Sorry for the delay in posting, my flight back from the Festival of Tolerance got all screwed up. Let's do this!
Eric and Bill sword fighting with Sookie was a hell of a way to bounce back from that brutal shower scene. Well done Mr. Ball. What a great dream sequence that was, from Sookie wearing the blood red unspeakables to Eric and Bill looking into each other's eyes as Sookie hovered above them. It reminded me of I was so sucked in and wowed by Sookie's dream control that when it was over I realized I had thought it might have actually been real. Then my inner Debbie Gibson kicked in and reminded me, No, only in her dreams, as real as it may seem, it was only in Sookie's dream.

This Antonia is on quite the ego trip. She bout popped her lid when someone called her Marnie. Guess it was OK though for her to forget Eric's name.
Antonia: Tell them Blonde One.
Eric: I am yours.
Just when I start to think she isn't all that Blair Witch, she goes and does something like make the doors lock behind her after she basically told her "followers," Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt.

Tommy meanwhile threw himself right into the coverage and took a beating for it. What did he think he was going to accomplish there?
Sookie as discussed earlier was in Cover 2 defense, but not exactly playing prevent with Eric and Bill in her dream as she didn't seem opposed to letting someone get behind her... nah mean? Loved her feeble attempt to dissuade Eric's advance by pointing out it was daytime. I was waiting for him to fire back "it's called a Nooner Sookie, get used to it."

How about that symbolism by the way? Hoyt packs up Jessica's things and gives them to Jason, he handed over her box to him. He was ALL ABOUT the Monster BOX in the back of his pick up boy. LOVED IT! Bout time!
I really hope this relationship has legs. Loved seeing the Twilight book in Jessica's stuff, but not sure I can get behind the Taylor Swift CD, although the lyrics to her song "Haunted" were perfect for the scene.
I'm pretty sure she is going to be a shifter. Did you notice how she was wearing a My Little Pony tee shirt to go along with her mom's horse shirt? I feel like the shifting gene is passed on through the mother's side, like religion and baldness.

It was also a very emotional scene at the end where you had Arlene holding her baby, Lafa holding the dead baby's skeleton and then the spirit lady holding the ghost of her child as well.
But overall it was some pure comedy. Who knew Jesus had so much power.

Other quotes I loved:
Hoyt: Lafayette just walked into my place with Arlene's baby, a doll and a gun!
Terry: I knew that Fortenberry kid wasn't right! Had one just like him in my platoon.
Mavis: You sound like a white man you!
Andy: Open this door you racist shit bag or I will open it for you.
Andy: On behalf of Reynard Parish, the state of Louisiana and Jesus Christ his fucking self, ready or not here we come.
Bill: I am the King of Louisiana I do not share.
Jason: I got a theory. when you guys, uh, role play, does Lafayette ever turn into a woman named Mavis?
Jesus: I'm gonna forget you just said that and I'm gonna head in.
Jesus: Terry I'm a nurse, I'm not even going to pretend to understand what you just said.

Alcide and Marcus: To Shreveport and communicating shit!
Mavis: Mr. Lafayette thank you for everything.
Lafayette: You got it bitch.
Antonia follower: Fucking chill Roy!!!

