So Tara emerged from the ground with a bot of a 'tude. Pam wasn't exactly the most committed maker was she. Was like she was channeling her inner Cromartie. Finally she caved to Sookie's pleading and told T to not bite her or Lafa and to "Stay in the house!" Something about the way she ordered around Tara at that moment reminded me of Cam'Ron's Hey Ma..."get in the car and don't touch nothin' Sit in the car."
Did Tara remind anyone else of the Predator as she was perched up on the sink in Sook's house? And why the hell was Lafa the one to go get the True Blood out of the fridge? Sookie is the one who can blast fools like Ryu in Street Fighter. Did Lafa really think the collar on his cardigan was going to protect him?
Speaking of lookalikes, how gnarly is Marcus's mom? She looks like the lost sister of Ozzy Osbourne.

Alcide is really starting to flex his character muscles. I am such a bigger fan of his not that he isn't so Sookie-whipped in every scene. P.S. Alcide, you need to forget her and get involved with Rikki Rikki Rembo No Sa Rembo. She was looking to split a porterhouse for two a la Marcus's corpse.
In the shifter camp, I'm on team Luna. I felt like Sam was trying to send off her daughter to supernatural summer camp so he could get some one on one time with his sexy shifter B. Can't blame him for trying but Luna is too devoted a mother even if she is a wolf.
Scene of the week may have been the police cruiser convo between Jason and Andy.

He has long wanted his legacy to be something other than Bon Temps Bangmaster Flex. From the sound of it, it hasn't been that hard to get a ticket to Jason's Bangmaster Flex Nights. Him standing there in the police station with his little juice box was a subtle nod to his child like demeanor. He still has a lot of growing up to do.
Reverend Newlin still wanted to give Jason a "grown up" and was willing to pay off Jessica to make it so. How much would you sell Jason for, or would it be too "hard" to ever relinquish? I guess it seems like I'm appealing to our lady readers here, but I'm sure we will get some answers from across the board from those with healthy mancrushes.
Don't want to spend too much time on the Terry storyline still but things could heat up as they go after their old war buddy who apparently likes to "jerk off to house fires."
We don't need no water let the mother fukker burn...but can u pass the tissues?
On to the "Authoritah".
When they dragged Bill back in after being tortured did it remind anyone else of Han Solo after Vader put him through shock therapy?
I love the history and genesis of the vampire being brought to light. I did find myself poking fun at them though like when Sharon Osbourne's lookalike wanted Eric and Bill sent to the glue factory like Barbaro, or after Vampire Bieber's outburst and subsequent shushing by Roman. Has got to suck being like a thousand years old and treated like a child because that's was the age you were turned. I did like Xerxes's messenger chiming in with his support for our boys.
The scene where Roman gave communion to the members of the Authority was so intense and well done. Eric's look of utter indifference throughout the entire scene was vintage viking.
P.S. was anyone else expecting the eyes in this picture to move like in Scooby Doo?

We finally got to see how Pam and Eric met! As great as that was I equally enjoyed seeing her in her element as a madam too. Good to see her job at Fangtasia wasn't that much of a stretch for her professionally.

So sorry for the delay in getting this out to you all. So much to discuss and I'm sure I left some stuff out. Just found myself a little more jammed on time than usual this week so sorry for the rough appearance at times of this recap. Like I have no idea why the font changes half way through.
As this blog's maker though I command you to add your comments straight away or face the true death.

