Well we all got our wish, Tommy is gone, but he didn't go quietly. His whole death scene was drawn out way too long. I was channeling Robbie Hart by the end.

Here's a question for you all. Whose truck had more blood on it at the end of the night, Alcide's or Jason's?

Jason had a pretty stellar episode I thought. From complaining about Hoyt drinking eleven of his beers and farting to volunteering to go confront Martonia.

Speaking of funny smells, Alcide is gonna be none too happy when he comes home to smell another wolf all over his girl Debbie. Loved the way Marcus said "different philosophies."

Terry and Andy worked out their differences at Fort Bellfleur. I know some of you probably hated on this whole sequence, but there were some amazing lines dropped by our crazy veteran and Andy.
Terry: you checked up on me, kept the family off my back, even when I thought you were an Iraqi insurgent.
Terry: You were too old for booties!
Andy: I wasn't too old for socks! She could have knitted me socks or a sweater or something!
Terry: Words don't put food on the table.
Terry: Plenty of men come back from war and don't live in a tree house.
Andy was great when he got confronted for having V in the house around the kids.
"There's a safety cap...I think."

I liked seeing more interaction between Sookie and Jason. Their story lines have not crossed paths enough if you ask me. She brings out the best in her brother.
It was good to sort of get the old Eric back. I wasn't too sure it was really him, but when he dismissed the possibility of human casualties at the Moon Emporium by saying "they backed the wrong horse," I once again saw our beloved Viking.
I'm not a big fan of innocent human casualties. The shot of the little girl crying over the dead body of her mom and the Tolerance festival was too much for me. Couldn't Nan, Bill, and the others just give them blood to heal them all? What was Nan talking about being a certified first responder? Like the waitress B told Tara, there ain't no spell that can't be undone if you got the juice. Well Nan like Rakim once said, its time to "sip the juice" because you got enough to go around. I mean there are those who fuck up and bring a knife to a gun fight, a pen to a test, but give Nan an old Ticonderoga #2 pencil and she will stake a vampire like no other. When she told Bill "spin always matters" was she talking about publicity or the moves her lady friends use on her down below. Spin combined with rapid flicking usually does the trick, so I'm told.
All in all I thought it was a decent episode and built up some nice anticipation for this week. I cannot wait to see this shit go down.

