So there seemed to be two big themes which ran throughout this week's episode, the full moon and duplicitous persona's in several shapes and forms.
Just like Marnie, Laffa got possessed by a spirit. "Hey Chavez how come they ain't killin us?" "Cause we're in the spirit world asshole they can't see us!" (Funny side note, Charlie Sheen is the only character not to take part in the peyote...pretty funny in hindsight.)
Jesus was like "I got a snake mayne!" And put it in the bag then on the floor like Jake the Snake Roberts used to do with Damien.

Did Grandpa Brujos sick the snake on Jesus so that the spirit would have no choice but to enter Laffa? Or was the spirit Tio Luca Jesus's dad who entered Laffa to help his son? Either way I liked the references to the snakes as a spiritual creature and the gateway to the spirit realm. Very Jim Morrison esque, "Ride the snake, ride the snake, To the lake, the ancient lake, baby. The snake is long, seven miles. Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold."
Very subtle, but did you notice the brand of cigarettes Tara was smoking? American Spirit.
Eric's alternate personality continued on as we saw him once again defend Sookie against a perceived intruder only to then go all submissive and apologetic to his King after learning who Bill was. Even Pam's heart felt tale of their century long run of traveling the world, fucking and laughing could not dissuade him from acting a fool. When he told her that he was no longer the vampire she knew I was just waiting for her nose to fall off as the camera held on her face.

Jason continued to shine as he tried to keep Sook from walking in on him handcuffed to the bed. Reminded me of Officer Doofy and how he didn't like to be bothered when he was "cleaning his room." Jason seems to be tied to a bed more than anyone I've ever seen.

How funny was it when he told Sookie how he had gotten bit "and stuff" by his psycho ex-girlfriend and her weird panther crowd.
Jason: I won't ever forgive myself if I bite your head off.
Sookie: I promised to take care of you.
Jason: What did you think that meant? Change my fucking kitty litter?
Sookie: I thought witches were just in fairy tales.
Jason: Or in that goth store in the mall buying pentagram stretch pants.
Sookie: Everybody has something inside them that they can do without even trying.
Jason: Like how I'm extra good at sex and shooting?
Jason: I'm a police officer and a were-panther, back off!!!
Sure enough Jessica sensed when her Bon Temps Bo hunk felt threatened and came to his rescue. The exchange between these two was one of the best of the show's history i thought. First of all the obvious awesomeness of Jess telling him to go to a happy place as he focused on he heaving bosom.

Jason: your mom was a were-panther?!?!
Jess: No she had panic attacks.
I also really liked how she said she didn't regret being a vampire and relished her strength and speed. She recounted how the night she was turned was the scariest night of her life and wasn't about to let him go through his possible transformation alone.
Jason tugged at heart strings as he confessed to be jealous of Sookie growing up and despite having to defend her all the time and taking a beating for it often, he lamented how she got all the "special." Jess told him to just take a look at himself and question how he thought he wasn't special. Jason pushed back though saying he had enough going on inside him without her being in there too. Let me be the first to say that Jessica could be inside me anytime she wanted. Stinky pinkie away my love.

With Debbie running with her new pack Alcide is back in the mix completing the Sookie suitor triangle which looks to heat up in upcoming weeks.

