A little Walking Dead tribute to start the week off.
Roman quickly salvaged the scene though by spouting off some knowledge about how suffering does not cure an appetite for power it exacerbates it. (Side note: His foot soldiers def. are vampires going back to the season opener...those ropes were totally superfluous on the docks.)
Let me be the first to say I could not be more disappointed with the new Nan Flannigan. Reverend Birdcage? Dayum! I guess our days of seeing the American Vampire League's spokesman getting mic checks by russian proskies in the back seats of limos whilst addressing the media are over. Now we're stuck with Newlin. I did like his line about how humans are motivated by fear and are willing to believe just about anything they want to hear like how Elvis was spotted buying turkey jerky in a 7-Eleven in Yakima last Thursday. Roman has him on a short leash for now though knowing all too well what it was like to be a new vampire wanting nothing more than to feed, fu-k and kill.
With Salome twisting everything with a set of fangs, maybe Roman wanted one less gun in his arsenal that shoots straight. Do you think he is her maker? Regardless, he didn't seem to mind her twisting out both Eric and Bill though did he? All part of the show folks, I guess. He did call her his secret weapon so there is much more to their relationship to be revealed.
And how about the two take down scenes orchestrated by Roman's weapon of mass seduction? Poor Bill got the boiler room shag like he was Kit Deluca still turning tricks on the street while Eric got the penthouse suite play date a La Vivian Ward. Bill had the last laugh though didn't he as he teased Eric about getting his sloppy seconds?
Perhaps the best scenes this week were those which showed us how Bill and Eric first met. Eric came calling on Pam and as they walked in on Bill and Lorena we saw that it was the two of them who Pam had cursed last week when she walked in to find one of her girls drained and damned "them."
The chemistry between Eric and Pam was evident even in their earliest moments together, as he could not hold back a grin as she demanded $500 for each girl Bill and his maker sucked dry, essentially draining them right back financially.
Pam was intoxicated with not only Eric's looks, but the life he lived and went to extremes to force his hand to turn her. She wanted Eric to help her fill her empty life with meaning as the life of an aging madam did not appeal to her.
Speaking of voids being filled, we met the woman who like the title and theme of this episode focussed on, made him who he is. Ms. Stealer (Melinda Page Hamilton a.k.a. Anna Draper) was very appropriately named as she was the one who sort of stole Jason's innocence, at the time I'm guessing following the death of he and Sookie's parents, when he was feeling empty inside.
She taught Jason how to use sex to cope with any obstacle life would throw at him. Got a problem? Fuk you lay me. My grandma was killed by a vampire...fuk you lay me. I'm addicted to V and was gang raped by my shifter girlfriend and her entire family? Fuk you lay me.
This revelation paved the way for one of the best interactions between Jason and Jessica. I can't believe I ever would applaud a scene where Jason turned down a chance to play thunder hips with big Red but I loved how she went from licking his ear to letting him bend hers about what it was that was bothering him, although even if she went and put on Pam's dirt soaked Wall-Mart sweat suit caked with Tara's blood I would have had a hard time staying...well, not hard.
With Jason, the mechanical bull ride, temporarily out of order, Jessica should have plenty of time to go after what appeared to be a sort of European fairy pimp who was picking up some supplies for his "sisters."
Shannon Osbourne cracked Eric's sister and got her to confess to being a part of the Sanguista Movement. Loved the back and forth where Sharon told her "in Texas honey of you find yourself in a hole the first thing you do is stop digging." Followed by Nora writhing with pain and spitting back, "As we say in Surrey, sod the fuk off you cunting twat!"
I gotta admit, Sharon sort of grew on me during this scene, especially after she mentioned to Nora how she wouldn't ever pass on a chance to take a bite out of her Sheriff/King vampire manwich.
One of the best cameos so far this season was the appearance of Tina Majorino as the Authority's tech geek who fitted Eric and Bill with the cleverly named iStakes and surprised them when she revealed that there was indeed an app for administering the true death remotely. Let's just hope she doesn't have a bad temper and get trigger happy after getting hot with a lengthly triple word score on Words With Friends or something, because like she said, Eric and Bill are too cute to be goo.
To close out the week, here are a few pros and cons from the episode I noted.
