Antonia Gavilán blah blah somethin somethin had a message for Bill..." I am returned." Forgetting for a second this B's terrible grammar, is anyone else totally confused as to what this chicks name is? Not since the days of Indigo Montoya have I had this much trouble understanding a characters name. Tell Bill I am Antonia Gavilán of Logroño and I am returned..." Um yeah could you spell that for me? What was that last part dear? Longoria?"

OK enough of that. I'll "zip it" and move on.
We sadly said goodbye to Katy and her trusty iPad. I was not under the impression she was a vampire, but when Antonia had Luis kill her I'm pretty sure I saw her fangs pop in and out right before she took her last breath. I just hate seeing the V on V crime. I will miss her and her sexy school teacher glasses.

Speaking of eating something and regretting it Tara turned on her inner bitch and sent Naomi packing in hopes of saving her life. Sick truck btw Naomi. I've always been a fan of the Scout which I think you were driving.

As for Tara, our resident "halfsbian" she was a little too quick to jump into bed with Antonia. At first Tara wasn't too keen on Marnie referring to herself in the third person like a Leon Budweiser ad, but Antonia quickly set T straight, telling her in so many words, "there is no Dana only Zuul." It looks though like Tara will come to a moral crossroads when she realizes that she and the circle are just killing vampires across the board. She needs to figure out what her motivations are for following Antonia. Not so sure Tara will have a leg to stand on though. Did she not see this coming? What did she think Antonia was talking about when she said they were going to take their revenge on the creatures that have tortured, killed, raped and eaten humans for centuries?
I had to laugh when Tara was trying to recruit members to join Antonia/Marnie Madoff's coven. It sounded like she was pumping a Wiccan pyramid scheme as she told the potential recruits they each needed to bring someone else in.
Antonia's speech to the coven was reminiscent of Herb Brook's speech in Miracle.

Great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here tonight, fellow witches. That's what you've earned here tonight. One spell; if we tried to kill them off ten times, they might win nine. But not this game, not tonight. Tonight, we hang with them. Tonight we stay with them, and we shut them down because we can. Tonight, we are the greatest supernatural beings in the world.You were born to be witches, every one of you, and you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a great life the vampires have. Screw 'em. This is your time. Now go out there and take it!

Eric certainly seized the moment making sure his reunion with Sookie was a happy one and really put salt in Bill's wounds when he added "very much so." Bill was busy ordering his subjects to brace for the Resurrection while Sookie braced for Eric's E-rection on the floor, on her couch and then in her bed. "At least there's one thing you haven't forgotten."-Sookie.

Not gonna lie, I felt bad for Bill. While his own man tried to penetrate him with a wooden stake, his ex is getting staked by a whole other kind of wood. The guys gotta get something on the tape soon. Evil Fast Willy Clinton lowered the bar of standards to get his rocks off while tending to worldly matters at his desk. Sipping glasses of blood alone in his office is not going to take the edge off.
Hopefully he got some of that pent up energy out of his system when he thwarted the attempt on his life and topsy-turvyed that motherfucker.
That is going to come back to haunt Antonia. Ask any fan of HBO's The Wire... You come at the king, you best not miss.

Moving on, no amount of blood or booze could make Pam feel better about getting that medievil spa treatment, let alone having to endure six shots, four times a day...forever!

Meanwhile Andy had a sure thing lined up but he ended up choosing the V order the P. Is there a problem officers? Yeah I'd say so.
Jason is never one to pass up a lady in need. It was great too see him back working out and getting his mind off the were-panther mess. If your biggest problem is seeing flashes of Jessica Hamby riding you like Zorro things are going pretty well. I think I could have done a push up with no hands after that scene.
(BTW my first attempt at making a GIF image)
make animated gifs
Then there's Hoyt. What kind of friend brings up your getting raped right after being offered sloppy joe's? Jason's face was classic though wasn't it?

How bout this Ginger, Pam's servant. First off, you notice all the bite marks on her arms and legs? Chick will do anything for the V. Second, when she climbed on top of Pam's coffin (which of course was inlaid with pink satin) and it started bumping I got the feeling Ginger was at first terrified but then sort of liked it not unlike Kate Craig enjoyed her spin cycles in The Great Outdoors.

Jason running to save Jessica was special, although I gotta think getting taken down by that Vampire rent-a-cop was a serious shot to the former QB1's ego.

I do think he gets to her in time and our beloved Jessica will be saved by Jason as he wins the day.

