him and said "I don't mean to bother you, but I'm a huge fan." I extended my hand and he shook it with a smile and a thank you. I told him I thought LOST was one of the greatest shows in television history and that he portrayed one of the most diabolical characters ever. Just as he was thanking me for my kind words, a spunky red head to his right who had been hidden from my view, leans forward and asks "do you ever watch True Blood?" I myself leaned forward to see none other than Carrie Preston. I responded to her "Do I watch True Blood? You bet I do Arlene, in fact I write a blog about your show every week!" She could not believe it. She shook my hand and introduced herself. She asked about the name of the blog, how many readers it had and where she could check it out. As we all got off on the same floor I said "look I don't mean to be a bother but would you mind very much if I got a picture with you for the blog?" She said of course. Michael Emerson, who I did not realize is her husband of 12 years stepped aside as she put her arm around me and posed for a few shots. Then Michael posed with me for one as well but first took off his sunglasses and put on his reading glasses for the shot which I thought was a first class move. They could not have been more amazing. Carrie I had not realized appeared as Ben Linus's mother in a flash back scene from LOST and they are hoping to have Michael do a guest appearance on True Blood at some point. They were in Charleston, SC for a reading of a new play they are both in. They looked like a great couple together. Yesterday morning as we were checking out I saw Michael coming in from walking their dog. I fought back the urge to stop him once more and ask if I could hear him say "Jacob is not the kind of man you go and see. Jacob is the kind of man WHO SUMMONS YOU!"
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