Pro: Salome telling Bill his "rise" has been quite impressive followed by zoom to through the pants vampire sex.
Con: Her sharing with Bill the story of her fukked up family and her mother her gift wrapped her to be raped by her perving uncle.

Con: Hoyt in a mesh shirt and guy-liner.

Con: Pam's stable of whores longingly watching Eric smooth talk their boss, lip herp sore and all.
Pro: Lafa back in the kitchen cookin' up good food and better one liners like "these beans is colder than titties in a brass bra."
Con: The return of his brujo face followed by him channeling Big Love's Wanda and trying to put Draino in the gumbo.
Pro: Sookie came clean and owned up to offing Debbie to Alcide.
Con: Alcide fought off the urge to wolf out on her and basically abjure her too. Prob went and crushed a few sixers of Blue Moon.
Con: Tara trying to commit suicide by tanning bed.
Pro: Pam finally being forced to adhere to her responsibilities as a maker.
Pro: Ms. Stealer offering Jason a chilled drink from the half box of wine she had in her fridge.
Con: Jason's earliest sexual memory now clouded in shame instead of celebrating it like he previously had. A wise man, Dirk Diggler once said, "Everyone's given one special thing." You deserve to be a star Jason, a big bright shining star.
Whew, that was a lot to clean off my plate, but I still have plenty of room for your comments. Let em rip and don't get distracted!
As per usual, this is so well put together it's actually scary but dont take my word for it, listen to the words of the newest and cutest readers;
ReplyDeletecambam44 [01:57:51 PM]: have u seen the blog?
mizuhomike [01:58:00 PM]: been busy
mizuhomike [01:58:03 PM]: will read now
cambam44 [01:58:10 PM]: ur gonna go nuts
mizuhomike [01:59:07 PM]: LOVIN IT
mizuhomike [02:03:29 PM]: i keep falling asleep
mizuhomike [02:13:01 PM]: that dude is really talented
mizuhomike [02:13:12 PM]: how many people outside of ur crew follow that?
mizuhomike [02:13:18 PM]: i bet it gets a pretty good following
mizuhomike [02:13:22 PM]: he's good man
cambam44 [02:13:44 PM]: i dont think he made it public but yes he's v v good
So to that end; nuff said, a truely special site/post indeed. (i LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the Gif w/ reverend birdcage throwin down)
How on earth is Rev B.C. gonna be the new Nan Flannigan!??! Can a newbie really hold down that Gig? i mean he has no real power himself, jessica almost shredded his sht and she's like three years old!?...this simply wont do, it wont be long before someone makes short work of this dude, i actually thought that Stabler was going to handle himself towards the end of this ep.
Speaking of Stabler, what the heck is this guy eating and what is his damn regiment?? If the guy isnt wearing a five thousand dollar suit that looks painted on than he's shredding the the latest pinga parking for vamps but man he's doing something rt, i truely respect him.
ohhhhhhhhhhh jelly jell jell....u just KNOW that when u throw the Pretty woman references at me, its gonna get me going!! your sweet mox, but ya know u are......wuv u!
It is always so interesting to see the back stories start to develop and to really understand where everyone is coming in the timeline (i.e--Bill and Eric, Lorena, Pam)....I LOVED Pam's way to make sure that Eric Turned her.....either take my life or give me one cuz i aint doin this getting old hookski thing anymore, and we know how that all turned out.
PS-very much miss Lorena, just wanted to get that out there...
I understand that it helps with the development of teh Jason/Yessica story line but i have to be honest i dont give a rats azz about what makde him to the back door trash whomping stud that he is, i would imagine that being teh qb of teh football team and outrageously goodlooking had something to do with that as well but the fact that he shredded one of his teachers is just.......good for him. Whats next? he gonna do like all these other idiots are doing in the country rt now and dime her out for making him awesome??...just knock it off, knock it off rt now
Im getting the feeling that we may not be seeing much more of Eric's sisssy that he shreds....dont she she is long for this life (r afterlife) with that said you KNOW that Eric is going to make all these people feel his pain, and i think it may be as soon as next week. Belee dat
Of all the pro and cons's (obv street fighter my fav but) my biggest Con was Hoyt getting his gay on....thats another guy on my hitlist, although i didnt think he would make it out of last season so......my call Birdcage gets a hold of his arese (literally) and that tool will never be the same.