Other Favorite Quotes:
Pam: Play fair now...I AM NOT A ZOMBIE!
Lafayette: I swear to God I'll burn this taco stand to the ground!
Lafayette: Can we go back to how I'm a medium?
Tara: Everyone I've ever been with is dead. It ain't a long list but it's a bad one to be on.
Jason: You hungry? I could make us sloppy joe's?
Hoyt: It will kill me if I lose her.
Jason: Right, two coming up!
Sookie: We left our clothes in the woods.
Lafayette: Old Luca could have warned me. I felt like a giant ass puppet for your ghost ass uncle.
Jesus: Being a medium is a serious calling.
Lafayette: I wish I didn't have to answer.
Jesus: You are the answer.
Wiccan Follower: I can ask my boyfriend, he has great spiritual energy when he's not stoned.
Eric: I don't want my memory back, I don't want to remember.
Lafayette: What the fu...Get outta my kitchen!
Debbie: Keep goin...no wait scoot off.
Sam: I don't care how it happened, it fucking happened!
Jessica: I don't care who started it! When we survive the day I am going to eat that fucking witch starting with her face.
Bill: As your maker I command you...unchain me!
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT SOOO MUCH!...easily the best post ever and that is saying ALOT. soooo fkn well done!!
I will however disgaree w/ you on my B Antonia; 1.) does her name really matter?? B.) she couldnt fkn sound and speak like Chewbacca and light the bed on fire before i got into it and i'm sprinting into that thing regardless. and that's all that i'm gonna say about that.
Truely was sad to see that Katy go, she truely was a speacial hench-b. Twisted when needed, double crossed Jigga's when needed, a true ride or die check. I respect the schit out of that i just wish she hadnt been so literal. She will be missed.
As much as I heart Luna (almost as much as i do MGC) i could really giive an eff less about the story line between tommy and sam....More same and luna twisting, less tommy. I mean, i thought that there was some caveat in the shifters guide that said that if you shifted into another human that you had to kill them FIRST anyhow rt? (read; Luna killing her mamma in her birth)
OK, so can i just say the LEON commercial ("you see this dimple?..this is my trademark dimple baby")..into sigouney in what was her hottest role ever!??! WHAT WHAT!?!? there arent many things that are better than that, the only thing that may even come CLOSE is also names LEON when he talks to larry about why he aint go no credit cards? "YOU AINT GOT NO CREDIT CARDS!?!?"...seriously make my WEEK!!!!
I'll be honest, i know that this may be EXTRMELY un popular (especially to the b's) but i cant STAND this love story w/ Eric and sook...yeah i get it, they love and twist eachother, do i need to hear all of the pillow talk that comes after!?!? I dont even pay attention to that when i'm the twister, now i have to hear someone else's? child pls. And this new soft azz eric is moore than i can take, i miss the guy who had hungarian peelers chained up in the basement and was bringing the thunder hips to b's at 1,000 mph's is that so wrong?!
Is it weird that i still find find pam sort of attractive? and her slave VERY attrative? is it also weird that i think that andy may have made the right choice? V seems pretty amaze (remember jasons expiriences w/ his ex) and that witch b is beat. You go andy winehouse, do your thang!
I've already made my calls w/ the whole (alcide/debbie/sookie/eric/bill) deal so yes as much as we see his pain (great shot of him/the way i feel all the time btw) i think we know how this ends...
And most important of all, my dear jessica! LOVE ALL THE PICS AND GIF. FILES OF HER!...they make me feel funny in my bathroom parts, there is NO WAY that they kill off the best characher on the show. I dont think that it will be jason that saves her though, i feel like it will be godderic or someone mystical. (maybe im just hoping for godderiic)..maybe it will be hoyt, but i hope not because i really hate that lsr.
Thank you for making my day jell! Cant wait to hear from all (especially MGC)
"A true Ride or die chick...thunder hips...Andy Winehouse?!?!" Throw on a mumu put some curlers in your hair and walk out onto the lawn next to Hoyt's mom's house like the bug man from MIB because YOU ARE ON FIYAH!
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked the nod to Rihanna in the title. Also the pic of Eric and Sookie, as much as u hate that story line, was inspired by the Gym Class Heroes video u sent me yesterday.
TY for the love on the Alcide pic. I stood in front of my TV with my iPhone in one hand and my remote control in the other trying to get it to pause at just the right moment. I've mentioned before but Rox never gets used to walking into the living room to see me in this pose. At least she hasn't caught me skin shifting with no clothes on yet.
As for the Skin Walkers all you have to do is kill a family member to gain the power. It's that simple. If I was a shifter the first thing I think I would do was find the oldest and most loathsome meber of my family and off them. It's like in Zelda how the first thing u need to do is go get that sword. Like the wizard tells him, "It's dangerous to go alone"
