Before we get started does anyone else have to cry? Go ahead, get it out of your system because I'm over it. True Blood became True Boo Hoo this week and to be honest I was on the verge of tears myself in the first 15 minutes with Tara's over acting, Bill looking like a strung out Ray Liotta in "Goodfellas" and Sookie's delusional talk about how she and Bill's relationship has been "one long blood fight."

Poor Sookie has been listening to too much
Jordin Sparks asking "why does love always feel like a battlefield.?" She has been waiting for it all to end so she and Bill could start a life like a normal couple and fill out the pages of her scrap book. (That was ridiculous btw) Hate to break it to you Sook...It never ends. Relationships are always a "blood fight." Thankfully the episode finished stronger than it started and left me wanting more as usual.
Loved how the Queen is pissed off about the lack of closet space at Russel's.

Talbot is none too happy about the new room mate. He is at his limit what with, Franklin's brains not washing off the linens, having to bury werewolves beneath the gazebo and finding out "that bitch Sookie Stackhouse" staked Lorena. He has had enough excitement thank you very much. He goes as far as to destroy some of Russel's treasures but Eric stops him when he picks up his father's Viking crown.
Russel is acting like a century old child Talbot says, but he still delivers some great lines like when Debbie laments to him about Cooter getting shot. He tells her "oh he died a hero honey."
The "Were-Bitch" Debbie calls Sookie a "C." Russel does not disagree, but he adds that she is a special "C" nevertheless.
Tara has a wet shower dream about her former captor. Apparently she is still haunted by what happened but she seemed to be liking her some Franklin in the shower before she woke up. Arlene does not sleep as soundly. She dreams about Renee, who tells her their baby is going to finish what he started.
Later we see her interviewing the new waitress Holly who says The Chili's she used to work at had a vampire bus boy. "He was real fast." She shocks Arlene when she notices that she's is pregnant. Interesting little moment there. Is this Holly some sort of "thing" as well.

Along the same lines we learn that Lafayette has "great power" apparently. His Mom and Jesus both see it. Lala's mom was a riot. "I gotta pee Jesus I'll be right back...TV's all f-gs, murderers and ho's...where's the clicker." Lafa is right though, waving a kitchen knife at someone is a hell of a way to show them you care, but Jesus seems adamant that his new BF's energy can go dark on him if he's not careful.
More crying, Sookie while sun bathing, Tommy after his mom leaves.

This Tommy is really a pit bull though. The blonde cougar at the bar definitely seemed to think so. He goes after Hoyt and then steps right in when Felton and Calvin are hassling Sam about Crystal's whereabouts.
Felton makes it known that he is aware that Sam and Tommy are shifters. It was an epic showdown between two shifters and whatever the hell the other two guys are.

We see one of their buddies chewing up Bambi when Jason went there to crack some skulls.

Hadley emerges from the Queen's bedroom after she was finished getting gnawed on herself. Eric (who we see once again has the bleeds) gives her a message to deliver to Sookie. She tells her cousin that "Russel is coming for you. Don't trust Bill"
She hopes Sookie can forgive her. Sookie asks for what, then I think she heard her say "I already told them that you're my fault." At least that's what I think I heard.

Debbie ends up coming with her wolf pals and while Eric and Jessica handle the males, Sookie tangles upstairs with Debbie. Sookie seems to like the action as well as tasting her own blood which is still mostly Bill's at this point and giving her strength. I did not realize Debbie was a werewolf herself. I was surprised when we saw her change into the white wolf and run away.

Jessica is Bills Fault one could say, but he tries to make up for lost time and teach her some vampire moves like Morpheus does Neo. The scene had a sort of Keanu Reeves montage as later Bill tells Jessica it's over between him and Sookie. She exclaims "No Way?!" To which Bill replies "Way." Bill was Morpheus to Jessica's Neo. Jessica again channels a Keanu character, this time quoting a line from Ted Theodore Logan. Then Bill channels Bill S. Preston Esquire with his response. And funny enough the same actor, Alex Winter, played a vampire in 1987's "The Lost Boys."

Speaking of lost boys, Eric takes his first step toward vengeance as he stakes Talbot in the back sending Russel into a roar of anger and hurt. Probably because the last thing he said to his beloved was "oh poor Talbot are your diamond slippers chaffing?"

