It's going to take all my restraint not to turn this week's post into a Jessica/Jason love fest, but I'll try my best. Like Jason, I have to drop down and start banging out push ups whenever I think about it. While we are on the subject though, I went one for two on my predictions from last week. Jason did come to Jessica's rescue, but Tara didn't falter when she realized they were killing vampires but instead relished the fact. Kudos to those who heard the gun shot in the closing scene from last week.

I liked how Jason and Bill mutually decided to look the other way with regard to the blood spilled at the mansion.
Poor Jessica, she took a beating this week. Hoyt can never take back what he said. That was the definition of cold blooded son, borderline "I feel sorry for your mother." I only have one thing to say to Hoyt...

How amazing was her hair in this scene? I guess it's her dream, it ought to be right? So how come I'm still fat in my dreams? I got no dream control yo!

While Hoyt seemed none to pleased by his new bachelor status, Sam happily played house with Luna and her daughter, even if cat barbie will never like him. Looks like Luna's baby daddy isn't that big of a fan either. I have to admit though that he is sort of growing on me. I like the cut of this Raoul of Shreveport's jib. I appreciated how he saw the alpha in Alcide and was man/wolf enough to admit it. Alcide is sort of a paranoid bitch (pun intended) if you ask me. "Yo I'm just saying," but Jessica came clean about her being in love with someone else, he should wolf sack up and tell Debbie the same. I also liked how Raoul was no dummy when it came to the Vamps. He showed why he is pack master when he noted "Those dead fuckers are hard core." No shit!
Tommy is definitely not hard core and still a dope, but I couldn't help but like him as Hoyt's mom, cursing Sam up and down to the gas prospector. That was a hell of an order he made too, I know he puked because of the skin walking, but those craw fish fritters and tequila shooters would have had me calling some dinosaurs either way. As he ran through the woods did he remind anyone else of the Jane's Addiction, Been Caught Stealing video?

Laffa finally got his dream, in a way, when he was possessed by the "Nigress" who has been popping up in his kitchen like some extra from the set of The Color Purple 2 being filmed on the lot next door.
The battle in the cemetery was pretty legit. Reminiscent of the assault on Hogwarts i felt like in the final Potter movie. All kinds of super naturals battling it out. Speaking of Harry Potter, how bout Martonia trying to cast a "nonverbal" spell on Bill, before Sookie put a stop top it. Well Sookie called her on it then Eric's inner Viking woke up finally. THAT WAS AWESOME!

But what is going to happen to him and Sookie? I can't ramble anymore. You guys step it up here. Especially those who were absent last week, you know who you are. I can't bring myself to talk about the shower scene or the ridiculously high number of scenes featuring Eric's vertical smile. All is not possible kids, because nothing could have made me enjoy those scenes. I have finally joined the rest of you who are tired of Sensitive Eric. I want the long haired mad man back.

Jason: I'm Sorry I stopped listening half way through.
Terry: Do you not see this mirror I put above the stove so I can watch him?
Tommy (as Ms. Fortenberry): Ain't there anything I can do to sweeten the deal?
Gas Prospector: Uh...no.
Raoul: I got a feeling he plays Barbi's all by himself...You just pissed on the wrong boots.

Loved the way Bill just threw that crazy ass Witch off of him. He was like "how you talkin? pshh whateva!"

Great post Jell! I really liked this episode for a few reasons and you hit most of them. i really am starting to like this pack master. "you pissed on the wrong pooch". classic.
ReplyDeleteThanks for not talking about Eric and Sookie living in a snow globe. FINALLY! Eric lives up to his viking past and snuffs out that witch B without even blinking an eye. Best part is he was protecting Bill. Sookie yells out that Antonia is casting a spell on Bill and Eric goes all mid evil. amazing!
I have to admit. i was pretty impressed with Antonia's powers. she had all her followers standing next to her, invisible to everyone. Although somehow Bill knew they were there.
Two questions....