Definitely gotta go check that Nan scene again. I didn't pick up on any of that, but what a great sub-plot. Speaking of, what on earth is Bill up to? There's something very big picture up his sleeve and I just can't seem to put my finger on it. His Kingship is just a means to an end I think, and it's gotta be bigger than just vamp freedom/ co-habitation in general or getting Sookie back. Things that make you go hmmm.
ReplyDeleteThis she-devil witch storyline clearly isn't going away anytime soon, and it looks like it's going to be the demise (or try to be) of the vamp culture as we know it. Maybe the Godric flashbacks have something to do with it. They've gotta be using him for some reason...
And Ugh, if there ever was a Debbie downer. She's such bad news, i don't get it how guys can't see right through these stupid Bs! I just can't wait to see what she does to Sookie, and how Eric (and maybe Alcide too) give her a whooping as punishment.
The episode was good, it went somewhere and was rewarding to the viewer. Not to say there aren't gaps to fill - I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see how Sam learns about and subsequently tries to fix all the trouble young Tommy got him in during the turn. Imagine your younger dumb ass half brother comes in and knocks boots w your new gf for the first time? My god, what a mess. But if anyone can understand, lets hope its Luna. I like the spice she's bringing to the mix, little A cups and all. Actually, I'm kind of appreciating the women they've casted aren't all siliconed up. Let's face it, the lifestyle in Bon Temps can't afford invisialign let alone implants. Except for Arlene, most of the ladies on set are au natural - Sook, Jess, Tara, ... I'll let you guys finish that list, I'm sure you're keeping better tabs than I am - LAFFA!
Oh MGC you made my day seeing you write "B's" and I KNOW you will make Laffa's with your shout out. There def will be some "shifting" going on in his pants when he reads this.
ReplyDeleteMGC good point about the ladies in Bon Temps not being able to afford silicone and Invisialign. Gotta try and keep it authentic. Unfortunately plastic or not, these guys (and most guys) just can't see through these crazy B's. Like Debbie is batsh*t and Alcide must be on V himself not to see that. She has it out for Sook, I feel a confrontation coming on.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the heavy featuring of a one mister Jason Stackhouse this week. Chris, love that you caught some of his great quotes. He and Jess have some serious heat. And he and Sook make for hilarious siblings. Change my kitty litter!?! I for one am happy he didn't turn into a panther because hopefully it means we've seen the last of Hotshot hillbilly hell.
The witch war is brewing and it ain't gonna end soon. I don't know what Bill is up to but he's been very pensive this season. He's got some secrets. His face when Eric gave him the speech about knowing what true love is was priceless.
Something I noticed about the sex scene was that he didn't bite Sookie. Which we all know is rare in vampire sex. I think that was done to show us that he really does care. Also having sex in a swamp? looks cute in theory but i'd be worried about critters crawling places. ick!
and nan flanagan was totally getting pleasured during her videochat with Bill.
Also good call to my bro on Tommy shifting into Sam. Creeeeepy.
ReplyDeleteGreat recap as usual. thanks for the shout out Jell. Tommy is the kind of guy that would take down his bro's girl for their first time. And I think he's going to be using this new power of his more and more. It's going to make for an interesting storyline.
ReplyDeleteFirst, lets talk about Nan. I mean she's old, and I'm not talking about vamp old. she was "turned" at an older age, but i like it. I noticed right away that she had a little party in her office and we werent getting the whole view. I like her character and how she's becoming more of an important character on the show.
Eric tossing Bill was amaze. Just shows you how much more ballin being 1000 years old vs Bill's 140 is.
So we're learning more and more about the wicked witch of the west and why she hates vamps so much. Ohhh Father Luis, you dirty old man. She owns you now and I am guessing that the old padre will be the first to get a sun tan.
Jason, you let Laffa down. He wanted a were panther, B twistin, knuckle head character so bad. Dont worry Laffa, Jason is better this way and "special" like Jess said. great chemistry between them. Bye Bye Hoyt.
Now we havent talked about Tara's last scene in this episode. she was in the parking lot of merlottes with her girl and Pam came at the two of them. Hopefully a minaj?? Probably pam coming in for dinner. either way, it will be interesting to see how Tara handles it.
And thanks for not talking about the baby trying to torch everyone inside the house. i'm sick of that story.
A Nicki Minaj scene with our resident "Baddest Bitch" Pam would be epic. If Pam takes Tara and her B to the "Cuchi Shop" my face might fall off from smiling so much. Lemme see your "Bed Rock!"
ReplyDelete"Oh MGC you made my day seeing you write "B's" and I KNOW you will make Laffa's with your shout out. There def will be some "shifting" going on in his pants when he reads this. "
ReplyDeleteThis couldnt be more spot on!!! i apologize for mot being involved last week, i was on nantucket trying to go dark like jack bauer (and hleping others to go dark as well, wheee!) But seriously, i'm srry i was off the grid but i promise i will
be in full force tommorow! nice lil episode last night.
MGC...you are everything...and everything is you.