Thanks again for another fun to read recap of our favorite show Jell! This season is shaping up to be a great one. I really like seeing the inner workings of the Vampire authority. I also like seeing the wolf packs and their storyline. So far I am glad we dont have any extra supernatural bs to deal with like our friendly witch last season.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I was getting sick and tired of Tara and her bs by the end of last season and was hoping it was the end to her character. now we have to deal with a crazy new vamp with no guidance. Looking at her perched in the kitchen made me almost (i said almost) want to fast forward the scene. I do like that Pamcakes was her maker and while playing the absentee parent right now, I think she'll come back around and provide T with some guidance and help her. I'm still thinking that Pam was Rev's maker. Also, how did the Rev know that Bill wont be King for long? He made a comment to Jess after she tossed him out and declared her father the King.
Now, on to our good friends at the Authority. I like the new addition of sold old vamps with power. Now, are they all older than Eric (2k years old) or is he just sitting there out of respect? we know Bill is only 140 so he can easily be overpowered by all the vamps in the room, but Eric has been doing his thing for a long time.
Hopefully in the coming weeks we learn more about the vampire bible and see some history behind it. I also want to see when and how Pamcakes was made. Eric found a true companion in her when he commented that she wasnt afraid and it's dangerous for a lady to be out that late and she replied "let me know when you see a lady".
Looking forward to everyone elses thoughts on this episode. BTW, our boy Russell is erfed up!
Jell, I dont want to hear anymore apologies on the "presentation/format" of the blog...this sht is GOLD I TELL YA..GOLD JERRY!"....the content is off the fuggin charts!
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, since there are so many, i will just list the references at the end that tickeled my bathroom parts, you really just get me. you had me at hello
So i agree w/ Tru nutz in re; Tara, and i think that he said what we were all thinking, i mean, how much longer is this sht going to go on??? Nevermind that im pretty much sick of this b but i mean, hasnt she suffered enough, whether it was being a poe negra from the south, being stalked by that freakshow for years, a failed MMA career (that came w/ some hot girl on girl action) twisted by lassie and dumped for her best friend, her cousin slinging rocks (and his azz) in the streets for a lil V, witch imprisonment now this b has to go through a shtty afterlife w/ no babymamma!?!? come Mr Ball, let her go in peace man, she earned it. I mean where is this sht going?
Agree that the whole wolfpack/Alcide story is really heating up and me likey, me likey alot. Marcus"s ma dukes really gives me the heebie jeebies, is it me or does it look like that old mug has seen some sht in her day?? There is no question she has been in some scenario's that would make the sheen man blush and has DEF been on teh buisness end of multiple lipsticks in her day like it aint no thang...JS
Ohhhhhh reveerend birdcage....clearly this guy doesnt know how to deal with my new favorite character jess (ps, did you guys see that she met her blind BF on i'd have no problem burning out the ole retina to be w/ her, and she can feel free to take me up on that) Question is; how did he get his hand on ten dimes? who did he have to betray/sellout to get hat kinda cash? may explain why he said what he said to jess..hmmmmm
The Authority has a host of characters that I LOVE, (weird black messgenger guy from 300, Creepy Twighlight/hell on wheels guy, lil angry wants to kill everyone guy, lets call him "vamp jofree" Vamp shaaron osborn and of course Vamp Stabler!!! wheeeee! lets see where this goes. and i Loved how Eric (who i do think is as powerful as these mofos) pulled the usual suspects on the authority acting like he could have cared less that he was being burned and would never dime out his homeys...respect.
The real question is; WHO IS NURSING RUSSEL BACK TO HEALTH!?!?! many things that made me gush here i had to list them
ReplyDelete1.) "inner cromo" (there's jevon, laqusiha, another laquisha, a third laquisha)
2.) "hey ma"...KILLA
3.)"T as teh predator" (u're one ugly mother.....
4.) "RYU".....(haaaaadoooken!)
5.) "ozzie and shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaron"
6.)"Bon Temps Bangmaster flex" (large explosion sound)
7.) Scooby doo picture!?!? (ruh roh!)
8.) "Vampire Biebs" (pls let there b a Vamp selena)
Last but not least, i'll respond to teh jason question like this; if we were in a potential three person throwdown and he acccidentally grabbed my azz i wouldnt be pissed. just throwing that out there..srry im not srry
I m keeping this short and simple this week.. No BS diatribes because this week was pretty straightforward. Tara story line is annoying agree w/ Lafa & Tru she needed to be offed 2 seasons ago.
ReplyDeleteAlcide is Lone Wolf Mcquade and as I am sure you all know who played that in the movie......That's right Chuck Motherfuggin Norris...So pretty much they are shaping Alcide like CMFN that in and of itself is straight money. There arent many more badass mofos in this world the CMFN so I m pretty fired up about this .. And am I stretching this thin? oh hell yeah but this is my post. Alcide doesn't want, need or care about rules ..kind of sounds like CMFN or the Honey Badger to me ..
FPB finally figuring it out that keg parties arent the way and deep down she knows shw wants Jason but she cant admit it ... Also when she and the Reverend Gaylord got into it in Bill's office did anyone else have movement when she said "Seriously Pulling Hair" . Man that was hot all I could think about was does she deep down like hair pulling?? Is hair pulling only for the Little Redriding Hood outfit?? If she likes Hair pulling she has to like smacks on the bum, name calling, hanging from the furniture, multiple insertion points and the Scream mask right ?? I got distracted after that part so I am a little dark...