Did anyone notice Andy's deputy talking about his throat hurting ever since he was attacked by the panther? he mentioned it while he was checking out the dead vamp from the vamp "suicide".
What did Bill mean when Tara asked him why he saved her and he said "you know why"? was it just that she is Sookie's best friend. i think there was more there.
Please, please drop this storyline with the baby and Laffa kidnapping the kid. I need him to go fight some witches.
Alcide, Alcide... to the rescue. First we have Jason saving yessica, then Alcide coming to get Sookie. His B was pisssssed!
My DVR cut off scenes from next week. not sure if anyone saw them.
I'm not mad at a lil Digi underground ref to set sht off, you really should think of writing titles for the post...your good you, you have a gift....you...you're good. Now please alloY me to bump thee (btw, that gid at the end of the b getting bumped off stage!?!? GLOOOORIOUS)
ReplyDeleteAs for this episode?...i would throw it in the middle of the pack somewhere, probably the back middle, you say that you dont want to make a Jessica jason love fest out of it but what other choice do we have?? Talk more about lsry Eric (who was GNAR at the end) and sookie "making love" (is that even possible when ur a vampire), focus on stupid tommy and him trying to get over on the oil company for 5700 dollars? (cuz that sht aint ballin to me) Watch Andy whinehouse try and gobble up the remains of that old burnt up fat b??...Besides the war at the end of the episode (which was lovely) there really wasnt anything left in this episode!...you know what?..this episode actually sucked. Fck this episode, worst part was i was told that there were no scenes from the next one either?? COOOOOOOMAAAN!
The one thing i did like was Eric returning to his old ways and shredding mofos left and rt but it would apprear that marnie abt to ruin all that sht for everyone. oh! and who teh hell shot sookie?
Back to whats important..Was i the only one who thought/hoped that jessica's dream about shredding hoyt was real!?! i still stand by my call that that mofo is a good as gone, he's brings absolutly nothing to table. I wish that tommy would shift into a Rot weiler and eat hoyt and then wander into the street and get hit by a car that andy belflour was driving causing belflour to get into a fatal crash into jesus's house.....too much?
PS-i really cant stop watching this video of guy bumping the b off stage! AMAZEBALLS!
I honestly thought Hoyt was a done and gone until she walked outside and Jason was there. that's his number one homey, so there is no way he was going to be cool with that. I was pumped when she shredded him in that scene. But then the reality was the opposite. he pulled the old topsy turvy and kicked her right out of the house. question. if its their house, can he uninvite her?
ReplyDeleteWas it Pam who shot Sookie? Recall she picked up the gun from Tara. Yes Bill stopped her from torture,fuck, kill, eating her, but she didn't have to necessarily give the gun back. I'm sure Pam is none to pleased about the Erisook Northhouse romance. She may have used the confusion to settle her score a'la Platoon.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Jell and even better that you didn't include pics of that candy coated Narnia scene in the woods. Since I owe y'all for my delays last week, I'm gonna touch on WHY Alan Ball really dropped the ball with that shower scene.
ReplyDeleteObviously there's a ton of fans of the show who read the books and the whole emphasis on the shower scene is that it's the first time Eric and Sook get down. Honestly, I think the in the woods/swamp turned out to be better anyway, but you can't toot your own horn and say "we have a shower scene that's a bit different but amazing." That was so unbelievably corny, even for True Blood which can be campy at times.
I was embarrassed when my parents passed by the TV and not bc I was watching a naked vampire, but bc that was some candy ass sh*t and I'm not invested in a series about The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, ya hear? Never thought I'd be so happy to see Eric rip someone's throat out!
The whole reason we love Northman is because of his badass attitude. I'm gonna write that snow scene off as some sort of weird V trip. I will say however, that their blood bond scene before that was hot.
Jesus, tits and God America, Andy Bellefleur you're making me laugh again. Tommy as Maxine was also kind of amusing. If he's gonna be on the series, at least entertain us! It reminded me of the alien in the bug killer suit in MIB. Maybe I just have MIB on the brain after last week's post.
