Much has been written in the off-season about the budding bromance between Eric and Bill. While the appearance of Nora certainly put a temporary halt to any potential games of tummy sticks, there definitely were signs of said mancrushing in the premier.
There just was so much to love about this whole scene including the coitus interruptus caused by Eric's phone and his subsequent words with the critical Nora. 

One of my favorite scenes was when Bill and Eric were handed their new identities. Ike Tannenbaum was about as good a fit as Todd Wilkonson was for Vinnie Antonelli in My Blue Heaven.
One point of contention I had though was with the following scene where the Authority came storming in. Did the guys who were able to smoke the surrounding dissenters like the Predator did Mac really need ropes to rappel down to the dock? I'm assuming these guys were all vampires. If I was mistaken then yes ropes were definitely a good call fellas.
Moving on to the second potential sword fight of the night, Reverend Newlin wasn't doing the church's reputation any favors, shows up at Jason's door and attempting to glamor his way through the back door of Jason's stacked house. Jason was amazing as usual with lines like the one about fangs being twin hard ons for trouble and feeding on somebody. If Jason playing altar boy was what it took to produce Jessica in her red cape than so be it. I'd expect Jason to take communion six days a week and twice on Sunday.
Let's stick with "Girlfriend Fukker" and his lady of the night while we're on the subject. So Jessica becomes head of Bill's no malice palace and dialed up some coeds for a little game of Rock Band. "Delta Delta Delta, can I helpya helpya helpya?"
"Yeah this is Jessica Hamby the red headed vampire you met the other night at your Pimp's and Ho's party. Why don't you round up a few of your most morally devoid sisters and a few of your leading date rapists guy friends and come on over to my house for some underage drinking and video games."
While I wasn't the biggest fan of the green streak in D.A. Woll's hair, I would have played the wireless Fender Stratocaster till my fingers bled if it meant getting to watch her dance in front of the TV like that.
While I couldn't take my eyes off Miss Hamby, Sam had a little case of the wandering eye as well while being threatened by the curvaceous she wolf Rikki. It was very subtle but he def snuck a peak at her full moons while she accused him of killing Marcus.
While the shifters were shedding their clothes, poor Pam was taking one for the team and donning a Walmart sweatsuit adorned with kittens and flowers. There is no limit to what she will do to get Eric back.
Hopefully we will get our sexy Pam-cakes back in upcoming weeks. I think I would let our own Laffa Brown bury me next to a dead chick if it meant we get to see a little three way action between Pam, Eric and Nora at some point.
The real Lafayette though has had it with all the supernatural B.S. apparently. So much so that he stared down Alcide when he growled at him. He was carrying around that bottle of tequila like Jesus's D was at it's bottom instead of the worm. 

I'm not into the crazy Terry storyline in the least bit right now and I hope for god's sake that we have seen the last of Sheriff Andy's backside.
Line of the episode should be no surprise as this week's recap title was taken from it.
Eric: We fight like siblings, but we fuk like champions.
Fail of the week: Jason not taking down Cammy the coed with the slammin' body.
Regrettable Scene: Sookie still has not learned how to cry convincingly. If I was Tara I would have stayed under the dirt too instead of waking up and having to listen to that squalling.
So much to look forward to. I think it will be interesting to see how Tara's relationship with Sookie changes and also what happens when Pam takes up her role as maker.
The emergence of the Authority as a major storyline is going to be awesome. The previews of Christopher Meloni have intrigued me since they were first released.
That's it for me this week. I am gushing with anticipation to read your comments.
Special Thanks to: @tempella, @I'mHereforSookie and @vikingpunk for their amazing contributions to the True Blood fan art community.
Special Thanks to: @tempella, @I'mHereforSookie and @vikingpunk for their amazing contributions to the True Blood fan art community.
ReplyDeleteI seriously cant tell you how excited i am to be back in the thick of this show and blog again, i missed you all so dearly! May our posts be plentiful and creepy!
So right off the bat they suck me back in w/ Eric shredding his lil sissy Nora in an actual sin bin, like a true gentleman would. Honestly, sometimes i think that if i could have any power of a vampire it wouldnt be immortality or flight, it would actually be the ability to glamour people and then follow up w/ the speed hips, there, i said it.
So was eric's phone actually tracerable? or did someone else tip the authority off as to where the three of them were?
(Did the guys who were able to smoke the surrounding dissenters like the Predator did Mac really need ropes to rappel down to the dock?)...YES!!!!!!!!
So who turned Reverend Birdcage anyway?..did they ever say? and the last thing i needed to see whas this lsr back as immortal and flaming as all get out, i I did LOVE Jess showing up in her sexy lingirie to rescue my man and then handle her business, i think that this season we are going to get to see the side of her that we have all been waiting for, and its gonna be gloooorious! btw, what ever happened to the rev's wife anyhow?