Laffa B as always you are too kind. And just like you swooned for my Pretty Woman refs I too was moved and did the Tweeter Endzone Dance after reading your Varsity Blues quote. That actually gave me an idea for a funny meme of Jason's head on Mox's body with a quote bubble saying "I Don't Want, Your Wife" playing off the signature line Dawson Vanderbeek made famous "I don't want your life!" I will make it so. I totally concur with all you said except one thing. I don't think Hoyt was looking for some bromance at Fangtasia, despite the mesh ensemble. I think he was just trying to look like a willing Emo blood bag for some poor man's Jessica to take a bite out of. Hoyt, like his ex-bestie dog Jason, still don't bark that way either I don't think. I could be wrong, but the odds are ever in my favor when it comes to this stuff. The rest of you slackers get on the remote tonight and get your watch on.
ReplyDeleteAnd to newbie @mizuhomike, I very much appreciate the kind words. Hope you logon tonight and add your take on this week's blood bath.
ReplyDeleteOk i KNEW Jason's teacher looked familiar, Anna Draper, THANK YOU! Really wasn't digging that whole scenario. While it was nice to get a little background on Jason other than "God gave Jason Stackhouse a brain and a penis and only enough blood to use one at a time" (thanks store skank) that sex scene was less sexy than watching andy bang out that fairy princess in the meadow last season. I obviously find Jason very attractive because you know, I have eyes, but the tighty whiteys around the ankles and the thick socks he kept on DURING sex gave me the heebie jeebies. No No No. This was not hot Mrs. Robinson teacher sex. I'm not surprised he was skeeved out after and left. I bet the catch "prince charming" was watching him the whole time too.
ReplyDeleteI actually liked that he stopped Jessica because you know he wasn't that happy with his arrangement. And Jessica cares about him too. More than she currently cares about guyliner, who I agree with Jell, is not into guy but looking for a poor man's Jess.
Anyone else think Rev Birdcage might've been turned by Nan? He used to be her adversary, she knows he has a voice with the American people, plus she hates him and probably wanted to drain him anyway.
Good stuff with the Authority this week. Do you think Bill had thru the pants sex though? I'm sure he must've unzipped quickly? Pam and Eric's scenes were the best. Love flashbacks. I was initially surprised that Pam went to such lengths to get Eric to turn her, but what can I say, that B knew what she wanted!! I guess she wasn't into the vadge back then.
Chris what is that last pic of Pam and Tara from? Future ep preview? Bill and Eric are still obviously so pissed at Sook with the way they were saying she doesn't have the choice with helping them. Bitter, party of 2.
I'm glad Sam is clued in on the whole Tara situation now. Sookie and Laff are gonna break. Sook already broke down to Alcide. GREAT Big Love reference with Laff going all Wanda on the stew. Also mad respect for the Pretty Woman reference. And Cam who knew you were a fan??? Impressive.
Very little Terry and Arlene this week, can I get an Amen? All in all, best ep of the season so far.
Anna Mothereffing Draper... It was driving me insane, thank you ..stand up Jell take a bow and not some theater bow I want the full on stick the landing in the medal round of the olympics bow..
ReplyDeleteWAy too much Tara this week honestly the best part was the tanning bed I stood up clapping until Pam came on screen then I knew my happiness would soon turn to sorrow .. such bitter sorrow.
Sherrif Andy's bum was just liked on my FB page .. nice heiney he must work out .. Loved the convo b/n him and his B.. Do u recognize this woman ??? Nope ..well then how bout this picture?? OH yes I recognize that hairy round mound of fun, it was on my 25c vibrating hotel bed yesterday morning. THeir convo regarding the relationship was AWESOME. I mean Hemmingway couldnt write love dialogue like that .. " I am a witch, with deliquent kids, and I live in motel bc I cant afford anything else" THis should have been enough to make you do a little C&C Music Factory but then SA throws the double ax-hammer with " I LIVE with my grandma, i m recovering alocholic & V Addict" ..I mean if that isnt in the wedding vows I m walking out .. I m serious OUT...