This week looks to be a banger with only three episodes left we are in for a treat. Bill caps Eric, Antonia gets a surprise as Jesus finally becomes the witch we saw a flash of last season through Lafa's eyes. and Nan gets her hands dirty finally.
Thanks to Peachiex and Imhereforsookie for some of the awesome GIFs and images used this week.
Nice job Jell! love the GIF's. I am going to have to say i didnt like sookie's whole dream. of course she looked great and it was better than the shower scene, but why waste 10 mins of the show with this. I almost wanted to fast forward it.
ReplyDeleteLets talk about Debbie. I think she was playing Sookie from the begining. She knows her power. I think she was thinking those thoughts about helping her and being sincere just to fool Sookie. She seemed upset when Sookie ran back out to the car after encountering Antonia. I think Deb thought she was finally rid of Sookie. This could develop into more.
Jessica, Jessica, Jessica!!!! Finally! I'm going to say... best twist scene the show has had in 4 seasons. we've been waiting for this for weeks and Ball executed it perfectly in the back of Jason's truck. Was anyone else wondering how Jason was handling the fact that she is a virgin? or is that my sick mind thinking too much?
No interest in the Merlots right now. Dont care about Tommy. Dont care about Sam. glad he's doing his thing in the woods.
Finally, an ending to the baby doll. glad Mavis found her baby, but could've done without the whole storyline. But I guess we needed a way to find out about Jesus' powers.
Best line of the show... Terry telling Lafayette (Mavis), "not to worry, these things happen"
Next week looks amazing. Cant believe we only have 3 episodes left for this season. Some great shows coming this fall.
THIS GUY CAN GET IT DONE FROM ANYWHERE!!....i respect jell -d pulling a jman and "ehh, making sht trade from 30,000 feet"....it's a gentlemans move all the way, respect the effort on an away game. I really do. I thought i saw my man at the festival in the background!, it's a goood thing that you bounced before Eric and Antonia started shouting KALLLLLEEE MA, SHAK DE DAY and ripping mofos hearts out cuz i couldnt afford to lose you ohara, i just couldnt. (also, shout to the Easy..."fk the beef ngga we miss u and thats just being real witchu") wheeee!
ReplyDeleteNOW...also, thank you for SOO much for taking the burden of finding a name for Trip D (not the good kind) or "debbie dope fiend" i feared that after my andy winehous gem, that i may have run out of steam and i know that's my cross to bear and u saved me and i love you for it. More than you know (but i'll get back to that). This weeks post, is FULL of X and O's references and couldnt come at a better time w/ the season about to start but none better than the "cover 2 but not playing prevent" ref w/ sookie! HOOOOOO WEEEEE! that sht was hot fire! and i agree, def "holes" in sookies coverage all over the place the worst part was that ALAN BALL ENDED THE DREAM BEFORE I GOT TO SEE ANY OF THEM GET FILLED!!!! COOOOOOOMAN! i had already laid out a nice workstation and was ready for cleanup and then you cut that on me?...not cool. ur better than that. Like when u finally had Jess bring the lumber to jason. nothing more needs to be said, taht was amaze. I wanted to shift into the bed of a pickup truck (assuming that they changed positions at sompoint, or maybe even if they didnt)
and here is where we begin to travel different paths old friend....THIS EPISODE WAS DOGSHT! I'm all foor setting a stage for some gnar epiosdes in the future but pls mr ball dont forgeth that i still have to sit through this one in its entirety! A task that this week was SUPER painful.
The dream sequence with sook, bill and E?..fkn awful. Am i just saying that because i was hoping that if they were gonna make me sit through that garbage that i would at least see the silouettes of some weird sht? could be. Am i enraged because Alan ball basically stole my sexy time dream idea that i had for Me, Jell and MGC (see the reference above) maybe. Either way the whole thing was a TREMENDOUS piece of dung. i seriously thought of fast forwarding, but that would have taken me to......
FKN TOMMY....DUDE, DO SOMETHING! JUST WHEN IT LOOKED LIKE HE WAS GONNA DO SOME GNAR SHT AND SHIFT INTO SAM AND GO AND START SHREDDING SOME MOFOS..he goes into the room and talks sht and gets his ass whooped!? Well played tommy. Please leave the show. that is all
DDD-what is she really up to?!? is she trying to fk sook over or really trying to help her!? and there is NO DOUBT that the packmaster is gonna shred that in the next week or so, i hope that she finally gets what she derserves (i just dont even know what that is)
Jesus/Laffa/and this baby-WHO THE FK CARES!!?!!?