hahahahahahah...."Throw on a mumu put some curlers in your hair and walk out onto the lawn next to Hoyt's mom's house like the bug man from MIB because YOU ARE ON FIYAH"...."I KNEW IT" hahahah...sooo good
ReplyDeleteand das my bad on the skinwalkers, but i still say eff tommy...kid was annoying as LJ in prision break and he's more annoying now. Man did i love that prison break tho
I just lost my whole post... Screw you google profile!! was a good 15 mins of writing! I'm going to go cry now (tears, not blood, thank god) but i'll be back to try and recover the thoughts tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteIn the short term though, i have to comment on the awesome simplicity of the Resurrection to the E-rection analogy a la Chris. You should win a blog award for combining just those two words alone. Well done!
Sick Wire ref. Finally able to post. Will write a full tomm but sick job as usual. Always enjoy reading. Gotta flip it on em!
ReplyDeleteAmaze balls Jell! great post. Sorry for my late post, been a busy week.
ReplyDelete1. why have i never seen Bram Stoker's 1992 Dracula with Monica?, 2. very happy Pam is getting some new skin and 3. when is Eric going to be gnar Eric again? not this lover boy that fits in more with Bella from Twilight than the gnar 1000 year old vamp that can fly.
So i hate to dissapoint you Laffa but Jason is NOT becoming a were panther. you can argue the point all day long, but its not happening. He's a great character the way he is. i dont think Ball is going to mess with that. Now being who he is, what is the over/under on number of episodes before he lives out his "dream" with Jessica?
Some say Jessica, I say Yessica. She was at her best in this episode. And i agree, we are not going to lose her yet. she will be saved by Jason or maybe Hoyt. Spoiler alert!! (not really) Jason tackled on the ground, guards running around and Hoyt comes to the rescue (after coming to see if she is ok). She falls in love with him all over again and we continue the awkward love triangle.
Kinda over the Merlots story. Same story over and over. Tommy does some dumb sht and Sam wants him out of his life, yada yada...
Luna does spice it up a little, but not enough. hopefully we get a nice little war between shifters and were's.
Alcide, stop sweatin the tooth fairy. she's def an uptick from your current home life, but cmon dude you're a zipped up were. I'm ready for him to throw down with his new pack master and take a leadership role.
Looks like our man Laffa is going to have a bigger role this season with his new found power. Spoiler alert! (again?) he is going to channel someone who is from Antonia's past and this person will be able to stop her and her followers. Boom! hot fire
Can we please drop the Arlene and baby storyline?
looking forward to sunday night!!!!
i'd be lying if i didnt say that i wore my bon temps eagles tee to work today, i would ALSO be lying if i said that I WASNT THE ONE THAT SAID THAT HOYT WAS GONNA SAVE HER!
ReplyDeleteshut up troy.
more leigh, less troy. that is all.
My apologies for my late post as well. Long week, under the weather, it's all gravy now. OK. GREAT post and seriously great illustrations this week. Everytime I scroll past that shot of Pam's face I get freaked out (not as much as the Edward Scissorhands week). Also holler at the Rihanna reference.
ReplyDeleteLoved this episode, and not just because we may be rid of Tommy Mickens FOR GOOD. Are we? Please? Okay. I really don't hate Sam at all, I just hate when he's stuck with crappy storylines.
Tara is an idiot. I get that she's trying to stand up against what's happened to her, but taking on the whole vampire community is just plain dumb. I like to think that Tara is one of the smarter people in Bon Temps (really look at the competition here). Hopefully Kris Kross Laffa is gonna save the day.
I can't believe I'm going to say that Eric and Sook are slightly boring. I mean I get it that you guys aren't down for the emo stuff, but as a girl I should enjoy it more. It's just kind of...blah. I'd like to see some more Alcide up in that mix.
Did anyone notice how much the camera kept panning on Debbie's "brand" during that sex scene? It felt to me like foreshadowing of some sort. Debbie is going back to the dark side, I can feel it. She's a nutjob so it only makes sense.
I think/hope Stackhouse will save Jessica. Either he shot the guard or the guard shot him. If the guard shot him, maybe Jess will see he's hurt and need to save him? And somehow without getting fried...
Ginger riding the coffin had me cracking up because she is such a crackhead. Poor Pammycakes. Poor Bill too, he's trying to be such a good vamp papa. My sympathy for Bill bring me to my fave quote of the review:
"Not gonna lie, I felt bad for Bill. While his own man tried to penetrate him with a wooden stake, his ex is getting staked by a whole other kind of wood."
btw-i dont think that troy understands that troy understands "spoiler alert"...if it isnt true, it isnt a spoiler.
ReplyDeleteAnd I dont think that Laffa understands (should i say it twice... that laffa understands) that i worked on an HBO show and I know how this is going to play out. I have the inside scoop.