We jump back in this week with the culmination of the Sookie, Lorena, Bill love triangle. Before her bloody demise, Lorena notes how tasty Sookie's blood is. We learn later that she in fact had no blood type which would account for the unique taste. Sookie steaks Lorena and Bill covered in her blood looks like Carol Anne from Poltergeist when she falls through the ceiling into the bathtub in front of Craig T. Nelson.
Debbie walks in while Sookie and Tara are making bill into a "Vampire Burrito" and we learn the reason she left Alcide was because he refused to give her a child and bring another werewolf into the world. Cooter comes barging in and Alcide shoots him. Cooter tries to turn, probably because as a wolf they are more powerful, but before he can complete the shift Alcide puts one more shot in his dome like Jason did Eggs.

Bill feeds off Sookie and nearly kills her before Tara kicks him to the curb. (ANYONE GET A LOAD OF T's BICEPS?)

Bill at first after seeing what he had done touched Sookie's cheek affectionately, but after the truck drives away leaving him literally in the dust, he curses "damn" as if he just lost his meal ticket instead of his one true love.
And oh yeah the sun does not bother Bill now apparently.

Sookie is rushed to the hospital and we see her slip into a dream state where she meets Claudine in her Happy Place of sorts. Sookie's inner power is a light and we see that her cup is empty as she is nearly dead. Claudine refills it for her and asks her to stay with her and the rest of the extras from Prince's video for
"When doves Cry." Claudine invokes the Men Without Hats' "Safety Dance," when she tells Sookie in so many words "we can dance if we want to we can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, Well they're no friends of mine"
Sookie is scared to go into the water but she hears Claudine tell her it wasn't the water that killed her parents. Then the darkness appears in her dream world as we assume Bill walks into the hospital room. One of Claudine's people says "I've never seen a vampire before," as she is fleeing into the pool of light. Claudine warns Sookie not to let Bill steal her light.
Side note when that woman comes out of the pool did anyone else think of Phoebe Cates in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" or Christie Brinkley in "Vacation?"

Our resident Jeff Spicoli meanwhile tells Hoyt he is depressed despite not thinking he was smart enough to ever be so. Summer shows up and really wants Hoyt to taste her biscuits and the butter that she
churned by hand. He balks at the offer but not Jason. Hard to imagine there are any biscuits on Bon Temps that he hasn't tasted when you think about it. "She's gonna make a great grandma some day!" WTF? Hahaha...vintage Jason.

Very suggestive camera work here with Jason holding the pair of biscuits in his hand and staring at Summer and then Hoyt as he walks out eating the lot.
Jason is focused for now though on Crystal who we learn is cousin to the drug dealer Jason has locked up who also happens to be the brother of her fiance'. Do the math on that one.
Loved Jason acting all tough to the drug dealer..."I'm a Cop....(that's not what I heard)...I'm ALMOST a Cop!"

Eric feeds on Sookie's cousin Hadley and finds out her secret much to the Queens chagrin. This Sookie really must be the Bee's Knee's ay? BTW anyone notice Eric's hand on Hadley's left breast in the second tile in the collage above? He was grabbing it just below her own hand and squeezing while drinking her blood, as if he was pumping the keg at a frat party. The show's attention to detail is amazing and appreciated by this fan.

Sam comes to Tommy's rescue and we see once again how he can speak to animals. He can't figure out though what hold Joe Lee has over his mother and bro. I wonder if his mom passed on the shifting ability while it was Joe Lee who passed on the ability to speak to the animals. Either way he is just a sad old man in saggy underpants. I was actually into this story line for a hot second I will admit. Was glad to see Sam set all the dogs free.
Back to the crux of the show though... Eric gets to the Magister as he is about to pierce Pam's eye lids with some Tiffany ear rings. Russel gets there next and tells Eric he loves his place, loves it's vibe and that they must talk franchising later. Is there anyone cooler than Russel right now?

He laughs in the face of the Magister and his "Authority." There's a new fukin authority in town. In a flash Russel releases Pam and puts the Magister in chains. There is only one law, the law of nature and Russel has been around way longer than anyone else it seems like. The Queen looked disgusted earlier as she and Russel were married, shortly after looks at her newly betrothed with awe and admiration. But the entire viewing audience including us at home stood agape as he administered the TRUE DEATH to the Magister. WOW!

