We open the week in the wake of Eric killing Talbot. Eric and Pam need sanctuary from Russel who is surely coming after them. Eric tells Ginger they need to use her house where they will be safe from uninvited vampires, but can't Russel still send in Wolves to bring them out?
Before we get to find out, Eric and Pam are visited by Nan Flanagan and her VLA storm troopers, who seemed a bit overdone in their get ups. She orders one of the soldiers to "silver" Eric. Did it do anything more than just burn him? Was that really effective and or necessary?

She is there investigating the disappearance of the Magister and Eric tells her she need look no further than Russel. The Authority hears Eric's story via Polycom web cams. Eric says he kept quiet because the Authority is only a few hundred years old and he has been waiting a thousand years to get his vengeance for the slaughter of his family. Pam is shocked having never heard this from her maker before.
Eric speaks of days filled with shape shifting jackals and the Conquistadors' wart hogs, letting us know that there are still a great deal of other creatures out there we do not know about. He tells them Russel poses a threat to their very existence.
The Authority initially does not believe his story and detains him and Pam. Nan dismisses Pam in a rather rude fashion and instantly made my list of people who need to get GOT.

It's as if the VLA does not get the old ways of vampires and dismisses just how powerful a guy like Russel can be. They care more about the fact that he donated 500k to the cause. Eric tries to convince them they are making a grave mistake underestimating Russel, much like in Star Wars when Admiral Motti dismisses Darth Vader and his ancient Jedi ways.
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress..."

Motti paid for that insolence as will the Authority I feel or at the least Nan, but they do make one correct decision and allow Eric to seek his vengeance. Nan tells him to bring Russel's fangs to the VLA or they will have his. Did anyone else think that 500k was a bit on the light side for a vampire like Russel? Nan did say he donated half a million right? Or was it billion?

Prior to the decision being handed down to Eric, Pam wakes up to find Eric dealing with a bad case of the bleeds after pulling an "all dayer." He prepared Pam for the possibility that he may take the fall for the Magister and tells her she will need to make a vampire of her own. Her time has come. I really do enjoy the bonds between Makers and their "offspring."

Russel returns home to find his beloved in a puddle on the floor. He notices the Viking Crown missing and seems to put together just why all this happened. He later stakes out Fangtasia and has brought Talbot with him in a crystal jello mold. He is incited when it appears to him that the VLA is protecting Eric. He swears his own vengeance before flying off.

Bill and Sookie share a shower, and Bill uses his blood to cure Sookie's vampire hickey. The blood runs down Sookie's leg and into the drain ala the shower scenes from Psycho and Leaving Las Vegas. Bill explains to her that he was keeping the file on her to find out why Eric was so interested in her.

Bill wakes up in the same dream world Sookie visited recently probably because he drank so much of Sookie's blood. Claudine is there and thinks he killed Sookie, but he assures her she is safe. Then drawn in by the same light he sees in Sookie, Bill tries to feed on Claudine but she blasts him. She tells him that they have protected Sookie for a long time and will continue to do so. He asks just what it is that she and Sookie are.

Tommy thinks he has his brother pegged for an old fuddy duddy when Sam reprimands him and Natalie for being too loud. Natalie is the blonde from the bar who was eyeing Tommny last week while he was cleaning tables. When Sam delivers a beat down to Crystal's dad Calvin though, Tommy has a look of admiration in his eye and looked as if he was saying, "maybe this guy and I ARE related afterall."

Outside Merlotte's Tara is greeted by a familiar face. Well not too familiar when you think of what his face looked like after she played mailbox baseball with his head. Jason makes quick work of Franklin using his wooden bullet and just like that he is a bloddly pile of pulp once again. Thank you for playing. Two important things to note here. If Franklin came back, is there a chance Talbot could come back or was he too young a vampire to do so. Does that matter? If Franklin is in fact dead this time, does that mean Eric could use wooden bullets on Russel?
Not sure what will stop Crystals cousin/fiance Felton, apparently he can escape handcuffs and a grip of rope too. T-Dub (these names are amazing) sees Crystal in the police station and surely thinks she is a snitch. Hopefully he puts that puppy to sleep because I'm growing tired of her insanity. Why don't these things just show what they are. Vampires sort of paved the way for stuff like that I thought? It would be like kids being closet Emo's after the Goth crowd went to all the trouble and suffered so much already in the name of sad kids who like listening to the Cure and Pete Wentz and want to wear black nail pollish and spiked boots.

We see Andy has a bag of V in his desk drawer that looks a lot like the bag Crystal pulls out of Felton's pocket after she knocks him out. Is Andy being paid off by the back woods inbreds to protect the Hotshot community? Or is he thinking about taking some V to heal his wounds. Remember he winced with pain and grabbed his stomach right before he opened his drawer showing the V.