Jell, i think the green streak was literally an attempt to show us Jess's "Wild streak" just not the most subtle kind, and i'm not mad at that....but yes, i would have shown my mad keytar skisms all night long like lionel ritche if i was at that suare's (with or without an actual instrument kind)
The second of the new "sexy beasts" is Rikki!! what a fox! (intended)..cant wait to see the inner hound in her, something in her eyes just gets the lipstick going! (srry im not srry)
So why did Pamcakes need to get into the Wallmart onzie anyhow?? she didnt have anything else that she could dirt nap in? and why is there so much pain and effort in turning Tara? is it taht much harder to turn and control someone when they've had their wig split? and can we talk about what a tough life/after life our tara has had!? can someone cut this B a break!?
GREAT point in re; "I think it will be interesting to see how Tara's relationship with Sookie changes and also what happens when Pam takes up her role as maker" ....that should really have things make a turn for the worst...
SOOOOOO much going on in the previews for the upcoming!?!? STABLER IS THE AUTHORITY!!!CANT WAIT TO HEAR FROM THE CREW! MISS YOU ALL
Jell--sick job on the first post, did we upgrade to HD format this year? EEEEEE!
I respect the hell out of your Keytar call LaffaB as well as the "lipstick" line with re. to Rikki. If we don't see more of her soon I will prob start doing the butt drag across the floor. Rev Birdcage was a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteJell!!! He's back with a monster post to start off the new season! Well done and I would like to thank you in advance for all the hard work you'll put in this summer keeping the blog up to date. Ok, lets get on with it....
ReplyDeleteNora, Nora, Nora... my new favorite fanger. With Godric as her maker and Eric as her um vampire brother, there is no stopping her. I have a feeling we're going to see some good things from her this season and her cargo container scene was a great start. I believe that Eric's phone was untraceable but I would venture to say hers wasnt. She made a call saying that Eric, Bill and her partner were all killed and she'll be home the next day after she goes to ground. I guess they didnt buy that story so the authority sent a crew to follow up. And no Laffa, they did not need to rappel down on ropes. I'm going to say they were all vamps judging by their speed down the rope and surrounding Eric and crew.
Why is Reverend Turd back? Who cares about him and his sweater draped over his shoulders? The only thing that he said that interested me was about the female that turned him as revenge. Could it be our favorite little Pamcakes?
Yessica Jessica! Not only is she looking great but she's really starting to come into her own as a vampire. She put the very young Rev in his place and then took what she wanted from Jason. I like it and I want to see more of her and her little sorority house parties this season. BTW, Jason, you let us down by not doing what you do best. You have the badge, the cop car with a cop motor and a young willing and able party girl. Dont let it happen again.
Let's end this post with a little chat about our Fktarded girl Tara. Thank you Pam! Is it possible that the part of her missing brain held all of her memories of Sookie and friends? And now she's just a cold blooded Vamp??? I guess we'll have to tune in next week to find out.
Well looky lou who we got here!! Tru nutz! "the most diabolical blogger this side of the missippi"..i respect that. I would love to somehow set some kinda over under on how many twists Yessica lays out this season and with that said how many of those turn into kills or not but i just gonna watch on my couch in my trenchcoat like a gentleman and let the show do what i so to me about Tara, how log we gonna watch this b go nutz on everyone before she comes back to earth if ever??
ReplyDeleteLeighcourt...rumor on the streets that you may have some advance copies floating around, any shot you could hook your darker brother (who's actually a brother) out? JS
Jell D great kick off post, not that I expected anything less! First order of business, I'm working on getting the next 3 episodes from this other editor dude, not TVFanatic. Email has been sent tonight, I'll let y'all know in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI honestly cannot say how hard i laugh when reading these posts and the responses. Big ups Laffa's latest: Rev Birdcage and the lipstick comment.
So speaking of Reverend Birdcage, I think I'm gonna have to go with my actual bro Tru-Nutz here and say it might be Pam. She said she's turned someone before but it didn't go so well. Could it be this loser? Jason handled it like the stud that he is, but Jessica straight up owned that scene. Oh Bill, she is definitely going to take care of your palace while you're dealing with Elliot Stabler and the Authority. Jess loves the power and she knows how to use it.
Pam would be such a badass maker and I think that's the only thing that's gonna save Tara's often annoying character. Also the WalMart sweatsuit was just the cherry on top of this episode. Pam and Jessica are going to run this season.
I'm depressed seeing Laffa so depressed. I need him back in his baby tees from Wet Seal and fake eyelashes that I know Troy LOVES, bitching at errrbody about how gorgeous he is. Also who took Jesus's body? Shady.
The wolves are gonna get really dark and freaky this season, but I think it could be really interesting. I respect Sam for protecting Luna and Emma, and I respect Alcide even more for stepping up and not letting Sam get killed over Marcus. I also respect Alcide for doing a movie called Magic Mike that is coming out later this month in which he plays a male stripper.
That's all I've got for now, so happy it's Sookie season again!!!
