"I'm a fairy? How fuking lame."
Sookie finally learns what she really is and is underwhelmed. I mean who wouldn't be considering your kind is referred to as "The Old People" and are notorious sex offenders.
He backs Bill off and tells him to get the fuk out of his house and slams the door shut. Great scene by Jason. Bill is forced to leave against his will. "Yeah Sookie told me all about this." Loved to see him fight back like that and trade off his lows.

While Sam is off walking down dysfunctional memory lane, Laffa heals a thankless Calvin and comments that he and Crystal are a "whole new dimension of trash." Calvin tells Crystal she does not have to love Felton but it is her duty to bare his children to keep the blood lines going. She is not supposed to mix with the likes of Jason.
Jesus and Laffa have their own "Oh mama" moment when they skip juice and pancakes and jump right into the V. We learn that the V affects everyone differently which answers some questions people posed as to why those who tried V didn't get all psychedelic like Jason did. Well Laffa and Jesus sure felt the effects of the high and went on a whirlwind ride through the spirit world. Kept reminding me of the Cypress Hill "Insane in the Brain" video. Sh-t was definitely Loco
My man Hoyt is not into pet names so he ditches Betty Crocker and goes back to Jessica and professes his love once
Tommy looks on like Carl Spackler from the bushes. "Pay no attention to that bush, it's just a bush."
Russel, the Jeffrey Dahmer of the vampire community has set a wave of anti vampire sentiment in motion as we see Bill and Jessica tormented by vandals. Jessica wants to go after them but Bill tells her that she needs to show restraint. Jessica really teeters on the edge of self control and is coming to grips with her urges and what kind of vampire she wants to be. And yes Tommy, I also think her fangs are HOT.
Arlene had the fear of death put into her by Jessica, but she is still more terrified of bringing this baby into the world. She seeks out Holly for some "smushsmortion" juice. I liked when Sam told her his house rules for Merlotte's, "No dancing and No Religion." That Wicken B and her buck teeth freak me out.
Russel picks up Tony on the streets and goes back to his hovel where he pretends to be laying with Talbot. He apologizes and says he will never forgive himself for letting him be so alone at the end. It's one thing to face eternity without him but to not have been there with him at the true death was terrible. He recreates Talbot's death sequence in a way by staking Tony. He tells "Talbot" that he saved him from the world...from himself. He was a fool to trust Eric. He takes solace though in the thought that through this weird recreation and sacrifice he had his chance to say goodbye. Very touching scene albeit in a very morbid and homoerotic fashion. So much love and also so much information. Will he get rid of the jar now or will it go on the mantel like Jack Byrnes's mom. And now we'll meet in Hell, And I shall see you, Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore.
Big episode for Eric. We see him preparing for the likely True Death at Russel's hands by making out his Last Will and Testament. Highlight was when he had to have Yvetta come and sign as a witness.
Pam is also pissed but for the opposite reason. She doesn't want his windy sh-t hole of a farm. Pam wants Eric to give Sookie to Russel and stop making out with the solution instead of using it. "Your lack of sentiment has always been your most admirable quality do not disappoint me now." Eric's cold delivery was back in force this week. And Pam was a treat as always. "Blah, blah, Vampire Emergency, blah."
In the scenes for next week we see Eric confronting Russel, then Eric in the sunlight and lastly Russel feeding on Sookie. I think Eric has found a way to kill Russel thanks to the pleading and advice from the lovely Pam. Eric is going to use Sookie as bait. He was told by Bill that the effects of the blood only last a few minutes and then you burn. Eric checks it out for himself then I think he tells Russel that Sookie's blood allows vampires to walk in the daylight. Lured in by his curiosity and knowing that the Queen has been keen on Sookie for some reason, Russel feeds on her and goes out into the sun light without knowing the truth about the blood's brief lasting power. Poof Russel goes out like Godrick and Eric is king.
So pumped for...

ReplyDeletehahahahha "FIRST"
ReplyDeleteOK great job Chris, again... Lots of the gay going around this week, and gay cuddling too which is way worse than the rough stuff. I mean seriously Russell crying and carrying on with the Menudo reject bc you miss your little boy toy? I thought you were a 3000 year old vampire or something, not some school boy with a crush.PHLEASE.....Lafa/Jesus in the dark weird schit, I have to admit I was expecting to see Screwface, from Seagal's Marked for Death, in the dream montage. Instead it was a tripping ride down sorcer lane. YAWN!!! Wake me when it gets good.. Tara rapist, vamp stalker dead..Check. Admits her loathing for vamps & Bill. .. Check ..Tries to do Jason but gets rejected and he tells her he killed her murdering ex-bf Eggs..Check... My give a schit meter with her on 0 ...Check..Sam used his shifting powers for bad things, not a shocker I imagine something comes out of this, what I m not really sure..Bill softest vamp ever, Eric bad mofo who makes out with his GF. Do I know what's going on or where we heading, I m not sure. But I do know this .. Fairy/nymph this bald mofo had that right without any assistance from the books. Some quick predictions for last 2 weeks and a final thought.
ReplyDelete1. People to die by end of season-Hoyt, Tara, Jesus, Russell, Sam's bro and Crystal.
2. People who save day-Alcide, Jason , Eric and Sam
Final thought no matter what they say or do girls always like bad boys, they are drawn to them. Schmoopy, hugs & kisses guys finish last, real men haunt chicks dreams and will them over to make out... I M done & I thank you
Is it just me or has Yvetta turned into a complete WBH? She started out as hot stripper/dancer who Eric was black and deckering and now she's busted as hell.
ReplyDeleteI really liked that a lot of questions were finally answered in this episode. I was getting so sick of Crystal. Jason finally standing up for himself and telling Bill to get the F out. Sookie knowing what she is (btw in the books they are not rapists, they are just p*ssy magnets and everyone, especially vamps are attracted to people with fairy blood). Interesting twist by Alan Ball, but not that important in the scheme of things.
We made progress with Jessica and Hoyt, Sam's testicles descended, Arlene finally spit out her secret to Terry who is way too good for her even if he is batsh*t. He's allowed to be nuts, he's a total PTSD case and a war vet. Arlene just needs to get shmushmortion or shut her pie hole and realize she's lucky that her bf wants to raise another dudes baby.
Is ke-sus a sorcerer? Is Laff a sorcerer too?
Best part of the episode hands down- all things Eric and Pam. Sookie and Eric need to twist. I agree that Sookie can't trust Bill entirely. At least with Eric you know what you're getting. Pam needs more lines because she's great. Can't wait for next week.
also the menuto reject that russell bangs out is the persian kid from the new 90210, not that anyone cares but i obvi watch it and he's such a goody goody on that show.
Leigh re. Yvetta's fading looks, personally I've never twisted for six hours straight, 7 days a week with a human let alone a vampire, but I would have to think my looks would also fade a bit. That may just be me though.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, they should at least feed her a little V then to regenerate herself.
ReplyDeleteSo they finally drop the word "fairy" and even though we all knew what she was it was good to get that weight off my chest, all was right with the world....At the same time, was i the only one that was quasi turned on w/ how sexually deviant the old people can be?...nothing like a freakshow in a cute fairy outfit.....made me look @ claudine in a whole different "light" (delicious word play).....
ReplyDeleteJason is becoming a real pssy to me. there i said it. Between his crying to tara and his whimppering in front of bill and the way he lets chrystal walk all over him, come and go as she pleases the kid is really losing it. Does anyone else miss the Bon temp tee shirt wearing/beer guzzling bad ass that used to twist in piles of garbage behind merlotts? when is that guy coming back?..
i did however enjoy the look back at sams life...one the girl from "john tucker must die" who set him up is areal dreamboat i was very very sad to see her go. You realize that between the money that sam stole from maryanne and the money from all teh jewel heists that dude must have been sitting some serious cash back in the day?. I respect that.
Unless Crystal or any of these cats from hotshot start being gnarly and killing soome peeps i want that story line to go away. that is all. (arnt panthers more powerfull then wolves btw?)I feel the same way about Ke-sus and laffa, lets just lay off that story line until forever.
My man hoyt sid move up a notch or two in my book and not sure its possible but when jessica threw him like charleze theron threw hitch i think i actually fell MORE in love her she is really coming into her own.
Finally and most importantly how is this season gonna end?...between Eric and pam story line really developing and the deal w/ eric/bill /russel i cant wait too see how this ends....my cal is that either eric (as we see him walking in the light) or bill and eric are gonna have too kill this mofo or have a showdown in the daylight cuz as eric said there is no way that they are beating "the most powerful vampire on earth" straight up in a "nightfight"