Pam might not be able to walk into one but what she said was church this week. While unintentionally echoing the lyrics of 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake who once sang "Ayo, I'm tired of using technology," she laid out on of the largest issues facing vampires today, fukkin technology. She of course was talking about the dude with the iPhone prohibiting them from getting violent with he protesters, but I think it also was a nod to the movement we learned about headed by Nan and the development of things like Tru Blood.

While vampires like Pam yearn for the old days, ones like Nan have been busy recruiting vampires like Bill who want a different way of existence. If I may once again refer to Mr. Cent and Timberlake's ballad, Nan was all over Bill like "Baby this a new age, you like my new craze. Let's get together maybe we can start a new phase." So it was bills job all along to unseat the king and queen. To help usher in a more P.C. breed of vampires. Democrats if you will who want to change the old ways that seemed to work.

Love landlord Northman..."I'll see to it that gets repaired." Guy can make an entrance can't he? Marnie though got him good though didn't she? It was like she did her own wicken version of glammorring. Then she snaps to and claims she blacked out and didn't remember what happened like Will Ferrel in the debate scene from Old School. I don't buy this whole routine by her though. I think she is well aware of her powers and the whole Innocent/blacking out thing is reminiscent of Ed Norton's character Aaron from Primal Fear who claimed to "lose time" and experience similar blackouts when his alter persona would take over. She scared the fangs off E.N. though didn't she. That was wild.
I like the whole light/dark magic aspect Jesus explained. Can you be lured into dark magic though like a Jedi can be seduced by the Dark Side? Confusing this story line is.

Luna...wow. Although I'm a little worried we may learn a disturbing secret down the road. When she started sharing her old school Navajo roots and how she shifted into her mother, I wondered what if she was born a boy and has been living as her mom? That would make my skin walk right the fuk out the room. Until then I am going to fully enjoy the naughty school teacher aspect.
Tommy wants to be brothers and Sam said they need to chip away at it like Shawshank. Not sure of standing nude in the woods together is the best way to begin the healing process but whatever.

I would think fantasia would have better bathrooms than that. Some private stalls etc. Those blue stalls reminded me of my high school bathrooms. Not even a guy offering gum or breath mints? Come on!

Jessica's development has been tremendous so far though. When she walked into the club the room pulsated as she seemingly called out to her boy toy.

Speaking of eating who you want, good on Bill for giving the procurer the night off so he could get on his buxom spy. I was waiting for him to turn on the vampire twist speed though instead he just kept it human like. Maybe you have to work up to that kind of throw down. Interesting he didn't tell Nan about Sookie's secret. I'm really loving the flashbacks especially the one that showed Bill call in his human gun men to finish what he couldn't.

Never was a big fan of Crystal but I did like seeing her all hopped up on V. How bout that nut job Timbo licking Jason. I couldn't help but see Arnie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape, whenever he came on screen. "Match in the gas tank, boom boom!"

What was with Sookie seeing the evil fairies/goblins coming at her when Tara surprised her? i too liked the way Fairy Sook talked but we need some more clarity on what went down in Tinkerbell Hell.
So much to cover, I'm overwhelmed. My hand is shaking like Andy's DT's. I'll leave it to you all to fill in the blanks.
My fav quotes:
Jason: It's not that I don't appreciate all the licking cause I do I'm just more of a
band aid kind of guy.
Protester: I am a Christian god damnit!
Sookie: You're snipers didn't mention you had company.
Bill: Eric has friends in high places.
Nan: Go clean yourself up, you're covered in queen.
Pam: Did I miss something are we girls now, did we join a book club and read some queer chicklet memoir so now we're bonded together by estrogen?
Sookie: Thanks for the advice but I will never be Eric Northmans puppet!
Pam: Mmmm shame for you then. He pulls good string.
Eric: There is no behind my back I am everywhere
Marnie: What's in it for me?
Eric: I said this was a deal not a negotiation. Lafayette do I negotiate?!?!