Jason and Jessica, A ++ all around. Loved it. Bill and Jason, also quite amusing. Lafayette is so fem already with his turban, that it just got even better when he was inhabited by the ancient black creole lady. I'm starting to think that it's not the baby who is haunted, but rather just the doll. Since the doll's with Mikey...there ya go.
Onto the war, Martonia is crazy and I like it. Bill saved Tara bc she's Sook's best friend and he's not a savage killer and he thinks Tara should know that. But who shot Sook? Maybe it was Debbie after she saw Alcide chasing after her? Thoughts?
oh scene's for next week were only of Alcide and Bill trying to revive Sookie.
ReplyDeleteugh, what is up with my posting skillz? i just saw all of these, after posting after jerry hall. let me do some control c and control V (no pun intended) and get back on the right page. ugh, baby brain... and i do not mean that stupid arlene kid storyline which SUCKS!
Ok, no one wants to talk about it but Eric and Sookier are over. The whole Lion Witch and the Wardrobe (LC, totally hear you on that!) making love in the snowy sunny forest thing was their first and last shot at true bliss, regardless of the fact that "she is now his/they are one/ we drank each other's blood etc. I think King Bill knew this all along, and as disappointed to hear that Sookie was in love with Angelic Eric, he must have known that it would only be temporary. I dont know what happened in that last scene with the fight, but Eric will be changed soon if not then, and his whole appeal to Sookie will be gone. He's gotta get back to his old self - either as the witch reverses the spell or whatever - and there you go, that's the end of Sookie. Maybe he goes berzerk on Tara again, who knows. Plus, Alcide is the one playing hero now, so that will spark some sort of interest. Honestly, I can't even enjoy the sex scenes, this Eric is so strange, as much as I love myself some A Skarsgard, I dont get the appeal. Sacred crapless as I was in prior seasons of the idea of getting into bed with him, at least there was something interesting going on. An allure. Now it just seems like the Arian Nation is having a blonde breeding frenzy between the non-dead and the fairy. Also, the gap in Sookie's teeth could not be a worse foil for Eric's euroveneers. We need the fangs back. Actually, I take it back, maybe Eric and Sookie aren't over... I think that Eric takes on Jessica's fake/dream Hoyt role and totally goes loser obsessed boyfriend on Sook, and tries to make her a vampire... so they can be together forever. He took her line way too close to heart when she said something to the effect that "there's no such thing as forever" in bed.
ReplyDeleteEnough of that.
Jessica's dream sequence was amazing, i nearly jumped off the couch when she slammed Hoyt's head into the half wall. I felt bad for him of course, but did feel relieved for her! I totally thought it was real, until Jason said "bite me and eff me" in that car scene, maybe even longer... as in, when she woke up. That was awesome, well done writers! Jess and Jason on the floor was amazing, even if just fake. And yes, love how Bill handled it. Here's a scenario: Jason and Jessica get together. Does that make Bill Jason's father in law? and if Bill and Sookie get back together in the end of the show (series finale, i'm imagining) would that make Sookie not only Jason's sister, but stepmom? Cooky. And we thought family ties was just a West Virginia thing...
This singing french woman is creeping me out, but I'm glad that at least they are giving us the story on why she keeps popping up. And i do love how Lafayette is a medium, you know i just love how they have given him something special additionally to the fantabulous fashion sense. I mean, not only does he do an amazing job of dressing himself (especially when your shopping options are limited to what, the nearest Walmart and the Bon Temps salvation army?) but this medium thing is cool. I just hope he doesn't wind up in jail, or worse.
So much happened this episode. Question: are vampires strong enough to do their mind bewitching to entire audiences of people over the TV waves? King Bill has been using that power a lot lately (not to mention twice in this episode folks recalled their "you're welcome in my house" privildeges, are they trying to reeducate us and bring us back to basics?), why don't they take advantage and do it on a broader scale? Maybe its not part of vamp code and the whole integration strategy to not do things like that, but it would let them get a lot of stuff done. And we know he's got a lot of things on his to-do list, despite the fact i still have no idea what those entail...