Bill is spared a beat down after asking Russel if he is a coward or just lazy. Nice of Bill though to potentially sacrifice himself to save Jessica. Man she was fast when she ran away from Swayze only to later catch him and drain his F list celebrity ass.

And to stay on the subject of ass, Sookie and Bill get down once again culminating in what appeared to be mutual orgasmic choke holds. Oxygen deprivation can be rather stimulating, so I'm told, but you need to make sure you have a spotter. I was happy to see the two were practicing "safe sex."
We started slow in a sea of tears, but ended up in a wash of other bodily fluids this week. Another good episode all in all. The Tommy and Sam story line is gaining momentum I think. Jessica looked in the fight scene. Arlene is carrying Satan's spawn
Great post, as usual O'Hara!
ReplyDeleteA lot happened this week. Lets start off with Crystal. We know she's some sort of shifter and that she comes from a very "close" family, but what kind of role is she going to play moving forward? Are her a Jason going to have puppies? Is she going to join with Sookie/Bill/Eric/Alcide to help defeat Russell? I dont know. I do know that I like her and whatever she is will be interesting.
Sookie's cousin, who knew? Seems that she knows what Sookie is and I cant figure out how she knows because our girl Sookie doesnt fully understand what or who she is.
Now lets get into the good stuff. Talbot gets staked by Eric. While not the approach I thought he would take, it did take him by surprise. I am sure we'll see Eric in the beginning of the next episode make his way out of Russell's house by slaying everyone in his way. Like he said "Russell took my family away from me, now I'll take his". 1000 years later. Talk about patience.
Did anyone notice that Russell had his long black robe on (same as when he killed Eric's family) when he went to take Sookie? While Bill did stand his own ground and told Russell he was acting like a century old coward, he did get a whoopin. It's hard to mess with a 3000 year old vamp, even Eric knows that. I think Bill's strong point now is going to be his new found day walking ability. We'll have to see how that unfolds.
Jessica, Jessica... where do we begin. Over the past few episodes we've seen her really come into her own and start to really understand her new founds powers. I truly enjoyed her fight club scene with Bill in the house. Felt like there was a little sexual tension there, but I dont ever see that materializing. She is quietly moving up on my list of favorites on this show.
Really quick on Laffa's mom. I know from LeighCourt that she is a big player in the future, but I dont know why. She did mention that vamps, were's and WITCHES were after Laffa. very interesting.
That's all for now.
OK Crystal is a werewolf I said this before, but I ve been told by reliable source that she is a special kind of werewolf. Thing I didnt understand with that story line is why are (her brothers/dad/whatever the hell they are) not afraid of Jason. Like if they are werewolves why dont they just smoke Jason? THe dad seemed genuinely turned on when Jason said he was coming back with the whole police station. Maybe Jason really is a bad mofo or he's a real dumbass whose ego keeps writing checks his body cant cash.
ReplyDeleteSookie's cousin Hadley ...I rewound that scene 7 times and I couldnt tell what she said it sounded something like " I told them you were a nmmmmmmmghhgh" which I have never heard of ad really annoyed me. That being said Hi-5 for Hadley's rack...BFOTBB.
Tara enjoyed shower scene but her character is being played out. Dont get me wrong I like the shower self gratification thing as much as anyone else, but her whiny, bitchy side is wearing me thin. I think now that she has chosen life and living that she is going to die. I know it's tough to think that Sookie's BF will die, but all things end badly otherwise they wouldnt end.
Sam & Tommy are starting to get into the storyline loop as the werewolves walk in, look on Sam's face was priceless when Daddy Were called him out was positively marvelous. Not sure how these 2 close the loop but I m thinking Tommy gets offed and Sam becomes overcome with grief. Tommy is bad tough lil mofo with Napolean complex but I admire his spunk I mean Hoyt must be a cool foot taller than him. I wonder can shifters turn into werewolves? Are shifters & weres normally friends?
Jessica is coming into her own thought she was a goner when Russell got her but happy to see her bounce back and give the DOUBLE DEUCE Time of my life to good ole Donny boy. The matrix scene b/n her & Bill was wonderful and I admit somewhat erotic, until their chit chat became a slumber party chit chat then my feelings quickly faded. But I like what Jess is doing and taking it to another level, I 'd take her over Tara any day of the week.