Well, well, well....look at all our little bloggers coming back to roost and celebrate our appreciation for the banged up. Ok down to brass tax... 1. Reverend Gaylord Focker, I respect your gayness and your vampness I do NOT respect you trying to bang my man Jason in the rumpasaurus and feasting on his mental weakness .. I mean when a man tells you his dog dont bark that way.. his dog dont bark that way, dogs are our best friends next to our own members so u need to respect that declarartion RGF...However scene save of the night Jessica, aka FPB, comes strolling in wearing her Little Red Riding Hood outfit and VAGMARKING her territory aint no man gonna take her man...Side note here I have been watching new show "Once UPON A TIME" and the LRRH in that show is Vinnie Barbarino bite your hand hot ... I always thought LRRH was a gentile littel flower not a dirty rump shaking FUKSTAR.. I respect Hollywood for changing that image in my head and I resent the kids book I read as a child b/c it made me think LRRH was supposed to be brought flowers, made mix tapes and written poems when in essence LRRH was meant to be sexted pics of my wang and ridden like a mechanical bull in West Virginia cowboy bar..Just another example of how I was born 15 years too late...
ReplyDeleteAlcide my man is pulling the Milton Berle (ref SG) he pulls out just enough to let everyone know he is the Lone Wolf..He dont care what everyone else thinks hes just gonna do his own thing and if you want to follow then follow if you dont then get the hell out the way. I m getting the sense with the storyline this year that Bill & Eric are goign to be separated from BON_TON most of the year with the Authority so Alcide will the Hog to cry on for Sookie, which is just fine by me..
Holy Nora... she made it move from the moment Band on The Run was playing in the car ..her subtle smirk showed me a little dark dirtiness that I thrive on in my dreams..THe bang scene in the storage unit brought me back to college when I had an incident in the laundry room of my dorm as my friend waited outside with the fabric softner, but I digress.. I enjoyed her bottom curves and the hip shake she used bc even though she was in submissive position she was in control and I respect that..
Rikki was a welcome addition and even though I didnt see aerola which I enjoy I liked her strength and naughtiness that I am looking forward to exploring this season.. Does she fall for Alcide and his badass ways or does she Shift her way into Sam.. I think Sam is going to be all lovey dovey with his girl and her daughter this year so i m leaning to Alcide..
Tara turning is no big deal for me I mentally wrote her off at the end of the year and I am not prepared to bring her back just yet.. So she is going to stay on the shelf for me..
Jason lil bit disappointed with his morality in driving his lil college poke home but I know his deviant side is in there and will come out soon enough. We all know you can only hold the demons back for so long vefore they come out.. It is a way of life and JS will come back to us Jessica love or not.. The cover up the stomach line gave me the confidence that he wants to come out but his confusing feelngs for FPB is holding him back ...
Grossest scene of week .. eating the inards of your son although it may be a way of life for the were's it is nto cool in my world bc the innards are a littel chewy and get stuck in your teeth and i m sure it makes your breath stink..
What is Russell going to do ??? I mean the dragging of the poor bald dude to his execution room had a little Mummy feel for me I thought Imotep was going to pop out with half a jaw and loin wrap.. But I am kind of weird.. I may be missing stuff but thats what i have for now.. Happy to be back in loop kids...
Looks like "we're getting the band back together man"!!....hooooooooooooooooweeee!
ReplyDeleteLeigh, always good to hear from you luv, tks for the shout and please keep me posted on the first four, i can tell you now, i'll have us eating ice cream sambos and chix parms and then sprinting you from ur brothers house to the train (while u take ur time and chill) for a private screening party!
Love the birdcage/Pam call...that actually HAS to be what it is! and yeah Pam and tara gonna pull a jay z and kayne and run this town for season 5 i think, and we already know that Tara gets down w/ the ladies so keep ur hands over your eyes Leigh, sht may get weird.
Now, The ONE, THE ONLY, MUTERDRIC is back in the buildin!! And he's better than ever!! VAGMARK?? YES PLS! I LOVE YOU!
Also Mute one thing you need to embrace; hollywood has been in the bidness of making LLRH a minx for the last 4-5 anos now...did you see that amada seyfried flick? Lets just say i had to watch that one alone....late. That is all.
Am i the only one that see's Alcide and starts doing pushups? What does that dude eat anyhow? (besides......well u know) what a gentleman, guy is gonna have a season..belee dat.
I'm also curious to see hoe russel brings it this year...i mean, who is older than that mofo anyhow? Clearly he is trying to get his strength up so he can take it to the authority and get revenge on everyone including my man eric for shredding and twisting up that dude Vampire troy...that sht was messed up..srry t-roy.
And mute, as if i didnt love you enough as is...any man that throws a mummy (part one two or three) reference into their post is aces with just keep doing what you do old friend.
Leigh--holla at me w/ those DVD's when u get a giddy!
I love all the comments. Way to go HAM from the very first post everyone. Russel will be back in a big way but he is no longer the only big fish in a small pond. This season is the year of the BSDV. With Russel and Chris Meloni's character in the mix,as well as the Authority clique...Eric and Bill aren't the baddest kids on the block anymore by a long shot and are going to have to step their game up. If they don't they will be like Daniel LaRusso when he tried the Crane kick on Chozen in Karate Kid part II and got ceremoniously introduced to the ground. At one point the Mighty Ducks had to take the "Flying V" out of their playbook and come up with some new tricks like the Knuckle Puck. Bill and Eric no doubt will do the same.
ReplyDeleteyo! why did he try and work that Crane sht again??...come on danny boy! (ps, nothing better than a good old fashioned movie reference)