How many episodes are left this season?
Tru-Nutz, yes, totally noticed that cop thing and how he said he was horse post panther attack. Also, what else has gone on in the Bellefleur famuly past? Are we going to come to learn that Andy is so dumb bc his parents were cousins? The Color Purple (great reference, btw) storyline is sad and makes me remember my favorite American Studies class in hs, but where will it go? Also - how did pam get so regenerated from last week? was it all the botox? bc i dont know how that would have happened amidst all the silver that was weighing her down during the spell. Confusing. So many questions. Feeling like this post makes me sound like a hater, but i kinda liked the episode. There was a little bit of everything going on. And while i'm totally distracteed by the bad extensions, i too like this wolffpack leader, at least for now. partly bc i think if it comes down to it, sam can take him. he can shift into anything? a little werewolf is no match for the ox/bull that killed Maryanne, remember?!?!?
ps = last weeks' MIB commments ds: mrs thornberry's neighbor explosion had me laughing my arse off. i had will smith's song in my head for days, which ultimately lead me to have visions of carlton doing the white person tom jones dance in my head for even more days. you all have no idea how happy the character carlton banks makes me, so thank you. i tried to write that last week but technology was my B and i got defeated. now if we could just switch in the original aunt viv... get her in the mix of this show somewhere and give her a normal person's role, maybe a cool strong willed aunt that saves the day for lafayette and tara or something... now that would be awesome. random but awesome.
So down with some Aunt Viv!!! Woo MGC Great post!! Forgot to mention earlier that I feel like this new pack leader is just a really bad actor. I know you guys like him, but something about his voice, plus I feel like he'd probably smell really bad. The hair skeeves me out. Long hair on a dude is only sexy if you're Tim Riggins.
ReplyDeleteI also think he and Debbie had a flirtatious, carnal vibe happening. Eeek.
MGC---u are truley special
ReplyDelete"Also, the gap in Sookie's teeth could not be a worse foil for Eric's euroveneers."
"last weeks' MIB commments ds: mrs thornberry's neighbor explosion had me laughing my arse off. i had will smith's song in my head for days, which ultimately lead me to have visions of carlton doing the white person tom jones dance in my head for even more days. you all have no idea how happy the character carlton banks makes me, so thank you."
ps-i DEF see something gong down w/ the pack master and Debbie, and how did alcide not smell or sense that she was following his ass?
Jell--i REALLY like the pam shooting sookie call, i mean, she did have that gun, but YOU know if bill finds out she will face teh truth death, and i cant have that!...Watch it AB!
While I did put my money on Pam for shooting Sookie, the True Death factor is real you're right Laffa. It very well could be Ms. Pelt. (BTW there is a character just screaming for a nickname.) I'm loving the comments. MGC u "ma ma ma ma ma ma make me happy" like Simple Jack. LeighCourt I too was a little embarrassed at times with the whole snow globe scene, but I secretly was dying to try some of that 1,000 year old V.