P.S. couldn't Sookie just zap our girl Pamcakes and make her right again?
Some quotes I liked not mentioned above:
Eric: Here comes death.
Bill: Not for me.
Jessica: Talk about a bromance.
Jessica: Fucking humans! I'm gonna go find someone to eat!
Roy: It was a blood bath and we sorta won!
Tommy: There ain't no Heaven and Hell's a dogfight.
Andy: I'm a better man on V.
Jessica: I don't care what happens so long as I get to kill shit!
Marnie: We got our very own vampires!
Nicely done Jell. Well, we were all happy to see Tommy go, but for a second there I thought it was going to be like when Austin Powers kept trying to kill Mustafa (will farrell) and Tommy would be like "i'm still alive here, not dead yet".
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice twist to see that Marnie is the real evil one. Here we all thought it was Antonia and it turns out that she is the more rational one. we'll have to see how it all plays out over the next two episodes. I have a feeling that Jessica's rpg is not going to rip thru the store front. I think they'll need another way in. Did they show Jason in the store with everyone in the previews for next week? I know he didnt make it in when everyone disappeared.
This was a classic Jason episode. His one liners were great, but the best was when he asked jess to glamour him so he wouldnt feel guilty about taking her out to the truck.
There's something about Nan that I really like. She can go from politician, to vamp crusher, to lets bring in the glamour squad all in the same breath. She has it all and I like it.
The episode was ok overall. I think the best part was having LaffaBrown over since he lost power in the storm. Although he didnt dress the part. Arent we all dressing up on sunday nights? or is that just me?
Only two more episodes and I am looking forward to seeing them close out some story lines and open up another BIG one for us to think about while we wait for next season.
T got to watch with Laffa?? That's so fun! And what the eff are you dressing up as? I spent the night at my friend's apartment and said that I couldn't go unless they DVR'd TB for me. Sorry Sunday nights are sacred round here.
ReplyDeleteOk this week- Ain't nothing but a Latin thang baybayyyy, snoop should do another song for the show I think. Jason was the star of this episode, despite some really good Jesus and Laffa stuff.
I loved when Laf told Sook "Listen for Tara she'll be the loudest". Yep, bitch sure was! I'm warming up to Holly. When she's all "Yeah Tara, I have to know Latin for my job at Merlottes, don't you?? Idiot."
Martonia is a freak-a-leak but really it's Marnie, interesting twist. When Jesus asked to talk to her as a friend and she popped back up like a f**king puppet and started talking like a cartoon character, I was like are you seriously friends with this broad Jesus? Because you need to re-evaluate son.
Why wasn't Sookie listening to Jason's brain when she asked why he doesn't care more about Hoyt? She could've easily picked up what happened.
Jessica is fed up with these indecisive boys and their BS and I FEEL YA GIRL. Jessica's my B, I love the whole convo when they were all silvered and she's like "As long as I get to kill shit!!!!"
Eric is back, show us your rack. Wait no that was a slogan for a Mardi Gras party in college, but I digress. I knew he was back from the second she zapped him and I'm guessing it also broke the curse on Pam too.
Classic Eric line when Bill tells Sookie not to get involved, "loveable isn't he?" Just the way he says things completely deadpan and unemotional but can still make an impact, makes me so happy he's back.
Jell- I agree, I didn't hate the Bellefleur storyline all that much the second time I watched it. Terry is a funny guy.
See ya Tommy, RIP. This was the trigger for Sam's anger to come back so he can flip the switch and go apeshit on Marcus. And once Alcide finds out that Marcus is twisting Debbie, it's gonna be team Sam/Alcide and I'm actually looking forward to that.
As a female...I truly appreciate seeing some more Alcide on my tv screen.
Can't wait for next week when the vamp dream team heads to Moon Emporium all Reservoir dogs style.
Like I said in previous post; Fk tommy....that is all...cant stand that mofo..peace up nucka!
ReplyDeleteAnd i concur the death scence was literally almost more than i could deal, although im not sure which was worse, that scene or this whole drawn out deal with w/ laffa and jesus...its just more sht than i really now what to deal with rt noww.....i have never been at a point more where i wanted to fast forward this show more in life. AND THEN TO END THE SHOW WITH ERIC, PAM, JESS AND BILL COMING OUT COMMANDO STYLE TO BLOW UP THE BUILDING!?!
On the bright side;
"Here's a question for you all. Whose truck had more blood on it at the end of the night, Alcide's or Jason's?"...thats just special.
Also goes along pretty well with all of my wise calls this season but it is/was pretty obvious that the packmaster was gonna throw lady wolf a bone....was just a matter of when.....my question now becomes?...how does this all end?...is it laffa to the rescue!?...
PS--have to agree w/ Leigh here
"Why wasn't Sookie listening to Jason's brain when she asked why he doesn't care more about Hoyt? She could've easily picked up what happened. ".....that sht is just dumb.
Also leigh, just a heads up...saw alcide on "how i met your mother" last night...guy isnt all that w/ a shirt on. without one howvever? wud.
Laffa&Leigh...I think the reason Sookie didn't read Jason's mind wasn't because she can't but rather because she has agreed to not do so. Recall past seasons where Jason would tell her to get out of his head and not invade his privacy. I think she doesn't read his thoughts out of respect for her sibling.
ReplyDeleteGood point Jell. I thought she couldn't control it all the time, but maybe. OR she listened but was gonna let Jason fess up himself.
ReplyDeleteEric fought in the World Wars did he not? So it stands to think he could have taught Pam how to fire a rocket launcher/bazooka over the years. The guy has houses and villas all over the world, I'm sure he's got some contacts in the arms business. Don't think for a second the Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone aren't brainwashed on V into fighting the battles of drug lords. I'm surprised actually that we've never seen any beef between the Vamps and the Cartels from South of the border. Maybe the sons of Pablo know a losing battle when they see one. I also was wondering about when Debbie bought the V off the street guy. She boasted that she had tasted the purest kind direct from the source, sort of implying that the street stuff might not be as pure. What do you think dealers cut the V with to water it down? My guess would be that POM juice.