I'm not sure if Bill sent Eric into the coven intending for him to get hurt or not. What's for certain is he is in deep dog shit for having done so as Nan noted. Don't forget Eric has friends in "high places."

Pam delivered maybe the line of the show's history as she threatened Tara, Laffa and Jesus. "I'll give you 24 hours to deliver this witch to me or I will personally eat, fukk and kill each one of you1" BAM! That's how you threaten someone. Not like Andy ala Bon Temps Pookie threatening to write Sam tickets for overgrown trees. Man was he tweaked or what? Was not a fan of the dress though she was wearing, but did dig the spiked leather look. Speaking of weird leather clothes...Laffa, Edward Scissor Hands called and he wants his pants back bitch!

Tara isn't interested in Sam's "unit" or any other unit for that matter as we know.
Jessica and Bill shared a tender reunion, but did you notice the sound of the vampire caught on video being given the tru-death in the background as the two of them cuddled on the couch. It was subtle but well done and perhaps a bit of foreshadowing. I worry about my beloved red. She's never been one to adhere to the rules and showed her lack of ethics when she glamored Hoyt. She's on a slippery slope that one. The time may soon come when Bill is faced with a very difficult decision.
Tommy, yawn, kid is still up to no good. If I was Sam I wouldn't be turning my back on him like that anymore.
I knew that doll was going to come back as soon as we saw it last season on the floor of Hoyt and Jessica's new house. That thing looks like the offspring of Chucky and his bride. Keeps popping back up like the Tiki idol from when the Brady Bunch went to Hawaii.

Lastly what's with these fairies. Are they hot B's or are they those weird goblin things? Eric's "sorry" was reminiscent of Bluto's apology after smashing the guitar on the steps of the Delta house. "I gave my love a chicken, that had no bone, I gave...." I did like the return of my man Alcide. Sookie was lookin' good son! All dolled up for her man, only to get shocked by Debbie. That was cold Alcide. For someone who "runs hot" that was cold blooded.

Enough of my ranting. What did you think? I read some criticism from some people who think the show has gotten away from its original caliber of story telling and has become a monster free for all. I'm still a fan. More freaks more fun.
Oh BTW the website is "real" http://www.vamps-kill.com/
Some other notable quotes:
Eric: I am grateful for this.
Sookie: Whatever.
Laffa: This ain't just any fanger, this is ERIC FUKKIN NORTHMAN! Ain't no police can touch him.
Redneck: www dot vamps, hyphen, kill dot com!
Eric: (After crushing Pam)Be nice to her.
Andy: God grant me the serenity to...ah fuk it!
Alcide: In this economy you go where the work is.
Tommy: You got a card Paul?
Bill: Check please!
Tyical Trueblood fashion, they follow up a complete BANGER with somewhat of a mediocs episode or another "set up" episode, very simlaur to the first of the year. As always a sick post jell, RIGHT OFF THE BAT COMING OUT W/ THE FUGITIVE TO BRADY BUNCH TO BREKFAST CLUB TO USUAL SUSPECTS TO GHOSTBUSTERS!!! WHAT WHAT!..I respect the sht out of you.
ReplyDeleteI am also not buying that bill sent eric into the coven (is that really how you spell that btw?) to get eric hurt, after all if he really wanted to hurt that mofo he could have him wacked by a higher power at this point so what would be the point, i'll tell you what i do like, Bill compton has become a real gentleman of the dong lately, shredding everything and nything that comes his way, i was waiting to see what the lawyer was made of and she didnt dissaopint. more pls. that is all.
Pam's line literally made me feel uncomfortabe in all of my bathroom parts and i liked it. I mean that. I'm pretty sure that i would sign up for that duty and take the finality of that on the back end....think it would be worth it.
Pretty sure that I offically hate crystal at this point and her band of white trash panthers, u KNOW that jason is goonna do his thing as panther sheriif but can we get back to the "behind the back of the house twisting/sexy football tee shirt wearing son of a gun? and not this panther rearing, ice cream serving night rape vivtim that we see now?...ps, if you take viagra before you go to sleep can u really twist w/o knowing? that would make things ALOT easier for my lazy ass, js.
I dont get the deal w/ the doll? who's was it and why doo we care?...and that thing is FILTHY, no shot im letting that near any of my chillin, even if they are the barbie multilating mofo's that rene's son is.
I'm glad that alcide is back in the fold, not sure i feel about that dopehead being back at his side but its seems like between alcide and eric "snookie" is gonna do some SERIOUS twisting this year, may give my may BC a run for his money and THAT i respect.
Lastly, Jessica is really becoming a homerun of a character...i think about her when i close my eyes at night. there, i said it.
Chris, great recap. And I agree with you, more freaks more fun.
ReplyDeleteLaffa, I like where your head is at.
Lets talk about my man Jason. He is not going to turn into a panther. not going to happen. sorry to dissappoint. and here is where my head is at. you have generations and generations of inbred panthers. they say its to keep the bloodline pure. we all know they arent the smartest people. so here we have them listening to some campfire story being told by some old inbred Ted Kaczynski looking panther who heard the story from his grandpapi-uncle. Its an old story that only they would believe and try to reenact. all they are doing is killing Jason and twisting him for his Ghost Daddy love potion.
Just call 9-1-1 and ask for Jason. He'll be the Ghost Daddy waiting on the other line.
and yes, Pam makes me feel funny too. she has a way with words.
Bro...if he doesnt turn too a panther he is gonna die (albeit die by twisting)...he is 100% gonna become a panther, andthats sherriff panther to you rookie. You shut your mouth when you're talking to me.
ReplyDeletesettle down Sherriff panther. Sookie is going to find out where he is and have Eric save him. Eric will give him some V blood and he'll heal just fine.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Jason will drink some of Sookies fairie blood and start hanging with Laffa and Jesus.
ReplyDeleteagreed on all major fronts:
ReplyDelete1) this blog was more entertaining than the episode itself, but i still have faith. next week looks interesteing, so i'm eager to see what happens.
2) i like, tru nutz (did you see coming attractions for roseanne barr's new show on ABC?), do believe Jason Stackhouse finds his way out of this dilemma and does not get werepantherized. Just my hunch, though, who knows. I just can't see Fairy Sookie a sibling of a werepanther. Too much monsterish drama for one family whose kin have all been murdered or gone missing already, but hey, thats just my guess. Also, kind of funny that Crystal's name is what it is - classic meth case, its pathtetic, even in Bon Temps. Yeah, she's pretty annoying alright.
3) Glad I am not the only one that was out to lunch on this wierd baby doll. Don't know how i missed that part of the story last season, but it seems a little unnecessary to me to create a storyline around it. Come on, we were all alive in the 80's, we saw Chuckie and had Garbage Pail Kids cards. Enough is enough.
4)Allegories to other movies, speaking of the 80's, is genius. And not only does Emilio of Bfast club hit nail on the head, but you referenced GB2!!! Way beyond Gozer and gate keeping of GB the original (which, btw, if you watched Curb afterwards, the Gozer comment was amazing, who knew!?). Well done!!!
5) minor point in general, but big for me - Officer Andy continues to be the biggest pain point in the show,maybe on HBO altogether. will someone PHULEASE kill him off??? Living or dead, I don't care.
O'Hara- I guess Tru-Nutz didn't tell you that he scarred me as a child by making me watch Edward Scissorhands and chasing me around with a Freddy Krueger glove. That was a difficult picture for me to look at, as ES still haunts me like Eric haunts Laffa.
ReplyDeleteI loved all of the Eric/Sookie, Bill, Jess/Hoyt and witches scenes per usual. Tara and Sam banter made me happy and of course anything with Laffa or Pam. Basically im D with the vampire and witch storylines. Shifters eh, need some more Alcide without that crackhead I didn't even recognize. Werepanthers- NO.
Jason getting gang-banged by hillbillies, some who haven't even gone through puberty yet, is so disturbing to me. I almost wanted to fast forward. I agree with Laffabrown that I miss the Bon Temps football tshirt wearing studmuffin that was JStackhouse.
Also the fairies are gnarls and I'm glad Eric ripped Claudine's throat out. He drained her awfully fast, no? The whole faery situation is not necessary and is creepy.
That doll is also extremely creepy and will probably haunt me in my dreams now alongside Edward Scissorhands.
Loving this new sensitive Eric bc he's like a retarded puppy. I love that he asked Sook if she would like to be his. And that one second he's all- aww my feetsies tickle, to the next- screeching "who the fuck is that" at Pam.
Hated the jersey shore reference though, can't Snooki just leave one of my pop culture favorites alone???
Forgot to write this yesterday- when Sookie asked Eric was he remembered and he described the scene with the Wiccans- he said something about the witch's face changing. It sounded like he recognized the other witch.
ReplyDeleteAlso it was not lost on me the potential connection between Maxine's doll obsession and the creep doll at Hoyt's.
oh riiiight. the halloween HSN doll order! creepy doll at hoyt's house... duh. this makes the storyline more interesting for sure. good catch LC