Sorry got cut off for too many words, here are some final thoughts.
ReplyDeleteLots of Sexual tension this week and mostly the man on man kind. First off kudos to Alcide bringing strong hetero prsence, honestly thought he was going to give Sookie a passion push but I kind of dug how they left it out there for th future. They both have troubled relationships that they still love and maybe always will their ex's but they know they are meant to be together b/c they are different and normal people do not understand them. Alcide becomes a life saver and lover for Sookie take that one to the bank. OK onto the man love. Props to Jesus for manning up when he strongly grasped and smooched Lafa, like that kind of determination and go getum ness. My question is what wud Lafa's mom do if she woke up from deep sleep to see her son getting taken to pound town on his couch by her nurse Jesus? Would the knife come out again? Finally my man Eric, not only does he save the day and warn Sookie, he throws major man love gay vibe out there to get Russell & his bride all jazzed up. Plays them both like a fiddle, I mean who could have the patience and cunningness to wait a 1000 years to find your family's killer then wait until the perfect time to take it all away? What a stud. I mean does he have to sacrifice his manliness to swap some toungue tickles with grown up Fez to get what he wants? Yes. Does he drop the TURN AROUND line in the buff as Fez is waiting for his present ? You betcha. And why ? So he can have his vengence. AND he shows his gentle side looking out for Sookie. He knows what Sookie is and why Bill sought her and seduced her and ultimately what he wants. He knew there was a chance that if his plan backfired he would die and not be able to protect or save Sookie. He knows (based on the previews) that he is in some serious shit when Russell gets back and that his days may be numbered. Eric I hope you dont go away b/c you are a bad mofo, ruthless, passionate, strong, yet deep down a piece of you cares for humans and their place in this world. And I think that is b/c of Godric... I've rambled long enough may have more later....PTFO
So a medicore episode for the most part which was highlighted by three things; this post, talbots death, and hadley pecs. (how awesome was that)....
ReplyDeleteprobably the first and the last time this will ever happen but i think that ur wrong ohara and i think that sophie ann was commenting on the room being "like a closet" not about the closet space but i only know that because i hang on her every word....
OK, so im gonna skip around a bit.....1.) i still dont understand how russel doesnt realize that eric is the prince whose family he slain and told him "not to be a hero" ESPECIALY after he saw his reaction to the crown being thrown, wouldnt that jog his memory a bit?....
Even though talbot mentioned franklins brains being all over the bed, i still think that there is no way that he could be dead, i just cant see it...the "wet dream" sequence somewhat supported that as we know that tara has franklins blood in her and why would she still suffer the side effects if he was dead...thoughts?
AM I THE ONLY PERSON THAT WASNT BATSHT THAT SOOKIE DIDNT KILL DEBBIE WHEN SHE HAD A CHANCE? i hate to toot my own horn here bt in my last post i called that they are gonna let that chracter stay around and she is gonna become a formitable menace to both sookie and alcide (what a fkn vive there was there btw)
while i still dont give a rats ass about the mickens clan and or story line i do agree with ohara that lil tommy is just about down for watehever and i like that.....kid almost had three fights in the first 30 mins of his shift!....i dont know whats going on w/ crystals fam but i do agree that they are def wolves of somesort and from the way that tommy asked sam if he "smelled that" they are either flat out wolves or shifter wolves (although i dont know why they would have called am a shifter in a derogatory way if they were shifters themselves)
Have to admit that im really not loving eric going all "ke-sus" on tabot and acting like a mo but at least he got behind and gave talbot what he really deserved, he is obviously gonna have to join forces w/ the queen and maybe even bill in order to defeat russel otherwise he will have to join forces with "the authority" or he he is proper fcked.
Agree with Trader troy i'm LOVING the development of jessica, think she's gonna really develop into a bad ass vamp (was i the only one that thought/hoped bill was gonna twist her out when he was touching her shoulder?)
