Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Be Kind Please Rewind

True Blood this week began with a pair of phone calls. Both revealed bad news, but Jason's carried with it some added pain.
Hoyt was just one of several familiar faces to return on True Blood Season 7 Episode 4, but his scene with Jason was the most jarring. He couldn't help but call Hoyt "Bubba" like he always had, yet had to quickly revert to pretending he was just another person on the end of a phone line. There was little time for him to get nostalgic. Jason had to rally the troops. His Normandy speech was vintage Stackhouse but props to him for talking some sense into Sam during the scene where they were driving in Sam's truck with about the fakest background footage I've seen. HBO's editors must just be over it at this point.

Far above in the not so friendly skies, Eric and Pam took a trip down memory lane after Eric infected the unsuspecting flight attendant played by the lovely Christian Pitre.
The Magister handed down their punishment and as you would expect, Pam and Eric were none too pleased. Side note: Loved how he made the distinction that they were to stock Twizzlers, NOT Red Vines.

The flashbacks continued for their story arc overall as we learned that not only was Fangtasia a video store. Everyone remembers that section of their video store that they weren't supposed to go into, but would try to sneak a peek at when they were little. I loved getting to see the genesis of the show's most famous bar, as well as how Ginger came to be a fixture and actually had the idea to turn it into a club.

As Eric channeled his inner Dylan McKay, we were reminded of the affect he had on woman.

And what a classic Pam move, glamouring the memory of the idea out of her. So evil... yet - as it did for Eric - the move had to bring a smile to your face.
Sookie earlier told Jason that everyone would be looking to him to be the law, but she really took center stage and owned the moment with her various speeches. I could have done without the one she gave Arlene's kids, but the way she put all her cards on the table for Jessica was fantastic.

Jessica needed to get her head back in the game and, thanks to Sookie and Lafa, she did just that. Great scene by Cam's namesake.

But Lafa's conversation about being afraid of being dead toughed on a theme that tried to run throughout the episode, but never really made an impact. "Death is Not the End" was even the episode's title, but I really didn't care about where these characters are all gonna go when they is dead. We all are going to be moving on at the end of this season, so let's stay focused on what is happening in the "real world," shall we?

At Fangtasia, the best moment came before the big fight even began. Eric, clearly feeling the effects of the virus, feebly tried to break down the wall hiding the entrance to the secret tunnel. It was a sad sight, but I also had to laugh after seeing the look Bill made before asking Eric to step aside and punching it out himself.

Eric used to be sex on a throne, but these days it looks like a rocking chair and a blanket are more his speed. Thankfully for all of us, Bill was in top form after a dose of Sookie juice and saved Eric from a GoT like death.

As opposed to last week where I had no time for Sookie and Bill's conversation while waiting for the infected vampires to arrive, this week I really enjoyed the scene where Eric told Sookie about traveling the world one last time. There was a sadness there, but later on as Sookie hugged Arlene and stared up at Eric, there seemed to be a shimmer of hope. Perhaps that Sookie is the key to healing Eric.

I just am not buying that this it it for Eric. That he is going to go off, kill Sarah and then succumb to the virus. No way.
Another great aspect of the episode was having Pam back in top form and rekindling her hatred for Sookie.

It of course brought to mind this classic gif. 

 Lastly there was this from Jessica's video blog. I'll leave it at that and let you all get involved.

1 comment:

  1. Let's all pause and take a moment for Laffa pulling out the "Coming to America" reference...I was telling my friend the other day that one of the Atlanta Housewives had some wedding special on and she walked out to this whole scene including the tribal dancers (i had one at my bat mitzvah troy will tell you):

    and her response was "oh i never watched that HBO Bryan Greenberg show" (How to Make it in America).

    I'm not over it.

    Okay so maybe Eric isn't acting like a roided out freak because he hasn't been nesting like the other Hep V vamps and constantly feeding the way they have. He's much much older and more controlled. We saw how thirsty he was at the end feeding on Rosie when they were looking for him. Just a guess.

    Best scene was Eric and Sookie taking a private moment in Bill's office. I got misty eyed during Eric and Pam scenes too. Seriously no one is better. Eric has to go out in a big way. If he isn't magically cured, it has to be going out like a hero because if it's some off screen bull like Tara I will be angrily tweeting HBO.

    Great to see all the vamps together again. So typical that Pam stole Ginger's idea, I can't believe how new Fangtasia is. Like Eric and Pam were running a VIDEO store until 8 years ago and he's got that kind of power? Just no, doesn't make sense.

    Great second half of the episode.