ReplyDeleteOK first off sorry for my lack of posting the last 2 weeks I have been very transient the last 2 weeks and had to catch up on my episodes. I am deeply apologetic for my actions and I hope you can all forgive me ....Now on to the show bizatches
ReplyDeleteSnow globe F session was quite lovely and sensual, very touching and heart gripping brought a tear to my eye.. And the Viking's rumpus is dynamic, I mean does he do ass curls, ass crunches, ass shapers??? either way he has nice curves ..congrats to him .. Sookie enjoyed the nakedness and sensual love making session felt like I was in a vamped up Ron Burgundy, Doors scene where everyone is tweeked up and dropping the " I love you man's" .. BUT 2 things I noticed ... 1. Loved the Sookie foreshadowing of events to come .."Eric you are a warrior, a great Viking warrior you have to fight, you can't run " and "Nothing last forever "...There you have it Sookie harnessing her inner Pony Boy Curtis "Nothing Gold can Stay"..What does it mean ?? How bout this was great I 've dreamt of this for long time and it has highly fulfilled me BUT you need to get off this Romantic loveyDovey and start Phuckin up some mofos...2. subtle I know BUUUUUUUUUUUUT did u notice when Sookie offered Eric her blood and his eyes lit up OLD School ways like he knew what he was getting and what was about to happen .. Which led me to a Mute segue, WHAT if Eric has been playing EVERYONE from the beginning and waiting to see how it plays out ... ? Stay with me here .. Eric is over 300-400 years older than than this Appolina witch, so he has seen this song and seen this dance right ??? I mean in 1400s he knew all about this and what happened he was well aware... Maybe he is hiding in the weeds of ignorance and waiting to see how it plays out before making his strike ???Maybe Possibly?? AHH AHH??
OR what about the Lafa coming full circle to outposses or repossess a spirit stronger than Apolonia and saving everyone except his Dirty Sanchez From Dusk Till Dawn Wet Nurse Goatee wearing Catcher?? Dows Lafa Learn how to contro the spirits ?? Does Tara feel an obligation to save the vamps and make Lafa do it ? Bill saved Tara not because of his love for Sookie but for what she did for him in Russell's house he feels a sense of gratitude I think .. But does this change her Kill Vamps mindset? Who knows ??
Sorry I needed to double post ..Other quick thoughts/questions-Wolfpack leader reminds me of cross between an old Bad News Bears Kelly Leak and the Bad ass Biker Dudes from Another 48 hours " The Brotherhood DUdes"" You kill the Brotherhood you die Reggie Hammond!!!!
ReplyDeleteThink he is going to be Huge dink and turn on Alcide once he finds out he got involved in Vamp Business even though technically it was Fairy Business but why split hairs....??? Not sure why he gives a flying Diddly pooh about his parole officer I mean guy is werewolf who cares about his the PO-PO...Him fighting Sam seems quite lame and challenge on the schoolyardish..
Deb is loser and I hope she gets hit by the Car Andy is driving in Laffa's dream scenario. Not worth my time or effort .. Whiney, crabby, needy were bizatches dont do it for me..
Possessed baby has to play in to this somehow ..not sure how or why but teh story is SOOOOOO Far off the reservation it has to be RELEVANT.. It has to be ...I mean as of now it means Jack squat so it HAS to come full circle . WE know it was a bastard Mullatto baby from the 50-60s ..what happend during that period that will make this relevant???
Andy is one crazy ass mofo..and you know what that is what I dig about him. is he polished? Far from it..Is he he smart ? ergo .. Handsome etc ..u get my point ..but yet he keeps bringing something that makes me want more..
Tommy story line is dead to me dont care what he did or does .. respect the shifting into your brother to bang his hot GF more than you can possibly imagine... I mean he peaked there he should have just exploded right on climax there and it would have been perfect ending to him.. BTW I know its tardy but how awesome was the switch move.. I was always jealous of twins that I knew b/c of the tricks they could play.. go to other classes, take tests for the other one, bang the others GF while she thinks she is cuddling wiht the other one.. I mean that was such a sweet natural ..."Is this really you b/c I feel like you are kissing me differently...UM No..but my D is 2 inches bigger" that should be in Urban Slang somewhere like how long you can hold on to the girl after you say that ??Should we call it the Nelson Twins ?? The Winklevoss? Help me here I need an answer....
