It’s not your baby.
So don’t party like it’s your baby.
Arlene’s gonna sip Wiccan juice to kill her baby.
And you know she don’t give a fuk about Rene’s baby!
Bill you can find Sookie in the Club. Bottle of True Blood mama
Jesus got the V and is into takin drugs
Lafayette’s into having sex, but he ain’t into makin goblin love
Tarah tells Sam come give me a hug, it’s time we got into getting rubbed.

Loved when Yvetta comes to free Sookie. Sookie says she thought Yvetta was on Eric's team to which she says "Him? Big blonde stupid I hate him!"
Who would have guessed she was a cardiologist. Apparently the medical boards are true false in her country because a smarter person would know that stealing the money was a bad idea. No doubt they have exchanged blood, so Eric and Pam should be able to track her down no problem.

Jessica surely won't have to worry about losing Hoyt as she feeds on him and all his V enhanced muscles. She tells him she is into human blood and isn't going to change. Hoyt offers himself up and a pretty hot scene ensued. Summer did everything she could to lure him in, including showing him her "best underwear." Maxine, Hoyt's mom, still seems hell bent on taking Jessica down. Next week our girl is going to have to fight for her life it looks like.
Andy tells Tara he "used to drink hot sauce right out of the bottle...that was a good time."

I can't stand watching uncoordinated actors playing athletes on screen. I guess if you are on V you only need to do the old one step drop, yell "Huyyt" over and over and throw like a 5 year old. Watching Kitch throw was as brutal as watching Tom Cruise throw a baseball in War of the Worlds. I know know why my friend who is an actor lists "running" as a skill on his resume.
The only thing saving this scene was the amazing Tammy. I would sit and watch her try on outfits all day if she let me.

Jason realizes that maybe dating a werepanther isn't that much worse than dating a shoplifter. Bad news is he probably will have to invite Crystal's double cousin Buford to the wedding. After learning he was the one Jason saw chewing on the deer carcass, I'm pretty sure he isn't going to be satisfied with the "Chipper Chicken" Franc.

There were a number of problems I had with the ending scenes and the episode as a whole. First off why would Eric keep silver chains in his own club. Do the werewolves keep silver bullets behind the cash register at their bar? Way too much Sam and Tara. We get it Sam you're drunk. Tara you're still a train wreck. Go fuk off camera please. Way too much time spent on the conversation between Hoyt's mom and Summer. Eric shares a moment with Pam before stepping outside and he points out that she is crying. She tells him its "the bleeds," but I didn't see any blood. In fact it was a clear tear she shed.
Proof was when she wipes her face there was no smudge. We all no when vampires wipe away their tears, the blood smudges. Later on as she watched Eric walk into the sunlight we see her correctly crying blood as well as suffering from the bleeds out her nose. Lastly when Eric puts the silver handcuffs on Russel, how is he able to take them out, first place them on his own wrist, then Russel's, without so much as a wince of pain.

to the her tender moments with Eric.
Sookie talked about how she saw a different side of Eric when Godric died on that roof. We see it again as he says his goodbyes to Pam. "Fuckin fairies...who knew?" Russel steps out into the sun saying goodbye to thousands of years of only night only to be trapped by Eric. He tells Russel to be brave and they will die together.
Is this the end for Eric? Surely Russel gets got, but was Pam not letting bill feed Sookie for some predetermined reason? Does Jessica have to kill Hoyt's mom in order to save herself? Or does Hoyt take a bullet to save Jessica, dying by his own mother's hand. Does his mom quote Cliff Huxtable and tell him, "Hoyt, I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out!" Does Jason end up stopping Kitch from breaking his record? Perhaps he tells the LSU coach about his V habit. Although I'm sure that's not the worst thing LSU's players are doing these days.
Imagine how good our own Mutedric would have been with a little V on game day.
Does Tommy rob Sam blind and sail away on his yacht with Natalie to Ibiza. Or better yet he meets up with Yvetta. Does Arlene's baby come out wearing a reflector vest sporting a goatee and a machete? Where is Alcide? Do Jason and Crystal save the community of Hotshot? I really don't know where they are going to leave us in two weeks, but I am excited to hear what you all think.
WOW!---a little homage to 50 to set it off!?!?! i LOOOOVE it!!...well played ohara, a tough act to follow indeed......Lets diive right into it, i would start by saying and agreeing that they better BRING IT in the finale because the story line has really seemed to deteriote as of late and i feel like they are trying too just find sht to fill teh hour rather than advance the important sht that we all care about. Ke--sus was telling me that this week there was at least two or three times where he actually fast-forwarded the show and didnt stop it until he saw russel,eric or bill, althought i didnt do the same there were definetly points where i wish i had. (read;laffa, jesus, chrystal and even jason and kitch)...with that said i could stand to see as much of kitch's piece as they can possibly show, hopefully we'll get more of that next week.
ReplyDeleteOk, soo here are some of the problems that i just flat out dont understand. Ohara has touched on them but i'll refresh....
What is the story w/ silver?!?....it works for yvetta to hold down a hundred year old vamp in pam but obviously does close to nothing to eric when he ppick sthem up himself to put them on russel...flat out didnt make sense. Clearly yavetta is a wrap.
I' dhave to imagine that jessica is finally goonna put an end to Hoyt's mom, clearly she is in the way of teh love oof her life as well as her new main food source (aka main squeeze)
on a little bit of a side note, did anyoe notice that stupid andy was NOT wearing that cast or was i more just hoping that was the case...i was certainly looking for it and i never saw it.
I am looking forward to the showdown w/ tommy and same after tommy breaks into his safe but besides that i think that i have certainly seen enough of both of those losrs for this year
Jason and crystal being together and/or saving hotshot==seriously, who gives a fk? I though werepanthers were gonna be much more ballin, HUGE dissaopitment!
On to the final scene, i agree w/ ohara...why the fck did they have silver in the bar?? why did pam cry but there was no blood at first?? and MOST importantly....russel is 3000 years old, eric is 1000...ur trying to tell me that a.) russel really fell for that trick but b.) even if somehow he did, eric was able to grab silver handcuffs and clip russel (after he see's his face is burned) and then HAS THE STRENGTH TO HOLD HIM DOWN WITH ONE ARM?? russel should have either been able to bounce in the daylight like bill did when he didn't burn and go back inside or rip eric's arm off and run back inside or both!! how all of the sudden was he so weak?? made no sense. Nevermind the fact that i still dont even understand why sookies blood iddnt work for those two but thats another topic. in the scenes from teh next it looks like we see godderic talking to eric from beyond (whether to save him or not) and you see soophie ann getting ready for a funeral, so at the very least they are gonna pretend like these two are gone but obv no shot of them killing off eric so we see how they play it but it better be good. With that said i cant believe that this thing is almost over!!....i'm gonna need alan ball to work harder this winter to put more eps in front of us or he is gonna face the true death! belee dat
OK.. I m totally and completely bullshit at what's going on..Why you ask? Because it doesnt make sense and by that I mean nothing is consistent. I don't ask for much I really don't all I ask is for consistency, which probably explains why my wife and I argue, but I digress.
ReplyDeleteI almost shut off the TV when I watched Kitch throw a football, I was personally offended by his lack of talent. I may have to move to Hollywood and coach these pathetic mofos b/c my parade All American eyes cannot take much more of that. Thank God for the Frickers on Tammy she saved the day.
Tarrah, Sam, Tommy, Jesus, Hoyt, Hoyt's mom, Mary Lou Retton look alike, Andy, Werepanthers..A bunch of you need to die like 3 episodes ago because I've had it and you bore me. Watch out Bill you are getting close to being added to this list, act like a vampire for once and not such a sap.
Alcide was in previews he is going to save Sookie from Bill and the queen. Jason going to whip ass and dominate. And the rest who knows, I m emotionally spent and have nothing left to give. BUT if my man Eric is dead I am OUT, the world needs BADDASSMOFO's like him and if I lose Godric & Eric in back to back seasons I dont think I can take it.. I m just sayin..and I thank you
I'm gonna have to agree that Pam really stole this episode. Especially when she called Bill a "tween". I can just see him getting down at a Jonas Brothers concert.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I also think perhaps one of the hotter scenes was Jessica and Hoyt. It's about time we saw some action! I hope Jessica offs his mom because I'm flat out hateful of her fata$$.
Next, I think the silver chains in Eric's basement were left from the magister torturing Pam. Eric hasn't been around much, he prob hasn't dealt with that. Plus their human worker is dumb as nails and I think Pam might've polished her off. Or at least I hope.
Eric can't get killed off, he's a series regular and wayyyyy toooo popular to piss of viewers. I wonder how they're gonna work that one out.
Alcide is going to save the day I'm guessing too, and when Sook wakes up and thinks Bill sold her out she's not gonna be puttin out for him anymore.
Crystal is super annoying and I don't get why Jason digs her.
I think Andy genuinely felt bad and shed a tear. I also saw he was wearing his cast. Everyone else I don't care much about but Sam telling that patron she was ugly was inappropriately hilarious.
ps- loved the rhyme o'hara
oh and a big MAZEL to Sookie and Bill on their real life marriage!!!!
ReplyDeleteMutedric, i hear/repect and love you and in most of your points agree with you whole heartedly....with that said, my man kitch did look like dogsht when he was throwing regular throws and as much as i love hearing ow you were a parade all american, i know that my homey wasnt knocking nggas down with the rock and then throwing the ball out of the stadium, and thats just being real. =)
ReplyDeleteWait, when diid pam call bill a tween?...and what did that mean that he wasnt of age?...isnt bil older than pam?...pam's only a hundo rt?
To my boo leighcourt, here is how they are gonna save my man eric and keep that ballin azz/boooty twisting (guy and girl kind) mofo on the show........goderic, thats is all.
I cant WAIT to see my man alcide retuurn to the show although i have to say that if somehow he is able to save sookie from teh vamps even tho they are faaaar too powerful for him im gonna have to agree w/ mute, that shizzle would have no consistency and be completly wack.
good point leigh about the chains being left by the magister. sho nuff. and I too caught the "tween" comment right before Pam and Bill "Bieber" threw down...classic. will Jessica turn Hoyt at some point? If his mom gets offed, the only person he will have is Jessica. Like C&C Music Factory this is just one of many "things that makes me go hmmm."