I remember lil nerd fighting Jason bc he gave his mom hard and in while she was expecting low and away... Hey lucky it wasnt in her ear kid, maybe Jason was just trying to help .. And So what if Jason has slept with everyone in BT I mean if you have a talent you are supposed to use it not let it go to waste .. Jason humps often and well there is no crime to that it needs to be celebrated on the porch and given a cocktail.
Back to Rev Gaylord.. when he had his moment in his pants thinking about Jason's stuff that was uncomfy for me I actually had to go get some ice cream to get thebad taste in my mouth out..
Authority was pretty cool everyone previously has done great job identifying Sharon Osbourne, & Bieber... But what about tall bald Darkness .. wasnt that the Candyman ??? Sorry us baldies are tight knit community, and maybe I am wishful thinking. Meloni is pretty sweet and bad ass but every time I look at him all I can think about is him interogating some sex offender in a holding room .. I need to let Law & Order go but I cant I am sorry. Glad Eric's sister made it she is way too hot to leave us so soon ..
One last thought did anyone get the feeling or think that Eric was ready to pull a Martin Riggs Chinese Water Torture Lethal WEapon escape when he was getting the silver drip ??? Smart move by Bill to play the Russell card but Pandora's box has been opened and that can only mean one thing ...war..
Mute---you never let me down, always a treat with you...belee dat
Delete"Man that was hot all I could think about was does she deep down like hair pulling?? Is hair pulling only for the Little Redriding Hood outfit?? If she likes Hair pulling she has to like smacks on the bum, name calling, hanging from the furniture, multiple insertion points and the Scream mask right ??"
ur my everything..
also, to clear something up (ready ur google machines)...Creepy black baldy IS NOT the candy man...the candy man is played by Tony todd, this gentleman goes by the name of Peter Mensah who you may remember the messanger from're welcome
And he's also in a show on Starz as a gladiator. Spartacus.
DeleteMute...Scream Mask? HA! Amazing. Laffa your recognition of my obscure references are what make this all worth it for me each week. Thanking You. No comment on Pam and her little ring full of what I took to be curtis? Given the time period it may have actually been heroin thinking back to out man James D on Boardwalk and how popular it was with the ladies at the brother he called home. That was pretty unreal I thought. I meant to wax on a bit more about Eric. He showed amazing restraint on a couple occassions when Nora was first getting slapped by Meloni's right hand B and then again when she told him during his interrogation that she had been given the true death. He is going to go HAM like never before on that B when he gets the chance. She def just made his list. Eric's reputation proceeds him big time which I love. True-Nutz was right to point out how he may actually be older than some ofr the Authority members. As for the Rev and where he got the cash, that's easy. He basically ran a cult with the Church of the Light or whatever it was. He was rolling in cheddar I bet. While his his wife prob cut his manhood out in the divorce I'm sure he had some cash hidden away for those nights out where he didn't want her to see bar tab charges at the ManHole Cover show up on their Amex bill.
ReplyDeleteyou know something...ur right, i forgot to point on pamcakes playing "big red" in the brothel and delving out the chedder cheese to the proski's...((although it was prob opium if i had to guess)....Great call on Eric, guy is going to go ham newton on Stablers right hand when he gets the chance..hoping that we "at least get to see the goods" before he does.....Than you soo much for solving the reverend birdcage mystery...hahahahah! I still maintain that it may have been some kind of conpensation for turning on someone but we will see
ReplyDeleteNo way Reverend Birdcage doesn't have an alternate agenda from just wanting to be the bottom to Jason's top. When he was walking out and Jess said "my dad's the king" and he said "not anymore" or something like that, it was a quick moment but I feel like he was sent there for some reason and Jason was just an added bonus. Even though that was my favorite part of the episode, watching Jessica tease him into a fang and literal boner, I need to see some more interaction with Jason and Jess with the other vamps. No offense to you fellas who might wanna see some sorority girls, but I'm like snooze- I had to live with 50 of the Bs back in college, over IT.
ReplyDeleteI believe Mute pointed out that Jason humps often and well, so why is homeboy just sitting in the police station drinking a juicy juice? Tara's storyline was really quick this week, in some previews it shows her going to talk to Sam. Laffa you were so on point about everything that girl has gone through. Pam must come and show her the way! Can't wait to see more flashbacks of Pam and Eric. Her old career really helped with her new one, but I think she cared far more for her girls back then, than she does now. Ginger: why are you so dirty? Pam: I was in the ground, what's your excuse? Not sure how Ginger is still alive anyway.
All great points on the authority, nothing to really contribute because you guys nailed it. Vamp biebs, Sharon, etc. And YES Mama Marcus is a full fledged WBH (weather beaten ho, not sure if that's a universal term or just a Troy term). Girlfriend has definitely been put through the mill.
I think Sam and Luna will make up, I kinda see Alcide twisting out Sook this season. What do you think Jessica was referring to in preview when she popped out of the dressing room and said "you smell great, what are you?" Fairies? New weres?
Wow nice comebacks all .. Lafa Greatness on the Big Bald Black man find .. Leigh very insightful on the Rev I forgot about the not anymore line ... INTERESTING .. Who is the Rev's maker ??
ReplyDeleteLeigh...good point about the "you smell great what are you" scene from this week's preview. I think the guy def is a fairie and I mean the supernatural kind. Im in no way poking fun at those who share Lafayette's orientation.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Tara so much wilder as a newborn vamp than Jessica was? I don't remember her flying around like the tazmanian devil when Bill turned her.