and thats all i'll say about that.
In the end they did win me back w/ the Festival battle ((that jell luckily escaped)...i cant wait to see how that ends, my guess is that through all of this Eric is actually not being fooled at all and that he is gonna tear mofos apart and be a hero but we see, i mean if u look at the shot jell posted where bill shoots him, if that bullet was wooden he woulda exploded so, somethin is up. I look forward to seeing NAN actually do something foor once as well, I will say this...He better BRING it next week, i cant take this BS anymore, the best part of last week's ep was this post. and while i enjoy them very much i need a better balance of Jell to BaLL ya heard?
PS-dont think it hasnt had me going batsht crazy that Jell and MGC are noow toogether without me. Promise me you wont share any witty humor and clever puns pls...PROMISE ME!
Last minute change forced me to stay home so my better half went to visit a very pregger MGC without me. So you didn't miss out on any witty banter Laffa don't worry.
ReplyDeleteUH OH how'd I make da bay-bee wit dis meat?? Seriouslyy upping the ante with these new weekly GIFs. I'm gonna back you up Jell and say that I was fairly into the whole Mavin/Lafayette exorcism situation this week. I'm never mad watching Laff act more fem than usual. I loved all the dialogue, whether it was Jason asking Jesus about role playing or anything with Lafa as Mavis. I'm also glad to FINALLY see what this whole creepy doll line was really about. Granted it was a really longgggg time to show us how much power Laffa and Jesus have, especially when combined.
ReplyDeleteThe dream was better than the "shower" scene. Anna Paquin, props to you and your body. Work it gurl. Eric's so boring these days I forgot he was missing. Tara way to step it up and realize Marntonia was crazy. Tara always realizes she's in danger when it's too late.
Sam, good for you. Tommy thinks taking a beating for Sam will earn his forgiveness? Eh knowing Sam it will. Conference = Lame. Touching speech about that girl getting her sister back when vampires were allowed to come out. Troy and I don't have to worry about that because our sister is already a demon. Rumor has it she's working out her contract for season 5.
Saving the best for last...JELL, the fact that you knew that song was TSwift and better yet, that you knew which song it was? I tip my hat to you sir. Taylor is my home girl, I was probably the oldest person at her concert who wasn't a parent, and I'm damn proud of it. Besides, sometimes I think we forget that Jess is only a teenager, girlfriend would wanna get down to those kinda tunes. Jason + Jessica made the whole episode. Amen.
Ok I m in FULL AGREEMENT with Lafa..This episode sucked big fat goat balls....Maybe worst one ever..I was sitting on my couch swearing at my dog and I don't even have a fucking dog....so as such this will be my shortest post ever..
ReplyDeleteDream Sequence with Sookie...Lame she looked hot very hot and I got tingles in my jingles but the matchup didnt work and I view Bill as more of a band nerd and Eric as the All American ..and in no world real or fake does the AA agree for Daps session with the Tuba player from the band...
Lafa aka Male Oda Maye...what's with the glow? what's with the lame standoff ? Who gives a shitt? I get it MOM has powers but why go this way.. Why not something hotter and creepier I mean poor mom had baby with white married dude and he offs them both ?? Whoop Dee Do .. I was hoping for something I can stick my teeth into a little more dark.. 3 way love triangle where someone gets a throat slit because they forgot the SAFE word while wearing the Gimp mask and Chaps...
Tommy turns into brother so he can get his ass kicked by werewolves ? WTF is that about ? What does that solve? Marcus how does that guy become pack leader?? " I need some 6'6 guy behind me to help this shifter get the message"" Dude you are pack leader stop being the sissy punk rich kid from Some Kind of Wonderful and fight your own battles...
Debbie is loser not super hot or bright ..Intrigues me about as much as watching paint dry.
Antonia the Wicked witch of the South big deal .. cast a spell kill the vamps...blah blah ..total miscast here why couldnt she overtake a hot chcik not some old beat up hag???
The pep rally TOLLERANCE rally ...I mean that was like a combo of Christine and Hiding Out .. Beyond lame
Best thing was Jason & FPB twist in the truck scene very hot, very naughty, very spicy ...but lasted about as long as my 1st high school outside the pants HJ ....
Finally if I hear that lullabye song again I might punch my mailman in the face ..Why my mailman you ask??? because he never puts the mail all the way in the mail box and all he brings me is bills... So F him ...