It’s not your baby.
So don’t party like it’s your baby.
Arlene’s gonna sip Wiccan juice to kill her baby.
And you know she don’t give a fuk about Rene’s baby!
Bill you can find Sookie in the Club. Bottle of True Blood mama
Jesus got the V and is into takin drugs
Lafayette’s into having sex, but he ain’t into makin goblin love
Tarah tells Sam come give me a hug, it’s time we got into getting rubbed.

Loved when Yvetta comes to free Sookie. Sookie says she thought Yvetta was on Eric's team to which she says "Him? Big blonde stupid I hate him!"
Who would have guessed she was a cardiologist. Apparently the medical boards are true false in her country because a smarter person would know that stealing the money was a bad idea. No doubt they have exchanged blood, so Eric and Pam should be able to track her down no problem.

Jessica surely won't have to worry about losing Hoyt as she feeds on him and all his V enhanced muscles. She tells him she is into human blood and isn't going to change. Hoyt offers himself up and a pretty hot scene ensued. Summer did everything she could to lure him in, including showing him her "best underwear." Maxine, Hoyt's mom, still seems hell bent on taking Jessica down. Next week our girl is going to have to fight for her life it looks like.
Andy tells Tara he "used to drink hot sauce right out of the bottle...that was a good time."

I can't stand watching uncoordinated actors playing athletes on screen. I guess if you are on V you only need to do the old one step drop, yell "Huyyt" over and over and throw like a 5 year old. Watching Kitch throw was as brutal as watching Tom Cruise throw a baseball in War of the Worlds. I know know why my friend who is an actor lists "running" as a skill on his resume.
The only thing saving this scene was the amazing Tammy. I would sit and watch her try on outfits all day if she let me.

Jason realizes that maybe dating a werepanther isn't that much worse than dating a shoplifter. Bad news is he probably will have to invite Crystal's double cousin Buford to the wedding. After learning he was the one Jason saw chewing on the deer carcass, I'm pretty sure he isn't going to be satisfied with the "Chipper Chicken" Franc.

There were a number of problems I had with the ending scenes and the episode as a whole. First off why would Eric keep silver chains in his own club. Do the werewolves keep silver bullets behind the cash register at their bar? Way too much Sam and Tara. We get it Sam you're drunk. Tara you're still a train wreck. Go fuk off camera please. Way too much time spent on the conversation between Hoyt's mom and Summer. Eric shares a moment with Pam before stepping outside and he points out that she is crying. She tells him its "the bleeds," but I didn't see any blood. In fact it was a clear tear she shed.
Proof was when she wipes her face there was no smudge. We all no when vampires wipe away their tears, the blood smudges. Later on as she watched Eric walk into the sunlight we see her correctly crying blood as well as suffering from the bleeds out her nose. Lastly when Eric puts the silver handcuffs on Russel, how is he able to take them out, first place them on his own wrist, then Russel's, without so much as a wince of pain.

to the her tender moments with Eric.
Sookie talked about how she saw a different side of Eric when Godric died on that roof. We see it again as he says his goodbyes to Pam. "Fuckin fairies...who knew?" Russel steps out into the sun saying goodbye to thousands of years of only night only to be trapped by Eric. He tells Russel to be brave and they will die together.
Is this the end for Eric? Surely Russel gets got, but was Pam not letting bill feed Sookie for some predetermined reason? Does Jessica have to kill Hoyt's mom in order to save herself? Or does Hoyt take a bullet to save Jessica, dying by his own mother's hand. Does his mom quote Cliff Huxtable and tell him, "Hoyt, I brought you into this world, and I'll take you out!" Does Jason end up stopping Kitch from breaking his record? Perhaps he tells the LSU coach about his V habit. Although I'm sure that's not the worst thing LSU's players are doing these days.
Imagine how good our own Mutedric would have been with a little V on game day.
Does Tommy rob Sam blind and sail away on his yacht with Natalie to Ibiza. Or better yet he meets up with Yvetta. Does Arlene's baby come out wearing a reflector vest sporting a goatee and a machete? Where is Alcide? Do Jason and Crystal save the community of Hotshot? I really don't know where they are going to leave us in two weeks, but I am excited to hear what you all think.