Quick Tangent .. Is Sam Merlotte the best or worst boss of all time ?? I mean his employees come and go like the wind. work whatever shift they want, yell at each other or him, drink his booze, eat his food, break his place up and yet they are always welcome back..I mean cmon Sam a lil backbone here you are the boss they are the employees. His best cook just packed up his gear to go on a manhunt and Sam is like SWEET Lafa is back to take his place b/c he no longer has to save his witch gay nurse BF from his Devil Mexican father .. Sure Lafa why dont you take the lunch & dinner shift.. I need FRIES on table 5 ..
So like Jell said I was not overly moved by this episode and I am curious as to why RGL was chosen to take Nan's place. But the thign that drove me the most was Miss Salome...I mean the 3 bagger was impressive but there was something more that I needed...Maybe it is the Catholic school boy in me or maybe her power to find what drives men and what is behind their human shield.. Her ability to expose that and recognize it in one encoounter was very impressive .. It is not easy to look into someones eyes and find their soul and what they are about yet she did it ...Never underestimate the power of a woman and although she seems to be following the Authority doesnt a part of you think MAYBE she is out for herself. History has tainted her name and human life was much WORSE to her than this life.. Does that sound like someone who wants to coexist with humans???
Eric & Pam flashbacks were very telling and special but there is obviously a reason Pam is looking back... I know when I look back it is usually bc of guilt and regret..She betrayed Eric who made the choice to turn her and give her a life of living or dying...But she let her anger cloud her judgement and freed Russell she is now coming to the conclusion that her actions are going to have serious consequences and that should come this week...She will not go quietly but it seems like she isnt goign to be around long b/c as we learned in Lost once character background is established, developed and resolved there is no longer use for that character.. So me thinks BYE BYE Pam.. SOrry Lafa.. I enjoy her as well ..
Final note... Alcide & Sookie will bang in next 2 weeks ..
Some serious predictions Mute. Pam to be killed off, Sookie and Alcide to have a furious make up twist session? Very interesting. The point about Terry just leaving work to go "Searching for Cacciato" (dying for someone to know that reference) was such a hilarious point that I didn't think of and had me laughing. It seriously is baffling an maybe the most unrealistic part of the show that a place that must have such inconsistant service and food always seems to be packed. I guess it's either Merlotte's or the buffet at Fangtasia as options for locals there though and as much as I like me some pigs-in-a-blanket and wings I don't think I'd ever eat anything at Fangtasia. I wouldn't chew the ice in my drink at that place.
ReplyDeleteLeigh...the pic of Pam and Tara in matching bustiers came from kingbill.tumblr.com. not sure where they got it. maybe one of those behind the scenes webisodes.
ReplyDeleteSo first--i know this could be old hat but you see that Sook and Bill expecting twins! Fangbangers and Fairfockers beware!!
ReplyDeleteLeighcourt! where have you been my whole life!!?
"I obviously find Jason very attractive because you know, I have eyes, but the tighty whiteys around the ankles and the thick socks he kept on DURING sex gave me the heebie jeebies. No No No."...HAHAHAHAH--guy is a man of efficiency but yeah...come on guym hang out a lil bit, get comfortable.
That "NAN turning Bridcage" call could be spot on tho, its either her or pam rt?....and Leigh, dont even get me started in Pretty woman...das my sht rt there.
Mute--the answer is that Sam is EASILY the best boss of all time, people "come in and out" willy nilly, twist in the back, murder mofo's in the street when the beef cooks and throw dead bodies in freezer like it aint no thang?...u wouldnt like that if Tommy was letting us get down like that?...cooome onnn (as per usual a very special post from u)
Not sure on ur alcide/sookie twist situation tho my dude....i dont think that's in teh cards till at least the finale and u can mark that down. and PAM TO BE KILLED OFF???? YOU STOP THAT, U STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! I SMELL A WAGER
whoaaa seriously thoughts Mute, serious thoughts. I never thought that maybe Pam released Russell? She is so loyal to Eric, I'm not sure, but it has potential. Agreed that Sook and Alcide will have a makeup sesh.
ReplyDeleteAlso so pumped about Stephen and Anna having twins! I yelled out when I was reading USWeekly last night and my friends told me to get a grip.