Hoyt and Jessica rekindled their relationship a bit after Jessica scares away his girlfriend when she gets a case of the NRF's. No Reason Fangs. Like when us guys used to get NRB's (No Reason Boners) right when the teacher asked us to come to the board and solve a problem. I always just took the zero and stayed where I was. You can't control it sometimes. I feel for ya Jess. I really do.

Jesus shows Laffa his school colors with his Panther tatoo. He initially gives him some story about how its a sacred animal to his people but then changes the story and says it was just a mascot. I think there is more to that tatoo. There are too many dog, wolf, type animals going around. He is hiding something. Ruby uses some of her sons cosmetics and emerges with her "war paint" on. She notices Laffa is shining through thanks to Jesus and remarks "maybe God does love f-gs." Jesus and she say goodbye and are on their way back to the nursing home so Ruby can bless the jello cups.

Hadley loses it as she learns that her little Hunter is just like Sookie. She is scared Sophie Anne and Russel with come after him. It is very likely since Russel read Bill's file which features the article about Earl Stackhouse.

Nan has her "snack" interrupted when she sees Russel make his prime time debut on the evening news. I thought I jumped when Franklin reappeared. When Russel punched through Ron Burgundy's chest I screamed like Talbot did when Bill smashed his ceiling. Speaking of Whore Island how hot are all these concubines the vampires like Nan are pulling down?

