So hopefully like Alcide, I had you all saying "I waited so long for this." Now that my review is posted though, I hope the outcome is not the same as Abs-cide's was.
Can't say I've ever puked on a girl before, but if drunkenly peeing on one while still asleep all the while yelling "RELAX I PUT THE SEAT UP" is knowing how to "treat" a lady... consider me Leon Phelps.
Speaking of mid-sleep accidents, Seeing Jason in his He-Man PJ's really took me back to the days of underoos and marvel universe pajamas. Where the nostalgia wore off was when his dead mother asked him "Do you want a little sex? Sex always makes it feel better doesn't it? Not even a blow job?"
I'll tell you who wouldn't have turned down a BJ after what he went through, even from a dead chick...Alcide. The way Sookie left him hanging in the wind gave all new meaning to the term coitus interruptus. I'm sure he would have jumped at the chance to plug in the heater and crack the smelling salts if it meant getting rid of his blue balls.
How great was Eric during that whole scene. From teasing the big bad wolf about his misfortune to later dismissing him saying "well we don't need your permission wolf!"
A read through of the various True Blood blogs out there reveled a great little spoof that made it through the editing room door. When Sookie is losing it and the three men in the room start barking at each other, you can see Eric, Bill and Alcide actually laughing in the shot through her fingers. Classic.
Jessica and Tara shared a few laughs as the seasoned redhead helped the nubile newbie vampire turn her frown upside down. This I think was my favorite scene this week. I am really enjoying this season's dedication to giving us a more in depth look into the lives of these vampires, from the intense relationship between maker and progeny to the period of feeling alone and confused when one is first turned, as discussed by our two fanged femmes this week.
How much did you love their discussion about what it's like to feed and fu-k and the same time? Jessica was the first to mention it on this show, but George Costanza was way ahead of the curve years ago if you recall.
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Hot Pants was put on hold though when Tara sunk her fangs into Hoyt. I'm not sure what the odds makers had the fight at, but I have to go with Jessica. My series long crush aside, she has age and experience as a vampire on her side and has tangled with other fangers before. Throw in her history with Hoyt and you had a recipe for some serious ferocity. Tara could lean on her brief MMA career but in the end Big Red will prevail. I have a feeling they will be besties soon enough though don't you?

The Iraq scene was very disturbing, but it did produce the newest member of the Supe's in the form of the Ilfrit which was a bonus. I was so happy to see the Smoke Monster got another acting gig after the conclusion of LOST.
Switching gears over to the Authority now, Bill made a great point when he forcibly asked Eric why Nora was still alive. Roman seems to be hiding something. While I don't think he is a "traitor" I think he knowingly turned a blind eye at some point to the Sanguinistas to perhaps garner support for his platform. Reminds me of the Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory which contends the government was aware of a possible threat prior to the attack on December 7, 1941, but did nothing so they would have something to rally public support for entering into the war. Maybe he just wanted to make his bad ass speech.
Speaking of unprovoked aggression, Sam and Luna getting merked by the Obama Boys was tragic. At least little Emma got away. I'm pretty sure Luna is donezo which will surely pit Sam against Lady Ozzy and the pack for control. She is the grandmother though so Sam doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.
It took him awhile but Jason finally put it together that his parents murder was just one in a long history of toe tags handed out by Vampires and other supers. Along the way he and Andy did have some great moments once again.
Oh Lafa, you can't catch a break. Someone needs to explain to me why Jesus's mouth is sewn shut and what his head is doing on Lafa's momma's bedroom dresser. Did anyone else catch the various insulting voices insulting emanating from the shrine that looked like a house party at Jobu's house gone bad? There was the female voice that said "You're fukked now," but the capper was the voice that sounded like Chow from The Hangover who said "Life is suffering bitch!"
So much went down this week as usual I'm now going to just rip off some of my other favorite moments.
Poor fukkin' Doug. First I thought he was a werewolf too, but turns out he's just a 9-5 grunt for Alcide's company.
Eric's comment about New York City
Forgive me Guardian but the Sanguinistas are gaining ground. They are recruiting followers even amongst your closest allies.
So Hello Old Friends! Do you remember me? I hope you help finish what i started this week. After an off week for many of you I'm expecting big things.
ReplyDeleteWhat's more than that is a little special glimpse into the world of our maker with the whole "RELAX I PUT THE SEAT UP!" hahahah! brillaince old friend, just brilliance.