So much going on. Next week looks even better. Sound off on what your thoughts are I look forward to the comments and theories.
this just keeps getting better and better, best post yet for what was easily the best episode ever!!....
ReplyDeleteI have to say, i'm very very saddedned by the loss of lorena "i loved her mamma"....but at the same time i did like the amount of bloodshed in this weeks episode, needless to say it was a long time coming.....peace out Majesterer (sp) lorena and stupid cooter.....(guy was a dck)....
So i guess that the obvious question is what did hadley say in erics ear?..sookie is a fairy?....the whole thing obv seemed obviously seemed like someknda sprite/fairy etc....will be interesting to see, and obe the fact that bill taking in so much of sookies blood made him a daywalker seems like sook is really starting to come into her own.....was also great to see tara doing her thing this week, was really starting to feel bad for her, im sure things will go back to normal when franklin comes back
am i the only one that thought that Pam was super gnarly this week?...."i got you some tiffany earings"
"great my favorite, they will go great with my chains" AWESOME!
Was great to see Sam stand up to joe lee and his mother to help lil bro out although i can honestly say i could give a fk less about that story line, we could have used that time to see more jessica/pam/ or even hoyts new b (who i love).....
Im still really confused w/ the whole age/power/authority thing here...clearly Russel is making a power play but does he really have the power to take them down?.....and why now that the queeen was forced into marrying him did he somehow get stronger? why would it matter?
anyone hae any idea why in the Queen/ERic/Hadley seen both Eric and the Queen were both bleeding from the ears and nose? And Sookie has to be an angel right?
ReplyDeletesook is a fairy or sprite is my call.....but yeah im not really sure what was up w/ the nose bleeding, i did however enjoy him getting himself a handful while sucking her dry. Guy is just the king. is there ANY chance btw that eric can beat russell
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that Eric drinks him some Sookie blood and then takes Russell behind the woodshed
ReplyDeleteIf vampires are awake during the day (in light tight rooms), they get "the bleeds" and start bleeding from their nose/ears etc. They said it last season when Lorena was keeping Bill hostage in the hotel room.
ReplyDeleteOn that note, GREAT write up O'hara!!! Loved this week and the review. Sorry Laffa, but good riddance Lorena, her voice is so mothereffing annoying.
The whole "what is sookie thing" was really not presented well. I thought it was corny and a lot of people wouldn't know what's up.
PS did you all catch that Crystal is involved in some incestual mating? grossss.
Props to Sam for calling out Joe Lee on his saggy underpants. He gained points in this episode. I need more Jessica and more Hoyt. Laffa's wardrobe is amazing, he wears women's shirts.
BUT the best character of the episode award goes to Tara on V. She is turning into a hyper BAMF!
Nice Post Ohara! I dont really have that much to add that hasnt been said. I guess thats what you get for being last in. But great episode, loved the carnage, i think Russell is pretty ballin. The speech to the magister was great, well acted. I'm thinking the brother of Sam might play a bigger role sometime in the future, not sure what yet..but i feel like he isnt going to fade...
ReplyDeleteDid Ken Stackhouse's talk w Crystal's cousin/brother really invoke thoughts of incestual mating? i thought she might just have been lying about her situation. Saying he was a fiance but maybe they are like a family of wolves or something..
No invoking needed Ken. As I mentioned we learned from the Bobcat Goldwait look alike that Jason talks to in the jail that Crystal is his cousin and her fiance is his brother. I thought this show took place in New Orleans not West Virginia?
ReplyDeletePlease call me King Ken going fwd. thx
ReplyDeleteYou are a as much a King as Laffayete is a Queen my friend. Flynnie great note on the bleeding ears and thank you Leigh for clarifying. How about the Queen just having a human sized bird cage laying around pool side? They just don't sell those at Pottery Barn.
ReplyDeleteAs for Eric being able to beat Russel. There's always a chance. Should Little Mac ever be able to beat Mike Tyson? Should the Bad News Bears have beaten the Yankees? 9 out of 10 times Johnny Lawrence smokes Daniel Larusso and takes home the All Valley Tournament trophy, but all it takes is one time that you catch him sleepin.
ReplyDeleteFor starters the dog fighting break up story line is boring and busted. I read all the Mike Vick stories I know what they do and what they are all about. Good for them that they can read dogs minds and control thier minds.. Whoopde Doo!! Only thing that intrigued me was the fact the hillbilly noticed the size of Sam's dog balls. That was a very open honest comment and very true, I mean they were scraping the ground.