Russel tells those watching that he sees no reason why vampires would want equal rights. They drink the true blood and are immortal. Eating people is a tough sell these days he admits, but humans are not close to being equals with his kind. "We will eat you, after we eat your children...Now for the weather...Tiffany?"
WOW! What a finish to a jam packed episode. Almost too many story lines to keep track of hence my delay in getting this recap posted. I didn't even touch on Arlen and her devil child or Tara and the Holly at their support group. I'll wait to see if they develop into interesting sub plots before donating more time to them.
Great post O'Hara! I agree on holding off on some of the smaller story lines for now until we get more clarity on them. Now lets get started...
ReplyDeleteThe more Pam, the better. She is like a fine wine and gets better with age. She said she's been with Eric for 100 years. she's younger than I thought. I too enjoy their bond and any makers bond with their "offspring".
Russell was an all around win this episode from putting Talbots remains in a jar and carrying them around to his amazing hijacking of the nightly news. Did anyone notice he held the guy's spine the entire time he spoke. classic. Also, I felt he had a very Dracula feel and look to him as he spoke to the camera. Talbot can not come back. he was staked.
Franklin's return was not a surprise. As brutal as his beating was from Tara, I still believed that he would heal. You have to stake them (talbot, lorena), behead them (magister), or put them in sunlight (godric). Other than that, they will eventually heal.
It was $500k, nothing more. I guess that's a nice donation to the Authority. I like Nan. She's a little rough around the edges, rolls with a series crew and has a ballin van limo with some serious snacks in the back. I want to see more of her and find out about her background.
That's all for now...
For the second week in a row i would say that the best thing about the weeks action has bene the post. A v medicore episode (with a good last couple of minutes) that kind of left me with the same questions that i had from last week...LUCKILY they threw a couple of deaths and some nudity twisting in there to keep me more than entertained.
ReplyDeletein an off blog topic, i think everyone will be pleased to hear that i went to brunch on sunday (wearing my jason stackhouse bon temps eagles fball tee as i do every sunday) and the waitresses took such a shine to it that they comp'ed mine and honeys 10 sangrias and one mimo, which was pretty cool i thought, unity amoungst fang bangers is always a good thing to promote.
Our boy eric has really gotten himeself into some trouble and in a way has done the one thing that he said he would never do and let his human emotions get the best of him (being weak like godderic) because clearly there is no way that he can defeat russel on his own. As a matter of fact i think that we saw alot of the human side of eric whether it was his softer side w/ pam (which i also loved) a or the panic in his eyes when he realze that his "bung twist, stake ur chest move" w/ talbot was prob goonna get his azz killed. My call is that we are gonna see him have to team up w/ bill and his new found powers to defeat russel, there is no way that shooting him w/ a wooden bullet would work on that freakshow
I also am curious as to how bill found his way into "fairy land" but it is clear that he has def discovered some new powers by taking in more of sookies typless blood but it will be interesting to see how far e goes w/ it.
There was DEF a clear reference into the fact that there are different types of animals out there and we all know that the boys of hotshot (a place not a name mind u) are different as well SO THEN WHY THE FCK DIDNT THE DAD CHANGE WHEN SAME WAS LAYING THE WOOD TO HIM SO WE CAN MOVE ON! YOUR KILLING ME ALAN!
along the same lines we all know that sook is some kind of fair or nymph so why did they run the whole stall tactic on us this week and just fkn say it, w/ three episodes left we gotta keep it movin!
I cant even begin to tell u how bored i am of the Ke-sus and Laffa story line although i do think that the pnather tat was much more about his power than it was about his high school mascot but maybe im trying to find a way to think that this story line is more than it is...
no questiuon that andy is gonna use that V to heal his arm (stamp a ticket on that) guy has been wearing that cast for about two years now, i mean, when the fck is that arm gonna heal?
Probably the best and most intersting part oof the ep for me was nan getting down w/ the hot peeler in the back of the limo. It was more than obvious that she was full of sht that she "just fed, only on trueblood" and even more obvious that she was a lesbo (which was lovely), my question on Pam AND the authority is...how old r they and what kind of power do they have vs that of russels? the authority is only 100 years old (doesnt mean the vamps are too but) russel is 300 we have yet to find anyone who poesses teh age and power to take this wacko out, will there be one leighcourt??
"guy has been wearing that cast for about two years now, i mean, when the fck is that arm gonna heal?"
Guy has been banged up longer than the chick with no face from Gray's Anatomy stayed at Seattle Grace.Take that V already and get back out there Andy!
Russel is 3,000 years old to be clear. I think you just had a typo Cam. And yes Hotshot is the compound/community where Crystal is from not her fiance. Good catch I was confused there. Had me a Stackhouse moment. The place sounds like the Branch Davidians or the compound in Big Love with all the little kids runnin around and being promised to marry their relatives at a young age. Was Crystals picture in the "Joy book?"
I love Pam and Eric. Eric really put on one of his best performances this week with his whole confession to the cameras. I can't wait to see where this goes.
ReplyDeleteRussell is batsh*t insane and I also love it. I don't know how he can be defeated. And to answer @laffabrown's question, they are pulling in so much from future books and changing so much that I have no clue at this point. Hunter isn't even introduced until later in the series so Alan Ball is trying to mess with us all!!!!
Next week's Eric/Sookie interaction looks good. As does whatever goes down between Eric/Sookie/Bill.
I think Bill does love Sookie but is also a liar. Good for Tara that she's finally standing up for herself and getting some help.
Jesus is shady and I can't figure out what it is, but I have a feeling they'll show something in his whole V trippy thing that we saw in previews.
Crystal is so annoying, they are dragging this storyline out too much.
The whole authority vs russell thing is kinda old world vs new world. the authority is trying to establish order to make peace with humans. old vamps like russell don't give a fck bc they are so powerful.
Gotta love Tommy's girl Natalie drinking a Bud Heavy in the picture from Merlotte's.
ReplyDeleteI have so many questions heading into the last 3 episodes and so little thoughts/feelings as to where we are headed.
ReplyDelete1. We know Crystal's crew are Werepanthers, but why are they in hotshot ? and why isn't it about the drugs ? Crystal said no one up there touches the stuff?
2. Why didn't Daddy WP change and beat down Sam or is there limitations to his changing? Sam is in some serious WP schit when he gets out of the hospital. Anyone notice it was Jesus in Truck with Daddpy WP? Jesus is a nurse and not a real one a nurse for crazies he doesn't know jack squat about blood loss and injuries sustained. I smell connection there. Either way the dress up in satin robes after the butt bongo fiesta was a lil much for me. I get it they are gay and they make out I GET IT!! Now either pull out the gimp mask and let me see the weird stuff or let's move on .
3. Jessica & Hoyt ..WTF ? Where does this go ? How does it end? Why do I need to be a part of it ? Bang/ don't bang, I don't care but figure it out on your own time.
4. Pam has been sufficiently covered but would like a Pam/Nan sandwich ...I m just sayin
5. Franklin thanks for coming back but my man JS is starting to hit his stride and he's got some schit to bust up. I think JS is going to get involved in some serious stuff.
6. Tara a rape therapy group ? Seriously? How is therapy gonna help the Franklin sitchie? Not so much
7. Hadley getting out of dodge, but how does she know what Sookie is when Sookie doesn't know what she is ?
8. Bill knows what the deal is but he obviously can't be trusted why? Why is he unreliable while Eric is? Where does Sookie's loyalty end up ?
9.How do they kill Russell, together, apart ? Does the Authority help now that Russell has taken this personally? There has to be some way to control a 3000 year vamp no?
Final thoughts straighten out this Lafa/Jesus, Jess/ Hoyt, JS/Crystal & Tara situation it is boring me and taking away from the story line. Or at least kill some of these mofo's. That is all and I thank you .......
Just a quick one....i liken russel to marryanne in the sense that somehow/someway whether together or apart he will be gone in the last moment of season three (after we have to wait two weeks for the finale mind u)