Now on to bidness...after two weeks ago it was great to see Ball snapback with a VERY impressive episode, obviously there were some things that continued on further than i would have liked (Laffa and mouthless jesus, the smoke god and stupid smoke god---i literally choose to not even emember their names anymore etc) but there were some real develoments in some of the story lines that i think we call love, with Pam and tara, and Jess and Tara and most of all Russel!
Full dislosure; my comforter definetly exposed my my toes and blocked my view of the screen when Jess was telling Tara about how great it was to twist and feed at the same time! i would have no problemo dressing up like hoyt in culture club too have a gang fang sess w/ the two of them , bathroom stall or otherwise...just throwin that out there and jell there is no question that they will be partners in sin by the middle of the next ep. in the words of Bart scott "CANT WAIT!"
but for realz i really love watching them fiind their sexual/life dominance and power together and i dont me just in my bathroom parts, well, maybe i do but u know what i mean.
As for SAM and LUNA...i sure will miss Luna and her hersey's kisses im really not that concered with a obamagang running arouns sniping shifters, although my one question would be, how do they know who is and who isnt?
Ruseel and Roman are DEF about to have a showdown of somsorts although i dont know how he will get to roman w/o going through B& roman older than rusell or what? Troy wasnt call is that a member of sanginista pulled Alcide out of the room in order for russell to make his escape i dont think another wolf would be that powerful and im thinking that they dug him up to destory the authority for their own cause but will NEVER be able to control him obvi....
Lastly for now...LOVE the jobu reference obv (wouldnt be a post w/o an 80"s ref (early 90's whatever) "fastball i hit very much"..HAHAHAH...well played old friend, well played indeed
Good point Cam about how they know who is a shifter or not. I wonder if it's the werewolves. Also recall when Sookie went into that gun shop with all the vampire killing apparatus. Sookie heard the guy at the counter say he'd like to take her on his next vampire hunt betting she would twist him out when she saw him take down a fanger. So apparently there are modern day lynch mobs driving around killing vampires in addition to the Obama Boys who are targetting shifters. I wonder if Jason is going to fall in with those guys looking for some redemption for the murder of his parents. So was it clear to everyone that Russel knew Eric, Bill and crew were coming? I wasn't sure. I thought he maybe thought it was the person who feeds him. I'm prob wrong though. Russel still looked incapacitated but I have a feeling he will jump up off that bed like the Man in Black did in the end of Princess Bride when Prince Humperdink walked in on him and Buttercup. Also it was great to hear him shout out his beloved boy in a jar Talbot. According to an interview with DEnnis O'Hare who plays Russel we are in for some hilarity when he finally gets back in the groove.
ReplyDeleteRussell Edgington (Dennis O'Hare) is back from underground tomb. O'Hare says that this version Russell will actually be funny. Until he's not.
"In a strange way, Russell is actually a lot funnier this season," Denis tells The Insider. "He's not toothless, but he's a little more of a comic foil ... until he isn't. And then he becomes very, very vicious again. Which I love."
If you recall, Russell punched his fist through the gut of a news reporter after the death of his lover, who's bloody remains he kept in a jar. Someone helped him out of the cement he was buried in and his feelings of gratitude are what help change his personality, according to O'Hare.
Another thing that makes Russell all sweet and funny? He'll be getting a new beau. "I get to dance, I get to hold a puppy and I get to sing karaoke -- a great 70s classic," he says, though, "not all at the same time, mind you."
I really think that russell new character is going to quicly become a fan favorite if that they are saying is rt jel jel...should be good fasho
ReplyDeleteAs for Russ knowing that thew were coming to finish what they started, im not to sure about that, i think it was just more that he was pulling a Emporer possum type move "MORE POWER!!!!" and is going to "shock" the sht out of those three but we'll see, at the same time the fact that someone pulled alcide out of the room certainly lends to your theory so...
Another job well done Jell! This was by far the best episode this season and one of my top episodes in the series so far. We got to see some real depth into the characters and bringing back one of the best Vamps, Russell, will make this season amazing.
ReplyDeleteFirst, giving yourself a lot of credit Laffabrown. "my comforter definetly exposed my toes and blocked my view of the screen". you watching on your iphone again? And thank you for coming full cirlce and recognizing your likeness to Morgan Freeman. Proud of you.
