Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'M A 'Sex' SLAVE 4 U

So I didn't get to watch this week until Monday night, but I did hear a lot of Britney on my 12 hours plus of driving to and from Cape Cod, hence the title of this week's post. Thanks Leigh again for covering me on TVF Sunday. At work on Monday I had glanced at a few negative headlines about the episode, so my expectations going in were pretty low. After watching though, I think those who shat on the episode were like pouty Sookie. Maybe they had too much to drink the night before, or were not looking forward to the work week and just wanted to go to bed. My take of the episode was more like Lafa's healing through a house party attitude. So with said allow me to "lift your spirits" and perhaps raise an eyebrow or two as we get into this. 
Willa made a deal with Eric that got him to release her and all I could think about was, can you imagine if dudes could do that with their illegitimate kids. Forget about "you are not the father." Imagine if guys could just be like, "yeah I am your father, but I release you, in fact I release all the other kids your moms claims are mine... and as your maker I command you to kiss my ass!"

What we all learned thanks to Willa was that Sarah Newlin has a sister. I'll admit, when Willa said her name was "Amber, Amber Mills," I was sure the next thing out of her mouth was going to be that she was a P-Star. With a name like that I don't think I was too off base. Low and behold the truth was that Amber is a vampire and a pretty hot one at that. Loved that she noted how she had been "fang bangin' since high school." Also that she and Jeremy would just sit around watching House Hunter marathons and drink True Blood. I wonder if she ever watches HGTV's Fixer Upper?

Before they could head to Dallas, Eric had to deal with Ginger. I feel for the lady, but the indifference both Eric and Pam showed her was amazing.

Ginger: I have been your sex slave for 15 years Eric Northman ans we ain't never had sex! Blow job, hand job, nothin.
This was the beginning of what was an absolutely epic episode for Pam. More on that later.

I got a text from MGC on Sunday around what must have been about 20 minutes into the episode asking "Why is Sookie in this horrible burgundy tee-shirt? Did they film pre-baby or something?" I'm not sure but that was a great call. Thankfully she put her face on later in the episode and got her glow back, because she had been lookin rough the last few weeks.

Lafa: I came as soon as I heard.
Sookie: About Alcide?
Lafa: About everything. How is you holdin up?

Lafa! You are my ambassador of Kwan! We all should say Fuk You to death and Hello to life. Lafa has had every reason to go the way of his Auntie Lettie Mae, but he has been a rock for so many characters on the show. I was glad to see him get some action this week and also liked the fact that he was the one giving out the bidness behind the truck. Good for him not backing down to Jessica. Sure she had a right to be upset initially, but he put her right in her place.

Back downstairs at the party there was a ton of good stuff going on. Alcide's dad's toast was great AS WAS Lettie Mae's. I hesitate to say anything good about that whackadoo but she was spot on. Her goodwill of course was short lived as she soon after went and stabbed Willa.

Then my man Andy stepped up and took a knee to propose to Holly. I loved the earlier scene when he gave Jessica the pep talk about having to look forward and not in the past. The best moment of the whole proposal though was Jason telling Adilyn and Wade that they were gonna want to rethink their new relationship.

Arlene and Sookie went upstairs afterward as Sook was a little overwhelmed with just how much life was getting celebrated. I liked how she summed her feelings to Arlene, "how can I miss someone I can't even believe is dead?" Arlene also had a good scene as she described the eternal void losing a loved one leaves and how at night she sometimes puts Terry's jacket on, just so she can feel his arms around her. You knew right there we would eventually see Sookie put on Alcide's leather jacket.

I loved Jason rescinding James's invitation to the house, but I had some feels for the conflicted lover. Jess was treating him like shit. Lafa put it into words perfectly likening her dishing out just enough affection to paying the monthly minimum on your credit card. Good on you for gettin something James. You dodged the Vietnam draft, but not Lafa's shaft.

Last part of the party I'll mention is of course Jess and Jason getting back together.

Initially I was a little underwhelmed by their twist. Maybe they were worried the chair would break, but I expected more out of these two with their history. But when Violet came creepin by the door, it sounded like things were picking up inside the bedroom. Just had to sweep out the cobwebs first. Either way this pretty much sums up my reaction. Love those two together.
Then of course we were subjected to a number of Bill flashbacks to Civil War times. Yes they are trying to establish how he lost his one true love, setting up some kind of potential story climax for him and Sookie, but if you ask me...
They were right up there with Nicole chastising all the party goers for trying to blow off some steam after almost all being killed by infected vampires. "Well you can leave Napoleon!"
Now lets get back to the main event, featuring Eric and Pam.

Pam, as stated earlier, had an epic episode. From her scene with Amber...
to her getting dressed for the party in Texas...

To her performance at said party.

While they played human, Sarah surprised her mother by coming out the stall and by sporting a new hair color. Pretty funny to note, fans who know Bess Armstrong from her days as Claire Danes's mom on My So Called Life, might recall another time she was critical of her daughter's hair. 

 But the party don't start till the Yakuza walks in and man did they make an entrance. Ever since I saw the movie Black Rain, I have feared these dudes. If you ever saw the way they took out Andy Garcia in that flick, you know what I'm talkin about. Badass as they are, nothing struck fear into Sarah Newlin like seeing the face of Eric. In a tale of two Sarah's, this scene was absolutely a nod to the one in T2 Judgement Day when Sarah Connor ran into Arnie while running from some trouble of her own. 