The Jessica /Hoyt/Jason thing has been well covered..I was glad when I thought Hoyt was dead wished his mom was included... respect jason's loyalty to the Bro's before Hoe's code even though I would have caved in NY minute..The truck scene about Effing very hard hit me in the special places and actually made me burst out laughing only b/c I knew it was dream .. No one living or dead says that in real world in a beat up pick up truck ...That being said AWESOME twist when it was Jessica's dream .. My thoughts on that are I KNEW GIRLS were dirty like that .. Like when girls had slumber parties and I asked "What did you guys talk about ?" standdard answer was .. "Nothing we talked about school, TV shows and boys" but all along it was about getting Phucked HARD in beat up pick ups ...I KnEW IT I KNEW it !!! Girls are just as dirty as us they are just better at LYING about then we are only took 35 years and TB to show me the way... I m such a turd...
Finally as always it comes back to dream control, some have it, some dont .. I crave it yet never can control it and NEVER EVER get to finish ... Glad I have something in common with Jason besides the abs/FB thing..Take it to the ultimate dream freaky deaky pinnalce and then right at the end it all slips away like sands through the Hourglass.. All right sorry for rambles .. I m outta here..
My vote is for "The Winklevoss"...classic
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!...there he is!
ReplyDeleteI really like were you're going with this Eric playing everyone. I think there is something too it. I mean, he's been around for over 1000 years. he's seen the man behind the curtain. he knows what's up. you're onto something.
ReplyDeleteDream control. still laughing about your post from a few weeks ago.
Well Queensryche had a premonition on this Dream Control in Silent Lucidity ...That was pretty sweet .. Also As I talked to Jell D we thought out loud that IF Eric is under control of teh witch everyone is Effed because he is the most powerful Mofo in the land and he will wreck havoc with a Capital H...
ReplyDeleteomg, silent lucidity. let's write in now to the writers and make that the ending of the season finale, as the credits are coming up. they always pick the most funny/bizarre/inappropriately appropriate songs at the end, and i can see that one fitting in just fine for many of these storylines.
ReplyDeleteagreed with the team on debbie and pack leader potential (leigh court, hail yeas on his scruffiness's bad acting!! my god, i though HBO had standards!!). my inner jury is still out on Eric... we know that witch has powers, we've seen it. and it was bill that sent him to the wicken den, not his own idea so not sure how much masterminding he would do as a result. but i hear you, eric is old and wise, strong and powerful, hot and sexy, etc, so we shall see. but as over bill as i am becoming (and am looking forward to being converted back) i still give Bill credit for knowing whats up on a bigger picture scale, and think he's holding it to himself. just a feeling.
wait, did i miss it?? is Jesus dead? i need to rewatch, maybe will do that on friday ON MY DAY OFF (not gloating, just so excited)... will repost if i see anything good.
Jell, agreed, good call on Pam. Cld it be debbie though? or is that too much. I'm still trying to figure out how Pam LOOKS so darn good! Was the spell reversed and i missed it?
and Laffa, I ADORE will smith, just try to overlook the weird scientologyness of his TomCat tendencies. speaking of, maybe now that big love is over HBO can do an LRom Hubbard show. God knows i'd watch that too,
PS- Mdrick - great call on Bill and Tara. Saved her prob on a few fronts, Sookie's friendship one of them, but totally bc of what she did for him w psycho Russell. GREAT call, i admit i forgot about that.
Jell D[09:28:23 AM]: love the silent lucidity call. i have been revisiting these guys a a lot lately also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2VBmHOYpV8&ob=av2e
ReplyDeleteMutedric [09:28:40 AM]: actually came up this morn in gym on IPOD on random play
Mutedric [09:28:46 AM]: WOW
Mutedric [09:28:54 AM]: 1400 songs and it pops up
Jell D [09:28:56 AM]: what are the odds
Mutedric [09:29:01 AM]: 1 in 1428
Jell D[09:29:06 AM]: pretty high when we are this awesome
Mutedric [09:29:11 AM]: HA YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, what did tara do too help w/ russel?...the king? pls come back
ReplyDeleteWhen Tara saved Sook, Sook insisted they save Bill from where Lorena was torturing him. Tara and Sookie saved him from Lorena, Debbie and Cooter.
ReplyDeleteALSO- breaking news, i don't think that a witch shot Sookie. She would've heard his or her brain right?