Ok, now down to the show. Will Ab-cide ever get down with Sook? He was so close, now he's being dragged down a hallway and that's going to put his twist session off by at least 3 episodes. Laffa-B thinks he was dragged out by a vamp, but I think it was another wolf. He said he smelled wolves before they saw Russell and we all remember how the pack guarded Russell and his crew in exchange for a little V. In the end I think Ab-cide fks up some V'd wolves like he did his old pack master. Sook will use her ray of light fairy farts to push off Russell and the dynamic duo will have to retreat because Russell is stronger than they realize.
Yessica Jessica and her new bff Tranny Tara are off to a little bit of a rocky start as we saw at the end of the episode. I agree and think Jess will ultimately put Tara in her place and Pam will let it happen to be a lesson to Tara. Remember when Eric had to tell Bill's maker that she better teach him to respect his elders. Pam was watching and after 100 years she knows all about respecting older vamps. This will be a valuable lesson to Tara.
Now, big question here. How old is Roman? Because as we know, age gives you more power. Roman vs Russell is going to be an unbelievable fight, but who is older. We know Russell is 3000 years old. I really like how we're getting more and more information on how the Authority works. I want to see more of Roman and his crew.
Lets finish with our main man Lafa. What is going on with him and his visions of Jesus? Hopefully he can get control of his power and help out the Russell hunting crew. That's it for now.
"Sook will use her ray of light fairy farts"
ReplyDeleteWell put Tru-Nutz! I think Russel is def older than Roman. I don't have much to base my feeling off of. Certainly can't let looks fool you as we know. Sounds like Biebs/Drew was around a long time despite what his child form would have us think. DREW IS GOO!!!
So much to discuss so let's get down to it..Jell top notch post the pics the quotes ( Jobu, Ewoks (line of the night) & Underoos(which I owned as well ) marvelous work.. Great job my man!!.. Now the puke thing quick story. Back in the day I had similar experience I was workign my best to close a young lady and was just about to close the deal , when I had the sudden urge to expel the contents in my belly from my mouth being the resourceful gent I am I grabbed an empty beer bottle proceeded to purge my system in a quick head turn and quickly come back to the convo I was having .. Needless to say the young lady saw my move, was impressed by my accuracy and cleanliness but unimpressed with the rest of me so I was forced to go home head hung and pride stung. that being said I felt bad for my man Alcide but it is merely a roadblock b/c just like I eventually got my revenge on said young lady he will get his on Sookie.
ReplyDeleteRussell scenes were creepy and he reminded me of Hyman Roth in GF2 lying on his "deathbed" while he gives Michael his speech about "this is the lives we chose" I mean everyone knows what they have to do at this point the question is ...How is it going to get done?... Eric & Bill know they are going to die, Russell knows what is going on from his Sanguanista contact, Sookie knows whatever happens is going to end badly and whomever she comes in contact with is doomed.
Loved the Tara & Jessica scenes and their discussion on how difficult it is to be a new vamp. That convo and dialogue really got to me and helped to explain the fears concerns and impulses they have as well as the beauty of living this way forever. They will be young as everyone around them dies and they can live forever ... That is an enpowered feeling and pretty overwhelming when u think of it .. I loved it and even though they brawled a tthe end and FPB looks to be getting back with Dope asss Hoyt I think they have created a bond.. Vamp can brawl but they wont hate forever bc forever is way too long.. I would kill to be the meat in that sandwich...Literally
The Fire ghost thing annoyed the hell out of me and I wanted to punch it in the face or call Jacob from Lost. I mean when it came out of the walls seriously I dont need or want this story line.. End it now.
Sherriff & jason imitating CSI guys at teh shifter shooting was awesome.. I mean Jason finding a wooden bullet in a tree in the middle of the night in the dark??? tha twas beleiveable but the covnersation about the fairies and ewoks more than made up for it.. Those 2 are amazing together b/c although they are complete morons they are completely opposite morons.. Where one is stupid the other is smart and vice versa .. Batman & RObin of Bon Temps.
I have many questions : 1. Who is the woman sanquinista helping Russell ( My Guess Salomme) 2. Sam and his B can't die so who comes and saves them? What is the Authority going to do when they find out Russell is alove ? Why did Alcide bolt? Why wud FPB ever get back with that weazel hump fuk Hoyt? What is going to happen to Jason b/c when his mind starts racing bad things happen ? Finally what is point of the Fairy bar ? is there going to a Super Royal Rumble n Bon Temps like Hall of Justice vs Legion of Doom schit??
Come on troy...i pitch tents, and you KNOW this...MAN!