ReplyDeleteSookie is a nymph, Now don't get all porn on me look up what a nymph is a what their powers are. Nymphs hang around water, associated with supreme beings AND they are attractive women that possess some divine gifts, such as that of prophecy.DING DING DING motherfuckers....
that explains the no blood thing as well, if I m wrong who cares I went out on a limb and brought it.
Jason, the wanna be cop, is going to break up the meth dealing, family humping weirdos in a blaze of glory. Crystal is a werewolf I m still sticking with that one, and for some reason I dont think they are cousins, think she is being held captive by the weirdo crew. Jason is slowly but surely starting to figure it out and he is going to be dangerous force as the season winds down. He knew Bill could save Sookie and he didnt let his emotions effect his decision.
Tara bad, crazy mofo I was scared watching her the girl has some major pent up aggression towards the world. Understandably so.
Alcide is in some hot water and wolves and Vamps are looking to make amends. Wonder how Eric handles his situation ? Wolves work for Russel, technically so does Eric but Alcide works for Eric because he owes him his life. How does this situation get handled? Guessing Alcide is in for a serious ride and I think he ends up watching Sookie.
Eric, my main mofo, guy knows what he has to do and how to it. Sell V for my queen, done. Switch sides for self preservation, done. Save Pam at all costs, done. Playing the I want to hump my new king, tease his husband so they trust me and I off them, getting there. The guy does not let anything or anyone get in the way of his one true goal, VENGENCE. And he will have it, because he learned the art of manipulation from my main man Godric. Eric is playing chess while everyone else playing checkers. Lead, follow or get out of this man's way.
Lafa, glad there was no uncomfy, contrived gay scenes w/ Jesus . If Lafa and Jesus want to show what it takes to sell the dominant male gay scene look no further than Eric. He flirts, subtly yet manly, he doesnt mamby pamby around, he gets down to business and isnt afraid to get physical about it. That's what I m looking for, and I thank you!
Mute you are man amongst boys. And not in the weirdo Cub Scout Leader way where the court decides you have to go around knocking on people's doors to tell them that you moved into the neigborhood and probably should not be invited to any block parties. Blown away by your color and candor.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Leigh...apparently there are a lot of vampires who work on Wall St. because I see a lot of individuals with "the bleeds." Especially after a long Thursday night out on the town.
ReplyDelete"Eric is playing chess while everyone else playing checkers. Lead, follow or get out of this man's way.".....this man knows wtf he is talking about......
ReplyDeleteand while i graciously thank you for the nymph enlightenment, great color! But I cant in good concious i'm not gonna tell you that im not gonna EVER think of that word and not go w/ the sexual connotation...im just keepig it rizzeal....but as always ur color is right and value added.....
Leigh...color on the the nose bleeds was spot on, thats why u such a valuble member of this blog....my personal view on alcide is that he's gonna get stalked and wacked out by his amy wolfhouse-ish GF and they gonna make a proper vilian out of her...w/ cooter out of the way who else is gonna lead the wolves, swaze?...that sht aint happenin.......all of this banter makes me realize that we need to have a finale show party of somesort, i couldnt see it any other way..
Mute- i second laffa in my love for your quote. eric truly is playing chess. he is bomb.
ReplyDeletechris- i think the wall street vamps are getting the bleeds not from sleep deprivation, but rather from playing with all those white ponies that are prancing around in fairyland/nymphland with sookie and claudine. ya dig?
A clue about Hotshot:
crystal (probably meth, not champagne) is from an inbred community. she is def forced into marrying her cousin to keep producing whatever species she is...werewolf is a close guess but not quite on the money.
btw- FACT: rating showed as many ppl tuned in for true blood last week as did for jersey shore. america loves vamps and guidos, holler. and with that i nominate my brother tru-nutz to host a finale party bc it'll probably fall around his 34 bday, and melissa makes awesome ice cream sandwiches from scratch- laffa back me up!
all this is great stuff but we are forgetting one very crucial question... Uhmmmm, what the hell is going to happen to Buffalo Bill Compton?
ReplyDeleteBTW the fairy scene was very reminiscent of phoebe cates. go o'hara for your bomb movie connections! so many posts this week, i love it.