 Next week is going to be a big one I think with plenty of Pam and Eric. We'll also deal with Bill's infection. Sookie's blood is going to have to be the key to all of this I have to think. Until then get in here and get busy.


  1. "You dodged the Vietnam draft, but not Lafa's shaft"

    Jell- I am bowing down to you Wayne's World style. Can we just talk about how hard it was to review this episode on a publication where I couldn't mention my utter shock that Lafa is a TOP?!?!?

    So I'm not sure why people hated on this ep so much. Eric and Pam and the whole republic*nt gala were just perfection!!! Then again everything they do is. Ride or die duo, right there.

    So what's with Bill having Hep V? It looks like some rapidly advancing mutant strain. I was under the impression he only fed on Sook. Maybe he got bit by a Hep V vamp during the fighting? Maybe it happened when he saved everyone with Lillith's blood? What do we think?

    Will the writers throw us all off and will Sook end up with Eric if he gets saved somehow? We're halfway thru this season...

    1. LC that is what this blog is here for. So we can spit the TRUFE unlike on other sites which you and I write for. So glad you got to share your "utter shock." Loved it. As for Bill, you may have the answer. Contracting the virus from one of the vampires who fed on him might be it, but then again there is the question as to why it has taken so long for it to show up in him. He just recently fed on Sookie again. That would shoot down my thought then that her blood holds some kind of cure, but I still think she is the key.

  2. Oh and Sarah Newlin's mom was Haley's mom on One Tree Hill which made this teenybopper, VERY EXCITED. Did she play a mom on every teen show?

    1. Surprise Surprise……this weeks title really and truly spoke to me! GOD I LOVE THIS MAN. As always thank you for making what an an AWFUL episode sooo much better with the post! I sincerely think sometimes im not gonna make it through some of these weeks (well this was the worst) and then you come right back and TOTALLY redeem the show. Kudos to our leader (any shot you listened to/belted out “not a girl not yet a woman” on the ride?......nm, we get back to that…ill call u)

      ANY time you can work the “YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER” clip into ANYTHING you right there have a friend in me. Why WOULDN’T you dance around and pop and lock on national TV when u find out da taint yo baby!?!?!?Black people…, we just get it.

      I don’t kow what E’s problem is; why not throw ginger the speed hips and be done with it? least take a snarl or quick HJ, hasn’t she done enough??

      As for sookie and her getup/attitude/general character? soooo over it. When I see her come on the screen is usually my bathroom/ice cream/second helping of pasta break. (don’t judge me)….i really and truly want her dead, I think the list is Lettie mae, sookie…..and that’s really it but as for now I want those two lsrs gone. Dead and gone, like TI and JT…pls and thank you

      While I did love Andy squaring up with yessica I REALLY could have cared less about his proposal to holly…I do like both characters but I mean…come on….Jason on the other hand NEVER disappoints, whether its when he straightening out the kids (which btw, HOW DOES THAT WORK??? THEY ALREADY KNOW THEY WANNA TWIST, NOW THEY GONNA LIVE TOGETHER, DO THEY REALLY HAVE TO STOP?...THATS SOME BULLLLLLSHT…SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAINS HOW THAT WORKS) to twisting yessica again (love the lil girl meme btw!! Hahahah) , which very well could be the end of her, u could tell violet gonna eff SOMEONE up.

      Ok so now to the only good part of the episode…….first; it would appear that I need to see black rain, but yes the yakuza has always seemed like they aint bullshittin to me (read; kill bill, the cat from the new predator movie, Rush hours 1-3) ……but it was GREAT to see E crush that dudes face, I wish we had gotten a lil more there but good enough…..NOW….I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU SITED THE REFERNCE FROM T2 BECAUSE WHEN I WAS WATCHING IT AND THE SLOWED IT DOWN I THOUGHT THE SAAAAMMMME THING!!!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

      Like I said last week now that bill has this disease it very VERY clear that they either going to find a cure for this thing or all vampers are gonna die…whose w/ me?

      PS—LC, Laffa being the bull????????????????? What in the HELL????? hahahahahahhahahahah

    2. Yes I had gifs all lined up for the Eric face rip but totally forgot to put them in the recap. That was an epic move by the big viking. I'll make up for it next week, perhaps with a montage of Eric's most epic kills.

  3. Agree w Laffa on his death list... Lettie Mae is still killing me, no pun intended, and I'm like Sookie, what is the point?! How has some camp not come along and just drained her to death already?! With Bill weakened and Eric completely obsessed with his witch hunt for Newmie, it's totally within the realm.

    Scene with Mr Gus Junior from team Yoshiyakazuza was awesome. Awesomely entertaining. At first, I thought it was a flashback! Was I watching an episode of Breaking Bad season 6 or an 80's Don Johnson movie? I love how costume designers are going hog wild in this season. Except on Sookie. Damn Keds and cut off gap jeans are really starting to bug me. Clearly anything goes. Shut up, Pam. Shopping at Barney's and having a manicure.... She gets me every time.

    and finally, i mean.. it gets me every time. Andy Bellefleur's house. I mean.... Come on. The place is AMAZE. The more I see it, the more I can't stand it when good taste and classic southern home decor and architecture are lost on the simpleminded. (Insert Bunny Williams Sigh here.)