Deleteand PS-this sht is very funny.... "Sook will use her ray of light fairy farts to push off Russell and the dynamic duo will have to retreat because Russell is stronger than they realize." ...and truth
I really have no clue who is older, maybe leigh could shed some light on that ? it roman or russel.....roman seems to boss to be younger than 3k so ima go with that.
i feel the urge to share some insight into my life after Jell's and Mute's but unfort i dont have a puke/wee story so will have to wait till something else comes up to take a special glimpse into who Laffa freenman is as a person. (Leigh next time i see you that phone is getting launched)...
Mute answers;
1.) i dont know her name but lady twistsalot who sleeps w/ roman is the b who free's eric...and she is gonna get it (prob mid twist kind like that dude that reminded me of troy...talbot or "troybot")
2.) Sam will not die, luna is gone and Sam will raise the daughter
3.)Alcide didnt bolt, he was snatched up, the debate is by whom (or what
4.) point of the fairy bar is to twist until the suck the life blood outta you (works for me)
5.) dont forget-troy is talbot or troybolt
be good
Laffa, Laffa, Laffa. why do you always have to get so aggressive? Its ok that you look like a famous actor. It doesnt matter that he's 75 years old.
ReplyDeleteI know you have a funny story laffamorgan. Dont be shy. we're all friends here.
And dont forget: Laffamorgan =
Mute: Vamps can brawl but they wont hate forever bc forever is way too long...
ReplyDeleteLOVED THIS! What a poetic sentiment from you my man. Also great call Mute on pointing out the CSI work by Jason and Andy. I meant to include it in my recap. How in the hell did Andy know those tire marks left at the murder scene were BF Goodrich Radials? That was some Marisa Tomei/Mona Lisa Vito sh-t right there right out of My Cousin Vinny.
First things first...I'm sorry for my delayed response, I've been mourning the news that Alcide has a new girlfriend in real life. So Laffa- I actually don't have the Morgan Freeman pic of you, I just told Troy about the app :) Don't worry because the first person I got was a dude, then an indian actress...our overweight father who looks like a combo of Jack Nicholson and Donald Trump somehow got Kevin Costner and my best friend's white jewish mother got Jay Z....
ReplyDeleteOnto the recap: I don't know how old Roman, I don't recall him being in the books. The whole Authority thing wasn't in the books either. The shootings were, but I don't know if they are going with the same route at all. Also Jason and Sookie's rents weren't killed by vamps, so obviously they pick very little from the novels.
I think the shootings will ultimately tie in with the sanguinistas and the whole uproar that's about to happen with The Authority. I literally have no fcking idea why we need to have the smoke monster. Andy is the more entertaining Bellefleur. I'm also so confused about Jesus's head and HELLO we still never found out who took his body!!!!!
Gonna say I'm probably the only person who likes Sookie. She was funny in this episode with her no BS attitude. Her life is ridiculous and at this point she knows the drill. I think we are going to see an appearance by Lilith. Either Lilith, Salome, or Nora released Russell. Nora is a sanguinista so it would make sense that she did it at some point. I also really don't trust Salome.
So pumped for the return of Russell. Next week looks AMAZING. Things are interesting at The Authority but they've been kinda slow. Next episode that's all about to change.
As for puking on a date...I have puked many a time in their bathrooms or in front of them (too wasted you gotta pull the trigger), but never on them thankfully. I only slept with a garbage once. Maybe this is why I'm still single...
How did I forget to mention Tara and Jessica?? Best part of the episode hands down. And what the f*ck is Hoyt wearing?? What decade is this? I can't with his sh!t. He needs a therapist obvi. Favorite line, Tara to Pamcakes: If I wanted to look like a drag queen I would've raided Lafayette's closet. Amen.
ReplyDeleteLovely to hear from you as always Leigh. I did not know that "Big Dik Richie" was hooking up with someone on a steady basis. For those of you also in disbelief that a guy with that much momentum on his side would limit himself to one lady here is a link to his special someone.
ReplyDeleteLazoore is the first woman Manganiello has openly dated since splitting from his former fiance' Audra Marie. I'lllet you decide whether that was a good decision.
Troy-i want to punch ur face. I mean that
ReplyDeleteDo you realize that if i had the Mangina that Manganiello has that i woul dbe twisting K hudson on the way to my dinner dates w/ KK?--js.
I comepletely forgot that someone took stupid Jesus's body! wtf is up w/ that?....and when can we bury that story line?!?!
The real question is "where is baby D and where is Mamma Vamp?....oh! and where is that b that gets high when she watches TB..i miss her dearly!
as the resident female on this board, this about sums up my thoughts: