Ahhh, nothing like a good "release!" So with the holiday really throwing me off schedule here, finally, here is last week's recap. For those of you who side with @LaffaBrown and thought the episode was weak sauce, at least you haven't been chomping at the bit to get your comments in. I still thought there was plenty of great in this episode and I will do my best to show where and sway your opinion.
Eric relinquished his hold on Pam as her maker in what was one of the more emotional scenes in the show's history. It helped that the two actors involved were two of the show's strongest, as opposed to the scene featuring drunk Sookie which almost drove me to drink as well.
Pam is a maker now and while she treats Tara like a puppy humping her leg at times, there were moments where we saw that maker/progeny bond that Eric described. First instance was when we saw the look of concern and hurt on Pam's face when she opened the tanning bed. Later she reminded me of a mother looking in on her sleeping baby when she gently opened the top of Tara's coffin as she slept.
"Let bygones be bygones...Bi girls be Bi girls."
Pam/Kristin Bauer never looked better BTW. Even when she had a handful of Tara's face on her hand. Loved when she first came back to Fangtasia and tried to smooth things over with Eric.
If the Pam/Choke Slam wasn't indication enough, this was the most unhinged and affected we've ever seen Bill and Eric I think. The normally cool customers were definitely feeling the hands of the Authority pressing down on their shoulders.

While I am happy to have put the Debbie Pelt ordeal behind us, the dead V addict was responsible for two good scenes this week. Alcide's confession to the Pelts was very well done I thought, but I was not too psyched to see him and Sookie hook up. Maybe it was the Orange Marzipan's talking, but I hope Alcide realizes what a animal he really is and starts acting like it, first and foremost with the hot werewolf B we saw in earlier episodes.
While Alcide has yet to realize his full potential, Jessica is really hitting her stride as we saw when she came to Jason's aid and glamoured Andy. It was truly special, especially if you think like I do that she is just doing all this to get him back into mechanical bull mode so she can ride him.
What a great card that would be to play. Where were you last night? Um I don't remember? DAMN VAMPIRE CAB DRIVERS!
Speaking of awkward situations, if I had a penny for every time I ran into a relative of mine at a gentleman's club...
Poor Jason, the guy was just about to get his Fae on and his cracked out cuz walks in.
I would have been like...
Someone posed a good question earlier in the week. What name would you give to the fairy club that Jason and Andy were taken to? I suggested FAE in keeping with the trendy one word name of most clubs, but also liked Pixie Lust (a play on Pixie Dust) or possible Field of Dreams given the locale of the club's entrance. Be sure to add your ideas in your comments.
While you ponder that I have to point out a couple things about the limo scene featuring the two peace officers. There are few things that elicit a feeling of excitement and anticipation like the hunched over walk to the front of a limo does after getting in through the back door. I also loved that Jason stuck his head out of the sun roof. It would not have been "realistic" had he not acted like Tom Hanks did in BIG.
Back to the club, for those fashionistas in our midst, or those wanting to recreate the enchanted scene at home with a loved one or random, many of the outfits worn by the dancers can be found in the Maison Close collection like the Soire Cherie Harness and push up bra featured here.
From push ups to push overs, Roman showed he certainly is not the latter this week by swiftly dealing out the True Death to Authority Member Bieber right at the conference room table. Chris Meloni has been such an amazing addition to the show this season. I can't wait for a potential showdown between him and Russel.
As for who dug up Russel I am pretty sure now Reverend Birdcage had something to do with it after Jessica asked Bill if he was still King while they searched their house for bugs. (BTW i loved Bill throwing the roach he found aside scoffing at the low quality weed Jess's friends were smoking)
Getting back to Russel's release, I don't think it was the Biebs. To break through that concrete one probably would have needed to use some sort of backhoe and I doubt he could operate one let alone reach the pedals with his feet unless he went Short Round a la Temple of Doom and had blocks tied to his shoes. I did love how after he bragged to the table about getting bills passed all over Scandinavia he dropped the "J.S." like we are so fond of doing in our comments.
I am liking Lafa's storyline as he struggles to keep his dark side buried. Bewitching Sookie's car etc.
As I try to close this week's comments out a few random things I enjoyed:
Sam telling his shifter friends that he wouldn't recommend anything on the menu at Merlotte's. Especially since, like you guys have pointed out, the staff has an open door policy to come and go as they seemingly please. Like who was manning the kitchen while Terry was off on his road trip and Lafa was outside turning Sookie's car into Christine? And who shot his friends? And what was the motivation do you think? I was completely confounded by that.
Was anyone else cringing each time Roman took out his iPhone and precariously placed his finger near the App button that could e-deliver the True Death to Bill and Eric?
In the same scene I loved seeing Nora just tell him to Fuk Off in her delicious accent.
Jason delivered some classic moments like when Sookie came to turn herself in.
But the winner for random yet funniest moment was the goofy deputy trying to get the invite to the boys night out.
I know you all are probably a little sluggish from partying last night and some are still out doing it up, but for those unlucky few who are stuck at work today, I look forward to your comments. Until then, for me...
Well done Jell! I have to say that Laffabrown is way off by saying this was a filler episode. Lets talk about my girl Pamcakes. First off, she is looking GOOD! So she is released after over 100 years of loyal service to her Maker. And now she's a Maker. I think the time was right and I believe Eric looks at her as more than just his young progeny. Was anyone really turned on by Pam when she was teaching Tara how to suck the blood out of the Snooki doppelganger? "Bring her to the brink of death and hold her there". Pam just gets me.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of sick of Alcide sticking up for our favorite fairy Sookie. Everyone in town hates her and I am starting to get those feelings towards her also. I like her when she's a little more badass and fks people up with her ray of light. I agree with Jell here, Alcide needs to drop her and get back with the pack, the tall werewolf B in particular.
Yessica!!! You never cease to amaze me. She is growing to be a formidable Vampire. She's young, but she has a real control over her powers. She'll be flying before we know it. And yes Jell, she is doing it to get her man back in the saddle. Question: If Eric has the thunderhips, can she also or is that something that you get after 1000 years of practice?
One more thought before we get deep into the comments. The two fairy dude bouncers zapped Jason and Andy after they booted them from the club. Did they wipe their memory?
Thanks again Jell! Keep up the good work. And as the Judge said "Dont let them put a picture of your johnson on the internet. It'll never hold up in court!"
I def think Bruno's two cousins MIB'd Andy and Jason with their Madonna "Ray of Lights." As for thinder hips I would think Jessica would hit her vampire sexual peak a little later than male vampires just like with humans. So prob around 200-300 years old she will really become a "slayer." Maybe Jason's grandson will take a run at her. What did you think about the two shifters getting merked while sipping on some white grape and enjoying a room temperature brie?
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ReplyDeleteAlso Tru Nutz, I respect how u picked up the slack while LaffaBrown is M.I.A. and brought the real gully sh-t!
ReplyDeleteForgot to talk about the two shifters. At first glance you would think it was the pack getting back at Merlot. But that's not their style. They would rather shred the shifters in a fight. I'm at a loss on them.
ReplyDeleteI'm calling out @Laffa because I am like ten minutes from him in the hamps and probably seeing him later yet I'm dedicated to the blood!!!! Bless the blood...
ReplyDeleteOkay a moment of silence now, R.I.P. Vampire Biebs. Then I need to give mad props on a phenomenal comparison to the one and only Patrick Bateman. Granted Roman has not still proved as awesome as the American Psycho.
Pam and Eric really brought it this week. It was a truly great scene and I'm not surprised that they were both moved by filming it. I know everyone LOVES Askars, but I really am a Bill fan. Bill can be cool, he just usually has to be the uptight one because Eric is too busy twisting everything in site. By the way, everyone in the house I'm in uses "twist" something I've never heard outside of you guys.
I enjoyed the Sook and Alcide scene, that B had to get wasted. Super confused about how vampires killed Sookie and Jason's parents. The faery thing is not that well done considering how different it was from last season. Like why didn't Andy and Jason lose like a year of time by going through that portal? Are these different faeries?
Don't care much about the shifters, sorry to say. Terry actually provoked some interest this week. Ok signing off, laterrrrr.
Well Well Well.....i have to say that i respect the shizzle out oof everyone calling out LaffaB and his hatred for this lowgrade opinion and while you are all entitled to your opinions and i respect them they are the wrong ones. There is NO QUESTION that the best part of last weeks ep was this recap and all of your posts and while "Respect yo Delf" (miss u meth) def opened my eyes and came to bring the pain this episode was absolutle trash, there i said
ReplyDeleteFull disclosure, Leigh court was spot on and did run into Morgan freeman in the hamps and in some way was responsible for the MASSIVE hangover and bender that i was on and I apologize for the delay, i did also watch this weeks episode so things arent quite the mystery to me that they were last week so i dont want to seem like some supergenius that knows it all (even though i do)
I can admit that the Pam and Eric scene was some powerful sht it was probably the ONLY thing that kept me entertained (r u not entertained) in this low grade filler Ep
PS--love the commentary from teh stars after, you, your good you
Pam (and Jess) for that matter are really coming along in this season in general and if i had to be flat out honest like i said last week im really hoping that Tara will see the truth death at sompoint because that b just flat out annoys me now (not as much as sookie who i REALLY hate now but they should keep her azz in teh coffin)..did anyone else think that tara's "meal" kinda reminded them of leighcourt? just throwin that out there
I had hoped that the whole Fairy storyline had gone the way of the dodo but someone decided to bring this thing back and add it to the list of things i culd absolutly give a fk less about pile, along with Tara, Terry, Laffa and his scary mask (yes it did hurt me to say that) and even sookie....they literally lock us into about 35 mins of watsed time per ep right now....I DONT LIKE
One bright point is i really do like the way vampire stabler is handlin his bidness rt now....guy is flat out noot for games...with that said REALLY love how vamps just throwdown and twist anyone and everyone and then trun around and share beds with their laptops like a married couple...there's something to be said for that...js
The Long and teh short of it is, while i still love the show obvi and i thought that this past weeks episode is MUCH bteer and i cant wait to see what happens w/ bill v eric and bill and vs roman there are AT LEAST 4 storylines that they could punt right now...Terry (who cares!?!?)...Laffa and his mask (just stop), the shifters and their being traget by a gang of black regans (spoiler alert), the fairies, i mean, seriously?? (btw, was that stacy keibler that was all over Jason in the club)....but Alan Ball needs to start making better decsions with my time, i mean i guess i could just stop watching and reading the recaps and be just fine so really not alot of risk there but.....just fix it mofo!