I know Tommy has not been a fan favorite thus far, but I think he redeemed himself somewhat this week. First off I'm not mad at him for offing Joe Lee and his momma. They were bad people. Was Joe Lee on V or something? The guy took some serious licks before finally going down. He was like Stalone in Rocky V "Aye yo Tommy, I didn't hear no bell." Well he heard that pipe loud and clear as it slammed him upside his dome. Where he really shined though was when he transformed into the gator in the back of the van and scared off Andy like them boys from Reno 911.
Laffa killed me when Marnie asked what happened to her and he responded with "Hooker you pissed off another vampire and then you took a god damn nap!" Vintage Laffa!Marnie delivered the "my dog ate my homework excuse" saying it wasn't her who messed with Eric and Pam, she was taken over, she was just a conduit. Yeah let me tell you Marns, that one never works. The whole "It wasn't me, someone must have stolen my credit card and gone to that club while I was passed out at home on the couch and then put it back in my wallet the next day" line never works.

Alcide was paid a visit by the leader of the pack but he wasn't buying in. I liked the free agency line. Looks like his V-head girlfriend Debbie is gonna be back on the pipe soon though. Really want to see more from the big dog.
So Jesus wanted to go back to Grandpa's to finish his training like some gay wicken version of Luke Skywalker headed back to the Degoba System. In tow is his lover Laffa, who somehow ditched the mohawk and came out with his bags packed looking like the lost third member of Kriss Kross.

I don't blame them for getting out of town, and I really don't know why Tara is still there. Odd choice of words I thought for her to use when she told Sookie she had permission to handcuff her to the bed if she ever cam back to Bon Temps. Does she not remember the last time she was handcuffed to a bed?
T's mom was back with her new hubby the Reverend. "What do you mean you people?"
Apparently Sage smoke is the Tussin of exorcism because when Arlene told her they were trying to get rid of a ghost not a demon she said "oh yeah it works on ghosts too." Just let that tussin get in there. I don't care if they got the Pope to go in there and bless the joint, any kid is gonna be fucked up if he has to grow up listening to his parents making like H-Town and "rockin, knockin da boots" like that.

Thanks to Portia we also learned that 42 states have repealed their incest laws. So we got that going for us...which is nice.
And lastly Gators love marshmallows.
Some of my favorite quotes not mentioned above:
Jason: As much as I love it, everything bad that's ever happened to me is because of sex.

Tommy: It's in the Ten Commandments, don't kill shit and don't fuck with your parents. I did both!
Pam: I'm sorry Eric.
Line of the episode though of course was Jessica to Jason: I want you in my mouth.
I'm still thinking about that scene. If someone calls me into the conference room I'm gonna have to "take the zero."
Well done Chris! Well done! I too noticed the disclaimer before the show and thought, no nudity?!?!
ReplyDeleteyou touched on everything but there is one topic I want to talk about. After Tommy killed his mom, a shifter, he now has the power to shift into another person. remember Sam's new B can do it and she said the only way to do it is by killing another shifter. now the question is, when will he figure this out and how many characters on the show will he shift in too.
I think his first shift will be turning into Sam and taking down the new B. This is going to get interesting.
Jessica, Jessica, Jessica!!! I knew she would be the break out star this season and I really like where her character is going. with Bill as King, I think she is going to be a rising star within the ranks.
I wonder if Bill is going to walk in on Eric and Sookie while he is bringing the lumber like he did in Fangtasia's basement. Because Bill cant compete with that.
And I wonder how Bill is going to deal with Pam.
Great point about Tommy's new shifter abilities. He def is going to tangle with Luna. You could see the envy in his eyes when she visited Sam at Merlottes.
ReplyDeleteOk quick points
ReplyDelete1. Pam is a biatch ... How can she throw Eric under bus like that ??? After everything he has done for her and she gets a lil ebola vamp virus and caves .. F her
2. Bill totally walks in on the Eric/Sookie exploring body parts party and I'm totally pisssed about it..I mean what does a guy have to do here to get a Make out scene???
3. Bill is total sissbag breaking into Sookie's house and practically crying bc she is having sex with Eric..Cry me a river King Fancy Pants..If you werent such a stickler for the rules u could be giving Mona's grandaughter the vamp version on the Tony Danza....So save it you got me Bill?
4. Jason dream scene will be addressed ad nauseum and with just reason... My comments are as follows: when you saw the sheets shaking what were you expecting to see??? I thought Black Panther and my dingey cringed..I mean Green kitty kat eyes popping out on your dong is not cool. Side note How much do you respect the dream control power...I respect the hell out of Jason's dream control power..I mean think about this for a minute ..We all dream have dreams all the time..richer, faster, slower , nakeder, menage a trois/quad/qun etc.. but can you control them ??? I sure as hell cant I mean I try, like when random dream girl pops in there and we are about to get it on and I say I cant bc I m married but then I realize it's a dream so there are no rules in dreamland and no one gets 1/2 or all that other stuff and I can..Like as soon as I realize I m able to dream hump anyone and that I m in a dream and it is No Holds Barred I wake up with a throw pillow in b/n my legs, violently sweating, and my man weather vane pointing Due North. I try like hell to get back there, honestly I do I fall back into pillow counting sheep but I never do and this usually happens at 330 so I have to get up soon anyway.. Then I am pissed off I could have humped hot dream girl, not gotten in trouble for it, not lost 1/2 my net worth and I am completely bitter.. Sorry for the tangent but I m pretty pissed that Jason can do that and I cant. Finally not sure I liked the black lace panty /bra combo was hoping for a lil leather or maybe cotton I dont know maybe I am being nit picky but I have high expectations for FPB
Sorry too many words ahd to split it up ..
ReplyDelete5.Alcide needs to drop Deb now bc she is weak and kind of beat.. If new Wolf Pack leader wants to have his 3 best friends that anyone can have he can take her and leave the jager and Roofies for the rest of us... Danka
6. Ok Gators like Marshmallows... ?? Seriously?? That phucked me up .. I like camp fires on the beach in woods and having roasted Mallows but now I come to find out Gators like them too?? WTF.. How did this become known ? who was dumb ass that gave a Gator one.. ? Did he eat his hand too?? Maybe he liked the hand more than the mallow but some dumb ass said Oh GATORS like Marshmallows cause he ate a bunch... Well it had a hand on it you dumbphuck of course they liked it.. Seriously I ve done the whipped cream and chocolate surprise to some female companions and I wasnt eating the chocolate or cream because I liked them I was eating to get to the destination. Why would Marshmallows be tasty to Gators anyway they are sweet and mushy and stick to your teeth ?? I am calling total and complete BULLSHIT to this...
7.Finally Godric...I mean my man you cant come back and be all evil and creepy and shit it takes away your coolness .. I mean in the vamp game Godric was like the Cool hand Luke aint nothing bothered him and he handled everything cool.. Nothing scared or intimidated him and he handled it with certain calmness that exuded awesomeness... The whole u need to eat her hurt me.. I did however, like the subtle running of the hand up the leg but I was kind of hoping he was going to sniff his fingers after the rub and say "" MMMMM Lilacs... aint nothin sexier than Lillacs on a 1/2 naked sexy woman " that is cool .. eat her and anger was so rushed and ill conceived..
Final thoughts: Eric will not be killed, neither will Pam and her sexiness will return.. the witch Merna or whatever is going to cause some issues but she is going to end in a bad way...The Gay Wonder twins will end up shape of and Form ofing their way into heroes... Tara going back to lick-a- lot-of-puss and I get my gratuitous thespian scene... IS there more maybe but I feel like a spirit has just left MY body .. I need to go reread this Shit..and I thank u ..
I mean HOW am I supposed to follow up Mute's posts?? That's like trying to make Entourage a good show again, not possible. Oh well, here goes: I'm greatly impressed/disturbed/surprised by how well you all notice the beginning disclaimer! I have a feeling next week's going to include include a big N for Nudity. You can't really interrupt an Eric Northman twist session right?? Right Bill?
ReplyDeleteJell- I too, am no longer mad at Tommy. I was all ding dong the Mickens are gone. Not to get selfish here, but couldn't they have created some sort of scenario that included Andy Bellefleur as well? He's like the annoying angry sloppy drunk friend who just won't go away. While we're discussing people who should get thrown to the gators did they need to bring back Tara's mom!!!! That woman makes me CRINGE. Full blown heebee jeebies.
I have no idea if Gators like Marshmallows but that whole scene reminded me of the first episode of Nip/Tuck when Christian and Sean have to dispose of the body. All I kept thinking was that Sam needed to buy hams to tie to the bodies.
Classic Laffa is back and I'm never mad about that, even with the dreadlock mushroom cut situation he had going on. He and Pam get the best lines on the show for sure. I think the beekeeper will somehow get her face restored.
Need more Alcide, less demon baby, more Eric/Sook. Godric what was that! You're not evil! But watching Eric curl into the fetal position and cry about a nightmare was pretty amusing. Plus it made Sookie fall for him more which is the goal here right?
God Bless Alan Ball for no hillbilly Panthers in this episode. Jessica and Jason are so on. As for dream control, he kinda lost it at the end considering suddenly Hoyt was the one riding him. Not really what Stackhouse had in mind I'd assume.
I liked learning some more vamp history and also some more witch history. Now we know why the woman possessing Marnie is so dangerous. A Witch War is gonna go down.
ReplyDeleteok folks, i apologize for the delay but yesterday was a really shtty day and i got held up but dont worry, "this gata aint dead"..i come bearin gifts for my neglect (but we'll get back to that)...im gonna come at you like a predata rt here, not a prey, a predator....
I felt that the last eposide was v good, not the best but i did rank it number two of the season because of the advances in the storyline, and i LOVE where this season is going! "I LIKE IT ALOT"...dont y'all wrry about my pam, i can tell you now that she goin be alright, something that sexy cant stay ugly forever, i know from expirience dude, if you know what i mean..she will be back fking, draining and killing in no time.
My pants mover of the week and nonimation for FBOW is DEF YESSICA!...LITERALLY HAD TO REMOVE MYSELF for her seaon w/ jason, until lsr hoyt showe up and ruined my horny, didnt matter th the damage was done (to my S Spear)..mute you were there. (incredible post yet again mute btw)
If ALAN BALL is gonna fk with my nudity he is fkn w/ my emotions. thats all i'll say abt that
THE RETURN OF GODDERICK! and not that human lovin sissy that burned his genitalia up into the abyss but the Man eating, B hair sniffing in her sleep kind!! i respect the sht out of that...more please.
So im not sure if anyone else put this together but w/ the secens from the next and what Luna was saying it seems pretty clear that the new pack leader who was fkn w/ my man abs mgee is 1.) luna's baby daddy, and 2.) gonna try and get alcides b all tuned up on V again so that the season ends in some kind of Alcide/Bill/Eric/Sookie love (square?)...pls pls choose Alcide, PLEASE.
I know that I'm the oly one here but I cant WAIT for Jman to be a love panther. We welcome him w/ open arms. (did i just call myself a love panther? maybe i did and maybe i didnt.......I did.)
I wont address the tommy/mickens situation because i dont care abt any of them and i dont care who knows it.
Before my gift i just want to say that i miss MGC, there i said it.
Without further ado
(copy and paste)
Wow. Great recaps from last week from obviously Chris who always impresses, but all of you. I watched realtime last Sunday but am watching the rerun now, and I am remembering how many times I inappropriately laughed during the first viewing. I don't think the stuff I laughed at was all meant to be funny though. But one of the true funniest parts was when Jason and Hoyt are at Merlott's having lunch and Jason remarks about how maybe all this is male rape business is happening to him because of all the sex he's had in the past. God's way of teaching him a lesson, etc... Died laughing, just too funny and so oldschool Jason. I couldn't help but think back to when he was at the crazy Christian bible camp and the early days of TB when he was just an ignorant jock, completely unaware of the undead, werepeople, wicken that is today's TB. Speaking of, the more I watch this series, the more I am realizing that this is not just some poor southern hick town with a vampire problem. The whole show is just complete and utter outrageousness in a completely different reality. Now, I know this, fundamentally, due to all the stuff the writers weave in about CNN news reports on vamps and the quircky historical references a la Salem witch trials and the were people ganges, etc, but sometimesyou just forget and you think it's a Bon Temps thing... or at least I do. Not this week though.
ReplyDeleteOk, so before I go into any other critiques of the episode, I've got to get something off my chest. Now, this is something i've seen in the past a few times, but haven't really been able to comment on with anyone who actually cared. And it's going to sound totally random and made up, but its not: the bed i grew up in as a little girl was the SAME EXACT bed that Sookie has at Gram's house. There, I said it. It sounds weird but come on, what are the chances?? I have no idea where the HBO set people found it - i grew up in NYC and my parents were antique junkies... not the expensive muffie and buffie antique boutiquers, more like the "the stuff at the yard sale from the neighbors down the block looks pretty awesome and is way undervalued so let's buy it and fix it up" type of antique junkies. How they placed that bed in a set that's supposed to be bayou based, I have no idea - same exact bed, except that mine was a twin, not the full. Anyhoo, I digress. And as much as we're all ready for a hot sex scene with Eric and Sook, I'll likely be needing a healthy dose of therapy afterwards if it happens in her room... Jeezus. just sayin....(And now that i've typed this last paragraph and realize how weird it sounds, I think i know why i procrastinated getting up on the blog this long. I realize, I 100% sound like a weirdo.)
Re: this Eric and Sook thing in general: Kiss tonight as great as it was, I agree will be/may be a false start. I'm starting to think it won't happen. Pesky King Bill is going to interrupt - OR, if he does not, it's not going to be what we're looking for. This new Eric is so soft, so gentle and so affected (Loved the, "Well, you're not Ghandi" line from Sook) that i just don't know if it will muster up to what our expectations have been since the start of the season. We'll have to wait and see. I just know i'm not throwing away my June issue of GQ w ASkarsgard on the cover until the real Eric pleases to stand up. Please stand up!
Poor Tara freaking out when she saw him, I'm sure she was completely horrified and offended. Tara's mom = LAME. I don't care if she's singing a jazzy Jesus song, she sucks. But i love Tara so much. This female lover of hers better not mess with her, Tara is one of my favorite characters of all time, she's just so great and I'm fit to be tied if anyone messes with her.
To be continued. MGC
ReplyDeleteMarshmallows thing was totally lost on me last week - maybe i got up to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water or something during that part? Glad i didn't see it the first time though, bc wow, that WAS stupid. STOO-PID! Like, if someone were to come into the room while you were watching the show, and that person didn't watch the show, they'd think you were a jackass for spending your time watching said show. (Exactly how my hubs feels when he catches my eyes glued to a Real Housewives of anywhere episode).... Come on Sam, you are way cooler than that. And for the record, so am I, i may stop watching those dumb housewives altogether. *may*.
Flashback to the Spanish Inquisition or whatever that was was highly boring, these side path tracks they are taking are really starting to get on my nerves. Thank god Monty Python isn't popping out singing and dancing, but still... it feels pretty close to that. I hope the writers get to the point - and quick.
Last observation - I watched this week's episode in HD. I have to say, I DON'T like it. The picture quality reminds me of the days when PBS would air Anne of Green Gables in the early 90's... there was that soft, lifelike feel to the picture quality that I just can't get used to re: TB. I'm going back to regular cable for tonight's. Keeping the show INauthentic, the way it's supposed to be.
Laffa - you're my boy, Blue! Miss you too. And LC, omg, Entourage is so bad, I almost don't want to watch it anymore. I will, of course, bc lets be honest i have no willpower, but it's the pits.
Now, if only I could curl up w some Palestinian chicken for dinner to pre-game before the shows tonight..... MGC
To my dearest MGC--ur a real huckleberry. Dont you ever wrry about venting abt your childhood to this group, your home now. This is the trust tree w/ the branches, noone/nothing can hurt you here. This is your place of zen and peace. Once again we are in total agreement; entourage is a joke...i get it vince is rich and famous and im not, lets move on, it's so five years ago.
ReplyDeleteCant wait to watch tnt on my couch w/ a bucket of palestine's original recipe!!
That is all,
Laffa, son of Jamal