I guess we all noticed that laffa mom mentioned that he has powers after mentioning sht about wtches....i think this is more of a throwoff becuase if that dude had any real power maryanne wouldnt have manipulated him the way she did last year and they would have shown us SOMETHING by now....and ps..im getting sick of je-sus. what is the point of this dude?
bless us leighcourt..show us the way
It's definately heating up here. Love it. Leigh don't give away to much please. There have been a few of you who have asked what the policy is regarding the dissemination of true blood facts from the books and such. I would ask that you not ruin future shows or seasons with too much info. It is nice to have a wise and all knowing cleric such as Leigh on our side, but the questions we all have are what bring us back each week for more and fuel the comments that make this so much fun. That and the hopes of a Hadley/Jessica love fest.
Greetings Gentlemen,
ReplyDeleteTru-Nutz made a tiny mistake, Lafa's mom is not in the books. In the books Lafa is the dead body that andy bellefleur finds in the car at the end of season one. alan ball just realized that he's a baller character and kept him on.
However, there are witches to come. Holly the new waitress is a wiccan, NOT a spoiler at all don't worry. Wiccans are people who believe in witchcraft but are more likened to the psychics who try and seduce you for a ten dollar reading on the sidewalks of nyc. (There may be one on my block) Anyone can tell Arlene is preggers if they've seen a pregnant ho before. Big rack is first key. But I was reading they are def gonna introduce witches soon, if not this season, definitely next.
Lots of homoerotic play this week. I really don't get the whole Jesus/Lafa thing. What is Jesus role? I am just clueless on this. And Laffabrown is write that if real Lafa was a supe, maryann wouldn't have been able to control him.
Per usual, Eric played his whole scheme out beautifully. It wasn't just gratuitous gay male skinemax, it was with an actual purpose. Speaking of skinemax, were sookie and bill actually going at it? i wouldn't be surprised considering they are engaged in real life.
Jessica is a BAMF. Love the development of her character. Hoyt is a vagine, when he was crying driving his truck because little Tommy mouthed off to him.
Tara rubbing one out to the guy who held her hostage is twisted as sh*t, but i'll give her a pass bc she's been more of a fighter than a whiner this season and she DOES have franklins blood in her.
I need some more Sophie-Anne her character is just fabulous. And I'm glad Sook and Alcide didn't twist because they gotta keep some tension. Debbie is a weather beaten ho and I'd like to see her bounce, but she's at least amusing.
Some great quotes this episode.
RIP Talbot.
So, as opposed to spoilers how about I just give you guys my "supernatural fact of the week?" It won't give away anything about specific characters, just general facts of reason in the true blood community. You can take from them nothing or find your own clues. Also a helllllluva lot is diff from the books. A-Ball is a genius, he knows how to create his own ish.
Supernatural Fact of the week: There are different types of weres. Were-wolves are only one type. Weres can only change into one thing, whatever they are born to be. Shifters however, can change into whatever they imprint on. Weres and shifters both argue over who is better. Basically the whole supernatural community just dislikes each other. Except for what Sookie is. She is crack to vampires like blow is to Lindsay Lohan.
Nice post. Yea agree w Brown, a little too much downtime and lovey dovey crap (GAY KIND, no mind you). Actually fast fwd'd thru a bunch of it. I need the gore..
ReplyDeleteDid that slow pan out to the blood dripping on the hospital room floor have some significance in the begining of the show? Was it just implying she was still on V? I didnt get that. Might have just been symbolic.
Same on Ohara. I didnt realize that debbie was a werewolf either.. Dont really get then why she fought Sookie as a human.. why not just turn into a wolf?? Could sookie have powers to stop that? I dont know.
Obv best scene of the whole episode was when russell showed up and kicked the crap out of bill while Northman tagged "Brown-bot" and staked him from behind. That got me a little fired up.. not in a Mo way. i just dont see how he gets away from Russell who has proved he is a superior vamp to the rest.
One prediction is that Northman runs back to "the authority" and double crosses Russel but in return gets punished but gets protection. We kind of see that in the previews but who else could protect him.?
till next time..
ke-sus...the blood dripping in the beginning was to signify that the connection between sookie and bill (as they were attached previously by the cathether) had been severed aka "it's over".....
ReplyDeleteLeigh, as always, ur presence us a blessing....